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PIerrick de Badas

Naval Action Tester
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Everything posted by PIerrick de Badas

  1. Les tempêtes ca aurait été bien de les travailler et de les remettre. Par exemple en tempête provoquer des dégats aux voiles si on les mets ) 100% (oui on va plus vite mais ca pete de partout) et descendre les bateaux sur l'eau du fait de l'eau qui rentre à bord
  2. tbh, i think that with your number it's easier to just organise to be 25 per pb than crafting 7*134war supply, drop them in port, hide them in port, make them explose on the same time and after that, look to find 7x25 people^^ In term of organisation we win the battle. Next time z, win the organisation and let us just win the battles :-)
  3. I don't really see the point to call it a black wednesday. It's more a magic Wednesday or the day of the year. I see this night more than 600 players onlines with thoses who loose in pb enjoying the fight while thoses who win probably exchanging their joy on ts. It gives the server a real boost and a real content but you can't cound on our alliance to make all the the job. PB are the only way to get a "fair fight" with equal number of fighter often in same ships. It's a shame to have to farm like pigs or craft likes cow to be able to maje some. The worst keep pveing /war suppliing to not be in the pb
  4. EdR sign. we won't support any activity of our players chasing war ships in this area if they have baby ranks. Even brits...
  5. Actually Problem - Defender as a zerg screen ennemy fleet to not allow it to join the pb with fail ship (exemple santo tome where the british fleet never joined the pb after 1ll the french to suicide kite their fleet to hell) - defender just tp to outpost two minutes before pb to be in Solution: -offender move near port to log out before the pb. Then they just log in when pb start to just have to click in Conclusion: We are facing now a problem that involve and defender and offenders. The problem we meet is that the pb start as soon as timer is +46hour after flip. With or without offenders. It means offenders has to be present in front of the port to join it before it start what is impossible due of screen. So offenders chose easy way to avoid screen what is log out log in. The problem is too that it's too easy to défend a port. People has just to tp to the port and jump out to join the pb. You can't screen defensive fleet. How to solve the problem : For offenders: -introducing flags back. 46h after flip, captain can purchase à flag as before during one hour. To avoid trolls, just the captain who gain enough contention can buy the flags. If noone with enough contention has buy the flag, anyone in the nation can buy it after 30 min. With flag, you have one or more (comment) hours to plant it to make the pb start. For defenders : As soon as the port is put in conquest mode, you are no more able anymore to tp to the ports belonging to the attacked région exept free town. You will have to sails to it from your base or from the closest free town. Conclusin It will help the territory to be less cluster -introducing back à bit the frontiere war. The free town will be a key point for both def and offenders helping large pvp battle to be there. Def and offenders may need screen to be able to join the port. It will stop this stupidity of ennemy jumping out a port they once sails in a trader with war ship in and it will noy allow any more the login/logout tactic. The flag has already beeing code so it may be not to hard to introduce the changes propos here Pz comment and improve.
  6. Hello, is it a way to set up the control to be able to play in azerty? Ty
  7. 1) Roseau/Rosaly have no regional bonus. Bug or not? 2) Ocean and Aghamemnon and ratlesnake are just for few people. It seems unfair. Plan to give them to everyone? 3) Are you planning to improve society page (to allow people to se ejust peopoe online or put people per last connexion etc) 4) Are you going to let us choose to be in batlte or stay in open world when someone is tagged near us. It's allow 5 ships to grief an entier group... 5) The french name on npc are ridiculous. Would you accept to rename them with name choosen bye your community make it more roleplay or do you want to keep the weir name you choosed?
  8. potbs has this system but people were tping inot the pb. Now the problem is attackers fleet have to sail to the point. The pb will start ith or without offender aqnd it's far too easy for defenders to grief to not sunk and make the br limit a win. When lands will be into pb it can be easier for attacker to attack the defenser but right now it's far too easy to flee for defenders. New pb with area to control may solve the problem. Waitinf for that, attakers have to leave their own ports and anticipate how many times they need to join the port waiting the pb to open. With screening fleet, tjhere is no way to join the pb. People has just to go out the port and tag you before hte pb sart. It ca ,nbe done by groups of 5 defender any time. If 50 defenders, your pb fleet can be grief to inifnite, why to attack then? On bermuda, you got 50 pelple that sped hours to join the port in Sol to find people just teleportig 1 min before with ship that they teleport... Noone is sialing aournd bermuda, there is just people trading in. Is it normal to attackers that spend hours to fa ce a fleet that magicly tp in? No more than defenders to face a loogin fleet. both roblem has to been solved together or none has to been fixed. Btw, the idea of an area that "reject" the log out to teleport the log in captain to the nerase t login point is not so bad The TP into defnesive port has to be stop or limited in number of player to prevent this kind of behavior
  9. DCing in front of a port is a viable tactic that is not forbidden and that will be uised by both party to avoid screening fleet. It's as annoying as seeing people teleporing in port to defend it. Why should defender use magic tric to teleport into a port that is surrounded by ennemy and join the port battle and the ennemy can't use magic tric to enter a pb surrounding by defender? it's as bullshit botjh way. an idea would be to : - If a port is in in Port battle mode, don't autorhise anyone to teleport into this port - If a region is in port batle mode, don't authorize people ot join special evet/PB until they enter a port. => - Defender won't be able to magic tp just before the pb to defend the port jumping over the attacking fleet - Offender will have ot sail back to a port to be able to clik and enter a battle (they can be put in pvpv if in the circle) but not able to clik on sworld to enter any instance It will solve the bermuda issue as everyone will have to sail from far away to both/defend/attack the port It will solve any port battle issue as defender will defend the ports belonging to their nation (where they are usually) or choose freetown around to be able to sail from it to defend the port.
  10. Je suis pas du tout d'accord, le RNG dans le craft était chiant et inutile. Avec l'augmention des possibilités on aura des bateaux différents. On a maintenant 2 bois de plus pour faire les ships, soit 2 choix en plus, on a 2 amélioration en plus (stifness et speed) et on a surtout les bonus régionaux. Par exemple je compte bien me faire des trinco et renome en bermuda cedar avec un bonus regional de speed le tout en speed. A contrario je ferai pas mes bateaux de lignes dans le meme port! Ils seront en liveoak ou Mahogany crafté probablement stifness avec ou un hull renfort ou un english blindage en bonus régionaux. Ca va permettre de réfléchir un peu plus, des bateaux seront fait en crew space teak english hunter etc etc. Y aura beaucoup plus de diversité qu'avant ou la moiti des ships étaient ne liveoak/build streng et l'autre moitié en teak/build strengh ou rigging quality. Donc niveau construction navale pure c'est un gros plus et ca justifie le fait de plus avoir de chantiers navals. On va focus l'asemblage dans un port mais de temps en temps on partira avec 2 indiaman et l'escorte qui va avec pour faire un bateau ailleurs pour chopper un autre bonus regional. Ca demandera de l'organisation mais ca ira grossier l'activité en open sea des joueurs. Ces convois pourront être attaqués et donneront lieu à des chasse. - à quand un système de coordonnée d’époque ? Je n'ai pas compris la question, j'ai pas enviede sortir le rapporteur devant mon écran pour calculer avec un sextan ig où je suis. - à quand des outils de navigation ? Qui les réclame? - à quand une carte digne de se nom ? La carte est actuellement parfaite et ne nécessite plus d'être modifiée a part peut etre les cotes pacifiques - à quand l'annonce de l'organisation du serveur (ou pas) PVE à la sortie officiel ? - à quand des vrais missions PVE ? - à quand la correction du bug des grades dans l'interface de clan ? Pas faux mais ca sera sans doute corrigé avant la sortie du jeu en meme temps que le travail sur l'UI - à quand la correction des bateau IA qui reste inactif au début d'une mission? Jamais vu mais je fais pas assez de pve pour savoir - à quand l'utilisation de l'XP gagnés quand nous sommes au level max. ? Non pertinent
  11. Nombreux sont les joueurs a avoir perdu Naval Action de vue en attendant que l’arlésienne n’arrive. Repoussé de Septembre à Octobre, le patch 9.96 de conquête à en fait absorbé le patch prévu en Octobre qui remet en place le commerce comme il aurait toujours dû être, compliqué mais valorisant. Ainsi, ceux qui n’ont pas arpenté les ponts depuis quelques mois ou les joueurs un peu perdus en mer au milieu de leur équipage complètement anglophone (j’en veux pour preuve les sons IG), trouvent ils compliqués d’appréhender à 100% les subtilités introduites par ce patch. A tous ceux là, navalaction-france donne rendez vous Dimanche 23 Octobre à 18h pour un twitch d’explication qui devrait vous permettre d’y voir un peu peu clair. Ce dernier sera enregistré et visible dans les archives de la chaine. N’hésitez pas à rejoindre si vous avez des questions particulières à poster. La chaine twitch du rendez vous
  12. Les forts seront présents en instance PvP ou PvE en open sea le long des cotes et des ports. Attaquer un navire dans ses eaux territoriales sera plus risqué car le dit navire pourra se coller à la cote près d'une ville pour se mettre sous la protection des bateries cotières. Dans les batailles de ports, les mécanismes ne seront pas changés à ce patch
  13. Just for the fun admin, you should make back the first version of the trial we got for 2 weeks to show people how the games looks like before all the patch you made. I remember this old day of Arena battle in cutter snow or Victory on only ocean map without beeing able to choose his team... What à work since.this days! About the test section, i'm a bit agree with viscious, maybe should you give acces to some on a test serv to help find the bug before the patch lainch. If i can remember you have 2 qa ingénier, maybe could they use more hands...
  14. Lol you're all so cutes! We already have add a test with one dura ship. It was far before steam early launch. It was one on the best experience I've had IG. We were able to capture IA ships what makes everyone going in pvp with same ships exepet yellow blue green ships. When you reached a pvp area, you just have had to pickup some pvp ship to make good supply of them and then join pvp. yes, we were crafter ships and 2-1th rate on this time as we could'nt got them from npc (as npc didn't sail them) but the pvp was more rich as everyone could afford to go in in equality. There is difference between 1 yellow constitution and 1 grey constitution for sure but less difference than in a 4 dura constituation in yellow with all yellow mode. Noone will risk all his fits in this kind of ships or it will really be costy.So people will use midupgrade wich are not as unequl as the yellow one. So when it was tested, it didn't break eco as people continued to craft ship in the purpose to get a tiny advatange on the ennemy, it was ++ pve to capture the ships to use in pvp, and it was equal fights as everyone get ships to pvp. Would you go now in pvp with one dura gray ship? Ofc not. Would you go if you would face only 1 dura gold ship? For sure, Just for the goal to attack the ennemy eco... You shoudl'nt matter on loosing the ship exept the officier lives.. So before all this posts claiming the game would collapse etc, just listen the vets; one dura as already been made and test. The only question is why it has been stopped.
  15. EdR have follow every vote and make new charts for every votes. For us the more important were the firsts ones as everyone voted to make his own vote important. After few votes, none was enough to reverse the politics etablish by nation and as there is no actual civil war, most of people are no more voting. here is the evolution of the playerbase based on the vote Enjoy (on left piechart: %pop on right % of ports (based on 10/10 vote)
  16. Sûre good suggestions in this spzcially thz clan outpost. I'm going the same problem with the new olayer of my clan asking them Yo make 3 outpost... They arz out of money and time rrally quickly
  17. - French lost one war that was the "black friday war" (dutch gives back 4 ports to french) - Dutch lost second war what lead to Antilles treaty ( french give back 6 ports to dutch) - who cares about the thirs one?
  18. About the fakes flags every nation use them. Some nation were smart enough to have scouts andk now what is fake or not and other nations have leku.
  19. Lol c'est la même réponse qu'il y a un mois. Fail patch ever!
  20. Dutch build Antilles pact claiming to not interfer into brit vs spain+french and they just go to attack spain and destroy the balance. Brtiz counter attack french end put infamous timers on ports when dutch jumping throughr brtis territory attack and haiti and Cuba. You were not invite into this war and alwais Saïd before you will not involve to get the antilles pact sign by all factions involve. Then, one the french out due of timers, you attack in 2v1 the spain and almost destroy them. Don't change history. You get now what you search before. You are untrustable in diplomacy, Moving to the easier alliance on paper and far more splitted in internet civil war to be a valuable cospeaker.
  21. Stop to make yiou bigger than you are. I was speaking about your public character, i don't think french have see you on sea or consider you as a captain. AS a forum troll, sure, as a player? Really?
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