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PIerrick de Badas

Naval Action Tester
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Everything posted by PIerrick de Badas

  1. after this defeat and all the ones of dutch before with pellasgos, i think we can go from pampatar to curapano with food and stay dry...
  2. Fun to heard that rumours on french tavern may be wrong. We heard exactly the same things but in french tavern we are spoken about large wreck around St Georges...
  3. Blablabla we are rolling the world with pakistan and martian teamate who justify the timers blablabla your allie are sleeping become our vassal blablabla. Thanks for all brit intervention. Now, we are speaking about 2 days in a war. Spansih lost a large territory but most of it was useless. As in antilles wars, what is lost can't be lost. You brits conquer many empty ports and congrats to have split your players in 15 groups of 2 rageboarder ships.
  4. Every nation on the coalition is looking on west gangbang with sadness. British have used the pb timer of spain to capture many from them. British have won few ports this week end but lost strategical area. We are builind a coalition to win a war and we will. It will be good days and bad days. The only thing wich may us fail is the wipe to come too early. Now we don't have to make public everythings we think.
  5. merci de prévenir aussi tôt que possible avant le patch pour qu'on s'organise
  6. Aucun BP ne devrait être distribué lors d'event occasionnels favorisant une population de joueurs disponibles 100% par rapport à des joueurs indisponibles. Tittre de gloire, couleur pour les bateaux, pourquoi pas. Tout ce qui influence l'equilibre du jeu comme les fits et les recettes devraient etre disponibles pour tous de la meme maniere via l'académie et non pas sur un coup de roulette.
  7. The idea would be to let people make their own alliance withtou regarding the number. Let the players decide and in an other patch (next one) make a victory system to force the alliances to change (for example to "win", a nation has to have capture 90% the port of the map or something that will force old allies to fight eachothers
  8. Only 2 alliances means 2 group of 3 natiosn and ...one nation lonely... To force alliances changes, devs have to define something to make a victory. Then each naiton will try to reach the victory by alliances but will have ot play alone finally to win. For example a win would be to capture all the capital one or hold a nnumbetr of capital on same time+having X% of the port on the map. Something that will force alliances to turn
  9. what happend inf a nation that got 2 alliances vote for a third one? Does it change the older alliance? As french we would love to ally with dans and spain and sweden on pvp1. Sadly it's not posible atm
  10. After have seen how yor diplomacy work or not, I really think it can't be worst to let it lead by an ennemy on your nation. It's why, althought i'm really busy with my irl and the few things i'm doing into Naval action, i may accept this charge to help you have a decent representation around. You can contact me to know my need in term of salary but beeing an ambassador is something costy as you have to show the other nation as rich as your nation is. to begin, i Think we (dutch), should show the french good sign of peace and give them all the ports they gave us for antille streaty. After that, we may declare war to britain to balance the server as they are around 33% of the total population of the server. Finally... Hum lets see if I'm engage before giving you all my tips :-) Fair winds ;-)
  11. i don't see any more "such is a lord". Is it going away or is it sitll planned?
  12. avec un Océan a 1500 heures, si y a un BP par nation, on est pas pret d'en voir en open sea, qui plus est, c'est privilégier de façon honteuse les gens ayant du temps par rapport à ceux qui ont d'autres occupations que jouer en plein milieu de l'après midi (enfants/travail/autres activités IRL). Je ne pense donc pas que ce système doive donner des loots aussi importants que des BP. Des peintures tout au plus et encore on est dans un sandbox on a pas besoin d'intervention divines pour des events pve à l'interet discutable.
  13. http://navalaction-france.com/event-special-detecte-naval-action/
  14. Edr would like to add à second team is it still possible?
  15. french didn't defend against brits as the move with their dutch and swedish friend against us in few days... And as soon as the ports were taken the timer swith to 4-6 or 6-8. We are tired to try to find battle vs their fleet if they get any and don't want to encourage the troll that may hide into their nation. It's why we are out in rvr for the moment as the insanity of it is just burniong people.
  16. So the coward are laughing about how they exploit and cheat to succes? Bascly we did'nt see any british fleet neitehr defending or attacking ports but just a group of dutch and englih exploiting every cheat allowed by devs to succes. It show everyoen how fairt your aply and waht respect you desserve. We are not interesting in loosing time with child. We've proven ourself we can take haiti any time we want if it desserve it but with troll and cheaters around it seems we have better things to do. We thought the children on panama have growth a bit to find that they become more yough and more stupid. Enjoy your cheats brits, we know we will not see you anymroe after september as preschool start on beginning on this month.
  17. Tu peux pas faire mieux que 4 petites lignes pour décrire to expérience?
  18. Au niveau de l'equipage et des couts le but est d'arreter de vior des santi partout, c'est douloureux mais c'est le but des devs
  19. We assemble a first rate fleet in front of Tiburon yesterday in the moode to attack port Antonio which is a key port giving by english to dutch to let them attack Spanish. Few minutes (around 10) after having buy the flag and while we were in bad wind sailing to Port Antonio we've seen british buying flag and the british flag have been spot buy one of our scout. We estimate the arrival time of both flag and as planned british put flag before the french. French fleet turn back to xxx to disband. We didn't report as we thought devs would not react to that.
  20. Eric and me moved on your Ts to warn you about the tension that was really big into the french nation about the sweden with the last attack and the bad propagand around it. Then the french council decide in the majority to ask the sweden to give back st george and basseterre or face a war vs france. Sweden accept to give back the ports. Eric and me were happy to have a good news for french and to succes to decrease the fact a war may happend. It's were missunderstanding occures. Sweden feel free to attack dans thinking french won't interfer. You never told us about your wish to attack the dutch. All he blabla was made around drunk, pvp, and stuff. French were just decreasing in tension vs sweden when road town appears 2 days after and i wasn't present to calm down the people. When i connect back, the war was already started. What should i-ve done?
  21. Bonjour Tiberius, force et honneur! A bientôt sur les flots, n'hésite pas à utiliser le ts communautaire pour trouver des camarades avec qui jouer
  22. Salut Sunziji, Comme dit plus haut le plus simple est de venir sur le ts communautaire de se mettre en partie public et d'attendre de voir qui vient te voir pour partager un moment avec toi et pourquoi pas ensuite les rejoindre. Autre solution, piocher ici: http://navalaction-france.com/forum/viewforum.php?f=44ou t'y présenter. Tu auras plus d'activité sur le forum na-france qu'ici et peut etre plus de réponses. Enfin tu as la solution EdR, une guilde présente surle jeu avant sa sortie steam, bien organisée et bien présente sur le jeu. On en parle si je te vois sur ts :-) A bientôt
  23. Praefect... How sad it is to see you fallen so low. Anyway we will past upper that as usual because we stop to feel inconfortable about your own propagand. The french propagand has always Been made to gIve back pride to the French captain to make us act as a naction and was center on us. Your propagand was always to blame us about anything. You forget to think about your nation and your nation forget to think about you. About the point 3, French and Dutch relations are really low. One more time I asked you to not breath on the fire. Let the time past. Let people forget and then, people will be ready to forgive. Atm, too many bullets and bad worlds have been exchange. You wanted a new diplomat, you have had one. You wanted ports, you get ports. Your allies wanted port, they have ports... Let us be quiet now. Let us close our eyes without a disgusting taste in our mouth about all you write on us. We have not forgetting the racist threads you made on us praefect neither I forget the many bad answer you made on me. You tell me the praefect troll is not the same as the diplomat and that we should separate your worlds on ts and forum. It has gone too far. I want to play and have fun not to be insult by trolls who don't know who I am. It's why I retreat for diplomacy with the Dutch council to let someone else build something new. It was clear I couldn't anymore lead discussion with you in the name of the nation neither with others due of your propagand. Imagine now what is the propagand about you in our nation and what feeling French have with the Dutch. Do you really need to write it to decrease more our relation if it s possible? If you are concerned about the bad diplomacy between our nation, two things will solve that and just this two things : - time - someone new to represent your council
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