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  1. Ok merci pour les infos TS. N'hésitez pas à me contacter en message privé ou dans ce post si mon horaire convient à vos habitude de groupe. Je ne suis pas pressé de trouver, comme j'ai dit plus haut, je ne serai pas très actif dans le jeu si je n'ai pas de groupe. J'ai voulu jouer un peu hier, 20 personnes sur le serveur... ça m'a découragé. Merci de votre temps.
  2. Bonjour à tous, d'abord une clarification, quand je dis joueur d'expérience je parle en général. J'ai environ une 20aine d'années de jeu à mon actif, majoritairement en MMORPG, d'où mon expérience. Je n'ai presque pas joué a Naval Action principalement parce que jouer seul, dans un monde si vaste, ne m'a pas vraiment enchanté et il faut dire que ce jeu m'a aussi permi de découvrir que je ne suis pas très testeur dans l'âme. Je devient irrité rapidement par les lacunes du work in progress. Ceci étant dit, j'ai un oeil sur le jeu depuis 2014, je l'ai acheté dès que j'ai pu. Malgré une première impression un peu négative, j'ai acheté NA pour le jouer, dans le but de remplacer POTBS. Je vois que la release arrive à grands pas et j'ai envi de m'y mettre. Je n'ai donc qu'une minuscule connaissance du jeu, mais un grand sens de ce qu'est un MMORPG, l'investissement nécessaire, ce que ça représente de faire parti d'un clan/guild/corporation dans un jeu aussi vaste. J'ai une attitude de healer/tank, en bref, un protecteur. Dans chaque jeu que je joue je dois me conditionner à faire du DPS. Je miserai probablement principalement sur le rôle de marchand/explorateur. Ceci étant dit, j'ai participer à autant de Port Battle et de flip/PvP groupes que j'ai pu a POTBS et j'étais un Fire Mage redoutable à Warhammer Online, donc je sais frapper aussi, seulement ce n'est pas mon premier reflexe. Je suis gardien de sécurité à Toronto, j'ai un horaire stable mais bizard. Voici mon horaire de jeu, si votre groupe est active durant cette periode j'aimerais qu'on discute de mon adhésion. Tous les jours de la semaine : EST - Heure de Toronto - de 0100 heure à 0500 heures. Donc tard/tôt dans la nuit. UTC+1 - Heure de Paris - de 0700 heures à 1100 heures. Donc tôt le matin. Je suis en congé chaque fin de semaine. Je suis plus ou moins disponible pour des événements de groupe. J'essaie de garder un équilibre entre mon temps de jeu et ma relation amoureuse. L'horaire ci-dessus est sujet à changement dans de rare cas comme le temps des fêtes où des événements implicant une visite dans la famille. Donc voilà, c'est un long texte pour communiquer à la communauté francophone de Naval Action que si votre groupe de capitaine est actif durant la période mentionnée plus haut et que mon profil aurait se place dans votre groupe, je vous serait reconnaissant de bien vouloir communiquer avec moi. Je ne serai vraiment actif dans le jeu que si je trouve un groupe mature et agréable. Merci de votre temps.
  3. So am i wrong by assuming that when you show your kids to skate, you push them and watch the fall... Just for the fun of teaching the lesson of what it feels like to have a broken arm and a concussion ? Am i being rude if i say this post is one of the most stupid idea a saw in my life ?
  4. Historically, Ships of the Line were forbidden to attack frigates unless the frigate attacked first. Would it be possible to implement a mechanic (beside BR) that prevents a group with even only 1 Ship of the Line to attack a group filled only with frigates and lower in the OW ? Of course, the other way around would be allowed. Obviously, once the requirements are met and the players load in a battle instance, it would be considered a full scale fight and SoL can aim at what ever ship is in front of their canon without restrictions. Otherwise, if roles are not added to battle how the heck do you want to give any meaning to ships that used to serve only to scout ahead and around the fleet or carry orders and wounded in a situation where no orders are to be carried, no wounded are to be treated and scouting does not mean much in a closed arena ?!
  5. Yeah, it makes sens. And Yeah, POTBS was a frustrating mess. How about a safety for PvE tags ? The World versus World explanation makes total sens. Would it be viable to implement this when it comes to PvE ?
  6. Hey all, i hope for humanity sake that i am not the only/first one to suggest this but i had to say. Wouldn't it be a LOT easier for everyone if the simple option of refusing to join a battle on the Open World when you are not either the attacker or the target was implemented ? Seriously... There are so many posts about complains in the forum, i sometimes feel like it's the only thing there is. I am not a developer, i can barely install mods so i am far from familiar with the hard work behind a video game but a Yes / No button in a pop up window sounds kind of child play to me. That would solve so many troubles... You guys have a good one, keep up the good work.
  7. Yep, absolutely. I must say i am more than happy to see this change, although i am pretty sure you guys figured it out on you own without my help ... Thumbs up all over both the game and the forum, i love it !
  8. Yeah ok. You kind of proved my point. I said what i had to say the best way i can ... enough said for me. You sir enjoy your freedom of speech, i will enjoy mine. Fair wind.
  9. Hi, i have been reading posts here for a while now and i must admit that it looks like a very weird distorted version of a lynching party. Let me speak my mind and please explain to me what i misunderstood about this section. A tribunal happens in a court of law, with 1 judge, 1 defense layer and 1 prosecutor ( skip the part where they need a team to work a case). A long, long, long period of time before that tribunal takes place in a court of law, where no one else than the previously mentioned individuals have the right to speak in an orderly manner, an investigation happens. Nothing reaches the door step of the court of justice before this investigation is over and proofs are added to the case. Most cases are not accessible to public until it reaches the trial. These proofs are usually found through evidence gathered by whom ever have them but usually by investigators who's job is to investigate. In a lot of cases where the victim is close to the case such as abuse, violence, let me spare the obnoxious list of crimes, the complaint is filed then investigated. The victim rarely has to investigate the crime herself, i doubt any guys beaten in a back alley have any screenshot or youtube footage to provide. Even without any evidence, most complaints are investigated no matter what by competent peace officers. Once the case is built, proofs gathered and witness ready to corroborate, a Judge will preside a trial. IF a jury is required, the only function they will fulfill will be to sit, shut up and listen. Once both complaint and circumstances are made clear for all, the jury will deliberate and deliver a verdict. Even if the community is allowed in a court of law, they sit out side the justice perimeter and most of all things, they are ordered to keep their mouth shut. Now that i spoke my mind clearly, if we read most of the topics in this ''Tribunal '' section of the forum. Can anyone here explain to me how is this section of the forum even close to a Tribunal ?! Don't get me wrong, i think a section where players can file an official complain about someone's actions is absolutely required to keep the community clean and every player's behavior above the average acceptable. I think the possibility of commenting should be restricted to dedicated individuals. Individuals who's only roles would be to relate facts and weigh what is going on. I find it very frustrating to read all these charades around very serious allegations that affects more than 1 player almost every time. Let's face it, opening every case to everyone just leads to animosity or worst, discussions about mechanics... which already have every single section of the forum to do so. There is one section that shouldn't be for fun and game, the tribunal. Please, tell me where i am wrong, if you think so.
  10. What about adding the towed prize in the player fleet or what ever version of this cleaver mechanic is already in the game? If you had to actually bring the ship back to a port instead of just make it appear in what ever port you choose with no crew or any kind of delay ?! That would be quite close to what it really was and enemy would have a chance to recapture it. It would also mean that it doesn't matter if you quit the battle or wait for the timer to run out, as long as you captured a ship it is yours, you tow it. Wanna capture a ship in battle ? You're gonna have to tow a ship in battle and spare some of your crew to sail it. No enemy has been taking shots at you or your prize while towing away !? You are free to go good sir, god speed. From what i understand about this period, that was the harsh reality of prize ships. You had to tow it with a small crew. In my opinion, as long as you have to choose which of the ships you will magically teleport, only once the battle is over, that kind of grief will be an effective ( but a really frustrating cowardly ) strategy. I think being able to flee the theater of operation WITH your prize is a valid and historical tactic. Sailing a row boat around ships that would otherwise had kicked your ass if you ever tried to get close enough to stop the claim in a meaning less battle doesn't sound too historical nor smart to me. I don't think any crew in their right mind would have let their captain get a cutter anywhere near enemy frigates to save a defeated hull ... On the other hand, what kind of dumb future Ex-Captain would tell their crew they have to wait until the cutter gets out of sight to claim the prize and get back home because.. you know... '' Admiral, should we not be sailing back to England now ?! I am certain the king will be pleased to learn we captured 'La Belle Province'. You will be acclaimed as the first officer to ever capture a 74 canons !'' '' No mister Connely, we shall stay here for at least three bells. '' '' Admiral, with all due respect, why do we have to wait that long ? The battle is over, we won ! '' '' Don't you see this Cutter at the horizon mister Connely !? '' '' Admiral, permission to speak freely ?! ... What in the lord's grace is wrong with you ?! We are weeks away from Port Royal and now we must wait an hour and a half to make sure this bloody Cutter is no threat to our frigates !? '' '' It is the rule mister Connely, i will not hear an other word about this... '' { 1 hour 30 minutes later, sails up, 3 frigates standing still by a 3rd rate derelict. The Cutter has disappeared from the horizon } ''Mister Connely, would you please activate the teleportation device ? I have a diner with the Duke of Winchester in Port Royal in 5 minutes.''
  11. Hi, i am new to the game and would like to take a dip into the Econ and make it count for me and a group. I like both PvE and PvP but i most admit that i kinda suck in PvP... or at least used to in POTBS. Sir Shun Zijgarden is the name, i play mostly 0100 to 0400 hours EST time every week day, and casually holidays and weekends. I live in Toronto, speak french and english ( if it matters .. ) Let me know if you need me to start a production line, my Econ setup is fresh and will be until i sail a decent Frigate. Thanks for your time
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