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Ordinary seaman

Ordinary seaman (2/13)



  1. +1 for subforums half the time i cant tell what server people are talking about because people for the most part aren't doing that.
  2. Things are really starting to heat up. SoL along with a few other allied US fleets took all of the eastern Florida coast this weekend. This is def.the place to be if you like crafting and PVP.
  3. If you are on PvP2 and US Nation you should check SoL out. You won't regret it.
  4. Excalibur has decided to merge with Sons of Liberty. We feel that with a similar mindset that having a more active playerbase can only help. We look forward to what is to come. <evil grin>
  5. +1 need me some bugger groups. I'd rather see them called assault fleets or task forces but that's just flavor text.
  6. -1. Fleet size is large enough. I always see this oh they'll just make multiple Clans but it rarely happens, never a good reason to increase the zerg.
  7. Dejecting and Sincere thanks for the applications. I have posted.
  8. Even better design the game so the mechanics take care of all those issues. Chat filter! Instance toggles! Bam two mechanics from the 80s and we don't have these forum based rules nobody ingame sees or follows and you aren't supporting griefers!
  9. I wouldn't mind something like this instead of their proposed delete character and remake it option.
  10. I've voted in that thread. Neither solution fix anything that I've brought forward in this thread. It fixes the enemy hiding in missions sure but what I raise is a different issue caused by the same terrible mechanic set.
  11. Issue Number One. The current ruleset is a paradise for griefers. People can enter your missions, Port battles, and other instanced events and sink the ships your trying to capture, ram you, take ur sails down a bit to help enemy,block you, ect without the fear of turning pirate. Thankfully you are fixing the boarding issue but more times than not someone just sinks the ship. For example Excalibur and Sons of Liberty were capturing a 3rd Rate last night and two US Nations ships come in with us. We have 10+ between our Clans and we iniated the combat. We told them repeatedly to stop using ball as we grapes it's crew down. They did not listen. We had to assign ships to body block them. Even with those measure they still got shots off. The ship caught fire and we scattered and let them go hug it and they were blown to shreds when the ship blew up but this type of stuff is an hourly accurence. I can't count the number or times per hour I hear on comms or read in chat someone is pissed cause someone came in griefing them. All that being said this isn't even the biggest issue with this. The bigger issue is that with the current ruleset the Admins are protecting these griefers. Normally in a game such as this you could just grab your friends and kill the griefers and move on with you day but you can't here. Your just supposed to take it and turn the other cheek. If you'd just add a toggle so it can be set to everyone, clan only, group only it would fix everything. Still let enemies come in but give the option of letting us toggle it open if enemies do come in. Also create a high alert area if enemies are in the vicinity so you can't go into missions unless you clear them out which will fix the enemies diving into missions to escape. Add in as well the ability to turn off getting pulled into pve instances only. There you go all the instanced issues are now fixed. The second issue is the servers. It's bad enough the player population is as split as it is. Brits, pirates, and us nations on both PVP servers have a decent amount but the other nations might as well not even be there. This has got to change with such a small population that this game has. Coming up with a better hardware platform or a software solution needs to be a huge priority unless the games population explodes.
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