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Everything posted by Hodo

  1. Ok.. I will bite... Here is what went wrong with GLOBAL launch. - It was placed second in the server listing with NO description on the server type. - No true server wipe. -No advertising of the launch of the server or RE-launch - No XP transfer between servers. These are just a few things I noted, there is more. But the 4 biggest reasons for the failure of the Global server is because of the lack of real support from GAMELABS themselves. They treat that server as if it is a bastard child of a server. Most of the players who changed from EU to Global because of the "hope" of a better play time schedule, was shit on by the fact that most of the XP didnt transfer, and that clans had to be recreated, or just couldnt be created at all. So they either went back to EU and played outside of the RVR, or just quit. Case and point TF and VCO both had more than 40 people online during their peak on EU server. Then when the Global launch happened, half of the players didnt know what happened. Because of NO information put out anywhere BUT here. The other half found that they didnt have XP on the GLOBAL server, again because of lack of information being put out. Others didnt know the difference because GLOBAL was placed second in the ques for servers.
  2. Then why did you drop the ball so hard on the GLOBAL server? hmmm
  3. I still want to see a Indiaman port battle 25v25...
  4. Take an unarmed trader lynx. No threat to anyone.
  5. The queues were long due to poor login code management. Simple as that. When you look at the fact the ADMIN stated that over 50% of the game sales were to North American customers. That when compared to the fact that there are less than 40% of the current playerbase being from North America... you have to ask, why did you lose over 10% of your playerbase from one region? What was the cause of this? How can I change it to improve my retention in that region? If your answer is, "Nothing! I will add more EU based nations and restrict those North Americans to one crappy server" Well then you are doomed to fail. It is a good thing Gamelabs is a EU based company because if they were American they would have been sued till they shutdown by now.
  6. Not really. The game engine NA is based on handles things differently than the game engine PotBS was based on. I cant explain exactly how the differences are, because I dont know what engine PotBS used. But it was not a Unity engine and it was designed differently. And there is considerably more detail in our ships in NA vs those in PotBS. Which is a big plus for many.
  7. One answer... Different game engine. More complex answer is, PotBS had a different engine and a different code handling ship naming and duplication. The game had a less complex combat system and sailing system thus freeing up memory in the code for other "eye candy" things like ship naming.
  8. Crazy Poles, your boats wont float if you cut away 3/4 of it.
  9. So let me get this straight... 3 new empty dead nations are being added, to spread an already thin, laughably thin population even thinner.... this is to increase activity how? Maybe I am missing something.
  10. You could crap in one hand and wait for these faithfuls to return for the other. Which will fill up faster? And you all have the nerve to call me a troll.
  11. There has been ideas thrown out. Several in fact. Some of them actually pretty good and functional. Like... -Bring back port timers set by the defender. -Implement raid system. -Bring back flag capture mechanic. These are just a few.
  12. Amplify is just taking a note from the ADMIN on listening.
  13. It actually was not tried previously. The previous server version, before Global and EU, there was a limited window of attack. It locked out most of the central and western North American/South American playerbase. It also locked out most of the early PacRim players. So the half assed attempt at global by the ADMIN was an insult if not a joke at best.
  14. Increasing elevation on a mortar is not going to increase range.
  15. No you used the right "die"... I am making fun of the English language. And I speak it natively.
  16. I dont agree with the OP but I also dont think it would be the final nail in the coffin. There are enough other nails in this coffin to think one more would matter. Ultimately what would help the most is what some of the greatest forum warriors dont want. A server merger.
  17. Well just as I figured, not for me. Good first look though.
  18. The number of guns wasnt the complete rating system. It was number of dedicated gun decks + crew + gun total weight. Was the factor for Royal Navy rating sytem. The USS Constitution, was a frigate by design but a 4th rate by class.
  19. Your suggestion is one of the worst I have seen in these forums in a LONG LONG time.
  20. Why is this even a discussion? This is probably one of few things EVERYONE in game agrees on.
  21. The Constitution was rated as a 4th rate. The crew compliment is what caused this rating. It had more than 400men thus was a 4th rate by common naval standards of the time. While it was built like a 5th rate, single gun deck and a weather deck, it had the crew of a 4th rate.
  22. You would be surprised how many people you fight will be willing to help you get better. I know, I talk a lot of shit to BLACK, but they have always been willing to provide tips on what you did wrong in the fight and how to get better. Same for 90% of the clans in this game.
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