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Patch 31: Port investments, new hostility and preparation for release


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"This is a group feature. Solo players must find a group of friends to use it or join a clan."


So now that you killed any hope in making the pvp server interesting to play and it seems that you are interested to release the game in a few months i ask this:


a) There are any hopes to see the return of Naval action legends? Many players including me would like to have a game just to have battles against other ships in a similar way like wows. Epic battles all day using the best features that the NA team gave us in the last years. The combat system, the ships and the graphics. No more bullshit time wasted sailing in the OW , no more handicap to solo players, nothing. Just a simple combat game like wows for players having fun in epic battles.


b) Could you consider in making the pve server more interesting to play?

   - Solo pvp patrol zones where is allowed to fight other players.

   - Epic port battles against AI for all players.

   - AI agression when sailing close to enemy ports to give more exciting when doing trade runs or delivery missions.


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5 hours ago, admin said:

There is a limited number of ports that can build amazing ships with all the possible bonuses. Nations will have to fight for them.

This is a very bad idea.  The biggest clans will grab these ports and fort up.  They will either become impossible to capture, or else will change hands so often that they will be useless.  I don't understand why you want to make gameplay more difficult for the majority of the player base.  Everyone should be able to build amazing ships with a reasonable level of effort.  Why do you want a small percentage to have a great advantage. 

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47 minutes ago, no one said:

b) Could you consider in making the pve server more interesting to play?

   - Solo pvp patrol zones where is allowed to fight other players.

   - Epic port battles against AI for all players.

   - AI agression when sailing close to enemy ports to give more exciting when doing trade runs or delivery missions.



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11 minutes ago, Angus MacDuff said:

This is a very bad idea.  The biggest clans will grab these ports and fort up.  They will either become impossible to capture, or else will change hands so often that they will be useless.  I don't understand why you want to make gameplay more difficult for the majority of the player base.  Everyone should be able to build amazing ships with a reasonable level of effort.  Why do you want a small percentage to have a great advantage. 

I’m guessing to encourage RVR. If everyone can build amazing ships, what would the purpose of RVR be? Personally, I am for everyone being able to build amazing ships. 

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1 minute ago, Anne Wildcat said:

I’m guessing to encourage RVR. If everyone can build amazing ships, what would the purpose of RVR be? Personally, I am for everyone being able to build amazing ships. 

RVR will happen because players want the PBs.  Ports should have value for their economic value and strategic location.  It's not like we have a necessity to attack other players.  We do it because we want to.

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Okay. Why The Settlement control so much? Might considering adding two more regional capitals in that area making it more viable for Danish and Swedish. 

250k seems a little steep but will see. 

Any news on speed changes to ships to balance ow? 

Changes for Vic Mark's coming soon to create worth?

Can the shallows become more accessible to other nations and more ports at the start other than Nassau and George's Town?

Edited by Davos Seasworth
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1 minute ago, Routan said:

Remember you only have to put timer on region Capitol. The other ports can’t be attacked, so you will have 4-6 ports coveret by one timer. Bit more expensive but not over the top. Atleast thats how I have understod the frontline system.

Yeah, but all that tax revenue from the other ports may not go to the clan holding the Capitol.  Depends on what clan is holding the satellite ports.  I've always been a big proponent of solos and small clans getting equal access to resources, but I've also always said that the clan who does the heavy lifting needs to get paid.  Taxes will need to funnel back to the port where the timer is kept.

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So... I guess I still don't fully understand what the whole port investment thing means for solo players. Do solo players (or even small clans) have any hope at all of crafting good ships without joining (or licking the boots of) powerful clans? Not even if they put in lots of time/effort or take big risks?

Sorry if I am misinterpreting or repeating other posts - I didn't have much time to do much digging on this topic yet.

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1 hour ago, no one said:

"This is a group feature. Solo players must find a group of friends to use it or join a clan."


So now that you killed any hope in making the pvp server interesting to play and it seems that you are interested to release the game in a few months i ask this:


a) There are any hopes to see the return of Naval action legends? Many players including me would like to have a game just to have battles against other ships in a similar way like wows. Epic battles all day using the best features that the NA team gave us in the last years. The combat system, the ships and the graphics. No more bullshit time wasted sailing in the OW , no more handicap to solo players, nothing. Just a simple combat game like wows for players having fun in epic battles.


b) Could you consider in making the pve server more interesting to play?

   - Solo pvp patrol zones where is allowed to fight other players.

   - Epic port battles against AI for all players.

   - AI agression when sailing close to enemy ports to give more exciting when doing trade runs or delivery missions.


REALLY like the idea of being able to fight human opponents on a limited, as agreed basis on the PVE server. Don't want to join one of the patrol zones to find I am against 5 other players who have teamed up. So solo patrol zones might work out pretty good. I also like the idea of AI countries being more aggressive near their ports, at least against warships, probably not peaceful traders. Always found the old smuggler flag fun too, don't know if this could be re-implemented or not. This was when NA used to be fun on the so-called war server.

Edited by racketyjack
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4 minutes ago, Angus MacDuff said:

So you are required to play in a clan?  It's a rule?  Too bad.  The Devs could easily make this a game for all styles.

They could but they don't want that.

3 minutes ago, Teutonic said:


That's why I keep suggesting that trade becomes 20-40% more profitable.

And i want to add another thing about delivery missions.


A 10% insurance payment.


As an example:

A player see a delivery mission to carry something to port X.

The delivery mission value is 170k.

The player needs to pay 10% of the contract value. In this case 17k to get the mission.

If the player manage to delivery the cargo he will get 170k +17k.


This will give a risk x reward situation to the delivery missions that would be much more interesting.

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3 minutes ago, no one said:

A 10% insurance payment.


The player needs to pay 10% of the contract value. In this case 17k to get the mission.

If the player manage to delivery the cargo he will get 170k +17k.

This will give a risk x reward situation to the delivery missions that would be much more interesting.

It's just a bit off topic but this is important.  Yes, this kind of thing will increase the perceived value of the missions.  And the same could be said for the ship insurance, making us pay a little for it would increase it's perceived value.

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27 minutes ago, Rickard said:

no, but single players are not the target audience so they can be discarded.

Please stop with these light rantings. We dont want them here.

This game shines in solo combat AND fleet action, a lot of people come here to experience Trafalgar battles. Stop pushing your solo players are doomed agenda. Adding features to a group of players does not discard another group of players.
Solo players can capture amazing ships from clanned members for free + can group up into a small clans which can build a small holding somewhere or ally with large alliances who need experienced screeners or pvp trainers. Wars and lands were not won or captured solo in real life. This game tries to give you a realistic experience. Group sports are most popular sports.  Football players do not demand solo content. Cherish it or accept that it is not for you - its fine to not like group based competitive sports or activites.


Countries were created when you JOINED forces with others. I am sure Franklin (who created this ad) would never get anything solo. 


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22 minutes ago, Jorge said:

Devs, no daily  limit in number of port battles for every faction??? 

in a previous patch Devs changed it so we could have unlimited port battles against the Neutral faction.

there is still a hard limit of 3 port battles against each nation.

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Dont mean to argue but really? Join or die? That says it all for solo players on the war server. That's why the peace server is so important, as it gives us somewhere to play this game without getting continually ganked. And point in fact, not by any means was every action a large,  hundred ship Trafalgar. Most, thru out history  where single ship or two or three. Small group of 2, 3, or 4  'rats in cutters and the like attacking a single merchant. Constitution against the HMS Guerriere, Java, Pictou, Cyane, and Levant; every single one of her battles were against only 1 or 2 ships, not dozens. She never fought a line engagement except possibly the Battle of Tripoli harbour. That's was typical of the times, far more common and hence, more realistic. 

Edited by racketyjack
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