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7 hours ago, Whomst'd've said:

French battleship Brennus AKA the 12 inch turret farm: 






I always wondered and always forgot to ask about them, but from what nation come those turrets used as a secondary armament in images above for example?

And what Warships used them as part of their primary/secondary armament.

Edited by HusariuS
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47 minutes ago, HusariuS said:

I always wondered and always forgot to ask about them, but from what nation come those turrets used as a secondary armament in images above for example?

And what Warships used them as part of their primary/secondary armament.

I've noticed, france, (not sure about these), italy, spain, china and russia.

DD's from those nations (i think at least russia does) uses those type of turrets.

been so busy with assignment stuff lately lol.

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1 hour ago, HusariuS said:

I always wondered and always forgot to ask about them, but from what nation come those turrets used as a secondary armament in images above for example?

And what Warships used them as part of their primary/secondary armament.

Yeah those are the generic turrets, so any nation that doesn't have a proper turret model gets them, to find them you gonna have to do some experimenting with the year and nation in costume battles 

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I revised my 1913 Italian battlecruiser San Gennaro as she looked very front heavy and was actually a smaller size to her French counterpart Levrette which didn't make any sense. Same backstory as before, built in response to the French Levrette plan, has bigger guns (13 > 12 inch), is faster (30 > 28 knots), but less armored overall:






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And to finish off my mediterranean battlecruisers we have the Austro-Hungarian entrant, the 1914 battlecruiser SMS Pylades. She was designed amidst the "battlecruiser panic" the sprouted the Levrette and San Gennaro battlecruisers. The Austro-Hungarians position was quite fragile navally. Her army was the focus of the nation, leading the navy to be worse off funding wise. Also the states position geographically did not improve the situation. Therefore the battlecruiser design would have to be able to perform two main objectives. She was to be fast enough to catch any hostile shipping that was travelling within range to engage, and fast enough to not be run down by her counterparts. She was also to be protected enough to be able to rejoin the main battle line of the Austro-Hungarian fleet to assist in facing off again the enemy battle line that was lured in by her. With these aspects in mind, she stuck with 12 inch weapons as the rest of the battle line had those weapons as well, (the italian 13 inch was not seen as much of an advantage due to her lacking armour). She was the fastest capital ship at a blistering 32 knots (Levrette 28, San Gennaro 30). She was also the most armoured with a 12.4 inch belt and 14 inch turret (Levrette being the next best with an 11 inch belt and 12 inch turret). She also has a spit boiler/engine room so that one well placed shot could not completely disable her engines and leave her a sitting duck. 






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USS Yorktown, the first of the class


With the launch of the Japanese Kongou Class battlecruisers the year prior, in 1913 the US Navy began work on designing a new battlecruiser to counter the Japanese. The US Navy's previous class of battlecruiser, the Constellation Class being woefully under armed compared to both the Kongous and the British Lion class. The original design called for a similar armament to both the Kongous and Lions, eight 356mm guns in four twin turrets. However due to congressional budget constraints and the fact that all 356mm guns were being used for the New York class and the then the under construction Nevada class battleships, and the time needed to manufacture new guns would take too long.

It was decided instead to a modified version of the triple turrets on the Nevada class to carry the older 305mm gun used in the previous battleships and the Constellation Class. After about two years of construction, the first of the class, USS Yorktown, was launched, and then commissioned into the fleet in early 1916. At her launch she was both the most heavily armed warship in the world and the fastest, featuring a massive 15 gun main battery and a 30 knot top speed. Her main belt was a 203mm, a standard for most battlecruisers of the time. Her sistership, USS Cowpens was commissioned into the fleet later in 1916.

Despite an impressive main battery and high speed, the gun caliber of the ships was inadequate for most capital ships by 1916. The two ships would join up with the rest of the US fleet sent over to Scapa Flow following US entry into the Great War. At the end of the war and subsequent Washington Naval Treaty the US was allowed to keep the two battlecruisers in exchange for either scrapping or selling the Wyoming class battleships. Both would subsequently be sold to both Spain and Qing dynasty China. Wyoming going to Spain being renamed as San Pedro, and Arkansas being renamed Dong Wei in Chinese service. 

The two Yorktowns would be modernized in the interwar years, receiving new fire control systems and eventually a more intensive rework in where her boilers would be replaced with more modern powerplants, boosting her speed to 32 knots, and her superstructure expanded upon. The two ships would survive the Pearl Harbor attack, being out with the carriers at the time of the attack. The two ships would serve as escorts for the carriers throughout the Pacific campaign, receiving a heavy anti-air upgrades through out. USS Cowpens would be heavily damaged by a Kamikaze off the coast of Okinawa in 1945. She would make it back to Pearl for repairs but would miss out the rest of the war. At the end of the war the two ships would be used in the Operation Crossroads test in 1946. 

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Dajing, the first and name sake of the class



Following their defeat in the First Sino-Japanese War, the Qing Empire found itself in position of great weakness, the Guangxu Emperor seeing it was the corruption of Dowager Empress Cixi that led to China's defeat moved quickly with a secret conspiracy to remove the Dowager Empress and her clique of reactionary princes that were holding China back from truly modernizing. The coup's success saw the Emperor take personal control of the nation and the government in an event known as the Gunagxu Restoration.

As China entered the 1910s the nation was slowly but surely modernizing. The Emperor sought to strengthen the Chinese fleet, especially with Japan launching its new Kongou class battlecruisers and Fuosu class battleships. The Emperor dispatched his brother, Zaifeng, the Prince Chun to travel to Britain and place an order for ships for the Imperial Chinese Navy. The Prince accompanied by his eldest son Puyi traveled to the UK where they met with executives from the Vickers company. An order was placed for a class of two ships with a the same armor profile and speed as the then under construction Queen Elizabeth Class, armed with 10 356mm guns instead of the eight 381mm guns. 

When World War I broke out the two ships had been launched and were nearing completion, fearing the Royal Navy would take seize the two battleships. In order to avoid this, the Chinese would agree to sieze the German controlled city of Tsingtau to ensure the ships would be delivered. The two ships, Dajing and Zhixin, would depart for China in mid 1915. When the Great War ended, the Chinese delegation at the Washington Naval Treaty conference agreed to scrap their new Jinan class battle cruisers, in order to retain the two battleships.

The two ships would stay active in the interwar years, competing with the Japanese for control the East China sea. When war broke out between China and Japan in 1931, the two ships would engage in a brief duel with two Nagato class ships of the IJN before being forced to withdraw due to Japanese reinforcements. When a ceasefire was negotiated in 1935 in where China renounced their claims on Taiwan in exchange for Japan returning Port Arthur/Dailin. Following the Second Sino-Japanese War the two ships would be heavily modernized, and would continue to serve in the Imperial Chinese Navy till the late 1940s.

Edited by Mutsu
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In 1911 the americans are seeing the battlecruiser arms race that the British and Germans are currently in, and realize if they wish to be in any competitive stance navally on the world stage, then they should also have their own battlecruisers to destroy the enemy's screening fleet etc. The start of construction in 1911 would begin the "battlecruiser panic", as other nations put great importance on battlecruisers in their overall doctrine. The American battlecruiser Idaho was built to be able to run down or out run the fastest battlecruiser in the royal navy at that time (HMS Lion, 28 knots) at 31 knots top speed. The choice of 12 inch weapons (4*2) were in keeping with the rest of the dreadnought battlefleet. This would result in her being lightly armoured like her british counterparts, as to enforce this ship to be used for screening conflicts and cruiser killing, rather than to fight in the battleline with her much slower 21 knot battleship compatriots.





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ORP Błyskawica after her refit in 1941 performed in Great Britain:


ORP Błyskawica and her sister ship ORP Grom heading towards Isle of Wight 3 April 1942:




It's pretty funny because "Main Tower" of Grom-class destroyer looks like combination of British (for example: Tribal-class) and Japanese (for example: Yugumo-class) main tower.

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Quickly threw together a Floating Fort made from an old Super Dreadnought. The rows of dual 3" guns are meant to be AA, but as we don't have planes yet (or AA guns) they'll have to do. Speed and Range is low, due to it being meant to sit outside ports and beachheads to protect them from air attack as well as surface raids.


I would like some sort of middle superstructure section to fill in that gap, with mounts for small guns 



Edited by Cdodders
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