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PIerrick de Badas

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Everything posted by PIerrick de Badas

  1. What about moving crew hitboox in sails when you are in crew focus sails? What about loosing a large part of crew when mast fall? When a mast fall it fall on the deck in part and everyone into the mast fall in water as well. So mast loose need to make ships loose crew too
  2. I already introduce this idea in an another thread. When switching to preparation, crew is leaving battery and sail to move on the deck to prepare the boarding. In this time a big part of the crew is on the deck and is vulnerable. On trafalgar battle the french redoutable was on the way to board the victory. A british ship come to rescue the admiral ship and shot with grape on redoutable deck killing all the prepared crew for boarding and forcing the french to retreat. It could be good to have this kind of mechanic ig because now, when you someone is wanted to grape you, you can just flee away or switch to preparation. If the guy want to board you he has probably fit for that it means you just have to flee... We need to be able to shot their deck with grape to kill the crew that is waiting there to board So the hitbox fo crew need to be changed when people switch to boarding focus. In the same way, crew focus sail may need to make more hitbox of crew in masts/sails.
  3. on avait ca: http://navalaction-france.com/la-capture-du-kent/ la on passe a la vitesse supérieure avec un témoin de la scene qui raconte en détail l'abordage et la raison de cet équipage si nombreux sur le navire anglais. Le recit de l'abordage avec ses multiples rebondissement et le spawn anglais infini, ca vaut son pesant de cacahouètes!
  4. pour les gros lecteur, mais je pense que vous connaissez, le recit de la capture du kent (38 canons 437 hommes) par la Confiance (18 canons de 6, 120hommes): http://navalaction-france.com/comment-la-confiance-de-surcouf-capture-le-kent/
  5. We declare war against germany when they invade poland to "defend" our ally... What lead us in a total disaster 3 day after the germany attack our country but we get the wish at least
  6. he is not looking for a society but for a nation. Atm France seems a decent choice as there is just 2 know society playing this nation. One french speaking which is EdR and then just focus on french speaking guys that are not so many ig, and one english speaking SLMF wich is a bit small to defend our country. With this 2 small society for an entire nation, it's sure we may need more people to help us building a strong nation + Our capitail is based in middle of cariben allowing us to pvp on nort west easly against many nations + We have many ports around + The nation is organise and it exist good relationship between the 2 society - There is just 2 society in the nation - The nation is underpop in regard of other nation - It's maybe a bit hardcore for some players
  7. il a é&té proposé que le brick mortier doivent etre immobile pour tirer avec un tps de chargement acru mais devant la difficulté de l equilibre et le raz le bol de tout le monde il a été mis entre parenthese jusqu'à l'appirition des batteries cotieres
  8. mprtar c était pour le brick mortier qu on jouait en vue du dessus comme une arty de wot au cours de l Early test. Le mortier n est que pour ce type de bateau qui a été enleve du jeu pour le moment car +++++ cheaté!
  9. Having a pve nation is a must have to not worrie some players. I m for the idea to see 100% pve players playing in the same serv as me. I just don t want them to interact with pop players any way or multiaccount will make problem with players using alt to trade for example
  10. Amné'dans deux jours je te botte le cul sur mumble . Comme ce dernier je conseillerai aux nouveaux français de jouer autour de fort de France et de partir explorer de temps à autre ailleurs. N hésite pas a rentrer dans les combats déjà engagés en basic lynx et ce quelques soient les nations en jeu ca te fera un Max d.experience
  11. Bienvenue à toi. Conseil : au début il faut très rapidement évoluer de bateau car la pénalité d équipage handicape peu. Capture au plus vite un cutter puis un pickle. De la farm les Brig et les marchands pour faire de l exp et prendre un Brig capture puis saute sur un navyvrig capture et après un show. Farm ton niveau jusqu a flag captain et grade pour avoir des sous pour une surprise puis en avant l aventure.
  12. Ne montrez votre poupe qu'à vos amis les plus sûrs. Le gouvernail et la direction des vergues aident à diriger un navire. Le tir à la mitraille est inefficace contre une coque en bon état. Avant d'aborder un navire, préparez votre équipage pour bénéficiez d'avantages en abordage. Certains navires rapides peuvent voir leur proie s'échapper si elle s'enfuit dans une allure peu propice au navire de chasse. Les caronades font des dégâts importants mais ne peuvent tirer qu'à courte portée.
  13. Et dire que j ai quitté Crozon a quelques jours de l arrivée de la belle! Je la raterait pas l an prochain au cours du tonnerre de Brest!
  14. Nous sommes heureux de voir que des anglophones rejoignent les rangs de la marine française. Un coup à boire pour ces braves! Santé!
  15. Salut vulcain bienvenue dans la marine avec un nom comme ça tu pourras chauffer les boulets français au rouge!
  16. Second option is to make the ship allowing to carry stuff trading ships and just them
  17. The Idea is to be able to let the puppy play without Beeing sunked by big ships looking for cargo. ATM i don t attack anything smaller than a surprise but if ships can carry stuff to craft i Will not let them pass near in peace.
  18. I would like to get the ability to inspect a ship without be forced to capture or sunk it to do so. When Craft will be added and ressources but ig, we will not longer be able to respect our roe if we can t inspect small ships. Captains will use them to carry ressources and people Will sunk them as any ship. Giving us the ability to inspect ships without making it a loose for the captain could be a good way to decrease small ship Farmer. In battle captain Will have choice to ask for'inspection. If ennemy agrée, it can accès your cargo and capture it. You don t use repair or loose dura, just cargo
  19. It's true that many time you engage your opponent as far as you can to be sure to tag him. After that, you get 20second to be in good position in regard of wind and more to attack him. But most of the time after 20sec, you are not in the good position so you "attack" again the ship to get one more 20seconds time to make the nice pull What verseaux is asking is a better systeme to manage this tag becaue it's annoying to be forced to click several time on attack to be able to get the right pull. Maybe a 20sec timer that give you the choice when ended to attack or not. like: A ship hail b ship B ships is ennemy A press attack Counter start to 20 Counter start to 0, b is still in range to be attack On any time A can press "space (ofr example) to start the fight. B know he can be attack now any time because he is still in range of circle and he try to getthe better wind before engagement or he press space to start himself the battle
  20. guide de l'abordage en francais: http://navalaction-france.com/guide-de-labordage/
  21. Dommage que ce document d'économie soit tombé à l'eau, vous savez ce qui vous reste à faire pour en profiter! Les EdR recrutent!
  22. la doublure en cuivre en limitant la proliferation d algue ameliore la vitesse sur le long court mais a court terme avant que les algues n'apparaissent, elle devrait alourdir le navire et donc diminuer sa vitesse à mon sens à moins que l'augmentation du poids en réduisant le roulis aient augmenté les caractéristiques de marins du navire?
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