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Posts posted by Palatinose

  1. 5 minutes ago, z4ys said:



    Its ^2

    If alpha closes to 180 the latter part in brackets gets negative. 

    v1=1 kn, v2=1 kn, cos(180) -> v(res) = 0 

    v1=0,5kn, v2=1,5kn, cos(180) -> v(res) = 1

    If you say both move in the same direction alpha =0, but v1 is positive, v2 is negative. If you calculate with the modulus of velocities you have to calculate with alpha = 180. Both results in the same.

  2. 1 hour ago, Barbancourt said:

    The best way to coastguard is throwing disposable fast ships at them to keep them occupied and away from valuable ships.  Trying to chase raiders around with a real fleet is a waste of time. 


    I disagree. Depending on the enemys' vessel I'd say killing (safely - without losses) is better as driving them out. Inside the safezone noone will attack you with something bigger than a 5th rate (even that is pretty hard).

  3. 2 hours ago, Teutonic said:

    Very nice stuff there @Palatinose


    1. How do you like the essex? Does it stand up in fights like how you would want it or do you sail it for the 'difficult without chasers' factor?

    2. In many screens you have sunk hercs - do you think that is poor sailing by the herc player or do you have some tricks in your sleeve when dealing with hercules?

    3. Of the places you sail to - which is your favorite?

    Oh I love the Essex. She turns beautifully, she is quite short and low in the water, her armament is mediocre, her crew distribution very good and her sailing profile makes her a great brawler. Her weaknesses are the masts, mediocre speed and ofc the missing chasers. As I usually not necessarily hunt very fast but stronger ships thats okayish for me. The masts have to be covered though. Either elite french or french and winged out ballast. I like her with medium guns and a rattlesnake. She is also cheap to craft.

    Imo the Herc is not really special anymore. When enemies try to rake you just perform the usual way: sail close-hauled and hit the full break. Usually after some attempts you will hit the bowsprit. Find a good balance between hull and mast damage. Force to repair hull first, go for masts then, they are really weak. But sure, those three brits were not the most experienced players. Patience for a good broadside is the more important, the better the ship turns imo.

    Frenchies - we have a understanding of mutual dislike :) The waters of the Windward Islands are usually rich fishing grounds. Once triggered, the slaughter usually ends with me dead, but it's always fun. Brits at KPR are the usual place to be when online numbers are low. Navasse/Tortue area is snacky. Dutch waters are fun in the evenings (17+ srv time), though this crowd is really not very pvp experienced. No offense.

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  4. A small collection of last two weeks skirmishes. I will try to remember things worth mentioning.


    One of the first engagements on Essex.It tacks through the wind like no other frigate imo. Medium guns + pen mod + Elite French. 


    Very tough one against two Prussians. o7 Demasted the Bellona and killed it, rest of the fight we tried to kill each other, multirep system denied it though. Had a very good Bellona here I have to admit. Watching the  amount destroyed cannons, the victory obviously got decannonized once completely.


    Noone got killed in here. Only worth mentioning as it was at Port Morant and the brits pbviously jumped out of a bttle and saw me. Was pretty much surrounded thanks to reinforcement zone RoE and managed to squirm free with mostly not more than 60% sails. Honestly I was a bit proud of that :)


    Again in british RZ. Luckily for me not more joined. The first Diana was desmasted and down, but could escape because of me not tagging her (she was right next to me) in the brawl. The rest of them really gave me hell, the Conny did really good. o7

    Teak/Wo Very Cramped Conny, meds and carros.



    The first one is actually the second battle of three I had this day at the Dutch. First I killed Conny and Endy, then Inger and P-Frig. In the second battle jumped after it was over the guys to be seen in the second screenshot. Sidefact, was talking to Gooser on dutch TS while the battle. Best regards! The surp only died because of the flipping bug.




    This is how coastguard work should look like.


    In german there is a saying: "Das Glück ist mit den Tüchtigen" meaning "luck is with the diligent". Endy and Herc played smart and tried to stay with the Bellona. I got saved by maintenance, with a 30/70 chance of survival perhaps.


    Classical "How not to coastguard". The player on Essex was actually Bellona but could switch ship before he sank, though he forgot to transfer crew and was boarded rightaway. Inger was first to die, they basically stayed together, aiming was "improvable" though. When Inger Bellona and Essex were down, the Buc left the Agi behind to die. i got killed because of greed returning to safezone and getting killed by the vets afterwards. 4/5 teak/wo Conny. two speedmods, pen mod, northern carp. meds and nadies.


    The downfall of the Very Cramped one. Gotta say I like the Hercs BR pvp mark wise :P A tip to players that heavily outnumber a bigger enemy. Try to decrew more. Grape is your friend. Enemy gets much less dangerous if he/she can't reload.


    I was VERY salty about this one. My apologies. But that's basically happens when you're not on fast ships. Got ganked afterwards by two veteran Bellos, 5th rate  and Herc. Rage surrender.

    • Like 5
  5. Pirates why didn't you just attack them on open sea? 

    On the other hand I will never understand why it is obviously necessary to avoid pvp in hostility missions. Seven russian 1sts + 2 spanish. I would like to see the spontaneously asembled Pirate fleet you guys wouldn't be able to defeat.

    But RvR vs PvP will probably always be apples and oranges.

    Edit: not tribunal worthy imo

    • Like 3
  6. Aside from the fact that you won the pb should be worth more than some shallow ships: why dont you drop out of the battle one by one leaving in different directions if you want to safe your ships? I don't get what difference it makes to stay 15 mins longer in the battle?

    I disagree on ending the battle instance when one side leaves. In rough nights these 15 minutes are the only real breaks one gets when dragged from one battle into the next.

    • Like 1
  7. 3 minutes ago, Intrepido said:

    The grinding slots should be shared between some ships. For example, if you grind the slot on a Bucentaure, you unlock also the Pavel and the Christian VII.

    And the amount of pve farming to get the rare books is insane because it depends on rng.

    For what reason? They are different ships right? The books are currently not at all a problem as Epic Events drop those rare books like crazy.

  8. 7 hours ago, Licinio Chiavari said:

    PS: understood! NA vets destroyed the game farming noobs for years... Now they got it is not good for the game... keep defending existing metas (never ever have to adapt. Right?)... and now cry and shout to people doing what they did for YEARS that it is not good for the game.


    Been telling this for months now. And yes I have farmed the shit out of KPR guys pre wipe. And don't get me wrong: ganking and unequal battles are an essential part of NA. And ask @HachiRoku, I'm a meta victim :) 

    I had four pvp battles yesterday. One in Victory with three friends at the french (37 marks), one Diana duel against this EXILE bitch which I once again lost so shameful that I have to tell it here, one 1 vs X at the Dutch in an Essex (32 marks). And at last a 1v1 against a dutch Aga Captian who attacked me at Willemstadt, again ship was Essex (blue 4/5, french rig, copper, navy hull, rattlesnake, medium guns) (11 marks). 

    Licinio I'm not sure whether it's my linear expanding antipathy on hit and run players or the exponentially rising dislike against your stubborn argumentation, but I will try to not comment further. #triggermebabe

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