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Bragan Benigaris

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Everything posted by Bragan Benigaris

  1. Thanks for the interesting episode! I'd suppose the boy had some experience with the lugger rig and the pilot boat was gaff-rigged. Nonetheless an astounding example of the art of seamanship, because he had to handle the boat alone and would risk his health and probably his life each time tacking, because the french privateer most likely wasn't amused by this maneuver. And by the way, i would fire the master and the other man of the pilot boat!
  2. 1. Stephen Taylor: Commander - The Life and Exploits of Britain's Greatest Frigate Captain. Guess who 😉 2. Thomas Siebe: Napoleons gefallene Göttinnen - Die Geschichte der französischen Minerve-Fregatten 3. C.A. Marchaj: Seetüchtigkeit, der vergessene Faktor (engl. Original: Seaworthiness: The Forgotten Factor) A nice mixture of history and seamanship 😃
  3. As already mentioned, there could go some doubloons from opening Workshop/Academy/Admiralty/Shipyard to the owner, perhaps not the whole amount but perhaps 10-15% like a tax. The same with the transport fees, but I'm not sure about the effort to realize this. Even if this would be not be appreciated from the community, there could be a fee in doubloons for opening an oupost in a captured port 🙊 😉
  4. The suggestion is simple: What about if captured ports not only grant victory marks and taxes in reals but also some doubloons? It could stimulate the RvR and mitigate the risk for deploying 1st and 2nd rates.
  5. "3-6 battles in 6-10 1st rates" - With this math you need either around 8 players grinding the whole night/evening or around 24 if they doing it in shifts - Even before the patch the hostility grinding was a chore and no fun. Tried it once with our clan and only because one dedicated player who insta-boarded the AIs the whole night we got our port battle. And he even could'nt participate because of lack of sleep.
  6. Die AI ist wirklich nicht gerade die hellste, aber sie ist verflixt zielsicher, wie Du wahrscheinlich schon gemerkt hast. Daher ist sie aber auch der ideale Trainingspartner für das Anwinkeln und das manuelle Segeln, denn das beides gehört zusammen. Eine mögliches Vorgehen wäre: * Laufe im spitzen Winkel auf die ausgewählte Seite zu * Warte die Breitseite der AI ab, apprallende Kugeln landen sichtbar in der See um Dich herum * drehe auf Parallelkurs und feuere eine Breitseite * nun wieder im passenden Winkel (je nach Schiff) ablaufender oder auflaufenden Kurs in Bezug auf den Gegner * Gegnerische Breitseite abwarten und deflektieren * und dasselbe nochmal 😉 Sinnvolle Ergänzung: * Schäden prüfen, ab ca. 50% Verlust der eigenen Panzerung reparieren * Während der Reparatur auf Deinem besten Kurs von der AI weghalten, Du hast in 5th rates üblicherweise zu wenig Crew für Reparatur und Nachladen Wichtig bei der ganzen Sache ist wie gesagt, dass Du Deine Segel manuell steuerst, da Du die zusätzliche Manövrierbarkeit brauchst und vor allem auch Deine Geschwindigkeit immer wieder anpassen willst, ohne die Segelfläche zu verringern. Was schon gesagt wurde, segel immer das Schiff, welches Du Dir leisten kannst zu verlieren. Gegen die AI sind tanky ships beliebt, die lassen sich günstig mit Oak und/oder Sabicu bauen oder auch immer im Shop kaufen (Live Oak/Crew, White Oak/Crew, Sabicu/Crew usw.). Persönlich mag ich es auch gegen die AI etwas beweglicher, da nehme ich gerne z.B. Mahogany/Sabicu - das ist leicht zu bekommen und ich baue auch gerne Schiffe. Viel Erfolg & vor allem viel Spaß!
  7. Awwwh, no, the witch is sunk. Revenge! Keelhaul every spanish officer ... ☠️ 😏
  8. Well, only a quick thought, but you could limit the rank and with this the max Crew size of pirates. That would limit the use of bigger ships and the capabilities of RVR for the pirates. As compensation give them outlaw battle again and you have a new interesting hardcore "nation". Oh, and no safezones, of course!
  9. Lost one Teak/Teak in a brawl with a 5th rate (Belle or Frigate) and 3x 6th rates (Merc, Brig & Privateer) and had another fight with Teak/Wo one against a frigate & Privateer. In both setups no premium modules, only british gunners, cotton sails and Sir Williams Congreves respectively Basic Hull. Within both fights my impression was: a) admirable turning, even tacking works like a charm b) heck, I'm loosing armor hp like melting icecream in summertime despite trying to angle In current state she's a real girl for sailing & turning but don't expose her to heavy fire, she wouldn't bounce much. Will continue to sail her, because i really like her turning, her looks and especially her attitude in the sea in battle instance. It feels real smooth and "sailish" - congratz on this job. I wouldn't go against especially Trinc or Endy with her, but with the low base speed there's no chance to escape. Against the other 5th rates she has the advantage of her turning speed and the heavy guns, so you should have a chance. Verdict: A real beauty with swiveling hips, but only for real man that don't avoid any fight - and know what they do.
  10. Sieh es einfach als "Black Friday", der bestimmt irgendwann kommt, Existenzen vernichtet und neue Chancen ermöglicht. Auf Grund der immer größer werdenden Vermögen, teilweise durch dubiose Geschäfte oder Ausnutzung von Exploits muss die Wirtschaft in der Karibik irgendwann crashen - wie im wirklichen Leben, das weiß jeder, aber keiner kann Dir sagen wann es passiert. Außerdem hofft jeder, dass es nicht zu seiner Lebenszeit passiert...
  11. It's really hot weather, because you are a) only looking at the temperature of The Islands that are in many aspects different from the continent and b) neglecting the side effects that make this weather really hot (also Munich as example): Happy hot summer day! 😉
  12. Nice Figurehead - and in comparison to Santa Cecilia or Renommee not even op... 😉
  13. Wonderful idea! Perhaps a restriction for shallow ships or max. 5th rates is worth considering imho
  14. Recently thinking about neglected aspects of NA, I suddenly realized that one of my dearest activities is completely missing in the poll: Smuggling Maybe it's a spleen only of me, maybe it's because a smuggler is severly hampered in game: He can't set contracts in enemy ports. For myself i tried to circumvent this problem by making deals with players from other nations or using alts. The latter one is cumbersome and the first one more difficult since we can't open a private chat with enemy players in ow any more and you always have the risk of loosing your trading partner. But I don't want to open the regular market for enemy smugglers, some ports like Esteros or Cartagena would immediately loose their status and attractivity for conquer. Instead of this i would suggest the implementation of a second market with special rules: The Black Market. Rules: - accessible only with smuggler flag or for "indigenous" nationals - instead of 10% tax a 20% gang fee /clan fee as base - no automatic dropping of goods, purely player driven The last point would lead to the mechanic that the smuggler would set for example a contract for buying teak logs and has to wait for a player to sell him some. If the price is high enough, that's a good deal for the selling national player who could buy directly on the regular market and the smuggler gets access to rare goods - for a price, of course. But with the current prices for some goods in the capitals there's still some profit for the smuggler possible. tl;dr: Implement a player-driven Black Market with higher tax for smugglers and other shady folks.
  15. Nothing against the display of the distance, but i want to keep the heading - it's more immersion imho. What about displaying the distance next to the heading?
  16. Sorry Sir, to contradict to you: That's NAL NA is combat in sailing ships AND interaction in an open world
  17. 1st: It's not declining since several months 2nd: The sea is usually wide and some people draw excitement from the uncertainty what may linger behind the horizon
  18. #NoToTow. There is still a ow beside pvp-circus and safezones and it's not an issue to supply most of the free ports with ships and repairs. Tumbado has usually a good stock of repairs - although expensive, but that's only the compensation for the traders risk to haul them there. You could easily open outposts in several freeports and buy ai ships for the patrol or tow one there per day if ya insist. But excessive towing per day is only lame. That's still a sailing game, goddammit!
  19. You're a pirate and need a ship? Go and capture one! Or make a deal with the devil and sell your black soul for one! If the devil is busy at the moment, perhaps a national will suffice... I wouldn't mind if pirates could only live out of freeports and maintain none or only small shipyards (lvl 1 or max. 2). And i even can't imagine Captain Jack Sparrow doing woodworks - would be much too dangerous!
  20. Come on guys, nations don't really matter with your rvr problem, so let them stay. RvR isn't everyones darling, especially if you're not inclined to play 4-5 hours several days in a row. And maybe still some people prefer to hunt solo or in small groups in enemy waters - and sometimes it happens that they fly the black i was told... ;-) But it is a good idea to make pirates the most vile hardcore nation with NO safe zones and WITH outlaw battles.
  21. The speed values on the ship menu were updated last week, only missing 2 or 3 values from ships i did'nt found. I have taken the values out of the shop menu, so my perks should'nt interfere with the speed stat.
  22. Totally agreed, I don't want to force the navy officers in the crafting business also. But the vision, to get every ship or mod or skill book by amount x foo marks sounds a little ... lame ;-) And there is the danger that all players, not only the navy officers prefer the Admiralty shop and this way we are loosing any incentive for traders/crafters/explorers. Therefrom i would suggest, that the access to ships and modules from admiralty are in a form of command: You get command of a certain ship(type) with a set of modules (maybe via a market) and as long as you sank a certain amount of enemies (players and/or AI) you can keep it. If you don't sail it anymore, because you want to try something different or are fed up with a certain ship type, you give it back and get a new command. For example as british captain you apply for a command of a frigate and can choose between a Trinco with British rig refit and cotton sails or an fast Essex with Spanish Rig Refit and Copper plating. You choose one, get medium guns for free and are in command of this ship, can modify her on own cost and as long you regularly sank enemies. If you get sunk by yourself, you can choose a new frigate from the pool or, because you are rear admiral now, apply to line ship duty, also so if you get bored by frigates and give your actual ship back. For player, who want to be navy officer and own their ships, there is also the possibility to buy - or build - their own ships, so you even could mix the two ways of life, if you want. Nothing against trade as money maker as long navy officers get a salary or prizes, i'm only against trade as main source of XP. As smuggler i don't have a problem with aggressive ai, i even would appreciate more patrols because it's a little to easy. My main concern would be the solo ow hunters in small ships, the Privateers and Snows that hunt some lonely traders and will be crushed by 1524 BR AI fleets every then and now. And it's no fun to constantly run away from ai, also
  23. I always prefer playercrafted ships, by myself or from others don't matter. But what about if the command of the Admiralty-ships is only temporary granted? For example for one session / day / week? Maybe with a certain set of modules? For books personally i like the fact that not every book can be bought from Admiralty. So you have some motivation to to go on OW to find them. A nice twist would be, if experienced players which own a skill could create a book by themselves. Maybe with some random variables? For modules i prefer them only to be crafted, to give the crafters a source of income (and motivation). Not sure about this, do you mean to raise the material and time costs per ship on a more realistic, higher level? As passionate smug... ehm ... trader and shipbuilder i say okay for the gold income, but not for the XP. Good idea, but who defines enemy of nation? And what about pirates? I'm not sure about aggressive behaviour. Maybe it would be enough if AI fleets patrol certain important trading routes, so any player trader could sail together with them on their route. If he is attacked, the patrolling fleet would be pulled into battle also. Trade ships can be armed and a hell of a fight, if the player knows what to do. So no, against it. I'm no rvr guy, but sounds interesting. Good idea, but is ist only for the defences being active or for building new ones, too?
  24. With the waterline lenght, the amazing amount of Jib Sails and her length/width ratio she shoud have a better upwind performance than she with the current sailing profile has. And this may be the best solution to make her unique. With this she can't outturn SOLs, but perhaps, with some refits out-tack. Also with a good performance on beam reach and a little higher on wind she could outrun heavier units, and with her braodside and toughness fight everything smaller (5th rates). Not an easy to handle ship, but with potential for experienced captains.
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