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Posts posted by Palatinose

  1. Well if you enjoy "outsmarting" your enemy that's a valid style of gameplay. Nontheless you only gank then. Most people will never do anything else and that's fine. Good thing is there are still people who cherish a close fight of equal skill. If I'd beat this bitch @HachiRoku in a duel and not get a single mark for it, thats worth more than farming 100 marks by slaughtering noobs. Still - and I admit it - this is pleasing because you always win and start feeling great. People read you in combat news, see you on the leaderboard and soon you reach something like "fame" in this little community.

    For some it's hit and run, for some tanking in small groups, others prefer sailing vast areas with few targets. But a gank is a gank, no matter if via skill or numbers. Basically it's the opposite of what you said: ganks are an essential part of the game, so accept that they exist instead of finding euphemisms for the same incidents.

    I'd prefer the gold reward depending on dealt damage for each side aka marks and gold for the winner, gold for the defeated.

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  2. On 7/27/2018 at 2:19 PM, Hellmuth von Mücke said:

    Richtig schlecht wird mir bei dem Gedanken, dass es aber auch 0 Auswirkung hat, da ich durch keinen Krieg den ich hier im Spiel führe wirklich einen Gegner besiegen kann. Durch die wunderbaren Schiffe der Admiralität  und den DLC-Schiffen ist es völlig unerheblich, ob ich Häfen und eine funktionierende Logistik habe, da all diese Schiffe aus dem Wirtschaftskreislauf raus sind. Also was geschissen auf irgendwelche Häfen.

    Wo ich dann auch schon bei dem letzten Punkt bin. Da ich kein Reallifeversager bin, der sein Leben dadurch aufpimpen muss im Thread für "Battle Results" den staunenden Fanbois durch das Veröffentlichen eines völlig bedeutungslosen Reports ein Ah oder Oh zu entlocken, sehe ich keinerlei Notwendigkeit für PvP oder RvR

    Was ist denn mit: Es bereitet Leuten "Spaß" sich zu kloppen? Dazu muss man nicht mal doof sein, weil das Combat System glücklicherweise vielschichtig ist. Wettkampf ist doch nicht schlecht. Man kann ja auch in der Kreisliga Fußball kicken oder eben mit mehr Aufwand höherklassig spielen, weil man sich messen will. Ich verstehe nicht wieso du das nicht verstehst.

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  3. 7 hours ago, Macjimm said:

    First Lieutenant.  Hundreds of hours.  I fish and trade, mostly locally.  Players get  more XP from combat than trading.  I don't play every day and sessions are rarely more than a couple hours.    I'm not in a hurry and enjoy sailing.   Sailing doesn't yield much XP.   I really like the slow pace .

    okay thx for the answer :)

    • Like 1
  4. Also nicht, dass ichs verstehen würde, aber ist es nicht jedermans Recht, sich daran zu erfreuen volle Lager zu haben und ganz viel Gold zum hin- und herschieben? Hirnlos oder nicht, zwei Stunden spielen heißt für den einen rotzen bis alle Schiffe weg sind, für den anderen auf das Indiaman Heck starren und dann das Lager zu sortieren. Jeder nach seiner facon. Alles chico.

    • Like 2
  5. 17 minutes ago, Gregory Rainsborough said:

    If abuse happens, tribunal it. Don't see the point of not letting people hide behind a new identity. The DLC is there so that people can change their name without creating a new character, if the same person can create a new character they shouldn't have their name revealed.

    Absolutely +1!!! I want the freedom to name myself sruPL, Lord Vicious, HachiDoku or whatever. This small little social bubble - sometimes I feel like a teenager in here. Hey A did that, B betrayed C, have you heard D made out with E on friday.

    At this point regards to the split part of my personality "Palatimose" o/

    • Like 1
  6. 10 hours ago, Macjimm said:

    I've  been sailing for years and recently became a Lt.  The way I see it, I can enjoy lots more of NA and look forward to promotions for many years to come.

    What's Lt.? You want to tell me you have many hours in ths game and are a - let's assume - Lieutenant Commander (or even lower)? How is that possible? You need 5000xp for Master and Commander rank. You get that alone by sailing.

    • Like 1
  7. How about incentives to perform longer in certain ranks? Like getting special boni for fulfilling diffenrent tasks inside these ranks, e.g. sailing diffenrent ships of  a class (sinking enemy vessel in snow, brig, reno, etc..). Imo the longer you need to get to the last rank, the better. Most of the experience in the game is not decided by the amount of crew one can command. 

    • Like 3
  8. 16 minutes ago, z4ys said:

    Meiner Meinung nach vergessen wir zu schnell was unsere eigntliche Aufgabe ist. - Testen -  sicher testen ist spielen aber mit anderem Schwerpunkt. Darum Händler sollten weiter spielen und feedback geben damit sowas wie der Tradebug es nicht ins finale Spiel schafft.

    Zuallererst ist es ein Spiel. Testen kommt danach. Meiner Meinung nach. Ich verstehe dich da Mücke, würde mir ziemlich auf den Wecker gehen. Testen und feedback geben kann man von Veteranen erhoffen, eine Aufgabe ist es sicher nicht. 

  9. 18 hours ago, HachiRoku said:

    I truly hope so. I was disappointed the last time. This weekend maybe a few practice battles? For both of us of course so we can put trashiiii and Trashlock in their places like the 2 Lil bitches they are. 

    yeahya, gotta check how much time i'll have but let's see

    Edit: I was so pissed of myself the last time :D

  10. 5 hours ago, HachiRoku said:

    1st If he is better than me I'm sure there is a screenshot of me loosing to him. I've also beaten every player but turpos, he is a different skill level than even dron. I say dron because I think he is the smartest player there is to fight atm.


    Im your bitch Hachi don't you remember? Im also Cabrals, Roronoas, etc etc.

    Next time I will make you mine boii ❤️

  11. On 7/23/2018 at 12:31 PM, Cabral said:

     At this point in game is worth using Rigging Specialist perk?

    I use it. Isn't there also a sail damage reduction of 5%? I don't really know whether it's worth it tbh. 

    Edit: @qw569 can you quote devs for the 20% hull repair? or did you take it from API (screw me, i don't even know how this all works) -  well basically, can you give evidence for the 0.2 hull rep please?

  12. Imo these quality of life features are abundantly existant at the moment. I just make a presumption now: players want to be able to raid/pvp everywhere and in a minimum amount of time. Valid request, though the game already provides us with many features for pvping. I totally agree to Gregory here: conquest is the way to creat pvp spots. Examples would be the french encounters on the east coast, spanish claimings around Belize, after the wipe swedish conquest of Port-au-Prince area. Dutch around Fajardo. So basically: rvr to enable pvp. Isn't that the overall purpose as it provides most features given by the game: teamwork, logistics (crafting, trading, supplies) , pvp (screening, pb's) to reach -> hunting grounds. When the spot is overfished, we move. Next campaign. I just have the feeling all these quality of life features make us more lazy and that's a reason why we search for more and quicker fun.

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