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PIerrick de Badas

Naval Action Tester
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Everything posted by PIerrick de Badas

  1. It won't be négociation as this décisions are unilatéral. Négociation may come if dutch décide it for any reason bit his topic is about facts not about asks. You pellasgos make french go far more into the war has shedulded before it. We décided to stop before and to not crush you but your stipidity and arrogance make us lost our mind. Ty for the dons to have be able to make us take à breath and see the situation. This war is over for us. It's facr, nit a négociation.
  2. we are as generous, wait our diplo to post, we are just really bad in english
  3. On french official forum, delay have been official annonce. More info?
  4. Avant ça s'appelait patch de septzmbre... Annonce pour dans 7 à 15 jours il y a deux semaines... Les ruleurs concernant un seul gros match en octobre sont elles fondées? Doit on considérer rester sur cette version jusqu'à li octobre ou moins? Cela changerait beaucoup de choses en terme de rvr
  5. Maybe because some french captain are more focus on next wipe than making rvr on 18h when child come home and wife come back to work... We destroy you, we reach your capital, we made the job. Now you are conquering free ports and congrats for that, i wasn't sure your admiral was smart enough to capture the good 3 towers into the ports battles... Should we cap you in one port? Why for? Destroy your community? decrease the game in term of player and fun? I think everyone now is getting fun. Spain achieve is plan in term of conquest and show is allies as ennemy how their determination is strong. French and danish are having really nice battles, the first one in pb, the second one in open sea Dutch are happy to survive by capturing empty ports Swedish and pirate continue their endless/hopless war All nation have fun (exept us but who cares?)... Lets continue like that untill the wipe no?
  6. Edr sailing with ia are definitvly not the PvP player of our society. Most of olayers playing with ia arz pve that need this protection to survive or traders. Sorry for your loose, our PvP team is focus on willenstadt and port battles.
  7. Is there a dev plan to limite vet to kill any new player into the noob area?
  8. Bucentaure: http://navalaction-france.com/bucentaure-naval-action/
  9. ders should just test their event and make huige loot to force to play in. When test will be finish i think this bp will be found while crafting as others ones. At least i hope as it's no way for most to make pve stupid events...
  10. Juste pour le fun de voir à quel point certains perdent leur sang froid dès qu'ils saignent du nez... Il me semble que la hollande vient d'être amputée d'une jambe sans anesthésie. Une guerre dans un mmo ne se plie jamais en 3 jours. Qui n'a jamais été cappé à FR et St Pierre ne sait pas ce que "branlée" signifie...
  11. TY for RDNN who fight against us and win the batle on monday. We come in unprepared and suffer for that but get fun and knowledge.See you on sea captains
  12. Our allies give us a good help to get this port and we are really thanking them for their effort to come :-). Our relationship with Danish have already been based on mutual support and as exepcted we can count on all the coalition to give help for thoses needed it. Congrats danish, congrats french that go back in front and ty for thebrave dutch that fight one more time
  13. Same can't co on saturday. On rust, there is dayli event. A plane carry cargo and drop it on the map somewhere. People are able to see it sicne a long time before it drop cargo. Then people have choice: - Moving for loot - Moving for pvp - Moving to find dead bodys and loot them - Stay away The cargo is good, wome weapon, some craft stuff and some bp. There is one plane per IG day making them appearing once an hour. This system mke noone angry as it's random and everywhere. Sometimes it appear and you are free and want to go on it and sometimes you are busy and prefer to continue doing somethign else. They key is that it'snot forcing anyone. I'm pretty sure that if you remove exeptionnal item form this event really few people will join it because organising something to finalley loot wreck when you may have pvp is boring. Why to not make it every day with minor loot but maybe this rare ingredient 'tea/iberian meat/french wine etc). The players around will have something to do. The one far awya will continue to play normaly. It will add content ingame withotu creating frustration for thoses who can't be there on saturday becase they have family/job/others things to do the week end.
  14. Fleet born back from deep sea, rdy for next round. Sadly events will make it hard for us to fight against before a long time ;-)
  15. Economy has really to be reviewed and have to be deeply remade not with few national ressources
  16. Social perk wasthe perfect things to stop offensivgank around capitaland noob area. Any noo get it and any captin get it near their own waters and all captain remove it in otehrs seas. It allow people to be a bit protected into their waters while not protecting in ennemy waters what gived advantage for people into their waters (pve/trade/crat= what was good Maybe 30 min was too much but it really stop the gank around the capitales, noones could make it into nationals waters About resosurces per ship why not but maybe should you give everyone all the pb. Tje joke was enough lonjg. First you made an event into mexico what is far away from danish french and sweden Then near Port royal what was easy for brits Now you make a mecanism that allow to craft ship with specials ressources but noone in french get the ressources needed for the ships and i'm not speaking for sweed, dutch and danish... More i get ships in my country, more i have first rate. More i have first rate, more i'm able to capture town wich produces nationales ressources Making me able to have more ships More i have first rate more i'm able to capture town etc etc Going in bad way
  17. But you know that using this broken mecanism is exactly like exploting? It's going to be remade because it's broken. You shoudl stop to use it untill it's fixe, not use it as many you can before you can't!
  18. Espèce de troll t'étais pas reveillé ce matin et t'a mange un français ou bien???? La Louisiane aux français!!!
  19. you are brits as many as all the coalition together... You are suposed to fight the coalition with your number everywhere as you can split your nation in 3 small nations withtou been unnumber anywhere. You choose the darkside and make you vassal dutch following you in shadow... You may have fight propely and win or lost with honnor. You will just lost in infamy...
  20. When they will be on us, you will be allowed to get back your port and when the ave will move back on you we will recapture our ports. It's the idea of an alliance, if we succed to keep together, the wave will just make us wet and we will be dry soon after...
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