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Everything posted by Barbancourt

  1. Lots of players don't have much hope of getting PVP marks unless their opponent disconnects in the middle of battle, LOL. I actually wish the books couldn't be sold/transferred between accounts. It ruins their mystique if you can just buy them.
  2. My girlfriend likes to wait until I'm in the middle of some intense combat situation on the computer before coming over and trying to start a conversation about something or calling me into the other room to see the latest incredibly important cute cat antics, etc. It is taking a long time to get her to understand that these games don't have a "pause" button like her TV does...
  3. You'd have to drop millions to buy the stuff on the market. It's hardly that trivial.
  4. Only for the largest nations that are able to compete for it, and the other nations with no access to it will have an additional disadvantage in combat.
  5. Too bad, we could have had some fun down there
  6. Les Cayes creepers are bringing down property values in Haiti...
  7. Well, it is a war game, so if there is nobody making war people get bored and stop playing. The minor ports of the Brits seemed like an obvious target and less difficult than other options. But it sounds like there were personal issues involved that prevented forming a unified fleet that day.
  8. Do not provoke me again. I can sail something bigger than a Mercury now.
  9. Well, the teak supply is only going to get more expensive as a result...
  10. I hope we aren't going to be getting draconian about the less artistic among us borrowing logos in good fun...
  11. The time the game requires is indeed a problem for many people, but it's also an essential part of the experience. It certainly isn't for everyone. I'm not sure if there's a way to mix casual and dedicated timescales in the same game - maybe, maybe not.
  12. I am a landed gentleman, not some freebooting scoundrel! I sail with a commission, or I sail in peace. When the seas are at peace I'm busy at my estates crafting the finest rhum in the Caribbean.
  13. Both the popup for the icon at the top and the page for notifications haven't worked for me in a couple days. Error code "EX0" for the full page. Firefox
  14. The word "invest" should never be used in the context of a game. If the process isn't fun then you've got the wrong game to begin with.
  15. Ooooh, a necro-thread. Dialing the Wayback Machine to 2 years ago... Looking at the server list with no information about the choices...hmmm, select one at random I guess? Character creation - looking at nation list with no information provided about the choices...hmm, will there be a language problem if I choose some of these? I guess I better choose USA to be safe. Load into port interface...oh dear, what does this all mean? Why can't I move things around this mostly empty space? Do I buy repairs? What do I do? How do I enter the big battles I've been watching on youTube? Hello??? Check some more youTubes quickly to try to figure it out. OK, screw it, start clicking things... Click "sail"...lovely Charleston(?) harbor...hmm, should I be worried about these ships around me? Click, click, click. Sails up, try to go somewhere. (It's a good thing Basic Cutter came with cannons pre-installed or I wouldn't have had any) Woah! That big ship says it's "France". RUN AWAY...RUN AWAY...RUN AWAY!!! This coastline is a little boring, and the ports are empty. Since nothing has happened so far and the swords seem to allow me to join some kind of a battle I guess I'll do that. Will it be like the battles I've watched on the youTubes? Entering battle....OK I see 5 players gangraping a "pirate" ship quite far away. Spend a few minutes sailing...very slowly...clearly I'm not going to get there any time soon, and it's a mob scene anyway. Guess I'm in gun range...lets try this...lob some shots towards the "pirate", miss, miss, miss, start to hit occasionally with no obvious effect. Don't want to fire a broadside from far away and hit the other USA players that are piling on. Fiddle with the guns for a while. ..."Battle over", "pirate" sinks without my input. Everyone leaves, so I guess I do as well. Sail back to Sudbury(?). Log out, still very confused.
  16. Yeah, in a group of large ships it can be hard to see and select more distant things beyond neighboring ships.
  17. "I tried to submit willingly to foreign occupation but my fellow patriots were having none of it. With Forged Papers I was able to BECOME the occupier, and thus work more effectively to enslave my brethren! (Uh, for their own good, of course.)" - Capt Turner Coates
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