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Everything posted by LeBoiteux

  1. There's also a big difference between three mates "ganking" the offender once (that is quite a small penalty), and repeatedly "ganking" him to make him lose his ship(s) (that is grieving)...
  2. Supporting lynching ? Lynching as an "ideal" type of "regulation" ? Legal ganking ? Private justice, a "regulation" that "happened before in the Antilles" ? If so, what's the use of the tribunal ? Supporting double penalties : first ganked then banned ? For a first-time offender ? Not the kind of values I want to live with. Not sure that a game conveying such values is the kind of game I want to play with...
  3. Absolutely nothing to do with surrender. The white flag was the french royal flag before 1790. The modern use of the white flag as a surrender / peace flag only dates from the Hague Convention of 1899 when the french flag was the tricolor one : blue, white and red. About the history of the white flag and its successive meanings, see : http://en.wikipedia....wiki/White_flag
  4. I am even more confused than you because "fesses" means "buttocks" in french .
  5. IMO, crew management has to be implemented and supply managent (in terms of quantity, but also of quality and extras) is part of it. Morale can be a fun feature. It has already been in a quite simple and fun way in Sid Meier's Pirates. But it may also be improved and affect combat abilities, marine life (mutiny...)...
  6. As a matter of fact, the colors of the french flag are : "Blue, White, Red" ; not "Red, White, Blue". That's a big difference . A french guy can't be confused. He'd say the "Blue, White, Red" flag. So I've never thought you guys were talking about France.
  7. Un(e) upgrade, c'est une amélioration de son navire que l'on peut acheter au port contre une monnaie virtuelle (gold) que l'on gagne en jeu, en coulant ou abordant un navire ennemi. Exemples d'upgrade : - augmentation de la taille max de l'équipage d'un navire, - augmentation de la vitesse de rechargement des canons, - augmentation de la solidité de telle partie du navire, - augmentation de la vitesse, de la vitesse de rotation du navire... -... NB : en fait, pendant un combat naval, tu gagnes : - des XP (expérience qui te fait monter en grade et te permet de naviguer avec de plus gros navires), - et de l'argent (gold) qui te permet d'acheter upgrade, navires, canons... @ Totoche : j'espère qu'ils te "rembourseront". Maintenant, c'est une phase de test. Perdre nos XP, notre gold, nos navires, ça va nous arriver un jour ou l'autre... Et là on va se retrouver à zéro... C'est moins du vol qu'un changement de gameplay dans le cas précis. Faut accepter, d'après moi, ce genre de choses, même si c'est pas cool sur le moment. Peut-être que je me trompe, mais après l'update d'aujourd'hui, je me suis retrouvé au port avec 1 seule durabilité à mon yacht, alors que je croyais l'avoir quitté en mode "safe" en plein OW. Si c'est le cas, tant pis... C'est juste mon avis. Mais on est là pour tester. Et ce qui t'arrive est peut-être seulement un bug à signaler...
  8. Me too, I hope that someday, crew and supply management will be implemented .
  9. It may depend on how many battles each player want to take part in... What if Swedish players wanted to play, on average, two or three times as much as english players ? That's why, instead of invitations, lobbies may do the trick.
  10. "Noblesse oblige" is that : 1) Never attack a lower-tier ship, 2) If a lower-tier ship attacks you, alert her to the danger (by chat or by one or two broadsides) 3) Then if she understands and tries to flee, let her go. If not, she wants to fight and you're entitled to sink her. But if she tries to flee again (after damages) or ask to, let her go. That is : always give the weak the opportunity to flee.
  11. Je n'ai joué ni à EVE ni à PotBS, donc je n'y connais rien, mais concernant la question des invitations : - pourquoi ne pas créer un mode arène le temps de l'attaque du port ? - ceux qui veulent jouer et qui font parti des factions concernés vont sur le lobby, - chaque bataille commence quand il y a (environ) le même nombre de joueurs de chaque côté et/ou que le BR est proche, - à la fin de l'attaque du port, on compte les victoires de chaque côté. Celui qui en a le plus gagne la bataille et le port. Ca semble résoudre la question des fuseaux horaire (il faut des adversaires des deux côtés pour que la bataille commence) et des invitations (ceux qui veulent jouer, jouent tant qu'ils trouvent des adversaires. Pas de frustration car pas mode de sélection). La seule question mais qui doit se poser quelque soit les modalités de mise en place des batailles, c'est comment faire pour éviter la triche. Par exemple, des anglais créent de faux comptes français le temps de la bataille et se laissent détruire par leurs compatriotes pour engranger des victoires GB.
  12. Visiblement, ce sont les défenseurs qui auront la main et pourront décider quand l'attaque pourra avoir lieu : Moi, ce qui me pose question, c'est l'idée d'invitation pour participer à la bataille, de tirage au sort ou de privilège. Dommage que tout ceux qui veulent participer ne puisse pas le faire. Une question d'organisation, je suppose.
  13. Je n'ai rien compris , sauf ça : Mais ça a l'air bien .
  14. About privateer vs naval officer Yes indeed. Our current status is that of a privateer. I guess that the long term objective of NA is to make us be ships' owners and captains who can choose at any time to fight (with that status of privateer), trade or explore. IMHO, what may be lacking is NA is, in fact, a status of naval officier, that is someone with much XP but no war ship (no money) who can be hired by his nation in the Navy at no charge to him. In other word, missions for navy officers could interesting. Thus, that would be a temporary status, the time of a battle such as a battle port. Btw, it would be an interesting option for gamers who don't have the time to grind (casual one) or who don't want to buy and maintain a Ship of the line or a big frigate or who just want to have a try at it. About letters of marque for pirates Why not limiting this mechanism to that of temporary hiring (foreign) mercenaries, without the ability for them to become a citizen ? Who would like to have pirates as citizens or neighbors ? Pirates are made to backstab you. More seriously, I am for a rehabilitation plan for pirates but it has to be the hard way, e. g. confiscation of ships and gold, grinding from a basic lynx, special missions to undertake for the benefit of his nation (why not by letters of marque ?). If it is too easy to become a national for a pirate, your underdog nation runs the risk to become a kind of Pirates' Nation or to be backstabbed. For example, your new citizen and former pirate escorts your merchant ship just to plunder it in the middle of the sea...
  15. Some archaeological facts about french XVIII-th century cannonball ovens : - their start-up took an hour before being operational, - a bad weather could diminish their effectiveness, - one has to hide smoke from these ovens to avoid potential detection (ovens could become a target), - their use required about 10 men, - with one oven, one could heat 60 cannonballs at the same time, - handling was dangerous (of course...), - it took 35 minutes to heat a cannonball. PS : "Tirer à boulets rouges" (that is "to fire heated cannonballs") nowadays means "to lay into someone" in french.
  16. +1. Also, appreciate the efficiency of the application of the principle of Exaggeration in animating : - sailing (buoyancy : ship going uuuuup and downnnnn ; height and high number of waves, much spray…), - firing cannonballs (lots of smoke, big blasts, ball curve flight, big gun recoil…), - ship damages (camera shaking…) - …. Of course Sea of Thieves is catoon and NA is more realistic, but any realistic animation needs this principle. Maybe NA animations would be enhanced by a (little) bit more exaggeration. Also see camera position / angle for immersion. Source : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/12_basic_principles_of_animation
  17. Game Labs, you have my full support. One should never make simplistic reasoning and there should be no confusion between racism and historical reenactment of battles. However, devs of historical games, just as well historic novelists or filmmakers, have to deliver a clear message about the time period they deal with. That's an ethical issue IMO. Spielberg's Schindler's List is clear about nazism, even if svastikas are shown. Game Labs was too in NA by excluding slavery (there are other ways to deal with it, I guess, but it isn't the point here). It is harder to deliver a message in wargames such as War Thunder or Company of heroes in which one can play both sides, that is in the camp of the Nazi Germany, or Ultimate General Gettysburg in which one can fight for what is known to have been, right or wrong (I'm no expert), the side of pro-slavery and for what is nowadays a symbol of racism for some (the confederate flag). The confederate flag has to be in UG Gettysburg (in the name of realism) but GL has also to deliver a clear message about it. Art (and games) is all about messages. Just my opinion. (PS : however, that may have already be done in-game or on the web site, I ain't well-informed about that.)
  18. The "joys" of a National thread : self-satisfaction vs. mockery. Soon : pro-this, anti-that and -ism words (nationalism, fanaticism...). Fortunately, for now we have : or or . But soon...
  19. I may be mistaken, but in Master and Command, The far side of the world with Russell Crowe, the mast is broken during a storm and Mr. Crowe (?) seems to say — correct me if I am wrong : "However, a week in the Brazilian rainforest looking for a new mast simply will not do. The Acheron will be halfway to China." http://www.cswap.com/2003/Master_and_Commander:_The_Far_Side_of_the_World/cap/en/2_Parts/a/00_22 I guess this is quite a "realistic" situation (if realism is worth anything) as long as the ship is far away from any friendly or neutral port with a decent shipyard. That's why I was talking about exploration of unknown territories (a kind of challenge of survival). However, it doesn't seem to be suitable for the current OW with its numerous spawn ports that are made to quickly go back into action.
  20. To be realistic or not ? That's the question. I agree with you about the benefit of realistic situations. But devs want naval combat fans to be able to fight quickly. However, I didn't mean this feature shouldn't be implemented. Quite on the contrary. I did mean it should be implemented for those who would enjoy it (i.e. those exploring and maybe pirates).
  21. An interesting idea but : - What about big ships that won't be able to sail on shallows ? Rowboats are made for that purpose, you'll retort. - What about ships in the middle of the seas ? Sailing to shallows would last long with a damaged mast, wouldn't it ? Not very fun, isn't it ? Moreover, round trips between the shore and where you want to fight would be quite a waste of time for shooter fans, wouldn't it ? Btw I may be mistaken but IRL I think ships was quite able to repair with onboard supplies. Maybe not the whole mast, of course... However, it may not be a feature for naval officers who are backed up by organized craft and economy but I guess it is an interesting one for : 1) Explorers who find themselves alone in the middle of nowhere (in unmapped territories). You know if a mast is broken because of a storm, the obsolescence of your cheap ship, by accident or fate (that is a random event, an interesting feature I guess), one could have to sail along the coast and look for the appropriate forest through one's spyglass. It could even be a mission for explorers : "try to find the appropriate type of wood to repair your fellow explorer's mast". 2) Pirates if a barter economy is implemented for them (that is an economy based on survival, without full shipyards, that is where most ships are acquired by stealing them after a fight). You know they could be good at repairing and knowing where the right ressources are to do so (one could give them maps of ressources).
  22. Des idées pour de nouveaux modules ? Post original : http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/5679-modules-suggestion/ Les modules sont des upgrades, des caractéristiques que l'on peut acheter ingame et ajouter à son navire pour l'individualiser. Par exemple, pour recharger plus vite ses canons ou virer plus vite. Ca peut toucher autant la résistance du bateau, la vitesse de rechargement, la navigation, l'équipage, l'abordage, l'exploration... Des idées pour de nouveaux modules ? Que pensez-vous des actuels ? PS : si quelqu'un a la liste des modules actuels et de leur fonction pour les non-testeurs (et les testeurs, d'ailleurs)...
  23. French forum is just for french-speaking people discussing NA development. Lots of the posters don't have the game and most didn't have access to the OW til yesterday. It is very useful for frenchies who don't speak english very well / at all and thus who don't have access to the international forum. One can give them information from it. And we all debate about the game. That's the only use of a foreign forum, IMO. (It's well-known : french ppl are bad at speaking foreign langage. I guess our lips aren't made for english words ) The french forum is not clan-oriented nor in-game nation oriented. I may be mistaken, but I think there are 4 french clans (Enfants du Roi, Napoleonics France, The Marine Française, The Auld Alliance). I think only the first one has a thread on the french forum (and btw on the international one too) and was created by 99-100 % french players. In-game national clans are IRL international, i.e. their members who will fight for a Nation may come from anywhere in the world. Thus, English is their natural langage. No propaganda, nor State Secrets on the french forum. Sorry... No rage against others in-game Nations or clans either. I can assure you. By the way, it's not very active...
  24. May be a bug : I was sailing north in the middle of nowhere with a lynx (heading to the Martinique : X : 820332.3 Y : -96450.9). Wind from west. Suddenly the ship stopped. Unable to sail N, NW or NE. I could only sail south... Just like I were in front of shallows. But no shallows reported, no light blue sea, no land in sight ; no high ping either.
  25. +1. Just some smal spelling corrections : - L'Annibal, - Le Pégase, - Le Pompée
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