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van der Clam

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Everything posted by van der Clam

  1. Indeed, to which we do, but rarely. FYI, all ships seem to give the same amount of points toward hostility, so doing high rank FMs matter no more than doing lower ones. :/ I think we should gain the BR of the ship we kill as our HP. Infect, I'm gonna suggest that.
  2. To all those considering leaving your nation to join a smaller nation, consider this as a great way to establish yourselves early as a formidable commander. And know that as France, you will have the full support of the TO Flying Dutchmen to help in your endeavors! (And if you don't want to fight for the French, consider joining another small nation like Spain, Sweden, or the Dutch. )
  3. I believe the leader would simply be in relation to which nation has the highest hostility, as it is now, but with my addition, the allies would be able to choose which nation they want to join the missions (or even the PvE/PvP battles for.
  4. tag to devs and admins....yes please. Perhaps allied nations can choose before battle which flag they wish to fly under, or even like when entering an OW PvP it ask which side you want to join, in a mission when you click on the battle swords you have a choice of all your allies and your own nation as to which you want to join for.
  5. Ya, you can make tons directly thru the delivery system and no sailing. Woot!
  6. Switch to the Dutch nation. All of our clans are working extremely well together in crafting.
  7. Yes please, and it would be nice to see NPC treasure fleets. How cool would it be to see OW fleets of 5 LGVs, 2 Indiamans escorted by some warships? I'd love trying to capture these with my national brohauns rather than doing missions all the time. Devs would just need to make sure the loot is good and the ships are full.
  8. According to admin and moderators, altho they discourage this behavior, it is not against the rules to scam. We just need to be more vigilant ourselves, and this OP is one good way help us. http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/17124-alan-snackbar-griefing-scamming/?p=328915
  9. Yes, and imho I believe taking out all the smaller ships first is the way to go. The reason being is that you stay out of the way of broadsides with larger ships and once the smaller ships are out of the way from wrecking your sails, you then can concentrate on an even smaller force and wreck the SoLs sails until they can't move any more and then just stern camp them til their crew is manageable to board. Every time we have tried the other way, we get our sails wrecked by the smaller ships and the bigger ships and then you end up looking like a bunch of war canoes.
  10. Just trying to provide some help to those clans and nations in need.
  11. I'd like to see the Trader Tool's sell/buy menus be sortable by price while looking at a port, like it is when looking at goods.
  12. If anyone is having a difficult time finding PvP, then they need to look on the map at where hostility is being raised. There's a ton of battles going on every day at all times of the day. But, at least now I know where all the pirates have been, which is kind of where I figured, considering none of them have come to any of the counties to screw up other nations' hostility game play (So, with those numbers you mention, and considering you say more people are in the rookie zone than elsewhere, and considering pirates have disappeared from everywhere else on the map, and considering the US, VP, DN, and GB nations keep expanding, we now can deduce that we were correct in acknowledging there are way more "active players" in the pirate nation than other nations. ) The global hostility map announces exactly where PvP hot zones are. It's not hard to find, but pirates be newb-gankin, cuz that's what they do.
  13. Absolutely no to a free port out there. The struggle is real. It's the one location on the map that feels like a real effort to win. Spend a day there raising hostility, then at end of day, return to homeland and wait for PB to open. If you add a FP near there, it'll just be another easy gank spot. and then make the ports too easy to attack.
  14. I believe it would be much harder to test new features if a full wipe happened. Altho, I do agree it should happen before release, maybe even a month before, so that the econ can be tested well enough, and then a release wipe.
  15. I know many clans may not be able to afford TS servers and perhaps people would like a centralized voice server to easily contact people from other clans or even other nations. So, I'm sending an invite to any Discord users to join the Naval Action PvP2 specific server. It features nation roles with their own chat and voice channels, an Ambassador's Room, and Marketplace. If you consider joining, please follow these simple rules... 1. Please post your in-game nation to be assigned to. We will verify your IGN. If we cannot verify your IGN and nation, you will remain limited in your usage of the server. 2. We WILL NOT accept any degree of RACISM, XENOPHOBIA, and/or similar related intolerances. If we are presented with evidence of this, we will ban the violating person(s) from this server. It is everyone's duty and responsibility to uphold others to this rule. 3. Banter is fine, but personal attacks on anyone will not be tolerated and person(s) deemed to be guilty of this will be banned from the server. Also, if anyone is interested in helping admin this Discord server, send a PM upon joining. TY https://discord.gg/WSTue5f
  16. I'd have to disagree with only 1 perk per officer. There so many perk currently, and if we do this right, there certainly could (and should) be many more perks. It would be a shame to have only 3 officers, each having only 1 perk. I totally agree that the officer needs to level up each perk by use of that perk, and not by buying it. I also totally agree that player rank decides how many officers are allowed, however we certainly don't want to make this game any harder for newbs than it already is. I believe we need to think of this in an easy formula for devs, something that applies easily to all officers at each level. Anyone good at them maths things? I'll lay out the idea currently: So player chooses a Carpenter Officer. The first perk they choose is Expert Carpenter. Take the fully ranked up perk at 100% and lower it by 20% for each level below rank 5. Rank 5 ----- +5% repair to Hull / +5% OW repair Rank 4 ----- minus 20% from Rank 5 Rank 3 ----- minus 20% from Rank 4 etc, etc Or they could simply make it just Rank 5 @ +5%, Rank 4 @ +4%, etc, etc So basically, whatever the perk is at Rank 5 would work at 100% its intended bonus, and each rank below that would be 20% less. (I think I just repeated myself...)
  17. I second this motion. However, all players need to remember and refer back to the August poll about OW size and the number of ports. I cannot remember where to find this, but last I saw the poll, more people voted that there are way too many ports (especially unimportant ports) and that everything is spread out too far for there to be much PvP. With these regions, basically it now lowers the number of ports to battle over, essentially decreasing the size of the map. Also, with the regions being unbalanced, it will certainly increase PvP in the 'rich' regions that provide the good bonuses. What I'd propose is making the regional capitals non-capturable UNTIL the PLAYER ACTIVE ports are taken. So, say you want to attack Ponce County. A couple of Spanish players have OPs and buildings at Guanica and at Vieques. Before a nation wants to wage war against Ponce regional capital, they have to capture Guanica and Vieques. The non-active ports in the regions are not required. Immediately as soon as the active ports are captured, only then does the regional capital Ponce open. This could mean a 3+ day war for a single region, depending on how many ports are active, creating plenty of PvP from screenings and PBs.
  18. It has come to the attention of Total Oblivion that our Flying Dutchmen do not have proper documents from the Dutch Republic to engage her nation's enemies throughout the Caribbean. To this, we provide an excerpt from the opening of the trade protection company of Total Oblivion and her Flying Dutchmen in 1665. ".....Considering the current decline of the WIC, and the recent loss of their holdings in Brazil to the Portuguese and the upcoming ceding of New Netherlands (New York) to the English, it has come to the attention of William III, Prince of Orange, that to prevent further losses in the Caribbean, a resurgence was indeed necessary. By order of de Staten-Generaal and our majesty, the Prince of Orange, grant full authority over the holdings of the Dutch Republic in these Caribbean Seas, namely to claim control over Willemstad, in an effort to regain a strong Dutch presence in these trade rich seas." Because of a total-loss fire in the New Netherlands Archives that house all decrees for all Dutch trade companies in the Americas, it took some time to search the Nationaal Archief in The Hague. However, the original decree has been located and is now incorporated in our original recruitment post along with the English translation.
  19. It is also to be more historically accurate in regards to location of resources and to the feel of the national ships. The latter meaning that Brits had their English Oak and did not have access nor the fortitude to gain the better Live Oak from southern US. Rather than people instantly making complaints about the change the need to give it a true attempt. Go out and conquer, or raid and use the delivery system. There are ways to gather resources that might take some time, but this kind of game is not meant to cater to those who have no patience. I would like to see testing vids of each wood type (including the fine types) on the same ship with the same cannon. Remember, we are here to test this game.
  20. Will you please stop adding British ships into this game until the Dutch finally has a trader/warship, 4th rate, and a SoL? Sweden also needs ships. Will you please provide a full in-depth list of all resources and what materials require them? Will you please bring back port market information on the map when mousing over a visited port? Also with the above mentioned, will you please make the port info transparent so we can still see the map and the highlighted regions behind it? Lastly, and most importantly, refer to the first question until that answer is yes.
  21. It took 8 Dutch mates only 3 fleet missions together, plus random trader and fleet raids to raise to 100%. And as you see, already after only 2 days almost all nations have capped other regions. (I say 2 days because something was wrong with the patch generating hostility points, so Friday was a hotfix)
  22. +1, upvote, also like the idea of the 'penalty' of it not being a 1 for 1 reconvert.
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