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Posts posted by Palatinose

  1. 2 minutes ago, victor said:

    Fever is not the disease, but the symptom. The same goes for the number of players

    If you do not cure the disease (which is the lack of content for non 100% PVP players and the gank problem for newbies), fever (lack of players) will go on.

    And let me tell you that if your proposed cure is FORCING people out of safe zones by taking away any reward in playing there (instead of LURING them out by adding good rewards outside) you will just see the problem grow worse, since some other player will quit and the newbies will stay just for a while (and the fever will just get higher).

    Point is that to solve the problem devs need money ... but hey ... do not even allow them to sell good DLCs ... because of P2W creep.

    So basically we just go round and round with the same old stories

    Sure it's only the symptoms. I referred to @Christendom 's proposals in this thread. Most of them pose a good start. There is plenty in the forums. Btw imo one can only partially blame the devs for listening to the "pew pew only" crowd as you are obviously trying to trigger me a bit. PvPers test the combat mechs and therefore are the loudest on the forums. Now they want to secure their piece of the cake. I only rarely read the forums, but the overall tune of the community seems to shift towards healthy population saving arguments. 

    Most DLCs are absolutely fine btw. But as a person really testing/pvping against the new ships I would say some tweaks are needed. 

    • Like 2
  2. @William Wade methinks your demand of morally lead gameplay in this game under the current curcumstances is just not realistic. Let's say we blame the hunters and invert their intention to just farm marks to the morally correct way to engage only in proper fights (based on skill/numbers - it's a vague definition - i hope you understand what i try to say). In this case, by the sheer variety of characters and therefore definitions of moral, equal/proper engagements, it is just impossible to make everybody happy. Well basically because one will lose and one will win. So one can't blame human players to behave like humans. Imo in every game, it's the rules that make the game what it is, not the players.

    Personally I like the proposals of Christendom - just because logic tells me: the more players we have, the more pvp we (well me at least :P) will have. All the discussions about safe/reinforcement zones, roe, ganks vs non ganks (nonganks are practically non-existant in OW), vets vs newbies are all obsolete if we get enough players. It's a Gaussian distribution: the edges are low, the centre is crowded. But what's fundamental: if we have higher numbers in the centre, numbers on the edges will also rise.

    • Like 2
  3. 18 minutes ago, Lovec1990 said:

    Lol this topic should be closed becouse some here are juat crying

    Pirate rig is very effective becouse ship only has jibs.

    They can nerf it but also return money too all who bought it

    I'll shed some tears then: if we added a premium (imported) ship with a speed mod that is only usable by this ship and gives around 5% speed boost. Would you say this is a game breaking mechanic? 

  4. 3 minutes ago, z4ys said:

    It dosent matter. What he wants is 1,2,3 click sail. Screw the logistic, screw rvr, screw others, screw challenge just I.

    I got that. To me that's an essential part of the game. Every base I have I supply in my own or better in coop with friends. And tbh it never has stopped me from doing PvP. It's - as you said - an essential part of the game. 

    • Like 3
  5. 1 hour ago, Mrgoldstein said:

    Its frustrating indeed i cam fight a guy for over an hour do yons of damage in the end he escapes...0 reward...i get ganked 0 do lot of damage but sink..0 reward..this needs fixing who cares about a few farming gold new players need rewards so theyll stay

    0 is not entirely correct. One still gets xp. and not few, even for a non sinky (just a little hint to grind ship slots in pvp).

    But I agree, gold reward according to damage is needed. No pvp marks though, if enemy isn't sunk.

  6. While the dutch flipped Santo Domingo with 15+ people the french obviously decided to honour their alliance and try a proper double flip via Puerto de Espana. In a first battle we tagged one Ocean, another joined and surrendered after slowing us down. Jumping out of the battle we saw this fleet outside. One was seperated a little downwindish of us, and we initiated the battle. As it started we all were a little seperated but came together quickly - same goes for the escalation level - #instabrawl 

    Imo we did okayish in protecting our weak and kept a good focus fire. Med 42pds for the win Donner ;)

    Thx for the fight french (and the 81 marks, new personal record), appreceate you guys fought it to the end o7


    Edit: I'm proud of the lads, especially Sc00se, who did well for an unexperienced player. Santis in Teak/Wo are miles away from a Lo/Wo L'Ocean, therefore @admin#makesantigreatagain

    • Like 5
  7. 1 hour ago, vazco said:

    People camp outside of capitals not for marks, but to get some battle. ANY battle.

    To be fair both exists. Join a battle in front of Mortimer on Pirate side (or probably any capital on national side) and you will get messages - and I quote various players here - like: "Really?" "WTF why not against pirates?" "Why man, I'm just here to farm marks". Ofc there is also those desperately searching for any pvp. E.g. the area between Tortue, Navasse and Mortimer should offer some targets. What if you don't find them? Ah damn whats our options? Really the safe zone? You know what's it gonna end like. Okay let's have a look but we won't fight inside the zone. Half an hour and three attempts to get some foes leaving the safe zone you either end up leaving or lowering your expectations from a somewhat controllable fight to one inside the zone where its pretty sure that you get wrecked. But hey it's PvP so still better than no fight at all.

    • Like 2
  8. @Bloody Hound I made this proposal with the "duel stamp" to reward a proper kill. If I just want a person killed I will set up a bounty. This suggestion would only add a feature, but wouldn't be a contradiction to the layout of the topic. At least imo and I guess thats probably the main point on which discussion could evolve. Is it just a board, where pissed peeps set up a bounty on a foe or is it more? Of course I know it would be more work for you (I mean I could just open a thread on me own, I'm honestly just to lazy to take care of this thread over a long time). Therefore you have my full understanding if that's a reason. 


    • Like 1
  9. On 1/31/2018 at 1:24 AM, Palatinose said:

    10 PvP Marks on the head of this little scum @kaayo ingame name Pit Pinsel to be sunk in a duel.

    No duel no marks, I'm sorry @DreamMaker

    But I hope I can do you something good if I put a bounty on you to be sunk in a duel aswell :)

    So 20 Marks on Dreammaker being killed in a duel. I'm sorry I was salty yesterday mate!


    Edit: Bloody Hound could you perhaps special tag or stamp the bounties that have the "duel requirement"? Just a thought, would be great.

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