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Posts posted by Palatinose

  1. 41 minutes ago, Jan van Santen said:

    Yesterday eg i opened a bottle south of Kidds and the wreck was close to Swannsborough. According to netlify map thats 343 K distance. 

    Perhaps bottles spawn near a town in nearer distance? Try to open them in Mortimer. I used to sail not further than Cap Francais ratio wise.


  2. 13 hours ago, van der Decken said:

    Ya um, I've been asking for a year why our fleet ai is 100x dumber than enemy ai. But they insist they have the same coding... So, always at the beginning of a battle tell your ai to stop. Then after the 2 minute mark you can tell them to retreat and they won't even sail...they'll just disappear. (If they haven't been tagged.)

    I wouldn't Call enemy AI smarter. Think of a trader AI. The same command is retreat. Think the most probate method is to order them to STOP and frag the battle away from them. All AI have (at least it feels that way) control perk. So to retreat they not only need not to be tagged but also to be about 750m away from an enemy vessel. 

    Your own position towards your fleet ship matters: if you are right in front of it, you block it's escape route. 

    So to drag away the battle from your fleet ship I would recommend to take some damage, get upwind of the enemy and sail parallel to it (AI is dumb and will stay in your broadside) away from your fleet. When you are away gar enough just press retreat and it will do so.

  3. 42 minutes ago, Christoph said:

    CABAL are bad losers

    lets join all brits and make a 2nd PVE server 

    i hope you are not joining brits @Palatinose

    You are mistaken if you think it's a PvE server. It's the part of the Caribbean where milk and honey flow. @jointventure can now peacefully develop trading, Elias will, without getting interrupted by port battles, develop mafia structures, Durin can finally start digging the mountains of Port Morant for gold and the rest of us will simply parade on Mortimer boulevard zipping finest caribbean cocktails. hello kitty these pew pew troubles. No more I say!!!

    • Like 3
  4. @van Veen telling people which ships to bring is not the answer to the question whether we as a community consider artificially prolonged join timers valid tactics or an exploit of game mechanics which in that case would need tweaking. 

    To me that's a complex question, which needs either a rudimentary answer aka "allow everything - live with it" or a finely tuned adaption of RoE. Both solutions are fine imo. The question is what does the community want and not "Why don't you guys accept this is a war game where winning is everything?"

  5. 1 hour ago, van Veen said:

    I have a problem with "no itention to fight". How do you judge that? 

    Finding out what a player wants to do (i.e. his itentions) is simply impossible. You can only judge what he is actually doing (actions). 

    You judge by the action. If he only tags to keep you in battle, suddenly stops,  leaves.  You leave and find yourself surrounded, his intention was obviously not to fight but to keep you in battle.

  6. 1 hour ago, Christendom said:

    Little bit of grey area here.

    To me it's totally off-washed black aswell as grey-hazed white. As Kant's categorical imperative does obviously not work, we have rules (laws IRL). On the other hand it's a game and perhaps one essential reason for many to play is exactly the lack of or the limited number of rules to be obeyed - to flee reality for the sake of fun. As this differs from player to player I would advertise a compromise. As few rules as possible, as many as necessary to accomplish enjoyable gameplay for everybody. 

    • Like 3
  7. 17 minutes ago, Lars Kjaer said:

    I think we all know what french admiral that is actually good at the game, but writes so poorly in english

    It's not DesMoines. He considers these french players noobs and only plays with russian support now :ph34r:

    • Like 2
  8. Due to the lately rising amount of tribunals referring to griefing in the OW, I created a poll about what players actually consider griefing in this regard. Also there are some proposals upon solutions stated by multiple players like @Liq, @Banished Privateer and others, though I chose some to me reasonably sounding parameters. Regarding the possible changes, the question of considering Reinforcement Zones as special or just part of the open world also seems plausible to be asked.

    None of the answers you choose are binding, the actual values of invisibility time etc. are only proposals and tuning and adjusting recommendations are very welcome. This poll shall only serve as an overview to the community's opinion on the matter.

    I would feel delighted, if you are interested and could advertise this poll on global chat.

    • Like 2
  9. Moin, 

    die Aktivität schwankt eigentlich immer periodisch. Die Briten sind immer stark an Zahlen und im Moment sehr aktiv, aber wie Tom sagte, wenige bis keine rein deutsche Clans. Preußen hat mit HANSA einen Clan der derzeit aktiv rekrutiert, PGP von Salty Sails sind kleiner und sehr PvP orientiert, die Nation ist allerdings klein. Ebenso die Holländer, wobei dich da vermutlich fast alle verstehen. Neben den deutschen sprechen auch die Niederländer ganz gutes Deutsch. In Schweden hast du derzeit drei deutsche Clans die mehr oder weniger aktiv sind. Purg3, HREKK sowie HRE. Achso und @troodys SOS wenn die sich denn endlich mal wieder was anderem als American Football zuwenden :P

    P.S. mir fällt gerade noch ein, dass falls dir deine Schiffe sehr wichtig sind, du sie einfach nach Absprache in einem Freihafen mit einem zukünftigen Clan Mitglied tauschen kannst. Genauso wichtige Ressourcen. Erst danach wechselst du die Nation bzw. kreierst einen neuen Char in der nation. Dann kannst du zumindest alle Schiffe wieder entgegennehmen. Natürlich hast du ohne das DLC keine XP und musst beim ersten Rang anfangen. 

    PPS. Für HANSA @Captain Cid

    Für PGP @Salty Sails

    Für HRE @Bumsebiene

    Für HREKK @Sven Silberbart

    Für Purg3 ingame Gooser

    Für GDL @Petrel (GDL)

    Für Kings (Briten) @Jonathan Arlington (falls noch/wieder aktiv)

    Ansonsten einfach im Global fragen und abends pms verteilen 




    • Like 1
  10. @Anolytic nice proposal. Good thing about it is the first two weeks, when the map gets filled by nations capping ports, really everybody is "equal" (as Monkey said: years of experience is enough, therefore equal is kinda relative again).

    The problem I see is: groups like yours or mine or any RvR focussed group aka multiple alt users. For AI pbs no knowledge is necessary, only time. Which is the only real advantage of alts. 

    On the other hand there is no solution to this ever reoccuring problem. Therefore I really like your proposal.

    • Like 1
  11. @vazco you recognize putting in a certain amount of dubs dir being allowed to only flip a port and being screened out penalizes the attacker twice. Most likely they will lose the entire pb fleet in the screening fight and additionally donate 30k dubs to the defender. In that case Hey would anyone aim to go for the pb if you can simply screen and get kills and extra dubs on top? Why would anyone attack "zerg nations"? 

    I principially like the idea, it's the players who would kill it though.

    • Like 2
  12. 1 minute ago, Captain Reverse said:

    But in last paytowin cry topic, he say: I easy win anyone in any 5rates in my herc. 

    So I propose test that.


    Buy Yea, second duel we can do in 5-3-2-1 rates 

    You know as well as I do, that certain tactics work in 80-90% of the population. For example 12pd carro Belle Poule, you will sink many, als you also know it won't work against any player who knows what to do. Same goes for Herc vs Indef. Sry mate but that proposal only will prove Pit has a big mouth sometimes as everyone has.

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