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Posts posted by Palatinose

  1. 5 hours ago, Mr.Bush said:

    Außerdem habe ich das Gefühl das Chain, sofern sie den Rumpf treffen, größeren Schaden anrichten als 12er oder gar 24er....

    Oder hat der Server die letzten Tage nur Schluckauf?? 

    Glaube ich muss auch mal auf den PvE Server. Ketten machen Schaden an der Hülle? Und was hat das mit dem Kaliber zu tun? Ketten haben doch das gleiche (vlt etwas kleiner, bin da historisch nicht bewandert) wie Kugeln? 

    • Like 1
  2. @Dominique Youx, @Trino. Es schmerzt, weil meiner Meinung nach der Kampf alleine genug ist. Sinn und Zweck dieses Spiels. Deshalb verteufle ich noch keine PvEler, sie sind auch keinesfalls weniger Wert. 

    ABER: der Großteil derjenigen, die dieses Spiel nur abends drei Stunden zum relaxen spielen, ein bisschen auf Bots ballern oder traden, haben im Durchschnitt sicherlich weniger Ahnung vom Spiel. Ob manche, die dieses Spiel mit höherer Intensität spielen im realen Leben "Versager" sind oder nicht, ist völlig egal, denn es geht hier ja nur ums Spiel. Die im Forum aktiven Spieler sind zum Großteil aktive PvPler/RvRler. Warum? Weil sie sich mit dem Spiel intensiver auseinander setzen. 

    Und ich bin ganz bei rediii, wenn es heißt, dass PvE content viel leichter zu implementieren ist, als PvP. Denn Zweiteres muss erst getestet werden, das komplette Kampfsystem, auf dem dieses Spiel aufbaut, wird für PvP entwickelt, das deutlich vielschichtiger als PvE ist. 

    Persönlich mache ich mir keine Gedanken darüber, dass PvE content nicht entwickelt werden könnte. Der kommt. Kurz bevor es fertig ist. 


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  3. So weh mir das tut, brauchen wir ordentlichen, langfristig angelegten PvE Spaß. Trading muss meiner Meinung nach nicht unbedingt den großen Sinn bekommen, dazu ist das Spiel ja nicht konzipiert. 

    Aber ohne gescheites PvE bleiben nur die hardcores, die global gesehen nicht mal große Lust haben sich gegenseitig zu versenken. 

    Ports brauchen einen Sinn. Ausschließlich zum schlachten zu segeln ist offenbar wider die menschliche Natur.

    • Like 3
  4. 12 minutes ago, Rabman said:

    What is the goal of the timer change to force empty battles and more PvE? Granted there are some port timer shenanigans going on now, but as it stands, the Euro's will take every port we North American players have without timers, and we'll have no one online to defend. It's bad enough server reset is right in the Euro daytime, which prevents us from being able to be involved in retaking any neutral ports or defending allied ports, the timers will presumably shift in the Euro daytime and thus block us out of thatat aswell

    Don't you think this is a global phenomenon? There also will be many euro ports which you guys could take.

    In my Imagination there will be ports that will probably switch the owner constantly. Because theyre not important enough to be kept but also not good in the enemies hands. It's to be seen whether there will be any real battles upon those ports. 

    Furthermore there will be ports noone needs and which will just be neutral or well, without timer but noone cares. 

    And there will be those ports that are important and therefore protected by timers.

    Idon't see a problem there? 

    For example imagine the franco-souedois boarder lands: gouadeloupe dominica etc. They will be fought upon because the only reason sweden is holding these ports is that france doesnt own (some rude swedes might say deserve) them and to have a quick way into french core territory. On the other hand - what would france do with those ports as many are not valuable. Pay tremendous sums. 

    It's just a thought, correct me if Im wrong..

  5. 2 hours ago, Christendom said:

     Another thought would be to limit the amount of regions you can have timers on.  some arbitrary amount like 5.  

    Everybody will found random clans with no use but to widen your territory.

    The vm thing could work with every participant of a successful pb getting vm and IF the gained amount of vm is high enough to supply a reasonable amount of ports.

    E.g. getting one vm per week per player - independent of the lord protectors leaderboard aka one vm no matter how many pbs one finished successful. setting the costs at one vm per week per port with a timer will allow a clan to maintain about 50% of the amount of players involved into rvr, considering the other 50% will be necessary to maintain a 1st rate fleet.

    Ports without timers usually don't result in battles. At least not in battles in which both parties are actively participating. Sure now one could argue it's just dots on the map who needs them? Ask the casuals that don't participate in rvr but need the "safe" environment for what the hell do i know what to do. Okay while writing this i come to the conviction that it just makes damn sense to make maintenance expensive. If the port is necessarily needed it will be put a timer upon. If not, so be it.

  6. @Bearwall

    Same as you i tend to at least try to think before i write something. 

    VM system is ging to be changed soon, should have written that my post was under these changes to be apllied already. 

    Furthermore my post was actually anti current swede policy. We tend to stop. We shouldn't. Just kill all and everything untill you get hated and others form alliances. And no i don't want pre wipe alliances back. It's static. 

    Clan based would be best because it's stable inside a clan and flexible in foreign policy. 

    Please don't let your disappointment about a hostile and "dishonourable" action be your basis to your replies on my posts. I also just try to improve things by trying to post productive stuff. 

    • Like 1
  7. The current problem isn't the amount of nations but the amount of players. And imo we can't bring up a reduction of nations everytime the server pop drops. We gotta find a solution that has more of a longterm value. Basically what should happen is many defeated nations muss turn against a winning/strong nation. This nation falls, others will rise. To me it seems, we just Need to be more hostile towards each other. That's what this non coalition system is made for. If we are more hostile we can keep up the content. People leave because of few content. Well now one could call for changes by the devs but what IF this game gets released and all the changes we cried for were basically made just because we were in an alpha status with few people online? 

    Why not just play the game more as it's intended: sink ships and don't always and only achieve something and then stop? If one nation gets too strong because it has to create content for it's players (therefore do rvr all the time) the others form alliances. Just be more tough. Here is too much safety wanted (i mean the casuals dear prussia). I need safe ports for crafting, safe ports for trading blablabla. Our community is so much about securing the achieved that to me it seems we forget that the journey is the reward.

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  8. 5a949a5da6046_385B257D15169B7018956DE80424DD4FD3CF31171.thumb.jpg.db28349bf4f366215c96031a77f5f16c.jpg

    Claiming the bounty on lobogris. We tagged him and another Endy on the OW with two Trincs before, they tried to save themselves by hiding in a spanish AI fleet. Havelock killed one, i chased lobogris and found some swedes outside oO. Endy was teak crew space. Good thing this painted ship is with Davy Jones right now. o7

    • Like 4
  9. 3 hours ago, Graf Bernadotte said:

    That's exactly my point. More experience leads to less complaining about broken PB mechanic in 2400 BR ports.

    And even more experience leads to even making proposals on improving roe and pb mechanics. 

    1 hour ago, Graf Bernadotte said:

    There is a certain difference between pvp and rvr. You don't become a good rvr player if you do a lot of pvp.

    Nope. RvR is PvP. It's easier to get better in rvr when one does a lot of pvp than the other way round. One doesn't learn pvp basics in rvr but in ow pvp.

    • Like 2
  10. Has anyone said already that this "mutliflip" could have been prevented by killing 7 RUBLI boats?

    Joining sweden supports the point: more than half the server just dislikes your attitude towards this game. Using loopholes (exploits) and loads of shittalk the Russia of Imperator North is an empire build to win. When losing they think about quitting or making the game bad for others. How much must one be blinded by hate to do that? This is so wrong on many levels.

    Though the trollpost of the year. 15 pages and ongoing.Respect.

    • Like 9
  11. 10 minutes ago, rediii said:

    the rest is just bullshit excuses for being bad at positioning, decisionmaking etc.

    well everybody has to learn that as well. so i don't now whether it's "bullshit excuses". You know how hard it is to fight with new guys even if they have proper ships.

    7 minutes ago, Liq said:

    I got my pfrig from 2 to 5 knowledge slots in about 5 pvp battles

    Havlock grinded his Trinc this week. 3 days = 4 slots and some k xp to go for the fifth. It is possible and even more fun and faster if one focusses it.

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  12. Safe zones are fine imo. Just more incentives needed to leave them for those that want to explore the game more. And please pvpers don't be hypocrates here. If they were removed you would slaughter all the newbies even more. Yes Prussians. Your nation is hardcore, but how many newbies do ya have? Mainly experienced pvpers that know the risk and know how to defend themselves. I think it's totally fine to wait in a safezone for a force to gather up. If it's too big one runs. If it fits one fights. And no, it hasn't to do shit with the rank as it is a pve rank and nothing more. People don't learn to pvp if they get ganked by one or many pros. Instead they will quit. As annoying as it is to sit in front of a capital and see all the guys sailing totally chilled towards their missions: IF you force them, they will only quit.

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  13. 1 minute ago, Rouleur said:

    Just total frustrating crap - crafted 5 ships and nothing so far. Estimated odds 1 in 5 but who knows - just unlucky or is none in 5 normal? Just like crafting for blueprints over and over.

    Crafted roundabout ten yesterday. To me it seemed as it was 5 outa 10. unless we get numbers this all will be empirical approaches though. Furthermore I fear, if they bring numbers, people will want to see the "drop rate" increased.

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