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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/24/2016 in Posts

  1. Encountered a Kommandørkaptajn and no idea what rank that is? Use this and / or print it out. bit.ly/naranks NOW WITH ADDED BR REFERENCE CARD - PRINTABLE
    7 points
  2. Instead of shoehorning pirates in with nationals you guys should use it as an opportunity to make pirates more unique. Let pirates trade and live out of free ports, thats it. We all do anyway for the most part. Let pirates get x2 or x3 the amount of "break down" goods when we scrap a ship and let us get x2 the lewt when we take a trade ship to power our economy. This way we can still get enough stuff coming in to make ships without having to be saddled with being a nation. The more Pve orientated pirates can go pirate and "farm" and sell stuff to cover the losses of the more Pvp based pirates. If you want to change colors of dots on a map then fly a flag with some colors on it. If you just want to watch the world burn... Well then fly the Black.
    5 points
  3. мортирные бриги земля и большие укрепления изменят баланс портовых битв возможно до не узнаваемости. Стоящие 25 сантисим с лонгами будут за 10-20 минут уничтожены мортирами из безопасных областей пока фрегаты прикрывают от рашеров. Кустов же нет образно говоря. Встал - тони. Пристрелявшись к узким проходам мортирные бриги не дадут войти в гавань. Но тут надо все равно аккуратно - а то будет все вокруг мортир крутиться. Чтобы не получилось так - что кто больше мортир притащил того и тапки
    5 points
  4. I said that myself every pirate should start as a national and murder his way into the occupation. Doesn't seam garner much support thou.
    4 points
  5. You shouldn't confuse mutual hatred of the pirates as a formal alliance in anyway. That should be the #1 priority of any nation, ie wiping out pirate scum regardless of whatever relationship they have with the other true nations.
    4 points
  6. Not just another nation...one of the 2 largest nations with a massive shipbuilding operation. I know we joke about this a lot, but if they acted more like Jack Sparrow it would at least be closer to the real thing than the massive empire that's roaming the seas currently. At least he stole things instead of crafting them. I think we missed the target by initially allowing players to choose pirate instead of encouraging acts of piracy to become one. As others have said they are much closer to a real nation than groups of raiders wreaking havoc on trade and commerce. Many of us assumed by default that the pirates would compete among themselves therefore limiting their ability to organize and work effectively in larger numbers. From what I've seen so far this isn't the case and they are as organized as any other nation. I'm not against pirates and If it wasn't for the US being added to the game I planned to go pirate for the unique and challenging gameplay, but to be honest I don't think I would in it's current form.
    4 points
  7. Одно замечание - в действительности бОльшая часть торговли представляла из себя ввоз в карибы одних товаров и вывоз из них других в другие регионы земного шарика. И именно эта "внешняя" торговля, наличие больших объемов перевозок, породили пиратство и колониальные войны в регионе, которые у нас тут и изображаются в той или иной мере. Но только следствие у нас-то есть - война, а вот причину как-то не завезли.
    4 points
  8. 2/23 Pedernales Defense Report Belligerents: 23 pirates (plus 2 NPC pets). vs 22 French (plus 3 towers) Casualties: Pirate: 18 pirates sunk outright (plus 2 pets also sunk) 2 pirates captured in boarding action, then executed, ships confiscated. 1 pirate surrendered, tried for piracy, then executed and sunk. 2 pirates successfully escaped French: 3 towers destroyed 4 French sunk 1 French successfully escaped Result: Decisive French victory.
    4 points
  9. I'll tell you what's worse than the grind... that every post on this subforum is a poll.
    4 points
    3 points
  11. Sparse info on this feature went out in the Russian forums so we must share it with everyone. We are working on the very big feature now which was taking 90% of the time for the devs and art team. The feature is in development in secret since October. We have taught the engine to pull the land from our procedural map into battles. If you attack a player in the hispaniola channel you will fight in the hispaniola channel. If you attack a player in a narrow passage you will fight in a narrow passage. Attack a player near land if wind blows towards land he will not escape. Port battles harbors will be based on our map harbors making some ports extremely easy to capture and others impossible to capture. Attack someone near a shore battery spot and you will have to fight under battery fire (this will allow us to eliminate reinforcements button). This will change the gameplay completely and might ruin the game. Or will make it awesome. The feature is in internal testing as there a a lot of spawn problems to be solved. But it plays and feels epic. ETA Unknown but hopefully by mid spring it can be given in experimental build for testing.
    3 points
  12. Имхо, игре недостаточно иметь уровни глубины шалоу ватер и дип ватер. Если взглянуть на нынешнее состояние дел на ПБ, можно заметить, что серьезный пласт кораблей уже сейчас остался не у дел. Мелководье предлагает нам сесть на корабль до меркурия включительно - ок. Но на дип ватер ПБ ныне приглашают корабли, начиная от тринка и выше. Недавно я слышал в ТС весьма нелестные отзывы в адрес человека на цербере, который зашел на ПБ. В перспективе планка будет только подыматься и дойдет как минимум до третьего рейта, потому как они плавают в море. В итоге все корабли от цербера до консты останутся не у дел. Корабли расцепа конечно участвуют по-своему в заварухе, но, учитывая специфику их задачи, хорошо, если люди просто не потонут. Наград за этот элемент игры нет от слова совсем, а риск довольно большой. На Фрегатах, церберах и подобном я бы вообще не советовал соваться это делать, но многие люди хотят помочь и тонут за зря. Было бы неплохо добавить к шалоу ватер и дип ватер какой-то промежуточный сегмент для фрегатов. Но тут, к сожалению есть одно НО: в таком случае с высокой вероятностью это будет ПБ для 1-2 кораблей, а остальные снова выпадут. Гораздо органичнее,имхо, смотрелся бы смешанный состав ПБ по квотам на определенные классы, чтобы в бой нельзя/невыгодно было загнать 25 топовых в этой рамке кораблей. К примеру, состав ПБ формируется в две команды: в первую попадают тринки-конституции, во вторую фрегаты-цербера. Честно говоря, я пока не придумал, как сделать квотное наполнение ПБ удобным. Подогнать составы под конкретные квоты типа "3 консты, 5 тринков, 7 фрегатов и так далее" довольно проблемно, а формирование команд пополам несет все те же проблемы, что и нынешняя система, просто разделенные на два. Из того, что приходит в голову - лимит БР. Т.е. есть число, которое можно заполнить либо рейтами, либо фрегатами, и рейтов будет, соответственно меньше по количеству. Могу выделить схему вроде "Ход конем" при которой игра сама выдает корабли тем, кто зашел на ПБ. То есть независимо от того, на чем игрок заходит в бой, он получает корабль по квоте. Подобные порт батлы, мне кажется, имели бы своих приверженцев. Возможно, стоит ввести что-то такое наряду с существующей системой? Что-то вроде ивента или порт-батла от адмиралтейства.
    3 points
  13. I don't care what Caldwell is in. I'll pay bonus of he's in his trader.
    3 points
  14. Pirates need unique game play mechanics that are completely different from those of the other nations. Pirates should not be engaged in empire building. That is simply absurd. Pirates should be a prestige class that present a unique experience. Playing a pirate should be more difficult than playing for a legitimate nation but should also have unique rewards. One suggestion I've made is that pirates should have the ability to develop ports (havens) that players of the other nations cannot see on the main map. In order to discover them, national players would have to get very close. Pirate havens should not be subject to capture but could be destroyed by national forces. Pirates could also move their haven with all of its resources but this would take some time to accomplish. This could lead to an interesting cat and mouse dynamic where the nations scout and search for pirate havens and the pirates consider whether to stay and fight or relocate. I think this would be fun and more in line with how pirates historically functioned.
    3 points
  15. After reading this thread the animosity between certain parties is clear so I will refrain from commenting on that. Elsewhere I will say simply that as a member of another underpopulated (or perhaps disorganized comparatively speaking) faction, I greatly respect Slamz for your efforts to still fight under France's banner against overwhelming amounts of degenerative pirates. Had the geographical climate pitted us as enemies I would undoubtedly hunt you as fiercely as these piratas, but in this instant I only wish good tidings in France's effort to reclaim her ports and colonies. I enjoy reading of your victories as they are inspiring to my own efforts in our fight with the Americans, so please do continue posting them.
    3 points
  16. Well, the good federalists among us probably wouldn't mind that as long as they stop searching our ships up north near New-York and Chesapeake Bays. But I fear the Jeffersonians in our navy have sabotaged any chance at favorable relations between us.
    3 points
  17. The nations need to be balanced. The pirates don't and that is part of what makes them Piratey. If you want to paint dots your doing it wrong. Join a low pop nation and balance out the national conquest aspect of the game and the map wars will really start to sing. I know you may not agree but the BEST thing the Devs could do for the Conquest aspect of the game is remove the pirates ability to compete in it as a nation. The pirates should be unique and doing piratey things. If the nation builders in the pirates had all joined Spain, for example, we would be having a much healthier conquest game at the moment. Capturing the Bahamas would be a waste of time so no one would bother and the pirates would be living and raiding in the middle of three fluctuating war fronts. It would be huge chaotic fun to be a pirate.
    3 points
  18. Да, франки возле Бай часто бывают. Вчера ночью нагнали небольшую пати севернее амалиенборга тоже. Мое мнение таково, что венерики, которые на нас не нападают, это уже хорошо, и менять это состояние не стоит. Мало ли как оно потом повернется. Вот обещали доступ в свои порты дать возможность открыть кому-то. Кому Дания откроет вход?) шведы пустят к себе бритов, к гадалке не ходи. А Дания, как обычно, верит в 4 состава, которые отбивают города по всему периметру карты?)
    3 points
  19. Нужно давно понять что сее сообщество обыкновенные гопники (собирательно-гопота), прослойка низкого социального статуса, малообразованной, агрессивно настроенной. Имидж и поведение типичного гопника это "распальцовка" и "по понятиям", сами себя таковыми не считают, обычно характеризуют самоназванием "реальные пацаны" или "правильные пацаны". Ну а раз они "реальные пацаны" то остальных считают "лохами" (однако в среде гопников чёткого определения "лоха" не существует). А кинуть "лоха" это святое (в рамках философии их субкультуры). Вот только незадача, эти "лохи" не кидаются никак, а "гопота" попадает в не ловкие ситуации (или просто комичные), убеждая всех что есть еще в нашем обществе человекоподобные создания недавно слезшие с дерева. Но у людей образованных и воспитанных такое поведение вызывает недоумение и брезгливость. По существу, наши зарубежные коллеги понимают, что тот "высер" от FLOTа что был намедни, мелкое хулиганство отдельных "йети" и менять политический взгляд не собираются.
    3 points
  20. Соврать не дам. )) Занимаясь ПвП, время уходит коту под хвост, если это конечно не шведско-французские или англо-испанские договорняки. Носишься взмыленный как загнанная лошадь, то ты гонишься то за тобой с минимальным выхлопом, а то и по нулям, прокачка стоит, время идёт, корабли теряются.
    3 points
  21. Yes! Move all capitals to Jamaika. I think everone will be happy with this.......
    3 points
  22. Pirates should get to use neutral ports also, and they should have the ability to raid a national port and turn it into a neutral one.
    3 points
  23. Yes it is silly... but who named the server "US"? The game developers did that. I suppose we should find it flattering that the people on PVP1 care so much about us leaving, but it is increasingly annoying. We felt the writing was on the wall on the future of that server. It happened to us before and it appears to be happening again. I wish the splitting of the servers wasn't done, but it was. If you look through my past threads you can clearly see that I was concerned the moment a "US" server was created for the very reason we all agree on. Now with people constantly contacting us, writing on our recruitment page about how sad it is, coming into PVP2 to trying and coax players away, basically telling us to ignore the fact that there is a "US" server and ignore the fact that the port battle timers on PVP1 (in our ENTIRE experience) were set to mid-day "US" time. We adapted to the game mechanics so we could play the game. So again, 1. There are "US" and "EU" labeled servers. 2. On the "US" server we generally fight PB during 6-12pm Eastern Standard time. 3. On the "EU" sever we would have had to take off of work and attack at 1 PM Eastern standard time. We dealt with reality, not wishful thinking. As to the out of place comment about us and other British players on PVP1 I can only say you blew that out of proportion. Our only beef was with one group's leadership, not more, not less. It is on that matter you are clearly misinformed. If you want the full details I will gladly give you a timeline of events, what was said, and what was done; and then you can pass judgement. If in some way you are asserting that our relationship with that leadership had anything to do with us leaving you are quite mistaken, thus, it has no place in this discussion here. Regards, W. A. Roberts
    3 points
  24. Update Patch 27 - Port Interface, New missions, Streamlined economy, Insurance, New currencies.: Alternatively use the sheet as explained here. _______________________________________________________________________ This game is no different than other games with moving and shooting pixels: Speed is life. I set out to document each ship's speed characteristics in detail in order to enable you players to make the most out of your given fighting vessel. Ships can have wildly varying speeds all depending on wood type and upgrades. The ships in this thread are made of oak or teak with no upgrades that affect speed, that means they represent the base speeds, with guns, of the ships we have in game. Things will change to most, if not all, ships still, so this is a work in progress. Not all ships are in yet but that will happen. The comparisons linked under each section are dynamically updated and you can highlight an individual profile by clicking on an item in the right hand list. If you wish to discuss the topic of speeds, it's best we continue the discussion here Thanks to: maturin for his work to make the speeds what they are today, balticsailor for his ships and work on some profiles and manuva, generaljake and Schutzengel for ships. Give it up for Game Labs who have made this ridiculously good game and made it available to us! Small ships Comparison of small ships. Medium ships Comparison of medium ships. Frigates Comparison of frigates. Ships of the Line (SOL) Comparison of SOLs.
    2 points
  25. (RP Federalist Paper from Hudson, NY based on the real life The Balance and Columbian Repository) Current Issue Wednesday, February 24, ---6 Past Issues Thursday, February 11, ---6 Tuesday February 2, ---6 Wednesday, January 27, ---6 Tuesday, January 7, ---6 Note: (anything appearing in the newspaper is roleplay only and not necessarily my personal views) Note: Concerning the date, I chose current date - 210 years. Other people have their own dates. Historical: 1803 1804 1806 If you can find any Republican or Jeffersonian newspapers from the time period, let me know. The Nonpareil; Or, Harmless Feast of Wit: Being an Entertainment of Rational Mirth
    2 points
  26. Sirs, I Charles Twunt would like to convey the sincere apologies of every right thinking English man to the good people of Mugeres. As we seek to spread the kind words and protection of his gracious majesty the King through the Caribbean Sea our mission seems to have been some what interrupted by some American sailors who seem to have got lost. As we came in peace to the small island gem that is Mugeres, obviously in a large and heavily armed fleet we came across numerous American "sailors" who seem to think this place is an extension of the Florida keys. Whilst obviously their lubberly navigation skills were to blame for such an error their tenacious refusal to accept RN navigational assistance back northwards has been both admirable and regrettable. Admirable in their willingness to run out their great guns (although clearly we came in peace, repeatedly) but regrettable in the impact is having on the good citizens of Mugeres. I have heard it said that the only people in Mugeres prospering currently are Messrs James Martello and sons, a tower building company. I urge the poor lost American souls to accept our assistance in going home to their rebellious families and leaving the poor orphans of Mugeres to benefit from the largesse of the King. God save the King!
    2 points
  27. The battle of Pampatar Another attempt has been made by the Dutch fleet to make an assault upon the port of pampatar. The attempt was part of the ongoing battle between french and Dutch armed forces to secure the Isla de margarita which current marks the frontline in the south, part of the greater conflict currently being waged in the Caribbean between 'the old world alliance' and the younger but efficient nations of the US and Dutch Republic, joined by The Danmark-Norge kingdom. Captain Martin W Morey de Saumarez Aboard Tonnerre Enfant (thunder child) (28 guns) Whilst I and Thunder child were operating under the command of Captain Labielle French Navy, conducting a sweep and clear operation off the South American coast a cutter arrived announcing that piquet ships operating on the edge of french territory had very reliable information of a Dutch battle fleet forming up in preparation to launch an assault upon French territory. A spy picked up at La Orchilla reported that the target was Pampatar. The cutter brought orders for all available vessels to rendezvous and prepare to repulse the enemy. Our glorious fleet began to arrive in the carupano area almost opposite the port of Pampatar. I ordered Thunder Child to full sail and sailed northwest towards Pampatar to join the piquet ships in the area looking out for the enemy. We didn't have to wait long for the Dutch fleet to arrive. They appeared to come in groups of 6-10 and a game of cat and mouse began as the we jostled for a better tactical position, this resulted in our piquet squadron being chased back towards the main fleet. At last the signals were given to make sail and engage the enemy. The main Dutch fleet had arrived and began their assault on Pampatar, a large group had remained out side of the port in order to delay our fleet engaging the Dutch battle line. Small battles and skirmishes were going on all over the area and Thunder child was steered on a weaving course running a gauntlet of Dutch corvettes and frigates trying to block our path. Our vanguard squadron proceeded to engage a large Dutch squadron just outside the port. Although I can't remember the exact numbers, I do recall that the french squadron far outgunned the Dutch squadron. At last thunder child approached the port sailing into the wind, and the clouds suddenly burst bringing visibility close. It cleared as I entered the port but I found my ship in an immediate vulnerable position, the Dutch battle fleet was immediately astern of Thunderchild and we began to receive some long distance albeit accurate punishment. My great cabin was shot through and my steward, (new at the job) hadn't cleared for action sufficiently and some of my personal effects were destroyed, including Deimos my red mandolin smashed to sawdust. My steward awaits punishment damn his eyes, I'll teach him his duty yet. After manoeuvring away from the Dutch heavies I surveyed the tactical situation. The French fleet was forming up in a defensive position between two Martello towers. Another small group was chasing a small squadron of Dutch ships including a 74 that had somehow gotten separated from their line. More french reinforcements were arriving in ones and twos until our numbers matched theirs. The Martello towers were receiving considerable attention whilst our fleet formed up and losses were inflicted on both sides. The battle then became one of fluid movement where both sides slugged it out. The Dutch turned in succession to starboard and the French fleet turned towards the vulnerable turning point (much the same as was attempted by the Spanish at the battle of St Vincent). Although it didn't break the Dutch line it did cause their formation to loosen up. The main Dutch group then formed a perfect battle line and my crew was full of admiration for their seamanship. It was at this point that the small group that had been separated at the start were defeated and our comrades returned to the main group. The two fleets attempted to counter each other's turns and from a Birdseye view the battle would have resembled a Yin yang symbol. Attention was drawn to an enemy ship aflame in the distance and both sides manoeuvred to get clear of the ship. It exploded magnificently. From my position it was difficult to see the damage it caused, but I saw many masts falling into the sea from the shock of the explosion. At Least two of our third rates had suffered such damage. Several enemy ships had been sunk to only two or three of our own. Several enemy stragglers were in a desperate position and wouldn't last much longer. It was as I ordered thunder child to disengage from one of the said stragglers that was floundering, that it became clear that the fleets had changed direction. Several Dutch ships had vanished either sunk or withdrawn (I can not confirm which) but those remaining had succeeded in turning into our main line and send it scattering away in my general direction. All hands were called to raise full sail and come about. The line reformed and Thunder child was now leading the French line. Though it was clear that the Dutch had no chance of victory short of a storm that destroyed French men of war only, they continued a very professional and impressive display of seaman ship and gunnery. Thunder child received broadsides from several Dutch ships and the damage to the port side was severe with guns knocked out along with their crews. We were pinned between one of our own frigates and the leading Dutch ships and we were heading straight for a small island that had the ruins of one of our Martello towers on it. I ordered the men to spill the wind from our sails to allow the frigate to pass so thunder child could manoeuvre. We received a devastating volley at this point, accurate and long. One of the cannonballs took the head clean off my first lieutenant as he shouted a damage report at me from a mere 2 feet away. We returned fire before turning away and my gun crews were in a state of shock and a heavy hand was needed to get them out of cowering and back their guns, they were slow to reload. The remaining Dutch ships were scattered and victory was close at hand. One Dutch 74 was de masted and surrounded by several ships, she was the last to go down however. The conduct of the battle was brilliant, many salutes were given by Dutchmen as their ships went down, and were returned by French captains. Organisation and tactics on both sides were also an impressive point, and I raised a toast to our brave adversaries at a victory dinner I hosted afterwards with my surviving officers. I do feel, that the Dutch/ french front of the war has descended into a tough war of attrition with with neither side able to advance as yet. That will hopefully soon change and I pray for momentum to pick up in our favour. I'm sure it will. I have the honour to remain sir, Your humble obedient servant Captain Martin W Morey de Saumarez Captain Tonnerre Enfant
    2 points
  28. Now the uneven player base aside which is part of the issue, but A good portion of France's holdings are rather far away from their capital. Either move it closer to Haiti, or have it set at New Orleans. I just think where they are is rather far off, but there can be issues with that too. Or have Capitals and "major outposts" for a nation where the population can teleport to and set up shop/defense. Only nations I can see needing this would be, France and Spain though. And these major outposts being very hard to cap with the land system coming into place.
    2 points
  29. I'd like to see an anti pirate coalition, all nations put there differences aside until an agreed date, so we can put the pirates back in their pandora box. Then the war can resume.
    2 points
  30. А тут кстати сарказм не к месту. На Карибах линейные корабли особо не воевали, были нужны в Европе.
    2 points
  31. всем привет все обсуждение в этом разделе сводится к старому как мир вопросу - как сделать так чтобы все/почти все классы кораблей были задействованы на ПБ/ПВП против того что все классы должны быть задействованы вроде как возражений нет - дело за малым - придумать как это сделать)) а как было в реальном мире? малые классы кораблей ВСЕГДА использовались не в качестве основной ударной силы - понятие линейного корабля как класса и возникло именно от его функции - идти в боевой линии подавляя противников поэтому линейный корабль не должен быть уравнен с более малыми классами для чего использовали меньшие классы кораблей - разведка - перехват - конвоирование - ведение боевых действий в НЕБЛАГОПРИЯТНЫХ для БОЛЬШИХ классов УСЛОВИЯХ если рассуждать логически то надо придумать такие условия на ПБ и ПВП которые принудят игроков использовать разные классы кораблей все обсуждения на данную тему ВСЕГДА именно к тому и сводятся что же именно придумать))) на самом деле не нужно придумывать велосипед - типа ограничений по БР, мортирные бриги (так и до ядерных ракет и прочих файерболов недалеко), выдача кораблей по карточкам/талонам (прям бред какой то, уж извините) идеи по данному вопросу уже неоднократно озвучивались на форуме в том числе и мной 1. система глубокой акватории и мелководья -здесь все вроде всем понятно 2. система высокой низкой волны на высокой волне малые корабли затруднены в стрельбе из- за высоты бортов , крена и тд,- тут тоже все понятно и как и в случае с глубиной это все так или иначе присутствует в игре 3. система характера побережья и размещения оборонительных фортов/башен вот тут давайте разбираться : как вообще строили оборонительные сооружения портов в ту эпоху - концентрировали мощные укрепления в максимально узких местах на путях подхода к главной цели/порт/город в чем слабость больших кораблей - в их размере, соответственно необходимости в большем месте для маневра в чем сила малых классов - в более высокой маневренности и перезарядке таким образом чтобы дать возможность принимать участие в боевых действиях более легким классам кораблей надо карты ПБ ПВП прорабатывать с учетом различных зон ландшафта, то есть на подходах к порту глубоководье -место где могут померяться пипетками тяжи, потом надо пройти проливами/островами , где тяжам просто не развернуться в полноценную боевую линию, в отличие от малых кораблей, наскакивающих с разных сторон, далее вошли во внутреннюю лагуну порт с достаточно большой зоной мелководья где тяжи могут стрелять на пределе своих возможностей - дальность/скученность и чтобы добить врага самое то было бы иметь пачушку другую фрегатов/корветов. если еще ко всему этому добавить оборонительные сооружения расположенные правильным образом в не всегда удобных для обстрела тяжами местах то картина будет полной я тут ничего нового от себя практически и не добавил просто резюмировал все ранее высказанные идеи самое главное в том, что все эти идеи не будут полноценно работать каждая сама по себе только правильно отбалансированная карта, где все зоны применены сообразно, даст нужный результат
    2 points
  32. как было в одной другой теме, по голосованию всё и так видно и "Дальнейшее переливание из пустого в порожнее тут бессмысленно" (с), так что давайте закроем тема, а Флиб?)
    2 points
  33. Если профита от 3-4 часов перегона нет, значит товар есть ближе и вы ССЗБ. Кнопка "В бой" и ангар, надеюсь, здесь не появится.
    2 points
  34. Ну да, ну да. Когда я начинал за Испанию на альфа-тесте, мне вступило пересечь карту по диагонали... Два с половиной часа на пикле. Торговцы будут счастливы трястись над грузом всё это время - не отойдёшь, так как никогда не знаешь, где тебя ганкнут. Торговля скорее вообще заглохнет от такого.
    2 points
  35. Предлагаю пиратам тоже повоевать с данией, чисто потестить возможости. Чтобы не фармить непись, действительно.
    2 points
  36. New issue up. Changed my dating scheme to ---6. It could be 1786, 1796, 1806, 1816, etc. I make reference to past newspapers: Ambassador Benjamin Robert Hickory O'Dwyer III Affair Magnum Allan Affair
    2 points
  37. I have founded the promised land, and have united the fractured clans. Now we the pirate band, shall go forth and hunt for Slamz! You may now applaud.
    2 points
  38. Nice, I'm on the list!!! I'm going to sink some more rats so I get a higher bounty >:3
    2 points
  39. How about we just give real pvp rewards on current servers?
    2 points
  40. Quineloe has made it his holy duty to be irritating on the forums. Everyone by now has realized this.
    2 points
  41. No. Attacking someone who is green to you in a battle instance is NEVER allowed, no matter who you are. Once you're put on the same side as someone inside a battle, you MUST NOT shoot them, but instead either aid them in battle or get out of the way and leave. PERIOD.
    2 points
  42. Good gracious Poseidon! The winds of change must have gusted quite a long way for the besmirching to mizzen here. My fellow swains have never thwarted any good man from pursuing his own ambitions. So why the banshee that forswears our efforts here?
    2 points
  43. проблему малых и средних судов нужно решать не малым и средним ПБ, а именно задачами малых и средних судов, на самом ПБ (не в ОМ и не в отцепе, а именно на самом ПБ, вместе с рейтами)
    2 points
  44. Ну, вообще-то линейный корабли и были кораблями для генерального сражения флота. Остальные были на подтанцовке - блокада, конвоирование транспортов, нарушение вражеской торговли. В линейном бою фрегаты держались в стороне как мобильный резерв и иногда использовались только на этапе общей погони.
    2 points
  45. Do you think you're funny or smart by using such an obvious lie? Seeing the behavior of this captain I would guess there was an intention to exploit the problem. I would say an example is in order.
    2 points
  46. Наверное уже бесполезно сюда что-то постить, но оставлю тут. Линейный корабль "Победоносец" Стремление русского государства к проведению активной внешней политики в середине 18 века требовало возрождения Российского флота, пришедшего в упадок после смерти Петра I. "Значительное усиление России немыслимо без действий Русского военно-морского флота" — эти слова Екатерины II блестяще подтвердила история. Во второй половине 18 века Россия вела ожесточенную борьбу за выход в Черное и Средиземное моря, а также укрепляла свои позиции на Балтийском море. Поэтому численный состав флота в этот период его развития в основном определялся двумя факторами: угрозой со стороны Турции на юге и Швеции — на Балтике. В законодательном порядке количественный и качественный состав флота определялся Штатным положением, разрабатываемым Адмиралтейств-Коллегией и утверждавшимся главой государства. После заключения 10 июля 1774 года Кучук-Кайнарджийского мирного договора с Турцией отпала необходимость в дальнейшем увеличении численного состава флота, т. к. "число плавающих кораблей превосходило назначенное по большому военному комплекту". Поэтому с 1775 г. интенсивность строительства линейных кораблей в России начинает падать и вскоре прекращается вообще. Лишь в 1779 г. началась достройка кораблей, находившихся на стапелях. Перерыв в строительстве флота был использован русскими кораблестроителями и моряками для дальнейшего совершенствования корабельной архитектуры, повышения боевых и мореходных качеств военных кораблей. В 1766 году на кораблях "ИСИДОР" (74 пушечного ранга) и "ИНГЕРМАНЛАНД" (66 пушечного ранга), вооруженных по новым пропорциям такелажа, парусов, мачт, стеньг и реев, были проведены испытания. Автором новых пропорций являлся вице-адмирал С. К. Грейг. По результатам вышеуказанных испытаний Адмиралтейств-коллегия приняла решение: "... впредь корабли вооружать так, как были вооружены корабли "ИСИДОР" и "ИНГЕРМАНЛАНД". Так был принят промежуточный регламент 1777 года, который с учетом артиллерийского штата 1805 года лег в основу второго Корабельного Регламента 1806 г., продолжившего традиции русской кораблестроительной школы. В 1779 г. Россия возобновляет строительство линейных кораблей с целью замены "пришедших в негодность по ветхости своей". За последующие четыре года было построено 8 линейных кораблей и 6 фрегатов. Среди них был корабль 66 пушечного ранга "ПОБЕДОНОСЕЦ", заложенный 9 июня 1778 года и спущенный на воду 16 сентября 1780 года. Построенный по чертежам и под непосредственным наблюдением одного из талантливейших русских кораблестроителей А. Катасонова, корабль имел следующие размерения: длина по нижней палубе 160 футов ширина по мидель-шпангоуту 44,6 футов глубина интрюма 19 футов Вооружение состояло из двадцати шести 30-фунтовых, двадцати шести 12-фунтовых и четырнадцати 6-фунтовых орудий. Свое первое длительное плавание в Средиземное море корабль совершил под командованием капитан-бригадира А. Спиридонова в составе эскадры вице-адмирала В. Чичагова в 1782 году. Проведя в море свыше 7 месяцев, корабль вернулся в Кронштадт, заслужив высокую оценку адмирала Чичагова не только своими действиями в период плавания, но и высокими мореходными качествами: "... что же касается крепости, то в подводной части все корабли тверды, а в надводной, напротив того, все слабы, кроме корабля "Победоносец". Он был одним из немногих русских кораблей-долгожителей. За 27-летнюю службу Отечеству в биографию корабля вписано немало славных дел, в том числе участие в морском бою у Выборга 22 июня 1790 года, где своим интенсивным артиллерийским огнем по шведским кораблям он во многом способствовал разгрому неприятельской эскадры. В 1793 году корабль был перетемберован и получил внешний вид, отличающийся от проектного. Корабль был разобран в 1807 году и исключен из списков флота.
    2 points
  47. All Captains are required to treat each other with respect. Just because gender isn't listed under Rule #3 does not mean that harassing or abusing others based on their gender is acceptable. Female gamers experience an extremely high rate of harassment, misogynistic comments, etc. In some cases, it forces them to hide, in others, they just prefer not to play games at all. Everyone is welcome in Naval Action, period. Players who can not be respectful to their fellow gamers absolutely will have their ability to chat or post removed in very short order. With that said, the described activity is not, in and of itself, a violation of the rules (to the degree that it warrants action on Game Labs' part). Treat this post, however, as a warning that harassing others on the basis of their gender (or claimed gender) will not be tolerated.
    2 points
  48. one time account experience wipe is possible, please, provide character name by the ingame mail system to character Ink. Go to friendlist, click on "Find" tab and find my character there, right click and "Mail". Please, remember, that if you change your mind after a while, it will not be possible to recover it back.
    2 points
  49. The Eve system is completely broken. Let's say you kill me, and that makes me mad. I put 100,000 gold on your head. Then you kill a few people near me, and they get mad, and they also put a bounty on your head. You then sail back to your buddy, get into a basic cutter, he kills you, and y'all split the bounty. It's like getting screwed twice. In a place where being "killed" doesn't mean anything, bounty systems are completely useless and 99% abused.
    2 points
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