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van der Clam

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Everything posted by van der Clam

  1. I have the swivel guns empty, with longs everywhere else and still undercrewed. Will def switch to meds. This is a good idea...plus they need to be able to aim lower. They don't seem to be in line with other decks. Yes, boarding any ship of equal size I have landed only 2 hits multiple times when using brackets to fire. I have to wait for a wave to land more, and still the middle deck always misses.
  2. Maybe the best people to answer exactly what happened is to ask those who did it? @Ink Not to be accusatory, just curious.
  3. Honeybadger don't care about clans. Honeybadger don't need no one.
  4. IMO, the only things that need changed to combat DLCs are 1) the rare woods being less rare by opening up more ports for those woods, 2) allowing captains to place buy contracts in enemy nation ports, and 3) getting rid of crafting RNG by diminishing the RNG percent as we gain crafting XP...maybe for each particular ship. If these things were changed, IMO, I would be happy taking any ship against these DLC ships and would feel 1-click DLC can be combated. I don't think rare woods was asked for by anyone and the current woods stats make some nations way OP against others. Maybe this could be fixed with a wood stat adjustment. If rare woods are slightly less rare (being available in maybe only a handful of other ports) then we need the ability to place contract orders in enemy ports. The danger factor is still great trying to enter and exit these ports, but we need better access than current situation. I do not mind crafting RNG to an extent, but we need to be able to make it less harsh. I propose RNG percent dropping the higher the crafting level. I wouldn't mind if this was also implemented for each ship rate, or even each ship. Say by my 4th crafted Essex the RNG drops 10%; by my 6th Essex the RNG drops another 10%, etc, etc. That way we could become experts in crafting particular ships or rates. If these things were changed, I would feel much more adept in taking on DLC ships. I would feel my ship is much more capable against DLCs. Then I wouldn't feel wasted every time I encounter one. If none of these 3 things can be implemented, then yes, absolutely does 1-click DLC need to change. Maybe getting rid of DLCs to be created with rare woods unless the player has the resources. Maybe also requiring DLC ships to be built with the player's Labor Hours.
  5. When I started the queue was more like 236...
  6. Indeed, thank you devs! Check Redeemables Icon (upper right icons, 3rd from the right), and the DLC tab.
  7. And to think that today's patch subtracted turning rate, but increased penetration in AI. It's now required to farm at least 2 rates below...or at least have friends with you.
  8. Changing the HP does nothing to help gun underpowerment. 20+ gun difference makes an enormous difference. 😕
  9. But all I hear on the news and from the source is that the economy has never been better in the history of the US...bigly so. I wonder of previous DLC owners will exploit this one in the same manner have multiple ones just sitting in port every day....
  10. That's weird, why would someone who hates the game so much that they incited a bad review party with a ton of alt accounts even play this game, let alone buy a DLC? Weird.
  11. The only different with WoT DLC is they also give you shittons of in-game gold and silver plus a garage slot...and usually those ships grind more XP. But yes, they are nearly equivalent.
  12. Topic is Naval Action Memes - let's do memes. - H. Darby
  13. If pro gankers were not at capital zones to farm newbs then those ganker pros would be letting the newbs go once they got them in battle and saw their rank. But, no...gankers gonna gank and make up every excuse in the book as to why it's good for them to do so.
  14. Well done. Makes it look like crafting is even more bleak than my sheet. 😕
  15. I did not mean to misquote you. But if books matter when it's pro vs pro, then books and better crafted ships would also matter for newb vs newb.
  16. IMHO, I like the new econ too, altho the missions rewards are quite lacking, and I'm no fan of the rare woods. As I saw the Connie and USSUS they both barely competed with the Aggy and Inger having 10 - 8 less guns than each. Now they're in a class with 20+ less guns than others. Same for the Indef; it just cannot compete with other 4th rates due to lack of guns. 20+ more guns means a buttload of more damage dealt...especially against something with so much less armor.
  17. Now that is a well worded opinion worthy of a review. I disagree with it, as I like the new dmg model, but nothing you said in this quote was harsh, accusatory, nor unsubstantiated. If only those select few could have done the same.
  18. If books don't matter, then make a video of you going to battle with none. It's just like those certain pros who say woods and mods make no difference, that it's the skill that matters. Well, I dare them to take crap ships with crap woods, no mods and no knowledge slots and no perks to a PB or PvP gank fest. They should make a video of that and see how well they do....yet they never do.
  19. Since I have already written a steam review for this game awhile ago, I cannot write another (not that I'd change anything), because I have no alt accounts to do so. But what I can do is to help people navigate their way through the recent reviews. Everyone can do the same to help combat the recent negative tirade tantrums of a single person and his buddies. https://steamcommunity.com/app/311310/discussions/11/1815422173030003722/ P.S. Notice I didn't block comments like some people (err umm like someone and all their alts and friends alts did on their "reviews") lul
  20. 1. Can I recommend this game? Absolutely! 2. When you break down any game to only 3 components then absolutely every game is exactly as you disrobed. 3. Nearly every respectable game reviewer (magazines, online, etc) who speaks at game dev conferences says games are way under priced based on the work put into them. DLC content is part of many games. And not a single person was forced to buy any of these DLCs. The people who bought them were either ones excited to help the devs, or wanted a p2w aspect. Yes, certainly, negative reviews have meaning, but there is a huge difference between opinions and truth. If you were banned, it was probably for good reason. Somehow, hundreds of us have argued with the devs over different things in the game, yet somehow we have never even been warned, let alone banned. Perhaps people need to learn how to express their opinions without being batshit crazy.
  21. Nothing in the description of the DLC ships is misleading, nor has changed. And as far as I know, not a single stat of the ship has changed in game. It was the entire damage model that changed the characteristics of every ship. There were many many more good reviews than bad ones. But someone went apeshit batshit crazy with all their alts and friends alts just to try to sabotage a game and bad mouth the devs. Perhaps when the game is released, everyone else with their alts will write more honest reviews. Who knows. What I will do, however, is post this forum link on all of his reviews so people can read the truth, and see how the majority of people feel about his temper tantrum.
  22. Good call on the LGV Refit. It used to be available in Admiralty with dbls. Info on my sheet is from https://na-map.netlify.com/ Here's the file, what I posted was an image of it merged together. Feel free to post your edited version in here: MessedUpRates.ods
  23. I'm no moderator, but to future posters, please do not stray from this OP topic. We don't need any more threads turning into dev bashing, game bashing, references to Steam reviews, etc. I'd moreso like to know how the subjects in the poll have affected your game play, if any at all. Certainly, we value everyone's opinions, but trying to state your own opinion as facts to predict the future of this game and dev group are not required. Remember that there are indeed others with the opposite opinion. TY & carry on...
  24. Indeed it is, however, I wish I had added a Poll Question about the ease of CMs. IMO, CMs should be available for only PvP IF there were only 1 ship per class requiring marks....which I thought they would be. As I remember reading a post from admin, only the best ships in each class was going to require Permits. It's kind of sad to me that one can farm NPC in the PvP Zones to get CMs. Even more sad is that that is what I do most of the time, because in my TZ rarely anyone shows up in the PZs...and too often the PZs are in the Bahamas, which to me is no fun because of the DLC ships always out classing me. Altho, come to think of it, the only PZ I've done there is the Nassau one, which is 6th Rate, but sharks circle me in their 5th rates. heh I would like to see some more responses on the Rare Woods, Crafting RNG situations, too. I'd like to see each of these permits be available on random NPC ships. Say I want the Wasa permit. I hunt some Wasa and the permit happens to be on some. Let that be the RNG....as long as it's not 1 in 100, or something ridiculous like that.
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