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Posts posted by Palatinose

  1. 7 hours ago, Le Raf Boom said:

    The data shows how bad those 5th rates perform: L'Hermione, Renommee, Frigate, Essex etc. Are you planning on adjusting these ships?

    Totally +1

    Add the Surprise. Belle Poule isn't much better either. What do they all have in common: weak masts. 

    Everybody talks about Requin and Herc and mods. To me these two ships are performing well without good mods. Light frigates are only sailable competetively with elite mods or as 4/5+ versions. That's the big difference.

    Two lighter frigates are an exception from the general mesaage "the bigger the vessel, the higher the survivability". It's the P-Frig and the LGV Refit. Both are dedicated OW trader hunters (same goes for Prince perhaps? @z4ys), making them vessels in which one sails large distances, encounters only rarely enemies and usually wins these fights. 

    What about Niagara, RSH, Mercury and Snow? Compared to Herc and Requin they're obviously NAFING! (Well let's wait for more hard data some days after the buff, I've seen more Snows again recently - hey @Fouchet welcome back) That's only concerning the p2w Nassau Patrol btw. 

    @admin Please buff frigates, make OW an enjoyable and diverse place again. And above all please nerf (better: remove entirely) the pirate and spanish rig refits. These things are just disgusting and the reason for many (unneccesary) problems.

    • Like 4
  2. 14 minutes ago, Sir Hethwill the RedDuke said:

    Reasoning the "why" not out there hunting across the map but going for the easy way is not a pleasure :(, sorry.

    Like the generation after Nelson became soft, so the new cadets out of the academy are now soft, becoming also soft hunters, soft conquerors.

    Need a push to forge them in iron.

    Well hardcore or softcore? Decide what you want. You call for hardcore hunters but softcore newbies? That doesn't work aswell.

    • Like 1
  3. 2 minutes ago, Sir Hethwill the RedDuke said:

    Nope, actually the opposite. Make the hunters get out of the zones unless they are brave and daring enough to prove the intent - press attack and be drawn as a group.

    Oh sry I just read that you want to let ppl sail in their capital waters if they want that. I agree.

    What if not brave is it to hunt in a capital zone on a normal ship? Requin sailors will never be brave, it's just not the ship for bravehearts. 14.5+ frigs with spanish rig = not brave. 

    Normal frigate as attacker: immediate death penalty.

    Imo we should solve this conflict of newbie killers vs pvpers forced to go to capitals as ow is empty. And to me there is no possibility but to deny EVREYBODY pvp in SAFE AREAs. Make them safe.

    • Like 2
  4. 4 hours ago, Sir Hethwill the RedDuke said:

    - remove the extra zones. One nation one zone, not two separate ones. So no Belize, New Orleans, Campeche. LOVE IT

    - end the separation between Reinforcement and Capital zones. Make them all the same. good

    - no fishing possible in the Zone good

    - enemy players can press Attack against any ship in the zone nope. NO foreign attack should be possible against zones nation players. 

    - enemy ships cannot enter any ongoing battle happening in the enemy Zone - raiders must stick together and get pulled together, declaration of intent. Press Attack, stick together, no more OW battle invasion easy farming.

    - zone nation players can call reinforcements as normal when they are attacked - keep as it is now.

    - player of the Nation zone can enter at any time. 

    Make it like a capital zone now. NO group fights possible. Foes get singled out. Complete no go area for enemies. 

    If your thought behind it is to get people out of the zones you have to make them entirley unattractive to hunters. Only if these zones are free of enemies, people will slowly start roaming the open world imo.

    Edit: Easier words. If you don't ban me from these zones, I will go there. 

    • Like 3
  5. Well to be fair as no one likes whiners who wonders about "the whole server aka EVERYBODY" is against brits. The only active british captain who doesn't cry on the forums is Greg. What would a soup be without some proper amount of salt :)

  6. 2 minutes ago, Banished Privateer said:

    Well, most players enjoy casual days without hard work, just chill, shoot some broadsides, enjoy graphics etc. Work is needed to achieve greater stuff, pretty much like in every other competitive MMO game.

    That doesn't mean that this "work" is not enjoyable, many people actually enjoy getting better and improving skill.

    You're right. Though imo that's only true for 10% of the players. Could be more, but fear of losing pixels etc.

  7. 9 minutes ago, Banished Privateer said:

    Losing should be incentive to work harder and get better. Corect mistakes and improve. Reality is that most players just quit when they lose.

    Isn't that exactly the contrast to what this should be? A game? No worries, most good players "worked" their way to the top. For the majority though, it's just not that easy when you just want to play.

    • Like 1
  8. 52 minutes ago, Cmdr RideZ said:

    The problem here is that people always take PvP marks instead.

    You don't need fleet perk and you don't have to sail the ship back to friendly port.

    Was better when you captured a 1st rate or a trader full of expensive goods and tried to get it back to friendly port. Enemy trying to recapture the ship.

    I understood that one reason for 1 dura ships was that those ships keep their value?

    PvP marks need a fix or should be removed from the game.

    Would't agree entirely tbh. It's always dependent on the situation. A trader full with fien goods - nice but where to sell them? Do I find this trader next to a capital where there is people to be expected for revenge? Or in the middle of the ocean perhaps with the possibility to get into an all-consuming port (imo it has always a problem that there is so few of those on the map). Should I sink a ship that is not special at all or take it with me? From a nation like the swedish that lived for one year in prosperity where its hard to sell a Teak/Wo Bellona for 800k (now imagine the prices for frigates) PvP marks are just worth more than a casual ship. For someone from another nation this might differ again. 

    I still don't know how people can not have pvp marks and they atill are sold for 150k+. Every player can participate in the pvp events where you get these marks for killing bots. 10 marks a day, ezpz. The market should be flooded with these marks.. which would reduce their value.

  9. On 7/27/2018 at 2:19 PM, Hellmuth von Mücke said:

    Richtig schlecht wird mir bei dem Gedanken, dass es aber auch 0 Auswirkung hat, da ich durch keinen Krieg den ich hier im Spiel führe wirklich einen Gegner besiegen kann. Durch die wunderbaren Schiffe der Admiralität  und den DLC-Schiffen ist es völlig unerheblich, ob ich Häfen und eine funktionierende Logistik habe, da all diese Schiffe aus dem Wirtschaftskreislauf raus sind. Also was geschissen auf irgendwelche Häfen.

    Wo ich dann auch schon bei dem letzten Punkt bin. Da ich kein Reallifeversager bin, der sein Leben dadurch aufpimpen muss im Thread für "Battle Results" den staunenden Fanbois durch das Veröffentlichen eines völlig bedeutungslosen Reports ein Ah oder Oh zu entlocken, sehe ich keinerlei Notwendigkeit für PvP oder RvR

    Was ist denn mit: Es bereitet Leuten "Spaß" sich zu kloppen? Dazu muss man nicht mal doof sein, weil das Combat System glücklicherweise vielschichtig ist. Wettkampf ist doch nicht schlecht. Man kann ja auch in der Kreisliga Fußball kicken oder eben mit mehr Aufwand höherklassig spielen, weil man sich messen will. Ich verstehe nicht wieso du das nicht verstehst.

    • Like 1
  10. 7 hours ago, Macjimm said:

    First Lieutenant.  Hundreds of hours.  I fish and trade, mostly locally.  Players get  more XP from combat than trading.  I don't play every day and sessions are rarely more than a couple hours.    I'm not in a hurry and enjoy sailing.   Sailing doesn't yield much XP.   I really like the slow pace .

    okay thx for the answer :)

    • Like 1
  11. Also nicht, dass ichs verstehen würde, aber ist es nicht jedermans Recht, sich daran zu erfreuen volle Lager zu haben und ganz viel Gold zum hin- und herschieben? Hirnlos oder nicht, zwei Stunden spielen heißt für den einen rotzen bis alle Schiffe weg sind, für den anderen auf das Indiaman Heck starren und dann das Lager zu sortieren. Jeder nach seiner facon. Alles chico.

    • Like 2
  12. 17 minutes ago, Gregory Rainsborough said:

    If abuse happens, tribunal it. Don't see the point of not letting people hide behind a new identity. The DLC is there so that people can change their name without creating a new character, if the same person can create a new character they shouldn't have their name revealed.

    Absolutely +1!!! I want the freedom to name myself sruPL, Lord Vicious, HachiDoku or whatever. This small little social bubble - sometimes I feel like a teenager in here. Hey A did that, B betrayed C, have you heard D made out with E on friday.

    At this point regards to the split part of my personality "Palatimose" o/

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