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Everything posted by Arvenski

  1. Am I the only one who think's Plerrick is joking/trolling? :lol I mean, either he is joking and people are taking it too seriously, or he's getting too worked up over something that most people probably don't give a damn about. I mean, it's a new and pretty cool (in my humble opinion) ship that's getting implemented into the game, and that we're going to be able to play. Who cares if it wasn't all that successful in real life? Hell, as Villeneuve's flagship at Trafalgar, it still had a prestigious position in real life, even if it isn't renowned for its success in the fighting.
  2. @Plerrick de Badas: Here's how to restore Bucentaure's glory: Once she's implemented in-game, sail her under the French flag and make sure she never loses a battle.
  3. Dude. Let the devs advocate for premium ships. A player saying that something should be premium, when it could be regular, is basically saying "I want to have to spend real money to get this, instead of just grinding for it and crafting it and having it not cost me a cent."
  4. Personally, I'm not sure that it matters. This isn't a match-based MMO like WoT or War Thunder, so we don't need a complex matchmaking system.
  5. Eventually, we'll need more 1st Rates. Three just isn't going to be enough; we'll need more variety. For now, though, no, I don't think we need another 1st Rate. I'm in favor of ship-rigged corvettes and light frigates, and 3rd rates, myself. I wouldn't be against a modern (aka Napoleonic Era) 4th rate SoL, though. Ingermanland's a little old for me. I may as well also say that I don't think we're in dire need of more light ships, either: We've got a bunch of them already. I don't mind the thought of getting more of them later, but the truth is that I'm kinda expecting to just grind though anything smaller than the Niagara or a corvette, so I'd rather see some of the other size ranges get fleshed out more first.
  6. We could definitely use some more corvettes and light frigates, yeah.
  7. That would make for quite an ugly ship, if you ask me.
  8. I'm with you there, Maturin. My preference seems to be for the warships of the mid-1700s on up through the very early 1800s, anyway.
  9. Grabbed from SchurkjeBoefje's thread here: http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/3330-dutch-ship-of-the-line-vrijheid-freedom-1782/ Dutch 74-gun SoL "Vrijheid" ("Freedom"), 1782: Full info in the other thread. Also, if you're looking for plans, Alex Connor said in the other thread that "Royal Museums Greenwich has the plans for Vrijheid but they don't seem to be viewable online."
  10. Just gonna leave this here. By comparing this to the OP, I'm guessing that the "new ships planned" are: Unarmed and armed traders: Amsterdam (unless they listed her in the 26-50 gun category, in which case, we have an unknown ship here), Gros Ventre. Plus, there are the two "possible" new ships, too. 6th rates 16-26 guns: Xebec, Niagara, Rattlesnake. 5th rates 26-50 guns: Essex, Indefatigable, (maybe Amsterdam, if they listed her in this category. If the third ship isn't Amsterdam, then we have an unknown ship here). 4th rates 50-64 guns: Ingermanland, unknown ship. 3rd rates 64-80 guns: Unknown ship, unknown ship. 2nd rates 80-100 guns: Bucentaure, unknown ship, unknown ship. (Bucentaure might be listed as a 3rd rate, but since St. Paul's listed as a 2nd rate, I figured it was safe to assume Bucentaure's is one of the "new ships planned" in Admin's 2nd rate category.) 1st rates 100-140 guns: Le Commerce de Marseille. All told, that leaves us with 6 unknown ships in development, plus the two possible new ships. --------------- EDIT 10/2/15: Admin has confirmed that this image is of Gros Ventre, meaning that therefore she is in development. Brigand, when you read this, would you be so kind as to add Gros Ventre to the OP now?
  11. Couldn't you have changed the title while you were at it? Something like "Assorted Dutch Ships (with plans)"? Also, there are a few more that you didn't merge.
  12. Such a pretty-looking ship, though. The moderately ornate stern, those sleek hull lines... Mmm
  13. Keep 'em coming. This section of the forum's been a bit slow over the past few months. :
  14. Oh my. I definitely like her. Out of curiosity, though, are she and Admiraal Tromp (the other 68-gunner you posted, from 1806) sister-ships? Because they look like they have very similar lines. Also, most of your images that you've posted in these threads aren't showing properly.
  15. Wow. That's the same stern, alright. However, when I looked closely at the in-game model in the screenshot above, I noticed some other things as well: 1.) The rail that runs around the stern and the quarterdeck. The Gros Ventre model that Malachi linked has that, while the in-game Belle Poule does not. 2.) The last gun port on the in-game model is about halfway between the main and mizzen masts. This is the same as on the wooden Gros Ventre model, while the in-game Belle Poule's ports run farther aft. So, it's more than just a copy of the Belle Poule's model. It still looks to me like it's borrowed quite a bit from the Belle Poule, so maybe the devs started with the Belle Poule's model and then edited it.
  16. The model looks almost the same, if not exactly the same, as La Belle Poule. So, it could be a new ship with a placeholder model, or it could just be a Belle Poule that the devs have tweaked the stats of for whatever reason.
  17. I reverse Google Image Searched it and found a website in Spanish that used that picture. The caption included this bit: "de la “clase” del Westfriesland" Now, my Spanish is kinda basic, but literally translated, I'm pretty certain that means "of the class of the Westfriesland." So, a Westfriesland-class ship. I hope that helps.
  18. This. Same model as the Bellona, but since it's being used to represent a generic 74, it's been given a generic texture to distinguish it from the more unique-looking Bellona.
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