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PIerrick de Badas

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Everything posted by PIerrick de Badas

  1. edit with new reciepes (exept pavel so far) : https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ibkFuMD_3erlov6d_ByKBQXjsv3U1Y-xTA7ciRdCT98/edit#gid=2011514742 for your information 9572 hour for 4 note santi 2597 hour for 0 note frigate 593 hour for 0note privater
  2. no neutral players to not crossteam eco - 1 charachter per account to not allo crossteam in eco
  3. would love to ee ressources improve by x3 or x4 to build a ship. Atm i ve ressources to craft 10-20 victory..just need timelabor. Even gold is not taken in our port due of spawn of ressources... Price has to improve and dura to decrease
  4. removing any xp/gold about pirate v pirate could be ok as it's not so common. Pirates shoudl try to organise a bit to be able to catch bigger prize and for that they have first to not kill each others.
  5. The durability system has been change and we hear people screaming like pigs about durability issue and that noone were able to be inr ated ships again. As we notice, the durability system change doesn't have empty the seas. It doesn't have change many things expect that it forces us to craft new ships again after each pb and it's what was needed. Now, i have a big concern in regard of frigates. What have been done for rated ships (1th rate=1dura, 2dura rate=2dura, 3 dura rate=3 dura) should be made for frigates too. We see too many guys in consti. They don't fear to loose it as it's a multiple dura ship. I suggest devs to decrease consti dura to 1, trinco dura to 2, frig/bp/essex to 3 It will give diversity into the open sea and force people to think before sail. Thanks you for your attention
  6. Si le wipe arrive bientôt pourquoi ne pas donner un victory et de l'xp aux joueurs pour qu'ils s'amusent avec au moins une fois avant le wipe? trop peur que ca fasse comme la derniere fois? C'est deja le cas chez nous on est passé de 25 à 10 sur ts le soir!
  7. Voici de façon roleplay l'activité de la guilde cette dernière semaine. Merci a tatann pour cette idée et sa réalisation et au orrecteur pour avoir permis de peaufiner le texte Actualité des edr en jeu Roleplay : http://navalaction-france.com/2100-2/
  8. a one v3 in trico can't be win atm. The trinco has a good speed on top angle but decrease his speed really bad as far as you join 90°. So the trinco can't kit the ships. I think the only viable tactic to win a 1v3 is to kit the shisp, dismat some or decrase sails of some to be abel to rageboard one and then leave the battle with one ship... Ofc by kitting the sails you are downwind so you have to make an hard job to be able to board. Due of bad angle of trinco you will never be able to kit in a proper way. Second idea is to go really close on a ship, harass him to sunk him and then flee with best angle. This is possible if you got a real good wind and if ennemy split themself. To improve skill ont close range i would add, as say earlier in topic: a raking shot "chock" not allowing you to make anything during 10 sec (the officier place is the first to take damage and officer can't give orders, the ships keep is way as before. In battery, crew is disable and not able to reload due of chock".) Decreasing rudder hp could be good to improve raking penality. Exept that, i don't see how to increase the skill matter. I don't think that a frigate op player can defeat me in consti (and i don't think i'm top OP in regard of some of you) but i would love to see it if it's possible. 1v3? let me joke...
  9. les devs ont pas envie de dev un script qui fait qu'un joueur humain remplace une IA en battle. On a deja vu des comnbats ou les snow empechaient les gens de rentrer donc le plus simple c'est des les interdire :-)
  10. meme sans le temps de t'investir certaines guildes ne forcent pas les gens a jouer pour en faire partie. Rejoins nous du cote du pvp si tu le souhaites et tu seras bien accueilli meme si tu joues peu. Tu auras toujours ds gns disponibles avec qui farmer ou parfois si tu as le temps faire des combats d'envergures. En revanche, du cote du serveur pvp, il faut savoir que tu seras coulé parfos des dans des conditions les plus sales...
  11. La nation francaise pas nombreuse? On est régulièrement 25-30 sur TS le soir et on a détruit la flotte hollandaise à plusieurs reprises... Il ne faut pas etre trop gourmand, tant qu'on ne maitrisera pas la zone de fort royal a 100% on ne partira pas ailleurs, faut juste faire des outposts la ou on pense pouvoir défendre. Ensuite si tu souhaites pas jouer PvP car tu penses que perdre des outpost est embêtant tu peux jouer sur le serveur PvE pour te détendre. Il n'y aura pas le frisson de l'inconnu mais pas de peur non plus. Concernant le boycot et le monopole, il y a assez de ressources pour tout le monde pour le moemtn sauf en or ou les prix montent mais c'est ainsi que ca va
  12. We much appreciate you and never stop having a look on you. We would enjoy to spend more time with our german friends . We got really awsome relations with die dark legion on potbs and would love to get this kind of players with us after release. Hopping to see you boys in our camp! Fair winds
  13. Nous sommes toujours bien actifs avec des soirées a 10 joueurs ou plus pour nos soirées de conquête de ports. On a défendu camp du roy (avec l'escadre) et on a repris terre de bas, deshayes, grande anse, roseau et autres. Nous allons bientôt mener la guerre dans les territoires ennemis. Nous seriosn ravi de pouvoir compter sur des renforts quelque soient leur niveau :-) Rejoignez nous!
  14. You can join teh Pve Server to not be gank or sunk. If you join PvP server, you have to know you can be sunk anyway... I voted for land in battle because all battle begin to be the same. Line forming, formation rushing and formation collapsing wxhile commander try to give order with an overview. Commander tablet is something i would love but it's just for some captains and so it's not the priority. Devs succes to introduce land in battle with the fort. You can't past throux a fort. So i think they get the key to extand it to large portion to make map in fight differents and more exiting with ships hiding on some points behind island etc etc and IG.
  15. les map variés avec de la terre ca me parait essentiel pour l'immersion et éviter que les batailles se suivent et se ressemblent. Par exemple pour moi les tarf commencent à manquer d'interet, les lignes se forment et se rush et c'est le bordle....
  16. The esex is now with 12 lsb what is a bit small to fight against consti for example. It's a perfect challener against surprise and renomme and may have something to tell with frigates and belle poule. His armor is huge making it a tank fir his class while his manouvrability is not so bad. It offer a nice target has it float upper water more than a frig , a bit like the trinc. I may have to test it more to give my full opnion about it
  17. if this idea can't be make,; what about the idea of just authorize tp in direction of regional capital. And then people carry ressource between capital and outpost?
  18. Se can immagine players carying ressources to Regional capital, the system work to regional capital A to regional capital B and then the player have to cary it again from regional capital B to outpost. Why not
  19. I really think deliver system as we got now destroy the eco part of the game as it's exactly have having all ressources in same ports. You are just limited by outpost but noone limit you to make alt and to make them jump outpost to outpost to get all the stuff that is necessary So my idea about what devs should do to make it more intresting for players : The deliver is working now with players choosing in how many times they get ressources. 2-4-8 hours. My idea is to stack the delivers. The player don't choose when it will recieve the ressources but when they wiill leave the port and the players have limited choice. For example 4 choice per day to make people around the world happy whatever is your timearea. For example ressources leave the port on midnight, 6, 12 and 18 o clock every day. The ressources leave the port and carry all ressources that players have stac. If 3 players choose the 6hours time, then the convoy is carrying this ressources. If the 6 o clock time is full because there is too much stuff to cary, players choose an another slot or put his ressources in queue. That is to not make convoy with 250 tradder snow. I think 6 trader snow is maximum in a convoy. So how to make that without burning the server? I know we can't ask dev to program a huge system that is not burning ressources so i suggest to make the convoy sailing to the closest regional capital on the nation. It will create a huge trafic of ressources going to this ports so they will be like some hubb in eve online where everyone is ready to fight to get ressources. Ofc as the ports are not in the same distance from regional capital, all the convoy will not come on the same time making all the day ressources coming to the port. I think the idea of limited the number of convoy per port to 4 per day will limit the resosurces the server will burn to generate them. If it's too much because the serv can't make pop all convoy on same time on every port, devs can change the window of the leavingport time. For example: The french nation send his convoy on 0-6-12-18 The brits on 3-9-15-22 Or the port in antilles on 0-6-12-18 and haiti on 3-9-15-22. So to go back on subject, the convoy leave the port and sails to the closest capital regional. 2 choices now: 1) The players have to move to the capital regional to carry the ressoruces himself and then the players don't choose the outpost to send ressources but just when to send ressources to capital regional (my best option as there is no magic and you can already be happy to not have to carry ressources between the alpha port and the regional capital 2) When ressources have reach regional capital, we assume they are magicly deliver to outpost as they are now. So why to love this suggestion: + The ressources are sailing. They can be capture. Should you escort them or pray for them to join the regional capital without truble? + Create dynamism on the map around some Hot ports that will see many activity. + Improving RvR dynamism trying to nuke the ennemy port around our regional capital to not mae ennemy able to attack the convoy + not so hard for the server, at least i think he could handle it + There is no more magic, the ressources are send in large convoy sailing + Create a kind of "ingame event" every day. The players can try to attakc the convoy way between some port and regional capital, or try to camp regional capital or camp the port where they think a convoy will pop or escort his nation ressources. And they know on what time they pop so it's like a dayly mission but it's not "a mission", it's just a +fun Thanks to your attention, to the idea that may improve this idea to make the staff read it And sorry for the english
  20. ( BTW, consti don't use front gun so they don't tag you with them but snow did).
  21. Yesterday we planned to form a group to counter the Dutch invasion of our nation. While grouping, we have been attack by 3 group of npc. Most of time snow and stuff althought we were in victory and stuff. Frurther in front of the port just before flagging it we get agro agin by npc. All of that delay our attack for around 15-20min. The dutch who were in roseau finish their pb and join our pb. The battle was fun and interesting nd ty for das for that but it's not how we planned it. We planned to attack them during roseau attack and this IA spam broke our fun to do so and attacking a group of 3 victory and stuff with one consti and belle poule is suicide. On potbs it was an agro protection when the group reach a special BR it was no more IA attacaable. I suggest to get this kind of mechanic. IF a player fleet is forming they are in pvp mind and they don't have to be disturb by stupid npc engaging them in large underadvantage. I suggest that if a group reach 3xvictory BR, is is immune for agro. PS: there is no fun for me to fight an IA when i attack it to grind. There is really not fun to be attack by a stupid IA and forced to flee to go out and join your teamates. Just making me loose time
  22. le chebec été vu sur l'image du bucentaure lorsque présenté mais aucunes nouvelles le concernant. Le navire n'était pas présent dans l'atlantique ouest donc bon....
  23. http://navalaction-france.com/01.mp4 http://navalaction-france.com/02.mp4 http://navalaction-france.com/03.mp4 http://navalaction-france.com/04.mp4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yYfNE4Iz8XA
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