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>>>Beta 1.05 Available!<<< (Update: 5)

Nick Thomadis

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Been greatly enjoying the update and I had a small bit of feedback/suggestion about the task forces.

I’m a little confused as to how they work, I seem unable to move my own fleets into or past the zone of control (the red circle) of an enemy fleet but they can move into mine? And if enemy fleets are within the green circle of one of my task forces it doesn’t seem to automatically generate a mission.

I know a lot of this is work in progress so please don’t worry if future updates/features make this unnecessary but it would be intuitive (for me anyway) if when you try move your fleet you could right click on an enemy and chose an option - (attack) & persue where you try to force a battle or ‘drive off’ where if the enemy retreats your forces let them. Would also be nice if we could attack enemy ports in the same manner :)

edit: if we could interact with ports like this with a task force could ‘blockade’ be an option & replace the current power projection based mechanics?



Edited by brothermunro
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13 minutes ago, brothermunro said:

Been greatly enjoying the update and I had a small bit of feedback/suggestion about the task forces.

I’m a little confused as to how they work, I seem unable to move my own fleets into or past the zone of control (the red circle) of an enemy fleet but they can move into mine? And if enemy fleets are within the green circle of one of my task forces it doesn’t seem to automatically generate a mission.

I know a lot of this is work in progress so please don’t worry if future updates/features make this unnecessary but it would be intuitive (for me anyway) if when you try move your fleet you could right click on an enemy and chose an option - (attack) & persue where you try to force a battle or ‘drive off’ where if the enemy retreats your forces let them. Would also be nice if we could attack enemy ports in the same manner :)

edit: if we could interact with ports like this with a task force could ‘blockade’ be an option & replace the current power projection based mechanics?



I have found that if u set your fleet to move past the enemy so that the course line goes through them it quite reliably creates at least a meeting engagement (though its hit and miss whether the VP goes to u or the enemy). as for the last bit the task forces have the Invasion & protect roles but if you look in the Help screen those are not yet working so I believe it is a feature thats coming

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BALANCE...........I'm this close to a finacial collapse and the Austro Hungarians and Italians keep building ships and getting funds like there is no tomorrow. And somehow the French tend to get all of the VPs when I win fights against them. 

Sofar I really enjoy the Update, but the balanceing seems not te work in my game client. 

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Total Tonnage lost:

Me 0

The Allies:1,032,192

Total Crew loss:



Total Transports lost:



Game result after 10 years?  Loss due to low prestige (The Allies had well over triple the amount of Victory Points..)


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I'm having trouble with the camera. when the cursor enters the area of on screen controls and secondary windows, the camera will not keep on the ship and behave like its on manual override until the cursor moves away.

Refit is also having issues. i can add or remove armor but cannot add say newly gained torpedo protection even iff i have the spare tonnage to pull it off.

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Very annoying, irritating, messy, unsightly and 'in the way' display issue.

THE SHIP INFO TAB, AHHHHHH... it flips around all over the place...


Please could you change it so it only displays if a single ship is selected...


Edited by Skeksis
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Refitting doesn't seem to let you use new technologies? I have Nickel-Iron armor & Fast torps available for new designs, but if I try to refit an old design it doesn't work. Similarly, if I make a new design by copying an old one, the new techs are unavailable in the copy.

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I have a question, not sure, if this was asked already. How do I generate a battle? My fleets are all over the place, yet battles only pop up, when the enemy has the numerical advantage. So, I have a task group with 2 BBs, 2 CAs, 2 CLs and 4 DDs and...they are cruising. And cruising. And getting in the way of enemy, numerical inferior task forces. Nothing.

When I split up the group into small units, the enemy pounces and usually with superior numbers. Only once in a while a strike mission for entire battlegroups are popping up, mostly against a much, much inferior foe (ie four BBs, four CAs and some smaller stuff against 6 TAs and one CL).

Also, how do my fleets move into some areas? For example, I cannot move through the british channel or through the straits of gibraltar. While I get that these areas are fortified, there should be a battle popping up or something.

Sorry, if this was answered already, I did not find anything.

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I also ask you to tell me if the teams "invade" and "protect" are working now and how do they affect the creation of battles?

What is the best way to intercept the enemy fleet on the map? So far, I noticed that if my strength is wounded by the forces of the enemy, or less, then the probability of a battle is higher. Does ships speed matter?

Thanks for answers! And a BIG THANK YOU to the developers for 1.05 at this difficult time!

Edited by Grizli60rus
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2 things:

1) The torpedo avoidance button seems to work really well now. Whenever I switched it on, my ships have been doing very well not taking torpedoes. Thank you for that.

2) I am currently playing a 1890 campaign as France... and for some reason my economic growth is in the negative and get's worse each month, even when none of my transporters are sunk and fresh ones are being built, though my GDP is still going up. Why is that?

Edit: In fact in my current campaign all 5 factions have the exact same growth and growth per month values... oO

Edited by Norbert Sattler
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So I cannot get the update.  In my game currently I have endless building, no fights, and depending what nation I try building more transports either is a huge money printer or causes me to have net negative GDP.  There's a lot of broken stuff, beyond the fact I get no battles.  Also, when fleets get to a certain size, the top and bottom of the window goes off the screen, and I can no longer move, close, set mission (sea control/protect/invade), or cancel.  Because the buttons aren't visible, there's no scroll and I cannot find a keybind to close the fleet window.  So please add better functionality to the fleets window, like scrolling and making sure the max size fits within the resolution set.

I have my install set to the beta.  I have restarted steam.  I have restarted my computer.  My modem/router.  I restarted steam again.  I uninstalled and reinstalled the game.  I cannot get the 1.05.??? update that supposedly fixes not having battles generated.  Please help.

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16 hours ago, neph said:

Refitting doesn't seem to let you use new technologies? I have Nickel-Iron armor & Fast torps available for new designs, but if I try to refit an old design it doesn't work. Similarly, if I make a new design by copying an old one, the new techs are unavailable in the copy.

I have encountered the same bug. Refits do not allow the use of any new technologies, defeating the main purpose. The refit editor also seems hyper sensitive to the positioning of objects as often it will not let you edit them at all.

I do hope this refit bug is fixed soon as I have been excited to play around with ship refits for quite some time.

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First camapgin is running for 30 years now. Some obersavtions.

1. Ghost ships Scrapped ships reappear in battle fleets

2. Missing ships I ordered all my ships to stay in port, yet I am missing five out of 45

3. Resaerch time Research still takes way too long. After 30 years I still only have coal fired engines, even though I have had a full tech budget since day one and have focused on engine technology.

4. Ships in enemy ports Austro-Hungary has 100 ships, but in their ports are at least twice that number

4. General bugs with the enemies Three enemy fleets have more than 350-450 active ships each, massive funds of gazillion dollars, maximum of average tech level

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On 3/2/2022 at 3:03 PM, Nick Thomadis said:

Hello guys, 
We are trying to fix some bugs and a new build is going to come, most possibly tomorrow. 
Thank you for all the support.


Thank you for the update. Hope you are doing well and are safe.

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Hello all,

The promised update of the beta is now available. Please read in summary what it includes:

UPDATE 4/3/2022

- Fixed various already known or reported bugs of the campaign.
- Repaired Mission Generator so that there is much more activity in battles (it will be further improved).
- Fixed various refit bugs (components resetting, simple refit stalling, crashes etc.)
- Auto-design is further improved in all levels.
- Aiming mechanics of guns improved.
- Penetration mechanics for the new shells improved. Damage, Ricochet, Overpens, Full Penetrations are occurring with improved mechanics.

Please note: Old saves became reset to follow the new fixes.

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7 minutes ago, Nick Thomadis said:

Hello all,

The promised update of the beta is now available. Please read in summary what it includes:

UPDATE 4/3/2022

- Fixed various already known or reported bugs of the campaign.
- Repaired Mission Generator so that there is much more activity in battles (it will be further improved).
- Fixed various refit bugs (components resetting, simple refit stalling, crashes etc.)
- Auto-design is further improved in all levels.
- Aiming mechanics of guns improved.
- Penetration mechanics for the new shells improved. Damage, Ricochet, Overpens, Full Penetrations are occurring with improved mechanics.

Thank you!! Stay safe!

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10 minutes ago, Nick Thomadis said:

Hello all,

The promised update of the beta is now available. Please read in summary what it includes:

UPDATE 4/3/2022

- Fixed various already known or reported bugs of the campaign.
- Repaired Mission Generator so that there is much more activity in battles (it will be further improved).
- Fixed various refit bugs (components resetting, simple refit stalling, crashes etc.)
- Auto-design is further improved in all levels.
- Aiming mechanics of guns improved.
- Penetration mechanics for the new shells improved. Damage, Ricochet, Overpens, Full Penetrations are occurring with improved mechanics.

My custom battle ship designs got wiped with the new update.  Im assuming this is intentional?

Edited by slightlytreasonous
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1 minute ago, slightlytreasonous said:

My custom battle ship designs got wiped with the new update.  Im assuming this is intentional, but I cant wrap my head around what would require that?

Yes saves were reset. I am sorry, I should have mentioned, will add to the notes. Old saves would not work with all the new fixes.

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