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Everything posted by elvismolotov

  1. genau ,aber das wichtigste ist das ubisoft ihre produkte im allgemeinen fertig programmieren und dann erst verkaufen :-)
  2. hab heute ein kleines licht am ende des tunnels gesehen . möglicherweise gibt es bald doch ein schönes spiel für age of sails fans ... https://www.ubisoft.com/de-de/game/skull-and-bones/
  3. ich habe die hoffnung inzwischen komplett aufgegeben. dieses spiel ist eigentlich nur knapp am betrug vorbei ein privatprojekt von einer handvoll vodka saufenden russen die sich jeden tag totlachen wieviele vollidioten sich ihr werk kaufen. wie schon mehrfach erwähnt ist keinerlei spielkonzept erkennbar,und schon gar kein masterplan. wahrscheinlich wird das spiel innerhalb des ersten jahres nach release sterben ,weil dann auch den letzten fans klar wird das sich dieses chaos nie zu einem kompletten spiel entwickelt ..
  4. ahoy i find it quite anoying if players enter a port battle and then leave it a short while later . if players do that they reduce the winning chance of their team because the "escaping player" can not be replaced. i also heared rumors that "spy" players do enter portbattles and leave some min later just to make the battle uneven... i think this could be fixed very easy . either just not allow escape in portbattles or make it somehow expensive for players who do it . in my opinion it could also help if only players with a significant hostility level may join the portbattles ..not everyone .maybe in that way more seriously interested players join the pb.also all players with an outpost in the region should be able to join the pb even if they do not gained any hostility.
  5. ahoy der patch ist wohl das vorspiel zu dem finalen "paytowin" konzept was sich abzeichnet.... aber wir wollen hier ja über den patchinhalt reden . was bedeutet der patch für einen casual player ? der gesammte craft trade inhalt wird unspielbar weil die entfernungen viel zu groß sind bzw die ow segelgeschwindigkeit zu gering... der casual kann sich also nur noch ein paar kröten zusammen spaaren und in grauen (schwachen) schiffen mitspielen . mit viel glück wird es noch sowas wie ein playerranking geben und dann möglicherweise die option small battles oder sowas gegen gleichstarke gegner bzw schiffe zu spielen ... wer im endeffect bei den portbattles mitspielen darf ist mir unklar ? alle spieler die im vorfeld irgendwie den hostility wert beeinflusst haben ? oder alle diese spieler und deren verbündete ? da ich persönlich es nicht mag spiele zu spielen bei denen die regeln unklar sind warte ich jetzt erstmal auf handbuch bzw. finalen release...je nach dem hänge ich mich dann nochmal voll rein weil ich die battles nach wie vor sehr faszinierend finde...aber wenn es immer schwerer wird in den battles mit halbwegs konkurenzfähigen schiffen zu kämpfen dann verliere ich den spass :-(
  6. RoE = Rules of Engagement ....in diesem spiel quasi das haar in der suppe .... ich werde nie verstehen warum ganken spass macht ? aber es ist das grundprinzip dieses spiels :-)
  7. the small battles are big fun for me like they are,but i still would like to find a way to have all shipclasses in the battle . maybe we could give different points for each ship class ? i.e. : class 1 = 0 points ,class2 =2,class3=3points,class4=4points,class5=6points,class6=8 points,class7=10points :-) so players in big ships must kill way more then players in small ships to get even points ... ps :cant make it today c.u.next week
  8. great battle again tonite ... :-) unfortunately i cant make it tomorrow ,so c y all on friday :-)
  9. ONLY TONITE ! after the small battle challenge game i would like to invite everyone to another small battle only on lineships ! if we manage to get 8 lineships in the battle i will pay 1 million gold and 3 labourcontracts to the best player of the battle !!! (points will be given : 3 points for a kill,2points for an assist,1 point for surviving til end of battle) (price splits even if several players have same score)
  10. i love this ! found the post a bit to late but will be in from now on .. i have 2 questions: is there a trick to add players from other nations to friendslist ? was it ok for the game if captains join on lineships ? i m tempted to bring my lineships to even fair battles....
  11. ahoy what is the pirates role in all this? maybe it would be good if a captain of any nation would have the chance to change flags with all his goods and knowlage ? now that pirates can not fight each other ,and are not part of the politics i assume many pirates would like to sail for a nation (again) :-)
  12. if a niagara can beat a sol then the sol captain is afk , or the gamemechanics are tuned to death...
  13. "what u see is what u get " and you aint see nothing yet .... old hiphop rhyme but fits to the discussion .... with the weatherfeature in ow the 2 min battletimer is way too short ....in storm ,fog players have reduced sight and speed
  14. you are right but the problem is that the small and large battles are total unfunctional and noone uses them ...and honestly why would anyone want to play a pvp game without a rating for players . so yeah if this is a very special game that can invent the wheel again so be it ...
  15. be more creative. let the npc eventfleet sail around as intended .....but exclude thoose npc ships from any battle .....any "interceptor" grp that tags one of the fleetships "opens" a battle (like flagplacing in pb) and all grp members join this battle ....battle remains open ie. 15 min ,during this time "defenders" can join this battle until an even battleranking is reached... and abracadaba ,you will have muliple,fair, pvp battles all over the map ....
  16. the bottom line of this poll is : do you want to create a game for FAIR pvp ,or do u like to create a "run and hide ,catch me if u can " ganking game ? personnaly i pray for the fair pvp it could be accomplished by introducinge an improved lobby for small and large battles , where players can choose groupsize ,shipsize ,with a battlerating to motivate players to join thoose battles. if you want to iniciate Fair battles in open world you need a brandnew concept of battles and ow movement ...i like the idea of extending the time for late joiners to battles until there is a fair battle rating and then close for the big grp and still allow joining for the small grp. imo it would even be better if all battles stay open for latejoiners until the initial battlerating is even .
  17. maybe this is the perfect moment for a complete reset of the game ...everyone knows that it will happen sooner or later
  18. considering that this game has no fair pvp battles like 1vs1,2vs2 etc in my oppinion a surrender option is essential.. i would go even further and just instantly let end all battles with a battlerating worse than 5:1 . it seems that very many players enjoy the ganking game as long as they are in the bigger grp ...but obviously noone enjoys being shot to pices by 5 or more opponents . in case that the usual huntgrp finds a victim they would have just to tag him in ow and once thats accompished there is no battle necessary ..just give it a resultscreen like "u have been ganked lost your ship -go back to port"
  19. ahoy captains wollte hier mal erwähnen das mir das zielen auf low grafic settings deutlich leichter fällt weil der weiße zielkegel viel besser zu erkennen ist . kann ich nur jedem empfehlen das mal auszuprobieren mfg
  20. ahoy , mein problem beim boardinggame vs human player ist folgendes : ich sehe wie die sekunden herunterticken und mein gegner in der letzten sekunde auf attack klickt . dann versuche ich natürlich auf defend zu klicken ...aber der klick wird quasi schon für die nächste runde gewertet ...d.h. meine crew erleidet schwere verluste wegen attack vs brace und dann verliere ich auch noch die preperation punkte weil ich auf defense geklickt habe . mein ping wird im spiel mit 15-30 angezeigt . ist das möglicherweise schon zu hoch? ich würde ja früher auf defend klicken aber dann haut ein schlauer gegner natürlich firedeckgun raus und das "umklicken " auf musketvolley oder brace" kommt wieder zu spät... wie macht ihr das besser ? ps echtes horrorerlebniss nach 45 minütiger grapeorgie mit meiner angeschlagenen 3.rate (320crew) von einer frigatte mit 240 mann im boarding einfach chancenlos :-(
  21. personally i would not play this game without small and large battles ,so to me they are very important :-)
  22. unfortunately the original topic was locked while i was writing an answer :-) but i would still like to say : hurray ,horray ,hura !!! implementing the duel will have a huge positive impact to this wonderful game . it will give players who cannot contribute so much time to the game a perfect reason to play . ad1: should there be durability loss? probably the most controversy question . if durability can be lost in pvp battles players have a reason to bail out of battle once they realize that their ship is going to sink.the more expensive their ship is ,the earlier they run.the durability loss would make it very risky to go into a duel with a durability 1 ship (loosing upgrades and cannons) . i would answer : NO durability loss and i would love to see that be changed for small and large battles too ad2: rewards ? in my opinion this is the point where major changes are needed. if there would be no durability loss in all instant pvp battles i would take the gold completely out of the rewardings.players would fight in theese battles for "battlerankingpoints" and maybe a little bit xp . unfortunately i am not at all a programmer so i have a hard time to know what "can be done" but i am throwing out my ideas regardless to that. a good battleranking is the key to good pvp play. i would still count the numbers of damage (hull,sail,crewkilled,ram,leaks etc),then give them a "value".(meaning ie causing a leak is worth a bit more than damaging a sail but a little less than killing crew).in that way each player in a battle has a certain value at the end of battle.things like "most hits on a target" or "final broadside"etc can add extra value.in a 1vs1 battle it is fairly easy to compare the value of the two players at the end of a battle but the more players are involved in a battle the more compex it gets. i would give every player a battleranking of 0000 at start . if a player finishes a 1vs1 battle with a higher value than his opponent he gains one battlepoint.if his value is more than double he gains two battlepoints. now if there are more players involved in small or large battles i would make a list according to their value in battle and again reward battlepoints. i.e.: 3vs3 small battle .player with highest value gains 5 battlepoints ,secondhighest gains 4 battlepoints 3-2-1- last player with lowest value gets zero points. as overall reward for taking part in instant pvp battles i would propose several unique flags that can be seen in openworld. of course one flag for the highest battleranking but also flags for ie "best ranking in saildamage"best ranking in crewkill" and many more.... after a period of time (i suggest weekly) the "battleking" will be honoured by putting him into the "hall of fame " and all battlerankings are reset to zero. ad3 : leaderboards? i my oppinon a leaderboars is imperative for a good ranked pvp experience . i would put players battleranking right next to their rank in any "playerinfoscreen" we need a hall of fame (as mentioned above) all kinds of rewards could be connected to a leaderboard .ie: "extended openworld line of sight for the first 10 players of the leaderbord" or "5% higher openworld speed" for the last 100 players in leaderboard.. thanks for reading this :-)
  23. i d like to mention that it is already possible to send goods between free towns .therefor i see no reason to teleport with cargo in terms of resources or material . i would still allow cannons or upgrades in the hold of a teleporting ship . if teleporting with cargo would be terminated i would find it helpfull to reduce the cooldown of the teleport to make it easier for pvp trips . its not exactly related but i would also like to extend the time portbattles are open to join . maybe with theese changes i manage to be at a portbattle in time :-) really looking forward to that
  24. why would anyone have 447 rum in hold in a prt battle :-)
  25. ahoy captains i would like to have extended battlestatistiks and based on thoose i would like a battleranking . personally i was thinking mainly about combatstatistiks but once the tradingsystem is fully developed it also makes sense to have statistiks there. right now players can gater information about how they are doing in battle by clicking ctrl+l during battle ,by clicking battle information in the final screen of battle and by checking their log in the chatinterface. in the battle information of the final battlescreen i would like to see some more data . ie "you were sailing in a basic cutter,your 12 cannons fired 300 bullets durig battle (200 ball 40 grape 60 chain).50 shots hit a target (35 ball 10 grape 5 chain).therefore you dealt 1750 damage to hostile armor ,killed 10 enemycrewmembers and reduced sails by 10%.meanwhile your ship recived 25 hits (10 ball 10 grape 5 chains) and suffered 600 armordamage 35%saildamage and 5 crewmembers were killed." based on theese battle data you could invent a battleranking and give away titles for players with best battleresults . ie: "dutch master of damage in small battles" for the dutch player who dealt the most damage in a small battle during a certain timeperiod (week ) or "french leroy jenkins" for the french player who deals no damage at all in a battle and sinks in the same battle :-) of course it would make sense to make theese somehow extended battlereports availiable for players after they left the battle screen. maybe it could be accessed with a button in the players log of the chatinterface. the reason why i would like to see more statistiks is to make the game more competitive . thinking about a battleranking i would like access to a 1vs1 pvp battle from the mission menue where only an opponent with a similar ship class (and later with a similar battleranking) can show up. tx for reading this
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