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Everything posted by DazednConfused

  1. Guaranteed action between Cuba and Haiti. Not the wisest area for solo players tho.
  2. LOL salty pirates complaining about being pirates.
  3. hey is anyone else glitching out heaps in game? at the moment its completely unplayable for me. Symptoms - sailing along, and then all of a sudden all the ships merge into a blob, then pop back into place. rinse and repeat. - getting forced back to the opening log on screen whilst the battle is on. I've played through ST1 without this and nothing like this happened before the santi guys came in. But now? can't sail without locking up, or crashing out. Sent numerous F11 reports along the way. I hope the next patch is kind to me.
  4. really good work man. would the devs put it in game? not sure what their stance is but that ship is epic
  5. The thing to remember is this will be an instanced game. So 50 (which is the cap in the traf battles in ST1) is likely to be the hightest amount of people fighting at one time. That being said there could be some incentive for people to gravitate towards that area (read Elite Dangerous). The devs have hinted that ceding independence from a nation could be possible - but mainly for clans making themselves into a nation en mass. since USA is already a nation, that particular war may need some thought.
  6. Once you have lost all armor on one side, the cannon balls go through and hit the opposite side. it doesn't necessarily have to be bow/ stern. just how it is in damage 3.0. don't worry too much - a new model is coming soon.
  7. its funny you should bring up the victory - as for not having them up in battle, all British ships in the battle of Trafalgar used studding sails to close with the combined French/ Spanish line and no doubt the vic and others still had them up when engaged. to prove this Google battle of Trafalgar and go to images. you will see more than one painting of the battle with ships still having them on whilst engaged.
  8. here's a paragraph from 'The Frigates',1979. time life books, Amsterdam - 'there were differences as well in the true weight of the shot fired by a cannon of a given rating. A British 18pdr for example, fired a ball weighing just about that amount. But French cannon, because of different casting techniques, generally fired a ball weighing one or two pounds more than the cannons rating. And American cannon, because of various casting deficiencies, usually fired a ball weighing a pound or so less than the cannons rating. American cannon balls also were known to break in two upon hitting the target, and occasionally even fly to pieces in mid-flight. poorly cast cannon also burst on occasion.' The Americans, to make up for the poor quality of their cannons (and poor powder), drilled endlessly. Im re-reading the book so will find some anecdotal evidence of guns bursting if reqd. - I know there are a few. Edit. - I found why the US guns were bad - the light shot and bursting guns were due to poor and impure cast iron, produced with charcoal in primitive furnaces. this was due to the patriotic defence industry of the time selling the government the lowest quality, shoddiest materials available in an atmosphere of bribery, lobbying, and cronyism. ref. Theodore Roosevelt's book on naval war.
  9. im utterly surprised this ship hasn't been asked for before. want 100x want! but at the moment everyone's focus is warships or converted warships. i think we should have a new poll on what PURELY MERCHANT / EXPLORER ships to have in game. or if the admins have an ideal list can we know it?
  10. yep looking at the last pic we can assume that there would be 4x 9pdrs also - 2 front and rear -
  11. it looks brilliant. and that firepower! but i imagine with its shallow draft it will be a poor sailor running against the wind - massive leeway. on the other hand it would be fast with the wind. it could fill a niche - if a lake boat is allowed on the sea.
  12. I second Raatha on his comments. hit cams and damage indicators are would ruin the immersion IMO. the F keys i can understand however. in a complex game we will need more and more command buttons and will need a key matrix to support this. i think a good example is Operation Flashpoint/ ARMA bindings. where you get a drop-down on nearly all the F and numeral keys.
  13. you input steam key using one of the tabs at the top of your steam page. hit 'games' then 'activate a product on steam'. viola
  14. I want one. badly. do they really have the beam for 24's though? 6pdr more likely
  15. why not put HMS Leander in game then? a spar decked heavy frigate like the constitution, with 32 24pdrs and 26 42pdr carronades. Yes indefatigable had problems - ballast issues etc. (sailed like a cockle shell at first) it DID get rectified, becoming a excellent ship - as her record amply proves.
  16. bear in mind that it could easily carry more than 80 at one point it had 86. also look at tonnant when the brits took her - depending on the captain it varied from 84 to near 90. regardless. it would be n nice to have both a 2 deck and 3 deck 2nd rate. apparently the 2 deckers were very good sailers. ps. does it matter if its made by a player if it is compatible with the game? frees devs for other ships or the open world
  17. isn't Kasmir modelling the 80 gun Bucentaure? if so this debate should be merged with his thread -which shows his progress to date, or rename this thread 'which 2nd rate should we have next?' cheers Dazed
  18. I think using a rep to regain your masts is ok as is, what I was suggesting is a wait time indicator similar to the wait while boarding or capturing (slightly longer wait though) to replicate the time taken to clear the wreckage away. that will only allow you to continue with the masts (if any) you have left. if you want masts (to some extent) back - THEN you will rep sails. cheers Dazed P.S thanks for your feedback
  19. had another thought; this would also almost eliminate the deliberate ram from the game,(disregard testing alpha because this wont be implemented there). As along with the massive leaks/ dmg penalty, your masts may topple and cause you to be a sitting duck until wreckage is cleared away
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