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PIerrick de Badas

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Everything posted by PIerrick de Badas

  1. i'm sorry but i don't know how to "cut" something... I upload the explosion part on : http://navalaction-france.com/videos/01.mp4 This part is 1.4go I got 3*4go part. Do you want them as well? Sorry for sound i forget to switch it more louder before the battle. I donj't know if it's helpfull or not, sorry ^^
  2. Everyhtng in title. I spot the topic someday and can't get it back. I thought it was in os br and rank but no. Can anyonbe fin it and past it in the rank topic? TY a lot
  3. Is it this kind of stuff you need, and if quality is ok i can share more
  4. looks not so bas tbh but there is many games like that on steam this lasts months. NA will be the only realistic one. The interface looks not so bad too. I love the idea of being able to "decorate" ships to get a unique ship. I would gladly spend irl money to get my own ships with a special figurehead or special color like the camouflage in wot or clothes in many f2p.
  5. en clair (post patch : http://navalaction-france.com/) En foncé (pré patch http://navalaction-france.com/forum/) Graphiquement noir ou blanc?
  6. Grosse maj aujourd'hui - Mise à jour de l'article sur ce que propose Navalaction - Travail dans les menus - Travail dans les widgets (la vidéo automatique ca vous va?) - Ajout de vidéos et galeries d'images - Changement graphiques (préférez vous comme ça ou avant?)
  7. don't know.As we can't see the size of leaks, maybe could it be better to get leaks on the same size and if you get a big problem you get for example 10 leaks instead on one big. At least we can undersstand it
  8. we french have already it : http://navalaction-france.com/ Learn the french, enjoy our navalopedia
  9. Today i have been ram by a consti making a bif leaks in my hull. I've got 4 leaks upper waterline and the bigger one under waterline. I switch to repair before the ram before i see it coming. IA repair 3 leaks upper water while the leaks under water make me sunk. Maybe should it be better to repair under water line leaks before upper water line leaks as underwater are more important to survive that the one useless...
  10. my idea was alwais to not have any rank. Rank is a false feature made to force everyone to play all ships to collect data. A real sandbox would allow us to sail any ship we want if we can build them. Everyone against the idea is whinning about sailign in first rate but with max xp or no rank as yoi prefer, you can sail any ships. I prefer x50 play my trinco that any other ship but as i'm forced to level up to be able to defend my ports, i've to sail in consti or bellona to farm xp. Deleting rank or giving us max xp would allow us to sail the ship we want and play as we want. Atm half the server is focusing on IA bash to farm xp hen the other one is looking for empty sea because they aere not enought to meet. Deleting rank would allow everyone to make what it prefer.
  11. We are sorry to not be a challenge for you but as you notice the french nation is almost empty... I would say that less than 20 players popup in the all nation during the 2 lasts days...
  12. or an another solution to not disturb thoses beggining would be to give a bonus of xp for the long way players that start long times ago and are causal to allowto fight like in eve where the irl time make your level. For example a weekly xp bonus to not be too much fucjked if you can't play every day
  13. sure, 'im working, have a kid and a wife. Not sure if it is wrong but it's probably what make me not able to get max level. I'm mostly causal
  14. it's really nbto the same as last time all was based on farming to get level. Now all is based on pvp rvr and this level up is needed....
  15. Farm perio is over for most of players that are now rulling the sea. If you want us to test no pvp and port battel you shoudl allow us to fight in same weapons. Giving mx xp for players will allow us to fight.
  16. chek integrity result: 1 files was missinf it's now working again
  17. i can't join the game so far, evey try make a game crash. I m knw cheking game integrity from steam. patch today?
  18. vas y file, je lis 2-3 bouquins par semaine alors ca dfevrait pas me faire trop peur en revanche je deteste lire devant un écran alors je sais pas à quelle vitesse je peux avancer sur un pc
  19. c'est pas tout simplement dépendant de la poussée d'archimède la flottabilité? D'un coté vers le bas le poid du navire pousse le navire vers le bas. Le poid = la massexconstante de gravité universelle De l'autre coté une force s'oppose au poid. La poussée d'archimède. Elle est égale au poid du volume de liquide (ou gaz) déplacé. Si la masse du navire fait que le poid du navire est supérieur en valeur absolu à la poussée d'archimède, le navire coule. Donc 2 éléments seulement important pour le navire: Le volume d'eau déplacé et le poid du navire. Les 2 données dépendent du temps car plus le navire coule, plus il est lourd et plus il déplace un volume important d'eau. S'il coule c'est qu'il prend plus de masse qu'il ne déplace d'eau facteurs mis à part. Comme ces 2 éléments dépendent du fait que le bateau coule, le modèle mathématique à trouvé est de modèle intégral de en fonction du temps. Je laisse maintenant la parole aux génies en math
  20. The idea i have had about pve pvp is a bit silly and probably hard to develop but let see: Pacific is PVE only Atlantic is PvP only a player start with 2 outpost, one in pvp area one in pve area. This 2 outpost can't be destroyed and the player can switch between both side. You are no tping with ships neitheir cargo, just the captain. It prevent people to farm a victory in pve side and bring it to pvp side. People is free to grind npc to improve level/rank/whateverbadideagamelabhasaboutfarming in pve side as grining is often made into IA. If the player is commodore in pve side and decide to switch to atlantic then he is commodore in atlantic . It will be hard for him as he don't has xp in pvp but that's his choice. With this system everyone wil be able to play on same server sharing informations on all the nations. Players will be able to farm in pve if they want too in a quiet place when they are few or in a small nation and don't want to be zerg and when they will have reach the level they want or get the number they think they can match, they can tp to atlantic outpost where it's open war and join pvp/rvr side. Pacific would be like a backup base for everyone solving anhilation problem (when a nation is so weak it can't match ever/craft ships). It allow people that loves both pve and pvp to play, pvp players playing alone and boring to be gank could farm quietplace in pacific and pvp in atlantic. Pve players will not be ganked exept if they want too as they get a perfect place without any rish of pvp. Wgat about the idea?
  21. Waiting for this necessary need, some clans are already using a "Society account" that get all ressources of the clans and craft ships. It will just make it more easy if it's ig but atm it can be solved with a second steam account and a second game key. Few have acces, they connect it when asked by teamates to give them ships/item/gold and to get back items. Atm we didn't suffer any loose with that. On potbs we didn't get society warhouse and we used same system with tdedicacted acocunt with login/pass share between officer to get the eco. So there is solution to wait for society warehouse but it's a must have specially if devs have time an dmoney to improve the idea with tax to supply the waehouse that help the town to develop and improve items drops.
  22. ty, i was on edr ts what it happens before leaving it to follow on tv the paris attack. It all make us sad. So far for what i know, we don't suffer causaltie in the community or friends comminity. It still chocked us and today going to work in subway make me a bit afraid but we have to live anyway so let act as normally and we will see. Crossing fingers, ty fo your support
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