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honour system can work.

But I dont want to see specific ships implied with the "missions".

Better would be:

Sink x ammount of ships with a 6th rate, a 5th rate etc..

You are forced to sail smaller vessels at first but you are not forced to sail ships you dont like.


I know thi post is kinda off. But I think you lot are focusing on a very raw feature.

(Which may go for sure)

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I forgot to speak about the xp that give you a kill, it need to be reworked too :

The overall amount for killing a 3rd rank is more or less 1000 xp, but 560 just for the kill. This is too much. (I am speaking about the xp for the kill, not about the overall amount, wich is great balanced imo)

It should be something like 900 xp for damages and only 100 xp bonus for the kill.

For a frigate is 300 xp for the kill, it should be 50 xp bonus.

Again it will encourage players to farm together.

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The possibility to craft crafting notes, has flooded the ow with Exceptional ships and modules, so your forced to sail them as well to be competitive, particularly since the boost from modules is still way to big. You can get 30% faster reload with no drawbacks just with the right modules.


The percents based modules improve allready better ships even more, for excample you can get the hit points of a santi up to around 20k per side (live oak, build strenght and planking) so you add a conni per side and still be faster then a vic at best point of sail.


So a Santi with modules can have 15% more hp and 30% faster reload (higher dpm) with out any real drawbacks.

Edited by balticsailor
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One additional thought. I think 'shocks' are unnecesary and may well be removed or at the very least reworked. Primarily 'reload' shock. In my opinion it is too powerful and gives even more of an advantage to the bigger ship (for example I've had instances where I inflicted/suffered reload shocks from bigger ship by shooting into the bow or with quarter deck only). I know that the shocks were supposed to help smaller force overcome bigger force by 'spiking' and locking enemies in reload shock. However, if the bigger force is not totally clueless it more often has effect opposite to intended. Either ditch completely or rework. Rigging and crew shock seem fine, being somewhat difficult to achieve. Reload shock however doesn't feel right. One way of improving it would be making it slow down reload considerably but not stop it completely and/or affect only the side that got hit (also the damage required to get a reload shock seems way too low - it should happen when 2 ships pound 1, not in a 1v1).

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Outpost space for Upgrades. If we are to keep upgrades as an integral part of the ship configuration in game then can we please have more space to store them?


I know they can be placed into warehouses but simply stacking them in the upgrade area would suffice or adding double the slots so they are more portable. I feel this because normally exceptional mods are not owned in duplicate so we have to move tham around ships. Likewise master craft are rare as well, so it we have half the available mod types at each of these 2 levels there is no space for any other lower mods.


Rental of port space. Sell materials where there is no contract at a port. I think when it's not practical or affordable to buy an outpost it would be good to rent one for a period of time, a few hours or a day (max). This would allow for limited crafting, Trading and storage of items when operating at a port for a short period of time. It would also allow us to buy a ship in port without going away and coming back in a basic Yacht, risking losing a ship that is desired.

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this topic is not a sugesstion topic but a : What to put off topic

So focus on what is actually in and that you want to see removed

It's not: what i want to see ig?


Actually what is pissing you off?

For me as said:

- Rank system forcing people to grind. Let people decide what ship he can get. If player is good enough to stole a ship into a large battle and flee with it althgouth it has 30 crew when he should have 300 nice for him. He will join a port and get a crew there. It's how sandbox work. There is a farmer and there is raider. Raider try to get by battle what farmer get by craft.

Stop to force us to grind, let us evolve as we want. People will trade or pvp or pve or farm as they want and noone will feel forced to grind to be able to sails big ships.

This big ships will be hard to get due of craft.

Now immagine in 12 months when everyoen will be rear admiral with the systme we gt now in craft, everyone will be in victory as they are really cheap to craft.

So what to remove: All the rank system.

Nitehr honnor kill, neither rank, we are what we are and we want to play the way we want. Don't force us to grind when we already are grinding at work.

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Please remove players who cannot follow simple feedback instructions in admin's threads. :P

1. The Ring.

2. AI warship fleets for player warships.

3. Allowing use of unlimited durability, no repair cost ships in PvP (thus encouraging harrassment and suicide tactics).

4. Powerful and stacking modules (gear over skill), in particular speed modules.

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Scrap the Honor kill system, that has destroyed all motivation to play this game, scrap the repairs as it was more fun and challenging without them, scrap invisibility from port, scrap battle timer join times as the discrepancy between ow and in battle and where they spawn is broken, maybe make it simple like POTBS was.

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About invisibility:

Thats a must. ppl have different quality internet connections. And computers ofc.

One will load within milliseconds, the other player will need a few seconds.

That's fine. But you shouldn't be able to see other ships (NPC or player) while you are invisible. Currently, you can leave and enter port within your invisibility period, repeatedly, for a completely clandestine risk-free view of your surroundings. This gives a tremendous advantage to those sitting in a port wishing to spring a sneak attack. Meanwhile in reality a ship on the OW would at least be able to see the masts of the ships in port, knowing what type of ships are docked there.

If invisibility is to be kept as is, ships on the OW should be able to see which ships are logged on and sitting currently at a given port. Or, keep OW viewing as is, and remove scouting while invisible. But the current system favors those in port far too much.

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Invisibility isn't a must, not even for slow connections.  Especially not for how long it currently is (20 seconds or so?).  Sure, give 10 seconds, but while you are invulnerable, you shouldn't be able to attack.  So even if you pop out of a 10 second invisibility, you can't attack until after your invuln timer has run out.

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1) black and white photo....in color, i'm sure it's a bit more "Caribbean" feeling


2) How often does Havana look like that?  Because currently in OW, the Carribean looks foggy/hazy like 90% of your gameplay time.


This is more what people are expecting:


Hotel Nacional De Cuba - Havana


Edited by Raatha
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One thing is interesting about the current fog in NA. It may not be in terms of realism (I don't know, I don't care) but it is in terms of gameplay :

- enemy ships are seen at the last moment,

- you can sail in front of a known port without seeing it if you're a bit too far from it. So you can get lost.

Current fog adds an interesting difficulty.


Besides, speaking of realism or scenic beauty / ugliness is a matter of taste.

Edited by LeBoiteux
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