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PIerrick de Badas

Naval Action Tester
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Everything posted by PIerrick de Badas

  1. perso je prefere obrian a forester. Je trouve hornblower bien trop lisse comme personnage.Le vrai héros américain, beau gosse, intelligent stratège loyal... sauf avec sa femme car son sex apeal fait de lui une cible pour les femmes... Bref trop parfait A coté de ça on a notre albatros Aubrey qui dès qu'il met les pieds au sol devient un balourd de première et se fait mener par le bout de la queue et de la bourse! Enfin Bolithi, bien sympa aussi même si comme Hornblower on peut lui reprocher d'être trop parfait. Ce qui est rageant chez Obrian c'est qu'n aimerait un bon fat Aubrey amiral avec une flotille. Son attacheemnt aux navires pourris ou petits me gènent un peu sur les derniers livres.
  2. We have had an open meeting yesterday when we have seen that the community is a bit splitted between csnf and independant. We are trying to get a larger consensus to make proposition for the all nation and not just for some clans what may allow a more durable peace if we succes to make one.
  3. we setup first meeting yesterday to think and write a proposal. We didn't think so many change in rvr for tonight The proposal is not outdated but the blabla around is. + we have to check the situation with our danish friend to see their position about what is happening. So sorry for the delay
  4. WE re currently still at war. A war can be setup by few into à nation. We have to get a large consensus before making you a proposal to be sure french captains would accept it. After that it will be your turn to see if you accept it.
  5. We have had an unofficial meeting to speak about the diplomacy and we got a statement. We are now sharing it in intern to check if everyone is ok with it and then we will make it official if everyone agree. If you want to speak with someone else, you will deal with someone else. The more important is the information to be known for everyone, dutch and french why forum is the best way to start communication
  6. Hî there, Is there still a dutch council? If yes does he represant all the society on the dutch nation? The communication become loudy for us when everyone is speaking differents things. Praefect seems to hate the French or at least me. He was really more smart when his ship was docking I'm front of FR. Maybe communication could be easier with new diplomats to represent both nation? I came on your ts yesterday on diplo channel. 20 people on ts, noone to speak... It's the perfect time to come on an agreement about how to finish this battles...
  7. Plus que jamais les forces françaises doivent se retrousser les manches afin de finir de bouter les envahisseurs en dehors de nos campagnes. Que le son des canons serve de tocsin aux ambitions des ennemis de la France! A vos sabres à vos piques, il reste de la vermine à chasser de nos haubans et nos hamacs!
  8. nation should have not rally against French at first to ask after the French to rally on them... French speak like they play, we don't use duble language. Last week swedish and dutch proposal for peace was everything north grand anse on sweden, everhthing south of cariacou dutch or french-british alliance vs pirate and we could get more ports but not all of them. You make an ultimatum to us and we refuse your 2 proposal. The first one because french won't surrender and betray his friends The second one because french won't surrender and be treat like iroquois or cherokee in US. And now... You are asking our help???? We told you that your ultimatum will make us turn pirate and that we would prefer to get the blag flag rather than the white one and you refuse to listen! You should have ask something possible to get a peace. Your diplomat always say he wants to speak about peace and the only one time we open discussion for that he comes with a threat and sharing our territory with his swedish friend... We speak again about peace but we didn't get any answer... Is there still someone to speak in name of the dutch nation or have the friend to speak with 10 diplomat to have an idea about what is happening there?
  9. Nice to see more friend joining the party ; i see some old edr that past pirate around into thei pb fleet :-) I don't know if I have to be proud about this young sailers i see growing and becoming pirates ! Anyway, the northen party has not yet start for the French, we are a bit busy anywhereelse ^^! Has this firework been launch in our honnor ?
  10. I can still smell the dutch parfum about this cargo
  11. this patch wasn't bad execpt the damage model 5.0 that is more historic and less playable that what we got before... the problem is that this patch is not solvig any real problem (exact tp traders). It's an unexepected patch for unexepected things we don't really care. Lamost everything in is good but what is the priority? Sociezty storage or allowing society master to class people per name or per last connection? Waht DM 5.0 necessary when it makes more people leaving the game that joining the game? Why to make this minor patch when rvr is so broken that people are leaving the games day after day?
  12. This topic should just be good to help the devs to have a look on the reroll system. Seing guys fleeing the british nation to join any nation is so commun this few days that I don t think it need a topic. About doran faker I think they are more interest in pvp than in rvr. It's normal for someone engage in pvp to choose the harder targets to keep improving. In the end, trying to split the French from their Danish allies in re roll is dirty specially while using the game mechanism not yet fix (patch diplomat yet rdy).
  13. Looking on Sveno, i didn't think you may be more offended that you already are. And all of that for missunderstandings... Anyway, striken between hammer and envils, french iron is becoming stronger and our mood is changing. You are forging and pushing us in weird directions
  14. French ask for pour parler not about peace. Building back diplomacy may be the first step in a peace direction but we are far away from it.T Discussion will continue has they have to in the way to improve the relation enough to make peace discussion possible. Waiting for that we know our ennemy will try again to cap us into our capital when we will be on bar and club as every week end in french! Lets go women, french captains incoming!
  15. with my current ensligh i receive both signals too, some asking nicely for the peace and in others one i feel a sign of threat ; anyway as praefect said, lets focus on future ; my topic was enterliy design on that, every thing is depending on your starting side, everyione can be and right and wrong
  16. Who start first? This Bloody Swedish for sure would told a Danish captain when Sweden would say they have been attacking without any reason by French. Some may be right but everyone feel right. The reason who make people press the key is that it s so easy to start a war... Buy a flag make 3 post on national chat and the Zerg will follow. 2 weeks after Zerg is complaining and theses pressing the key are hidden. Theses attacking want the peace, theses others attacking don't know what they want and finally everyone is assembling on fort royal. Thanks you to make us the center on the Antilles for few days. There is useless to speak about what the war start as it stupid to speak about the timer. For France Dutch exploit the bug by destroying all our war effort by taking back the 4 port we take in a day. It was fabulous for us and showing the bug with the port withouth timer make us angry and sad because we lost energy and ship for nothing. The Swedish will say French were not honorable with 14-15pb timer but they never get an empty pb. So it was not timer make as bullshit to force you to awake up I'm middle of night but splitting the timer to be able to defend on both front. What make the French in so dramatic situation is the daylight forces letting the fights and the no timer issue forcing us to fight against hords. That and pvp3 merge but it's another story. Both party suffer of pb timer and it's unnecessary to speak about it. Both are right, both are wrong. About respect? I heard so many captains saying they were forced to join the war to not let a community being harass in one port to just put one other community in the same situation that I couldn't say some are right and some are wrong. All are wrong in that or just thoses who speak in reverse as how they play. About the French stopping to fight? French are hostage in their own capital. As a prisoner they will do what they can to deliver themself on this bad situation. Our moral is not broken and we still have ships and a spirit war. We are not capitulating and you will have to fight us until all the party accept a peace...
  17. So far the resepct between french dutch and sweden, without taunt or more is still allowing diplomacy to work althought we find it a bit hard to be called as "selfish" when we just honnored our alliance treaty with danish to go in an unwanted war and accept to tank 2 nations. Untill now we kepted confidence in our allies to awake up and help our nation to fight against at least one of the two front. The french spirit of war is not dead and we get fleet every day in pvp and rvr to fight, but more the time pass, less we know why we are fighting. Are we fighting to survival? Not sure, our "ennemy" propose us the peace Are we fighting for ourself? No, we didn't want to fight Are we fighting for allies? Maybe but so far, what have they made for us? (exept the spanish that all french keep in heart). It seems something is broken. Maybe is it time to focus a bit more on ourself... Maybe time has gone. Making a war is easy and just need few people to start it and few to make it bigger. Making a peace may need more time has all the nation has to be focus in this goal I can't say atm that this time has gone for all the nation, not because some want the war but because our council is taking place tomorrow and until it, i don't have a clear diplomacy way to follow. Anyway, i'm personnaly inviting our Dutch allies, our swedish friends and ennemys, our Danish allies and our Spanish allies and friends to be present on tomorrow if they have the time, the wish and the possibility on 22h. The french council will take place before and will not collapse on 22 to listen what the diplomacy on the eastern nation could make to try to find a way out of this mess. I don't know what they think now but they may need something concrete to help us think. The presence of spanish and danish will help the french to feel more confortable and confidence into the negociations and may help to solve the swedish/danish issue too. I wish you the best and hope to see you tomorrow ; lets prepare a white friday.
  18. As the nation is not clear, i.m asking official instruction before continuing diplomacy. We much appréciate your attitude and the quality on the communication that bas Been setup despite we are fighting. Sorry to have put praefect in jail for some minutes but we need to have an internat discussion asap . See you in the night as everything day XD
  19. Nous sortons quotidiennement 10 à 20 bateaux en mer pour combattre les hollandais ce qui permet à la France de ralentir l'arrivée des goudas! Si vous souhaitez rejoindre une guilde présente sur le front quotidiennement et lui permettre de repousser ce denier, rejoignez nous!
  20. i suggest you to change your name as it is hated by french and would decrease the tension between your group of player and the french. I told you the french clan LMO change his name after the departure on his leader for the same reason to not be hated by swedish. I thought it was something smart but it seems you take it as an insult. It was not, just a suggestion. You refuse it and this history was over, your are master of your choice.
  21. owing the port is unneczssary as you can join them in eco ship with smuggler. Anbd one more time the idea is not to struggle the sweden to death. Nice for them if they can play in safety somewhere. Sad for their new players beeing raped as soon as they look outside their capital
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