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PIerrick de Badas

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Everything posted by PIerrick de Badas

  1. c'est toujours la grande question : acheter un pc puissant haut de gamme qui te durera plusieurs années mais cher ou acheter un moyen de gamme qui sera dépassé dans un an mais abordable...
  2. after some research everything is not bad about bucentaure. Into trafalgar the ship was raked bye victory which kill 400 men in 2 minutes. After victory pass, 3 ships attack himl and dismat him letting him almost destroy. The day after trafalgar, the prosinnoer on board make a rebellion and get back the control of the ship and put french flag on it. Due of tempest and bad crew (they were a bit hurt) and maybe because they were no more officer on board, then the bucentauyre crash on a reef and sunked. At least it sunk with french colors...
  3. A false option like obione kenobee or i don't care will make not french player choosing this option to troll us as you just did with your post. If someone is not imporant for you and that you don't care, don't spend your time saying it. If you should say on any topic you don't care that you don't care, you're going to spend a lige posting... +, if you don't care fine for you, let the pople that does speak instead of trolling them with british players apllauses. It's not because french players don't speak french that they don't speak about it. We have had the discussion on TS today and all the plyarrs were for a vote to rename bucentaure an another name You can whine or troll but leboiteux you are playing alone when we are sharing information in ts with edr and others players that are not belonging to our society. Pass on ts to speak with the people there and after that maybe are you going to thinnk before post.
  4. if you just want to be fair easier way but for sure it's maybe boring for devs, make a french poll and see what named people would prefer for the ship
  5. i think there is no more plan of bucentaure as french destroy them in purpose because they wanted to forget this ship. But it get sister ship and then it's easy to build it. I'm alwais happy to see Sane ships going ig because i think they are part of the better sailing ship IG. Now, bucenaure is mark as infamy in france and one more time, i personnlay think, and it's my opinion that french captain would have prefer to sail in redoutable which is the ship in trafalgar into the france fleet who well served and fight rather that in bucentaure. That said, i would like to thanks the devs who work so hard to make this ship ig but naming it "bucenaure", although it's easy because more known for english speakers than redoutable is not really fair. Atm there is no french ship ig that have not been defeat by brits. Surprise, belle poule and in few weeks bucentaure... (ok the belle poule is not mark as infamy in french mind). Where are redoutable, confianceand jason? I'm not for the "victory" santissima and this kind od "names" for the ship as there is only one victory one santi. Why to not names the ships like we got for the 3rd rate ig? Names them by class and let us name them...
  6. bucentaure was overpowered by victory but it's redoutable who almost capture victory, not poor bucentaure
  7. making bucentaure is a bit shamish for us french captain. It's already victory to rememeber us this terrible defeat that is trafalgar. Making bucenaure is just trolling us against. Getting "redoutable" would have been more correct. After trafalgar and the peace, british send back to french a ship they capture on traf. French said they didn't want to get back defeated ship and prefer british to destroy it rather to giving it back to us. Bucentaure will be alwais associated to an humiliate defeat. Making bucentaure ig is just harassing our national love.
  8. je t'invite à aller sur navalaction-france pour ce genre de chose. Tu y rencontreras une bonne partie de la communauté française navigante. Un teamspeak est aussi disponible pour la nation (TS: nafrance.verygames.net)
  9. rien ne vaut les grades edr^^ - Aspirant Garde - Garde-Marine - Lieutenant de frégate - Enseigne de vaisseau - Lieutenant de vaisseau - Capitaine de Frégate - Capitaine de Vaisseau - Contre Amiral - Lieutenant-Général des Armées Navales - Vice Amiral
  10. problem is solved it was a key binding issue. It's fix now. Ty for the support
  11. lol on a tellement eu cette discussion quand on a fait les grades des edr! Comme dit sucrouf capitaine de pavillon c'est une situation pas un grade!
  12. http://navalaction-france.com/patch-du-301015-la-claque-graphique/galerie des nouveaux graphismes
  13. admin: We didn't report it ingame becaue we didn't know it was possible to act like that. When i joined Koba BOT against sweden, i didn't understand why he was not wlecoming our help with joy. I didn't know this trick and ws not thinking someone should use it as i didn't know it exist. When i learned it exist, i understand why i suddently see large fleet of pavels and victory. But as you said, it's not going to be punished, and it's not going to be allowed next patch. So they idea now is to balance the game again: - Wipe everyone (but it's not going to improve pop) or - Give evryone what exploiters have got (db and reciepe).
  14. The problem is that some has recieve recipe from ships and some have not. Easier way to solve this unbalance is to give to everyone in redamable the shisp reciepe on bellona/consti/pavel/victory that are the ship that have focus the issue Atm, craft have been tested enought and now that the system has been broken, it seems fair to balance again the testgame we have by making everyone equal facing this reciepe problem.
  15. The topic is not about how to fix this but what shoudl we do with the exploiters. We got some confession about some of them and for thoses i would recommand a blame and a soft wipe with a soft wipe of crafting xp. For the others ones i would recommand an hard wipe. This bug exploit is the worst the game has known and need to be treatein an important way. In french nation and edr, we refused to use this exploit when it has been known for us and we still refuse to use it. Problem is cheaters are now rich as million by selling duplicates victory and they get a reciepe they don't desserve by destroyign the ship they capture. If pb come in a later stage, it menas we have to suffer inequal compeition in craft with price they can control and in pvp due of theiur ship. If pb come tomorrow it's worst as we can't match with cheaters. I lost my hope into this game as far as i see ow devs consider players. Some are testing, some are bullcheating and everyone is treaten the same way. Just ban the cheaters, they have cheat now, they will continue after, why to consider them? Everyone is against them and their defense is a joke... Fix it or loose your normal player base and keep only the cheaters.
  16. In front of plimouth we meet French players and sweden players duplicating ships. We thought they were fighting so we move there to heop the french but they were playing with the sweden in mmod to duplicate the ships. Since this topic popup and since admin says it's not forbidden but will be off in next patch, i never see so much pavel. I've already heard of victory spawn cheat. The idea of cheaters is not to generate1 dura ship to sail them but to get them and destroy them in mood to get the reciepe or to get gold. It's totatly breaking balance between the nation. A nation that get the reciepe to build a ship that can be build once a week can popup 10-20 ships of it in one day. Few days ago EdR were the top eco society launching ship before the others ones. And then cheating appear. People begin to duplicate bellona to obtain pavel reciepe. They made enough to get it and then as soon as they get pavel reciepe they build it and cheat agin to get victory reciepe and i'm sure in few days santi reciepe. They d'ont care as they already get max level to all thsi ships but doing that in less than one week players switch to bellona to victory withtout crafting them. With one craft account able to build bellona you can build one ship every 2 days making your % of getting reciep very low. Cheating introduce reciepe, reciepe introduce unbalance. Playing months, specially in rvr against known cheating players, cheating society and cheating nation is really hard to thoses who refuse to work that way. Seeing devs don't caring about players saying they cheat and destroy games balance is weird and not improving our wish to involve more into the testing games. I remember old days were there were just tester ig, we should have report it to make it fixed and never use it. Now you can sail with entire fleet in pavel that popup^in one day and everyone say ok with tyhat. Thoses not cheating think: why not me? and everyone cheat too. As edr we will not fall in the dark side but i'm really sad about all this bug exploti that is probably the worst we get since early early acces launch. I would recommand Craft wipe for all involve in that.
  17. Soit pas jaloux leboiteux, tu peux écrire des articles sur nafrance aussi . Surcouf fait ca par bonté d'ame pour me soulager un petit peu, hésite pas à en faire autant si le coeur t'en dit
  18. it's a bit ouf of the subject but adding agin "kill" and no "xp is the same thing that introducing huge xp/ship sunk. It's make paying together bad. Any times a teamates ask me if he can farm with me i say yes and regret it... atm all the system say: play in your corner, dont interact with teamates. Officialising that with "kill counter" is as a bad idea as introduciing bonus for the sunking ship.
  19. for me it was totaly a tribunal case as players exploit the games to get rare ships. In few weeks victo will be ig and captuyring ia victory wih this kinf of cheat could have give many problem. I'm gld it's going to be fixed but anyway, players should get at least a warning
  20. http://navalaction-france.com/les-gabares-le-gros-ventre/ Premieère partie. Je peux pas tout mettre ensemble sinon ca ferait trop lourd. Merci beaucoup Surcouf!
  21. J'ai pas encore lu surcouf car je suis pressé ce matin mais je mettrai ca en page cette semaine pour une publication d'ici quelques jours. merci beaucoup en tout cas pour ton effort . Je te remercirai encore si en plus d'etre un gros pavé c'est bien écrit lol
  22. Hello captains and nice to see you there. Dickie, hope you will get the key soon to see you on the seas Wulf, dear captain, just click on "games" in top menu of steam. Then, click on "activate a game". Here you will put the key you recieve and the game will be add in your library. Pretty sure it has been explan on the mail you recieve or on the page you find the games. CU captains
  23. Paris and Orange, i send output and nothing is working, atm i can't play.
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