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Ultimate Admiral: Dreadnoughts Beautiful Screenshots and Videos


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1951, Battle of the java islands. New mexico the 101k tonne super battleship sent to the java islands to intercept a returning japanese fleet, returning from the battle of guam.



New mexico sailing and firing against the ijn fleet at the battle of the java islands.






New mexico suffering a torpdeo hit and flash fire magazine explosion at the foremost 457mm triple turret.



Edited by Cptbarney
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1948, Battle of lorient. The German Heavy battleship deutschland, 9 406mm's 1x3 203mm, 3x3 178mm, 4x2 127mm, 4x2 107mm. In drydock, reading up for a mission to defend the port of lorient from the approaching american fleet. Due to the majority of the german engaged up in the north near le harve and further south at rome, deutchland being the only ship able to actively engage the us fleet was sent to harass and stall the enemy fleet for as much as possible before reinforcements could arrive from le harve.

Deutchland in drydock.





Deutchland turning turrets and engaging one of the new hampshire class battleship.









Will upload the rest in another post later.


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1941, Battle of surtsey - iceland. After raiding merchants for the past 5 months near the english channel and france, the UK managed to finally complete their new Hercules class battlecruisers, 3 complete with another 6 being constructed. The admirality cobbled a task force consisting of HMS Hercules, HMS Baron Clyde and HMS Furious along with 2 light cruisers, HMS Black Prince and HMS Archer, to assist the BC's in-case they run into any DD's or other cruiser allowing the BC's to handle bigger threats more freely.

Reports indicated a sizable german fleet was making its way near surtsey, a quick stop point for any refulling and other measure before any merchant or cargo ships move on to britain and beyond. Wasting no time, The British send their fleet out, making contact with the convoy first and after escorting them for 2hrs, detected unknown ships on radar steaming towards. Assuming the german fleet was here to raid and rightly so, the Battlegroup moves out to engage the rapidly enroaching raiders. However the thick fog, makes visibility a challenge and the german fleet is much closer than they think..

HMS Hercules in Drydock on a foggy day.




The battlegroup along with HMS Hercules and HMS Black Prince.





BB Spotted and Firing.






Too be continued...

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On 6/17/2020 at 5:04 PM, HusariuS said:


Germans turrets were designed differently:


You clearly can't fit a third gun into this turret design. I think the Germans should a wider turret for the three gun version.


This same applies to the British 15 and 16 inch turret, which is way too small to have three guns.

Edited by AdmiralGunzo
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Recently came back to play this game and found several new hulls, so I built some new ships.

German Empire : Battleship "Valhalla"




French Empire : Battleship "Queen Marie"




United Kingdom : Battleship "Avalon"




United Kingdom : Battlecruiser "Evergarden"




Austro-Hungarian Empire : Battleship "Fafnir"




Chinese Empire : Battleship "QingLong"




Keep waiting for camouflage.

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I don't know where to post it so I'm gonna do it here.

I have found interesting "B-65 Project" (?) hull from Navy Field.


Very beautiful model, looking even better than Azuma and Yoshino from WoWS.

You can even see all "barbettes" and AA positions.

(That mount on the tower is most likely for the radar/rangefinder).

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10 minutes ago, HusariuS said:

I don't know where to post it so I'm gonna do it here.

I have found interesting "B-65 Project" (?) hull from Navy Field.


Very beautiful model, looking even better than Azuma and Yoshino from WoWS.

You can even see all "barbettes" and AA positions.

(That mount on the tower is most likely for the radar/rangefinder).

It looks like an alaska of somekind, at least with the square like rear of the ship making it look more american. We could do with more supercruiser hulls too be honest and pieces (and well other ships as well really).

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2 minutes ago, Cptbarney said:

It looks like an alaska of somekind, at least with the square like rear of the ship making it look more american. We could do with more supercruiser hulls too be honest and pieces (and well other ships as well really).

Nah, that rear square looks like "american", but the rest is more Japanese, for example rear part of the ships isn't covered in the wood or whatever they were using, just like in the Yamato.

Superstructure looks to me like some modified Zao superstructure, basically everything except for that rear square looks more Japanese for me.

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2 minutes ago, HusariuS said:

Nah, that rear square looks like "american", but the rest is more Japanese, for example rear part of the ships isn't covered in the wood or whatever they were using, just like in the Yamato.

Superstructure looks to me like some modified Zao superstructure, basically everything except for that rear square looks more Japanese for me.

Ahh so it has american booty, but japanese slimness. Explains the noises last night. 🤣

Regardless, im wondering how big this thing is in-general and how many 260mm's-356mm's you could fit on to her.


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2 minutes ago, Cptbarney said:

Ahh so it has american booty, but japanese slimness. Explains the noises last night. 🤣

Regardless, im wondering how big this thing is in-general and how many 260mm's-356mm's you could fit on to her.


I think 4xIII 305mm should fit considering lack of scouting planes, but 356mm would be limited to 3xIII at the best due to their size.

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Just now, HusariuS said:

I think 4xIII 305mm should fit considering lack of scouting planes, but 356mm would be limited to 3xIII at the best due to their size.

Hope we see quads at somepoint and if mods will be a thing quintuples, would be glorious (also regarding weegee, the british RN heavy cruisers the tier 8, 9, 10 had designs for quad turrets which would of made them unique in some regards but went for boring option instead 😔).

Well the next updates till the campaign will be interesting unless they will solely be bugfixes and balans.

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5 hours ago, HusariuS said:

I don't know where to post it so I'm gonna do it here.

I have found interesting "B-65 Project" (?) hull from Navy Field.

Very beautiful model, looking even better than Azuma and Yoshino from WoWS.

You can even see all "barbettes" and AA positions.

(That mount on the tower is most likely for the radar/rangefinder).

Navyfield was a very good game, sort of hoping that UA:D can simulate some of the large battles we had back then. Some of the hulls and armaments there are also pretty realistic that is until you get to the made up late war BB and CVs that was added towards the tail end of the game. The ship models were pretty nice for their day. This unofficial site also gives gun arcs and various armament details of the different ships.

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VpbPxBA.pngGot lucky while i was already lining up for a grab. I think it came out grainy because it went through paint....

jOm8I8r.pngMy poor baby after 35 14" shells, 1 22" torpedo, a flash fire, and a few dozen 229mm shells. limping away at 16 knots,  with 2 damaged engines, rudder, and dead command.

Edited by Hangar18
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