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PIerrick de Badas

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Everything posted by PIerrick de Badas

  1. Sorry for the bad translation but it's more design for our french captain than for others language captains. We were speaking with tommy from tda to share our eco spreadsheet with public and then, edr do it :-). We are now waiting the TDA one to compare ;-) This eco document allow you to choose the level of the ship, the class of ship, the wood of ship and then see howmany materials and ressources you need to builkd it. It gies you too the times to build the entire ship and the price for it. About the price, we wipe all the data so you will have to enter them. Explore and find new ports to finds ressources . When done report the average rice in antilles pages and you wiull get average price for your ships. You will find too a society treasure page. This one is design to see if you got enought ressources or not. The crafters enter the ressources into this page and all the society can have a look on what to carry and brings to crafter. If there is mistake or if you want new reciepe just make me know and i will look what i can do to improve this Spreadsheet. Same if you want more options as distance( we got it on another spreadsheet but i'm not the one that have done it and need time to understand how it works) https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1YlCY8QWgzFNb0TQCww4qTBIO5TuqdvRrLv6ErlG3Ww0/edit#gid=445322540
  2. Ty for your help, admin post it yesterday on fb and i can't figure wich frigate it is
  3. Sol are special ships where mark of victory will be needed. Atm, we need page note to craft good ship. We can imagine building sol will need page note and pvpawardprice to craft them. So a trader will be able to sail on consti maybe but nothing bigger and at his own risk. I make this thread because i don't have many time to play and i'm forced to choose a kind of gameplay. I would have really loved to be able to craft but as there is no point to do so and to be able to be part of pvp with a good ship i'm just grinding... I would have love to make the craft and sometimes go in the sea to enjoy a strong ship. Now you craft or you grind or you explore....
  4. There is already a thread about XPThe first thing was to XP and exploring. The easier way to discourage afk boting is to make people get xp for joining ports. Each new port you join give you XP. Some special port good hided could give you some special reward. Same things to join pacific with small ports in to get special reward. Xp while craftingThere is xp in craft but it's separate than xp in sea. It means you have to sails and fight to level up althought you can be a perfect trader/crafter. It's stupid. Why can't i sail in big ship if i craft a lot. I should get xp in craft and general xp for craft XP for tradeXP could be given to trader who make benefits while trading. To discourage troll and exploit, traders have to make profits to get xp. For example 10 gold benefit give you 1xp XP for fightAs now
  5. Hum, i finished the game both army long time ago but i get some difficultes making it again few days ago. I will try back night alert tonight before sleeping and will told you this week end if i succes or not into this mission. If i forget, pz, send me a pm, i may think about others stuff
  6. nice done guys, i love the one showing the direction althought i don't really need it, it's a good idea for beginners
  7. Je le redis mais la ca fait mmo corréen. Faut etre dans le leaderboard ce qui signifie non pas bien jouer mais jouer plus que les autres comme a un concours. Donc adieu les beaux navires pour les joueurs qui malgré leur skill n'auront pas 10h par jour à consacrer au jeu. Dommage...
  8. j'aime l'idée des répas hors combat a la potbs. L'interet ds blocs revient et on peut imaginer réparer 10min hors combat et revenir apres!
  9. rated ship based on leaderboard? If i play 1 hour per day in full pvp and win 4/5 on my battle i will not get reward when a guy making 5/15 victory playing 3 hours will get in front of me? Bwaaaa corean mmo on sight! It's like saying you don't care on player ability but just on time he spend on your game... No hope for causals or random players to ever achieve their goal as there is alwais be people able to play more than them... Not going in the good direction for the causal player I am
  10. Many are thoses who are now thinking about wich nation to choose after the next patch and here is why you have to choose the french one. - Actually, french get a large underpopulation in regard of the others ones. Althought the french own many ports what will lead us to get a nicely eco and craft, we are not able actually to face the forces of our ennemy leading us to move a lot to find nice spots without gankers. - There is actually just 2 society in French nation, one small one with english speakers and one small one too with just french speakers. There is place for more and there is probably people to recruit in for your society - Many of the french ports are grouped. You get 2 big spot of french ports around our capital and around haiti. Places for everyone - EdR are friendly and we have good diplo with many. We could try to improve it with you on our side to help us to build a strong nation with strong allies. - French are the best in food and vine and our women are world reputate :-) Join us!
  11. Wich nation are you going to play guys? Can we count on you in french nation?
  12. La guilde des Enfants du Roy est heureuse de vous accueillir sur le serveur Teamspeak de Navalaction-France : nafrance.verygames.net si vous jouez du coté de la faction française et ce quelque soit votre nationalité ou le langage que vous parlez. Ce Teamspeak nous permettra de nous organiser afin de soutenir ensemble les actions de la nation et il comporte actuellement 50 slots. EdR society is happy to welcome you on Navalaction-france's Teamspeak : nafrance.verygames.net if you're playing the french faction. We don't care which language you use as some of us are able to speak english. This teamspeak is designed to allow the french nation to be more organised and to help to lead our nation to victory
  13. A l'occasion de la sortie du patch 7 et du craft, nous convions les capitaines francophones ou les curieux à nous rejoindre Jeudi soir sur le Teamspeak de Navalaction-France : nafrance.verygames.net (il n'y a pas de mot de passe). Le rendez vous est à 21h. Ca sera l'occasion de parler un peu de ce renouveau pour le jeu et de répondre aux questions de ceux qui ne l'ont pas encore. A bientôt
  14. navalaction aujourd'hui : http://navalaction-france.com/navalaction-aujourdhui/
  15. Fin des articles sur les bateaux, ils ont tous un article détaillé et on finit en beauté avec le pavel http://navalaction-france.com/pavel/ Sinon la news concernant les prochains patchs: http://navalaction-france.com/plans-de-developpement-de-navalaction/ Bonne lecture
  16. on peut avoir plus de précision avant car ca va plus fortement que les autres patchs impacter notre facon de jouer et ou nous jouerons surtout
  17. Before the craft (maybe to late), before the conquest, the spawn area has to be work in PvP. It's really annoying to play with friends and see some spawing on 75m of ennemy while others teamates are 300 meters away. The correct spaw area we got in sea trials allow us to think before shot and organise a bit our fleet. If you can't spend time to work on nice spawn area with the option: "faster you join, closer you are", could you at least make us spawn per team and not everywhere? To make pvp decent it's really the more important things
  18. It's somethign necessary as you can't avoid someone to board you if he is really in mood for that as you can't decreae his prep neither killing his crew atm
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