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Everything posted by erelkivtuadrater

  1. suggest to have your port bonuses only specialized in one branch, so if you want port x to specialize in fast ships you have the sailing and rigging line, where you have more sub classes so you're not able to craft these frankenships that we have. Also on-topic: LOKI rune also works for Raids?
  2. true, they are for no use today as you can grow whatever tree you want in your port if you invest into it. So another mechanic which is a waste of space now..
  3. so true. @admin said that the alliance system was bad for the OW pvp.. well as i wrote but didnt get an answer you should use the pirate faction to be a free for all pvp faction, where if you dont want hard alliances you can join those and ally up with the ones you want to and fight the rest. I also red Redii's suggestion that was a great one. TLDR; Impossible nations are placed in pirate faction which are FFA, the Flag the clan chooses to sail are the ones you ally with, so if 3 clans are pirates, clan 1 & 2 fly the russian flag are hard alliance the 3rd fly pirate flag and has none. This would make total sense and help alot with the balancing
  4. cant really compare to WoWS, they are lobby based ships which you buy once and have it available all the time, aswell as you cant break them up to say craft for inferior materials and craft any other ships. Now if the ship knowledges once unlocked all slots on a ship could be spent on other ships and you started with 5 unlocked slots with dlc ship this could be compareable. Also once you have the ship you actually have it, no risk if you sink no risk of losing your upgrades on it.
  5. its not that hard to get repairs imo. But i agree with you on this subject there should be other ways of getting repairs then going back to port if you cant capture it from players. Captains on long voyages usually had to make repairs at sea with materials they could find. There should be a way to lay anchor close to the shore send your crew in longboats to harvest materials and use them to repair the hull / rigging. To simulate crew members rowing to the shore etc you could lock down the ship for 5 minutes until you can move so it would be a risky maneuver
  6. Poland is the TRUE pirate nation! Raid whatever you want, without risk of retaliation. Operate out of freetowns Always flying the red Are few and fearful Hold no alliances
  7. I didnt know if you knew, but its the new game in plans for Game Labs with literally 90% of the suggestion of the player base for naval action which they havent implemented in Naval Action. Read the section about nationalities and basically most of the ideas they have there and read through the suggestion thread in the naval action forum 😛
  8. You should look specially for the books you need to craft the final product. For example AoSH, GE, BotFR. Then you have planking, trim speed and some other books that are used for crafting great speedmods, mast mods, repair mods etc. About the ship crafting It can be a 5 slot purple ship and a 4 blue ship, what determines if they are the very top is if they have trims (fast, very fast, sturdy etc)
  9. https://www.sea-legends.com/features-1 🤷‍♂️
  10. you have 5 ship qualities. Grey-green-blue-purple-Gold. AI can sail any of the qualities which means if you capture ai ship it might be 1 upgrade slots or 5 upgrade slots. Crafted ships are guaranteed 3 slots. If you craft the ship in any clan owned port there is a bigger chance your ship will get better quality. So its RNG based. So to your question, no you cant unlock the 2 last spots on the upgrade side. you get alot of useful info if you use https://na-map.netlify.com/ this is a community webpage administrated by a user, its mostly up to date with any information you might find useful. The books are something you learn, so when you use it you "read" it and can put it on mostly any ships. The only exceptions are the books only classified for certain ranks. Example: Marines 15 (6th-7th), Floating Battery (1st-3rd)
  11. think a cool idea would be to have it as Battlegrounds in Hearthstone of Teamfight Tactics in League of Legends or Artifact card game from DOTA. These are setup so you have a pool of stuff to choose from you have x sec to place your card until you fight your opponent for 15 seconds, so placement becomes a thing combines with items used and skill of the cards etc. This is something i could totally se tweaked towards naval action. By also doing this you could open up possibilities to 2v1 people in boarding, where you as the defender has to fend of boarding from 2 sides
  12. Belle poule and Essex relevant, nice joke when trinc is better in all ways. The only time you would want to sail any of the others you mention is if you dont have any other ship or just do it for stubborness unfortunately..
  13. Pro Tip. Put ships for sale for an immense price, if it sells, good for you, if it doesent, you just rented 1 extra dock space
  14. what do we consider veteran? gametime, time the game is owned? i dont think you should reward someone to buy your game, have it it their chest, drag it up after a long time and get an unique item. I would consider it to take some kind of hours ingame in general say 3 hours is a good amount of game time if you split it down to average gametime each day, so maybe. an easy equation could be then 3 hours per day x365 days x3 years, which would be 3285 hours clocked in so say you have, ~3300 hours gametime unlocks you the dlc. I would also advice to have some minor goals inbetween here, maybe 100 hours = 200 000 reals, 1000hours = Redoutable Note or something in that way. Then you reward your players for sticking with you and there will always be something to reach for. Maybe instead of having rewards as items you can lose you could choose to pick a flag (permanent and sticks to the account) or a really rare ship note (which can be lost) or repairs, armaments etc (which also can be lost ofcourse).
  15. it wouldnt really help though. If it take 20 mins for 3 MB to destroy a fort from what @Mouth of Sauron knows, say you enter the battle. What ships will soak the damage that obviously cant be soaked by the mortar brigs? the other shallow ships? they will get reload shocked from under 10 42pd cannonballs, so by the time you've killed the fort you wont have any ships left to fight the battle.
  16. if you know of some exploits the russians are using, please feel free to make a tribunal about it. The game wont die, but it will develop slower because the devs have to deal with stupid shenanigans without fixing the initial problems
  17. you have clearly not played RVR in the shallow waters..
  18. come on you know that most players wont report exploitable mechanics ingame, hence why we have these kind of tribunals. Of course its banable, but you cant say its being prioritized to solve these mechanics so it cant be exploitable, the same as with green on green and griefing in general, where the guy commiting the action gets a slap on the wrist, lays low and does the same old later on (tribunal threads on the same players doing the same thing etc). Now.. What they could do is to allow all nation members to join a port battle if the owner clan has no friendly clan on their friends list. This can be exploited by having 2 alt clans friendly each other, but maybe then you could have some sort of minimum amount of friendly clan on the list, or have the 2 alt clans approved by the largest clan in nation. The latter would be the best option, because then you would actively get in touch with the biggest clan in your nation which probably isnt gonna spoil their shit to help some alt clan using an exploitable flip and rvr mechanic
  19. as exploitable as it is this is unfortunately a result of the mechanics that were introduced to flip a port..
  20. the forts are decent in the deepwater, it helps with reducing the fort cannons to 9pd instead
  21. this would be a much better option. give them a a fort version of 9pd (heaviest shallow ship cannon armament) like we have the 42pd fort version which has higher damage and penetration then then normal 42pd cannons
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