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van der Clam

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Everything posted by van der Clam

  1. Good fun with the Dutch showing in my first PvP Event. Good fun Brits.
  2. Not everyone has groups. and it's only counting kills atm anyway, so 5 ppl ganking 1 doesn't help the 4 others.
  3. Please make the RoE work that balances the BR so it's not a gankfest. Also would be nice to make the shallow event rewards not the same as deep events. Maybe make the paint rewards apply to the rate of ships that can enter the event. (Meaning don't give vic paint schemes or high rate ships for the shallow events and vise versa.)
  4. 5 please...and please make the RoE work that balances the BR so it's not a gankfest. Also would be nice to make the shallow event rewards not the same as deep events. Maybe make the paint rewards apply to the rate of ships that can enter the event. (Meaning don't give vic paint schemes or high rate ships for the shallow events and vise versa.)
  5. I really thought the RoE BR match would carry over, but nope. So never go in alone and never with less that 5 friends. It's pretty much just a gankfest.
  6. Devs, do your best to mimic this and ppl will be elated, make sure not to lose the rolling waves and makes the sounds of wood smashing together...remember immersion is what we are wanting. GL
  7. When mousing over an item posted in chat, I'd really like to see a pic in the description; especially for paint schemes.
  8. Lobby events, yes please, but Admin told me no, i'm stupid. I just didn't want to have to lose OPs that produce just to get an OP near the events. :/
  9. If you want a more responsive poll, create questions for each bullet point on the patch notes.
  10. Sounds like ppl are complaining again about the dime-a-dozen SoLs. Just bring back fine woods and set it so that only SoLs require them. Make the drop rate better from the forests, and not f'd up by rng; or make a building to produce fine woods. And don't make the drop so ridiculously high that it puts it right back into the dime-a-dozen drop rate. Also, leave OW PvP battle timers open indefinitely, until one side wins or the other side gives up and stops entering. Oh and, gimme gimme land in PBs. Woot! Edit: oohhh and please give us more OPs so we can participate in these events without losing production...oh and a clan dock yard. woot.
  11. Yes, we have all asked for this, along with a clan dockyard to share ships. +1 devs and admins please take notice.
  12. yes, that was something i advocated for, that and a building for crafting fine woods.
  13. Disappointed in PvP Events locations. We shouldn't be required to waste two of our precious and only 8 OPs we are allowed to be able to participate in events. The talk for PBs was about a queue system. I feel events only should be queued from the UI. The rest will be interesting to test.
  14. I manage a Discord server for PvP2. Feel free to join; just provide your in-game nation for us to verify. https://discord.gg/WSTue5f
  15. I'm following the topic in hopes of seeing a response form the devs. I'm hoping this system will have a slight tweak in the land/zones pb patch. Also, keep the battle timers open for OW pvp. Let player determine when the battle is over once all ships are sunk/captured and no one else wants or can join it.
  16. I've advocated for this for months, but ppl didn't like the idea, pretty much saying it takes enough time to gather the resources to build. I personally wanted it to take as long as it would in RL but in game time.
  17. Here's a test, have 2 servers: one for OW and one for arcade arena tournaments. The OW server would remain the same allowing for conquests and such. The arena server would be the battles only part. And characters from each server would not be usable on the other server. So your rank and ships unlocked in the arena server will not carry over to the OW server, nor would your rank and crafted ships in the OW server carry over to the arena server.
  18. So are we going to be require to purchase another OP and sail safely to the Bahamas and stock it with ships just to be able to participate? If so, that means we lose production from an OP
  19. But do you have gank mates? The reason AI fleets were brought back is because gank mates were making it completely unbalanced against solo players. And now, all I see are all the complainers of AI fleets are actually using them also...along with their gank mates. You cannot have this both ways. I feel we deserve to command a small fleet and not just a single ship.
  20. So, because people don't do the small/large battles any more, you want them to create a server specifically for such a thing....that no one does any more? How about people just use what is already active in the game? I get tired of hearing people cry for PvP and want only PvP, yet they don't use the one thing in the game that would give them instant PvP.
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