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Everything posted by Barbancourt

  1. Mmmm, no. Nobody wants to have to haul all their stuff across the map multiple times. Aside from some polish players wanting to be polish, the attraction is a combination of a great location and not having to rub shoulders with some of the personalities that stink up the room in some of the big nations.
  2. I'll purge my carronades up your poopdeck if you don't watch out.
  3. Who is this that you claim is protecting us? Switzerland? Siam? I don't plan to leave my estates in Haiti. Panama is just a quiet area to vacation, but it's an area to grow old and soft, not to prosper.
  4. And to think this all started with a little attempt to generate some fun mutual content. Oh hey brits, how is Prinzapolka doing these days?
  5. I was in battle once and as soon as my rudder touched a bit of bottom the entire ship was stuck even when I rotated 90 degrees and could see lots of water under the entire keel. The ship was leaned over 45 degrees and everything, as if the whole keel was stuck on the bottom.
  6. It's been like that for a long time. I never do missions. Always go for Open World AI so you know what you're getting into. Find a spot where 7th Rates and lone Brigs spawn in Open World and sink them repeatedly.
  7. Rank doesn't mean anything. It's just a time sink. If there was more of an achievement system to gaining ranks many of us would be stuck in 6th Rates forever, getting clubbed by gangs of Endymions, and would quit the game due to not being able to advance to trying out the next shiny toy.
  8. Rank means nothing. A gank is a gank, regardless of rank.
  9. Some LOLClown sinking someone that is completely outmatched is not PVP. I'm on the PVP server for a fun competitive battle, but they're extremely rare. People who stomp the weak and pat themselves on the back about being "PVP" stars are just worthless arsehats.
  10. And why would anyone actually do real PVP when they can get PVP marks by just going around farming defenseless trade ships and low rates, or just going around in a mob sinking anything outmatched. There is basically no incentive to actually PVP.
  11. We are centrally located. As they say, nothing more important than "location location location!"
  12. Hey, if they stop to be boarded why not? A pristine prize would seem desirable.
  13. How boarding works is a big mystery area of the game, aside from the rock-paper-scissors chart. I'm not terribly excited about playing Naval Rock-Paper-Scissors in the first place.
  14. Do upgrades stack on these? They shouldn't be stackable.
  15. That would still mostly result in seal-clubbing though, which should not qualify as "PVP". When they get rid of PVP marks people may feel less like sailing into dangerous areas is just giving their enemies free marks.
  16. The big nations are already too big. Join us small fry.
  17. The Commonwealth has good rhum and mixes a mean mai-tai.
  18. You're already paying for universal health care one way or another, and it isn't half as effective as hold full of rum.
  19. People keep saying stuff like this, but silly trade profits like that aren't available to everyone. I used to have a nice trade loop on Global but to get something like 4 million it would take me something like a month of checking the markets hourly all day long to get the goods as they spawn before anyone else did, and then sailing many hours of round trips. Lots of that money went straight to buying ships, teak, upgraded shipyard, etc... All that market camping and almost-AFK sailing is why I have over 1000 hours in the game, LOL.
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