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When changing Nation

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38 minutes ago, rediii said:

I doubt people come to the dutch because they have so much.

And if people leave a nation there is a reason behind it. 

yes the reason=;  to join the swerg[ fine]

 or to get cheap wood resources [not so fine]

particularly the last one is a cheat when considering they have the dlc and many casuals have not....( in concern, to changing wood ports to other nations)

for me the only reason to give them a barrier...(where they have to work for their change)[for the nation they are/were  guest in ]

 @admin and also preventing some "black market " behavior by DLC carriers [alt resources switching]


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They already paid real money and the cost is a 30 day cool down before you can use it again.  So no it shouldn't cost doubloons in game to switch.  This will also mess with folks that might want to run merc/privateer clans that might switch nations and fight with who ever pays them or just for the fun of it.

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4 minutes ago, Thomas Fremantle said:

Why the f$%# i brought the dlc for ?

main reason,

to start as a rear general where you hold your rank(thats all)

what you will have more>>>  is a ridiculous gift of intergalactical proportion.

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17 minutes ago, The last of the Philippine said:

Wait. You want us to pay another 30k doubs, after we have paid 20 euros?

Hell no.

well i can raise to 100.000 dubloons !

take your pic

you play for it or you dont ...its not pay to win or wow


ps. buy a [ new ] flag will cost you 50.000 dubloons ingame.....

perhaps i can lower the price to 25.000 doubloons what is -50% + DLC ( to ease your pain a bit)

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Where is the downvote when you need it?

Maybe, just maybe, people leave a nation because of certain people that have large egos? Oh but that would never be, all of us are angels right?

There is a dlc, people pay cash for the option to leave the nation. They already paid the fee, stop trying to make it happen thony, it's not going to happen.

Oh and btw, anyone can leave any nation, just delete your character and make a new one.



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1 hour ago, Thonys said:

yes the reason=;  to join the swerg[ fine]

 or to get cheap wood resources [not so fine]

particularly the last one is a cheat when considering they have the dlc and many casuals have not....( in concern, to changing wood ports to other nations)

for me the only reason to give them a barrier...(where they have to work for their change)[for the nation they are/were  guest in ]

 @admin and also preventing some "black market " behavior by DLC carriers [alt resources switching]


You don't Prevent anything with that. If anyone has an alt he is not gonna pay 30k Dubs to Change. He will just delete his old account and create a new one. It's just harder for the People who are really unhappy in his Nation and are basicly forced to stay there. Not a good idea :( (In my opinion

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10 minutes ago, Shocktrooper Basteyy said:

You don't Prevent anything with that. If anyone has an alt he is not gonna pay 30k Dubs to Change. He will just delete his old account and create a new one. It's just harder for the People who are really unhappy in his Nation and are basicly forced to stay there. Not a good idea :( (In my opinion

i agree in some way

but it is more intended for the every month wood port changers. the game needs some kind of barrier for that.

 i just want to prevent chaos...


the one who is unhappy will gladly pay the dubloon s i think

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1 hour ago, rediii said:

I doubt people come to the dutch because they have so much.

And if people leave a nation there is a reason behind it. 

is that why you left?

cant believe what you say the word friends has no meaning if you think that way.

the biggest ship you can sail is .... a friendship

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3 hours ago, Thonys said:

i agree in some way

but it is more intended for the every month wood port changers. the game needs some kind of barrier for that.

 i just want to prevent chaos...


the one who is unhappy will gladly pay the dubloon s i think

Isn't that clan exclusive? So changing nation won't be of much use unless you infiltrate that clan, too.

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12 hours ago, Thonys said:

 or to get cheap wood resources [not so fine]

particularly the last one is a cheat when considering they have the dlc and many casuals have not....( in concern, to changing wood ports to other nations)

I don't see why you consider buying wood a cheat.

A trader can't buy wood from a foreign port, nor can he chat with enemy ships to try and buy some, from enemy players.

So the trader; buys the DLC, closes all of his outposts, opens new outposts in free ports, transports all his stuff to free ports then uses the DLC to joins the nation that has the wood, buys the wood, stockpiles it (or trades it to his old nation) then waits 30 days, closes the outpost in the new nation, uses the DLC again to rejoin his old nation, opens his old outposts and moves all his stuff from the free ports back to his old nation.

He's a trader, conducting international business.  NA makes his job very difficult.  You think it's cheating.

I don't understand why you are opposed to a trader doing the above, and don't agree that the trader should be charged a huge fee in addition to all of the other work he needs to do.

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2 hours ago, Henry Durnin said:

Isn't that clan exclusive? So changing nation won't be of much use unless you infiltrate that clan, too.

most clans that own ports that would have the rare woods also probably won't let you just willy nilly join their friendly list either.

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  • 1 month later...
On 3/4/2019 at 4:51 AM, Thonys said:

hi captains  

when changing nation s it should  also cost 30.000 doubloons 

just to prevent the nation to be plundered by opportunists 



Huh?!? DLC costs real money. Just moving all your stuff to free ports is a pain worth avoiding at almost all costs.

Why make it even harder?

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