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van der Clam

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Everything posted by van der Clam

  1. Crew kill is way out of hand. Was raked twice by 1 AI and lost half my crew in a Santi. And as far as I know, AI never changes shot type, so 500+ crew were killed with ball from only 2 rakes. This is excessive. Also, only one lineship I have has a full crew to run guns and sails. line ships are always undercrewed without MC or EX hammocks. you can see the regions in the map just mousing over a port. They're also show on the port map they released awhile ago. Something I don't like about the map is the port info overlay needs to be transparent so we can still see the map behind it and the regions highlighted.
  2. Hey switch from TS to Discord. It's free and the push-to-talk is working great now. Here is the 'official' NA server: https://discord.gg/8AdC6 Here is our clan's: https://discord.gg/BcpUdQ2 Very commendable to not raid the warehouse. I did the same for our clan when leaving to Dutch. Sweden should be active, I think. TY for the update.
  3. You will find that most clans have Code of Conducts that sometimes include (or you can infer from them) a mission statement. Is this what you are looking for? http://totc.lefora.com/forums/72/Recruitment-CoCs
  4. Hey you pompous jackass, at least we moron fanboys know when to use a conjunction and punctuation! Furthermore, we know how to constructively criticize, rather than just puke out disdain that speaks of absolutely nothing other than one MORON's opinion.
  5. How about a depth check? Shout: Check the draught lines! Call back: Steady as she goes! When you takes leaks Shout: Plug those leaks, mates, or we'll all meet Davy Jones! Call back: Shoring the holes! or funny ones? Shout: Where's the pilot headed? Call back: To the beach, sir!, or To Atlantis, sir!, In circles, sir! or locational in OW... When nearing a port.. Shout: Who's on the dock? Call back: Land ho! crossing the equator...(altho it's not in game atm) Call: It's time for Neptune's Court! In rough seas... Shout: Batten down the hatches, ladies! Call back: We're gonna get wet this time! Maybe randomly in OW remind them of myths/superstitions? Calls: Plug your ears, boys, the Sirens be singing. Be on the lookout for The Flying Dutchman. The Kraken be lurkin' about. also would be cool to have these in different languages we can choose.
  6. or a failure of connectivity. Every boarding battle comes down to milliseconds, and those with slower connection or lag spikes at crucial times will die in 1 or 2 rounds.
  7. FYI this Discord chan is still active. And now Discord has PTT with group features for security, free also. Woot.
  8. Indeed, i've not see content patches/updates on any other days.
  9. Did Steam die for anyone else? It's not allowing log-ins even on the website.
  10. We now are in need of raising our minimum rank requirement to Tweede Lt and above; and to require US prime-time activity during as many nights as possible. This is our effort to prevent spais from infiltrating Dutch operations. TY, yo7, GLHF!
  11. That moment you and your mates sail 45 minutes in pirate frigs to go pirate hunting outside Sunbury, and 5 minutes into the battle you suffer ping spikes of 2k+. :/ But good fun nonetheless.
  12. The only thing I'd like is to see battle tag circles even if other nations tagging NPC. Nothing is more geh than popping out from port only for an invisible tag from an enemy on a NPC drags me into battle. I should be allowed to prevent being dragged into an battle that I cannot see. Also, the battle start timer seriously needs increased. Nothing sucks more than the battle finally loading after 20+ seconds and you and your mate are already demasted by carronade masters that "seem" to have aim bots that not a single shot misses your masts.
  13. Then we won't be able to provide you a letter of marque from the Kingdom of the Netherlands, as we cannot trust your loyalties
  14. What is weird about games and RL is that in both people hold grudges against others for generations, centuries, even millennia...(mid-east vs west), and they can't ever accept that perhaps that person's child had absolutely nothing to do with the quarrel and yet he's hated for what the dad did. (Take this back generations.) It is so weird that it continues even in games where we fight over pixels. The only way this mentality can ever be beaten is by forgiveness....and moving on. The only person who you have control over during a fight is yourself, and if you won't stop the fight then it won't stop. Of course, we all learn our lessons about certain people and know what to expect from that person, but that doesn't mean everyone associated by nationality is the same. So with this simple fact, how is it so impossible for a reset of the game to not influence a reset of peoples mentalities about other nations and prevent a reset of said alliances also? As a former US player during the Great Spanish Trickery from the Brits, I had great trepidation about ever having an alliance with Britain, or even British players, yet now I am fighting side by side under the same flag with some of those Brits. Allow this reset to be a reset, otherwise nothing new will ever happen...at least not with the grudge holder.
  15. I just ask that devs please stop with all the British ships. We have nations represented in this game that have no ship. Give the Dutch and Swedes their due respect. (Oh and like I demanded before , put some old out-of-time-frame famous ships hidden in fleets near our capital zones. I seriously want to cap the Whydah from a pirate fleet outside MT and the Vasa and recap de Zeven Provincien from some dirty thief who was brave enough to cap one in Dutchland!)
  16. Great work mate, hope you make one for the new PB layouts coming up. On this one, I'd change the numbers out for letters and on the Deep PB move the 1 and 5 towers in closer than 2 and 4. The last PB change moved the towers in a pentagon formation. But great work!
  17. Well, according to the posts from admins about pirates, this patch won't be much change for pirate mechanics. Maybe I'm wrong. I can say that no matter the nation, Total Oblivion will remain mates to mates. Currently this is a US and Dutch friendship. We will however remain competitive when needed. TOVNM does still have many friends in US, Brit, France and Pirate nations who we may at times give free passes to. But as for active aggression against to seek out....no, unless mutually agreed upon.
  18. Hey Doomed, really hoping things get better for you. I am terribly nervous about having a fusion coming up. Last summer I had a discectomy on my L3 and L4. Since the disc never repaired and considering a couple older siblings suffer DDD, I've been diagnosed with it also. So in the next 3 months, I also get a fusion. My surgeon gave me a rather grim prognosis. And I've had mixed reports from 4 people I know who've had lower back fusions... 50/50 results. Which doesn't give me much hope of ever being able to return to my active lifestyle. I wish I could give you better hope, but only 2 of 4 people I know personally say it has healed well enough without pain and within a couple months. I really hope it all gets better, mate.
  19. In our first week flying the Dutch flag, TOVNM was honored to be included in the Great Golden Ballsack Zerg. Much appreciation to the honorable Dutch nation and her allies in the French and British nations. And thanks to our old mates in the US for their help also.
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