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PIerrick de Badas

Naval Action Tester
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Everything posted by PIerrick de Badas

  1. Must have : 1) fix nightflips. Don't split the map in region that would be sanctuary for us player. Don't brink back LG. Just split the server in two time zone and allow everyone to move one time with assets and everything 2) fix pb/screening. It.s now a battle of number rather than a battle of skills. Change the roe in area in port battle mode to not allow screeners to attack a pb fleet with half their ship. basicly everything with less than 20 first rate should not be able to attack 25 first rate. At least if we don't join the pb we can have. A fun and real battle outside. 3) translate the game could have: 1) wind forces and wing turning in battle. Depending on the ship the power of the wind has to interact to make new tactics possible or create some surprise into the battle 2) brink back storm in battle and make weather in ow more important. oW is boring it miss life. Introduce cloud' rain' storm that modify your ship. Same in battle the storm should affect your sails 3) improve clan interface
  2. PIerrick de Badas


    I play on Roberts Antigua and then Roberts again when tservers have been limited for night flips. i was kierrip de badas as pirate, pierrick' de badas as French. I was playing with Gabriel Molitor, Jerome larmer, Titus schib, hugues, Éric barberouge and more :-)
  3. To make people stop to leave, I think fixing nightflip could be something necessary. with a USAxit making them play on their own server.
  4. i called edr "moussaillons" when they start in our corp or sometimes "baby". It's far more affective than any other feeling. When i say baby english i could say noob but some may think it more offensive. It's just an easy way to say nex players... Don't worry about that. And Viscious, French is really chocked about your society joining the zerg althought you could have a bit more balance the serv. You choose the easy way and despite we can't really decide for you, a consultation about the nations and about helping the server, the game, and the fun for all could have been good. You probably don't have problem to join a PB but some of your teamate could. it's a problem DEFS never has
  5. Caracas: DEFS Perspective: Having an hard time making 25 people join the pb. First 19 in then 21 then 25. Unable to go were we wanted to spawn due of screen. We mostly appear in A and begin bye retreat in order to see if reinforcement can come in. It allow us to get more wind for the rest of the battle. Brits Come in C and burn their wind rushing A. When wind was pretty equal, french collossal fleet turn into the wind and face brit with almost the same wind. The two fleets pass but french decide to cut the rear of brit after 2/3 of brit pass. French board and capture 3 ships. French turn back and brits too leading to more boarding and damage ships. After few turn and B and C beeing contested with mass dc for the french guys on B, brits were fighting under 2 fortress and 3 fort. Due of their dc, boarded ships and heavy coast, they didn't have their destiny in hands and were mostly save by points reaching 1k points. Ty for the fights, next time try it a bit late pz
  6. baby english speaker is not at all an insult, it's like puppy english speaker.
  7. i think too we need a map reset sometimes but not an eco wipe or all just a "bring part the port on their own nation wipe"
  8. French have never officially been contact about any us player renforcement. To improve the nation and help people not speaking french edr decide at least one month ago to welcome the english speakers (us/brits/aux/anyone not having the chance to speak french) that want to be part of the nation to regroup them and give them what is needed in eco and relationship. It has been said that when they will be enough to form their own society they will be free to do so. Since that we recruit 2 english speakers. They both stop to play. RIP baby english speakers you will not be forgot o:-) Be sure that if you are not speaking french you will find a rich society rdy to welcome you. Now, i still think US should be on their own server or beeing humble about their behaviors.
  9. Danish+spain+Sweden+French is already seeing his territory beeing reduce bye Britain (and few dutch and few us). Decreasing the number of ally will just improve the problem or make the alliance A + Alliance B focus on Alliance C with some players for alliances A attacking players of alliance B with alts as it has been made from swedish before with british clan drunk playing sweden to destroy the alliance between french and sweden. So, untill the devs fixed an alliance not per number of nation but per number of players i don't see a best pack of alliance than now. Maybe dutch could try to join us to see if it's enough to balance the number of brits but i'm not sure tbh that he may be enough.
  10. It's fun to see that after fight the pirates, british welcome their master and are know screeing and asking them to help in rvr. How many did you pay viscious to get a new nation into your alliance? Did you really need more players intot the zernightflip squad? Absolutly disgusting...
  11. i don't think we can call US a nation but rather 10 players playing solo in pve not knowing there is others players on their sever...
  12. we got many french there... anyway it seems this idea of stacking is over lol Maybe could we ask dev to form themself 2 blocks in one time to make like 2 bigs nations. It may be easier in the purpose to test the stuff. And OS battle are buggged but not the duel and small battles for what i tested
  13. Hello, I think we should have a national ne thread dedicated to testbed. So far we are not enought to test it with good condition. Does someone feel the energy and the time to organise large battle on it to give ressources to dev about the new damage system? Same, can we organise an admiralty event meeting to test the 6v6? Ty
  14. UE player will not be happy because on all this pb the one occuring at night will be auto win for thoses who are allies with US. It's excatly the same thing as now exept we could defend some port but finnaly US-player alliance will have 2 auto win PB forcing the other side to win all the others one. SO it's just changing the problem but it's still unfaire and not fixing the real problem
  15. We are loosing players inces months or one year due of nightflip. It has never been adress but player didn't use them again. After caracas loose, the dirty pact use again this nasty card to be able to get few more ports... As soon as the alliance win something, the ennemy use everything they had to counter that. We suffer the same thing in panama, yucatan, haiti etc. Players will not solve the solution, they will use any tactics they can to win and if there is a large consensus in any nation to play fair 10 captain wanted to play unfair can ruin it. It's why game mechanism has to be used. Now splitting the server in two server is for France the best solution. The guy living in America are facing empty PB when Eurpean has to awake up in middle of the night to defend. UE player attack american player when they are at work not allowing them to defend. It's neither fun for the one facing the american than for the amercian themsel. And governor or this kind of fake features that will have to be rediscute in few monts when people will be blocked by window in the middle of the night are not a long term solution. The easiest solution is to set up 2 server like on potbs. 12 windows Pb per server. People choose on wich server to play. It will stop people leaving the game because they feel useless and think others are cheating. noone is cheting.We all use what the game offer to us. But people leave... and they leave because nightlfip is something they can't tolerate. Some would say that with 500 player on primetime, splitting the community is going to be bad but american are not playing while our primetime, as they said, they are on work so we will not see a big drop of population in primetime and with the time the pop will grow again... Better cut your hand now that put a small bandage now and been forced to cut your all arm tomorrow.
  16. je déconseille de rusher ce serveur tant qu'on sait pas quelle nation rejoindre. Ca set a rien d'y ette 5 francais 5 anglais 5 suedois etc. Faut se stacker si on veut pouvoir faire des pb etc
  17. As there is probably fw people that will be on this server, i think it could be good to start a list of player there and nation. It would be stupid to be splitted in 50 nation. We should just focus on 2 nations to be able to reach the number to make pb and so no?
  18. You didn't reorganise to be more efficient. TBH, you lost almost all offensive PB you make as we lost almost every offensive PB we made. So what have you done? Hum pressing easywin key. "Guys we are loosing all pb in offense, how to be able to use our number and our nightadvantage to be able to capture ports?" " Lets just focus on the small nation, then we will attack it on the middle of the night when they are sleeping and on two differents points on the map to be sure their allies will not be able to jump from port A to port B". What a nice reorganisation. We will let you play the dirty part of the game. It's somehint gyour start one year ago when you were attacking everywhere and you do it again today because you see the difficulty and needed something to improve your ego. About the scream, it's a total joke. The bigger the nation, the easier the defense. I'm not speaking about real fleet of screen. But you guys come in screen with surprise trying to split and kite the pb fleet the longer you can. TBH, we make the same. Screening should be recall in kitting. It's a disgrace, noone enjoy it. The kitters and the kitted guys are boring and most go to sleep as soon as they can wishing a gl to their pb fleet. It's one more time advtangaing the bigger nation than can hold attacking fleet for their ports. Since conquest patch, coalition has land 50% of their pb due of your number kjitting in front of the port. So no more needed to elaborate, we will discute about it on saturday...
  19. I read throgh all the topic seeing people asking for a merge. A merge would introduce again disbalance. EU player won't be able to join nightport battle when US won't be able to join EU battle. After few times, it will be clear that one of the two blocks have more US players than theother one or than one group is better thant the other one. You will go to bed after have bravely defend your port during the day to find it flip and finally taken into the night one more time without you. It will lead people to be pist of against the US of their nation. Making them the target will make them leave improving the problem. As there is 1 US plaers for 3 EU player, US player will be more valuable than UE player. MOst PB will be lost or win during the night whatever the level of your nation is as the pop on night will be low. France discut it yesterday and is hardly against server merge. It's exactly the reverse. We are promoting the idea of two server with 12hours window for PB. plyaer will have the choice when they created server (or to transfer) to the server that is the best for the Time window. Nightflip will becomes memories.
  20. The screen is nothing about controlling an area but how to hold port battle fleet with 5 frigates... I don't want to negate the second the S teen but to make it something else than stupid kite and suicide squad. Screening are not design to intercept and sunk any ships but just to delay the fleet untill the pb is finished. Put a limit for example one hour before the tile it may start and the time it's too late like with the flags and let attackers decide when they attack. On with defender starting is is so stupid... Against what are you defending when your 5 surprise have tag 25 aga ? You're just capturing the area against no-one. As in nightflip we see the same people saying that same things. We are there to test, just try to forget the nation you play and speak there to make a better game and not advantage one more time your situation or nation.
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