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Posts posted by Palatinose

  1. 20 hours ago, Slim McSauce said:

    all redeemed ships should be 3/5. Only crafted ships should get bonuses 

    By redeemed you also mean the ships bought from admirality via pvp marks? In this case i wouldn't agree as you put ingame effort in it.

    If you are talking about imported ships, I would fully support your point.

    @Lovec1990 you don't make profit when you get one pvp mark. You have to buy/craft cannons. in your maths, there is not even basic mods involved, and most players go for some mods at least.

  2. 5 hours ago, no one said:

    And from what i see and of course i can be wrong and i have troubles in finding a reliable source about this it is imo a waste.

    From what i  understand when you hit hull repair it will use at best 7 x hull repairs if you have them in your cargo.

    Each hull repair will heal 100 hp from your armor and structure  hp. Correct me if i am wrong.

    So 7 x100 = 700 hp

    Expert carpenter will give you 0.05 hull repair modifier  ( 5%)

    so instead 700hp you are healing 735hp.

    so lets say i am sailing in a frigate with 4229 hp on the side armor. That 35hp more you are healing doesn't sound anything special anymore.


    Again please take  note that i am finding troubles in finding a reliable source . So take this with a grain of salt.

    I cannot provide a source as I am too lazy to search for it on the forums. But from experience I might tell you the following:

    Talking about numbers: base repair is 25% of your armour hp. 5% via Expert Carpenter therefore adds another 20% repair strength. As in the current system multi repair is active, you get a 5% Bonus each hull repair cycle. 

    Hope that helps understanding.

  3. 31 minutes ago, Christendom said:

    I’d rather have a system where player x puts up a delivery contract to transport goods to a port.  Player y picks up that contract and sails there, collects rewards.  

    Once the delivery contract is created whatever items that person wanted shipped becomes “cargo” and then player y picks up the cargo without knowing it’s contents (to keep people honest) and delivers it to the desired port where it gets converted back to resources by player x.

    Perfect. I can see dozens of british alts checking the contracts at KPR. Vernon is right, the human factor denies this feature.

    • Like 2
  4. 5 hours ago, Flash Jack said:

    A standard  xebec and Hercules are fine and balanced.

    They aren't. Just read this thread. I agree though, it shows once again the power of the mighty mods. I don't really know what stacking in this case means. 

    Concerning your "only elite players will get elite mods": a standard pirate rig refit costs what, not even 100k i guess. It works perfectly on Xebecs. No Elite Mod necessary. And the droprate of sealed bottles is not higher for players with much gold or experience. 

    • Like 4
  5. 4 minutes ago, Slim McSauce said:

    You buy crafted bellonas over using PVP marks for notes? Can't say the same for most. Clearly the same rules of economy don't apply to everyone or else we wouldn't be having this conversation.

    It's just easier and cheaper to craft methinks, it's all about communication and cooperation. That hasn't really changed. The search for the perfect ship floods some markets with ships. I think ships have never been cheaper. BUt that doesn't really belong in this specific topic, that's more of a basic/global (NA) topic.

  6. 4 minutes ago, Slim McSauce said:

    So we're completely missing the lower half of the economy is what you're saying. Not to mention the surplus of pvp marks that have everyone using the same non-crafted ships.
    The market is nothing like it use to be, crafting is pretty irrelevant. You either have a full eco that everyone is participating in or you're not playing the same game anymore.
    Each sect of the game relies on the other, crafters sell to PVPers, pvpers kill, increasing demand, traders trade, crafters buy from traders. The circle of life, we don't have that anymore.

    I do all that.

  7. Just now, Slim McSauce said:

    It's horrible that some people want to bypass eco. Eco is the driving force of the game. Just goes to show how much local economy is gonna change the game when it's released.

    Then again it's only a 6th and a smaller 5th. What we do eco mostly for is RvR (END GAME CONTENT CAPS INTENDED), meaning the largest amounts of gold and ressources are needed in crafting SoLs.

  8. 1 hour ago, hoarmurath said:

    That's what most people are doing from day 1, long time before the introduction of dlc ships... dlc ships changed nothing. All it changed is the people who could do it. It seem those that were doing it before are now angry because they're not the only ones that can do it anymore...  So sad... 🤣

    You're completely wrong in thinking the people changed. We got old hunters back that weren't successful because of the safe zone RoE and e.g. british coast guard performing well. These people are back and worse than before. Visit Mortimer Town ( I just did with a couple of guys in Bellonas, wrong choice at this time obviously) and all you will see is mostly Prussian and French Hercs and Requins. There is a couple of fir/fir Belle Poules and that's it. Combat news is full of it. And I can assure you it's not noobs or new players that come there and hunt. It's veteran gankers at their finest and the chance to catch them goes against 0. KPR kills are also back en vogue. These ships at their current form promote pvp, just not the kind that's of any worth for middle or longterm future of the game. 

    @z4ys I agree more "studies" on countering the Herc have to be performed as well as on your point of the carpe diem ;) playstyle. Still I'm convinced that bypassing eco is a thing many players want and therefore is good for the pop. I would hope to find some adjusting screws to tweak/nerf the ships a "little". Imo that's better than taking away an easy access to pvp. 

    • Like 2
  9. 18 hours ago, z4ys said:

    that makes no sense. Nothing changed to the ship JUST limitation. Thats hypocrisy

    yes. nothing but the fact I spawn it everyday vs. I have ONE ship which, can't be replaced. But thats another topic. As i said, no problems with eco bypass.


    18 hours ago, z4ys said:

    both have one thing in common. they exploit game meta at their time. But the reasons most players mentioned here why the ship is op are just wrong.


    Its op because xebec still has no fixed sail dmg only center shots dmg the rigging

    Its op because crew dmg is not working correct (graping the side) - beside the fact some players just dont know how to rake a xebec. Most just shoot like in the picture below only guns have a crew hitbox.


    18 hours ago, z4ys said:

    Its op because the side thickness is way to thick for its bouncy hull shape which let it look like a tank of the sea


    But its not broken because it can hug ships. Every schooner could/can hug. If someone wants to claim that pls mention prince, privateer niagara there as well and dont start to blame herc and xebec alone.

    These resons were mentioned ( I think even by you) and are without doubt valid. Perhaps we just need a fix on the sail, mast and crew hitboxes, a nerf or complete takeout of the jib sail boni working for spankers and we're fine. I would try this for the Requin. 

    Concerning the Herc: I might just sail it a bit, kill everything on sight and then agree to you it's totally fine. After that you might call me a hypocrate but I don't care at all because I'm back at ganking the shit out of all the players that just want to enjoy the game on their terms, but just can't. o7

    • Like 1
  10. 3 hours ago, z4ys said:

    Let us go back in time as there were no dlc ships.

    Any uber-elite prince captain could run away from an other prince  like the xebec can now run away from a xebec.

    Even during an exact mirror match between 2 princes it's easy to run away. Why nobody complained like now?

    Going back even further. A surprise could run away from any square rigger and was more maneuverable than most ships. Why nobody complained as hard as now?

    Regarding herc before it got dlc ship the exact same players were saying its fine but should not do portbattles. Now even OW is broken? Why it wasn't before?

    You tend to pick out what you like about my comment. There were counters for surprises. Surprise had to be crafted etc. A prince could not easily defeat a mercury. Personally I was fine with the Herc when we had only one for each player. This thing was totally OP, but it was limited. Now there is swarms of Herc's crossing the OW, one alone can defeat two heavy/heavier frigs. If it's two, single captains won't stand a chance in a up to a fourth rate (always saying both parties are on the same/comparable skill level). In my first engagement on a Herc i killed a Trinc with no problems at all. The captain was mediocre skilled, the ship Teak/White Oak. I had killed two thirds of his hull, before he had even really scrtached me. Back to your comparison with the Surprise: it was more manouverable, but it lacked the firepower to kill the hull. It was mainly used in boarding (4pd machine guns and golden marines /o\). Sorry imo you just cannot compare these two.

    • Like 2
  11. Vazco did I ever tell you I love you? 

    Imo it's pretty easy: OP imported ship gets in the game, some buy it some don't. The "elite Franz" complains a little, but as no reaction is in sight they will just also buy the DLC. Why? Well 10€ isn't too much, for the chance of getting back cool ow fights they can always choose. Now the casuals and  non gear-peeps who at first sight were so happily sailing boats on which they could take a fight against an "uber-elite full uber-modded" player, suddenly realise it's all the same as before. You can still mod this ship, experienced players are still better than casuals and nothing changed but you spend some money and enjoyed two weeks of having the feeling to be good in a game. 

    I totally like the idea of DLC ships, people who don't want to craft and have no ingame money have the simple opportunity to bypass this and get into pvp. Cool thing, which in itself is already an advantage compared to those who must gather all the mats and (rare) woods, craft and, sail or tow the ship to the place to be. 

    Now the Requin for example  has better base stats than every 6th rate. HP, thickness, speed, mast thickness and hp, turning is okaish, heaviest broadside weight, most overall guns and more than 30% more crew as the next samller 6th. And that's without the meta like the hull shape, the bowsprit, the incredible sailing profile allowing this ship to escape every other ship (even another requin), no matter how many mistakes the captain makes (metaphorically speaking, lets just say the point of no return is from a different galaxy than what we had before in the game). 

    So that's three advantages over every other ship in this class - to me that is just too much. Herc is same same but different. Hard to say which one is worse. 

    • Like 6
  12. 1 hour ago, HachiRoku said:

    Why do you ask to pay for paints? Who in their right mind asks for payed content that was already in game a year ago for free? DLC should be discussed after release,  not during alpha and the fact that we have dlc before many other fixes is a complete disgrace. Takes devs 2 months to fix wasa, God knows how long for dlc ship rebalance and roe/rvr fixes but when people ask to pay for stuff like Admiralty it's added less than a month later. What a joke. Chains still are a mess and repairs also but dlc is more important to some people I guess. 

    It wouldn't be any issue if you could choose to get paints as a DLC aswell as accessability via ingame currency (which ever it will be - pvp marks preferably)

    • Like 2
  13. 9 hours ago, Banished Privateer said:

    It can escape in battle but gets tagged again in OW. That's the flaw of the game, the dualism of instance & OW. Many players experience been retagged 3-5 times or even more, yet every single time they get away in the battle.

    Laser-acurate stern chasers for the win. Navy Noobsman Report. Basically hunting is harder than escaping (imo) due to the necessity of tagging to keep in battle.

  14. 6 hours ago, z4ys said:

    It's the 13slot vs 5 slot. Try to do a "I can do everything build" with 5 slots that is as useful as a 13slot build. That's where the imbalance is.

    I have to disagree. If maths were only that simple..

    The whole point of these books is to combine books that are each useless when used alone. Only Art of Shiphandling gives you a decent advantage over the not well-read opponent. The mystical samurai book is mainly not used anymore (used to be a great defensive book + had 30% decrease in crew loss - now it's 7.5% (that's a 277 crew rake instead of a 300 man rake on a Santi for example)). Gunnery encyclopedia is replaced by The Old Flag Officer/Instructions aux Cannoniers.

    Agreed to Hachi: only AoS needs a slight speed nerf, rest is fine. Personally I would buff one part of the Bo5R - either melee defense or crew resistance.

    I'm not so sure about the limitation to one book of one class. As much as I dislike stacking of speed mods (in my case it would probably be stacking repairs - same same but different), the sandbox freedom idea could be hurt critically. A light built frigate cannot engage something that's out of her class as well as it can outrun the same ship type with a heavier build. And we also won't be able to reduce the gear gap as the top time investers will have the best books of each class, while others can't compete. Perhaps I just got lazy, but my impression lately was, that most players got the rare books and we kinda had some balance - surely possible I'm mistaken here.

  15. Finally! It's on bitches!!!! There will be so much salt and dead frenchies.

    Btw. @Tac did he also insult your mommy? Thought he was just after mine :) Anyone else? Perhaps it turns out la femme fatale de la france is a real milf hunter?

    Comme ignorant - ou peut-être teubé - on doit être pour qualifier une autre langue teubé?

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