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Testbed Feedback - Battle UI, Localization, Patrols, Delivery quests

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They said : expect the worst, this is your fault to expect more than what is delivered.

Of course they can't , and they must not, implement everything suggested by us. At least if they corrected things broken by the patch (warm up & all the little bug) that's something, i just ask them not to worsen the game, any extra is pure bonus. 


 ps: But please don't tease us with super stuff (exploration artworks, national ports models, gunboats, sofisticated boarding ui, even boarding 3Dminigame wip) just to tell us , nope, in fact you will never see that at all, we will just make the placeholder stuff more fps efficient.

Edited by Baptiste Gallouédec
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1 hour ago, OjK said:


Basically, everything else reported was just ignored...

everything else specifically?
Some things take longer than planned - check out Valve time - which applies to all game development studios. 
We always implement suggestions we find valuable. If we do not agree with suggestions they wont be implemented. 

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1 hour ago, Baptiste Gallouédec said:

They said : expect the worst, this is your fault to expect more than what is delivered.

Of course they can't , and they must not, implement everything suggested by us. At least if they corrected things broken by the patch (warm up & all the little bug) that's something, i just ask them not to worsen the game, any extra is pure bonus. 


 ps: But please don't tease us with super stuff (exploration artworks, national ports models, gunboats, sofisticated boarding ui, even boarding 3Dminigame wip) just to tell us , nope, in fact you will never see that at all, we will just make the placeholder stuff more fps efficient.

On 11/29/2013 at 1:38 PM, admin said:


  1. Please keep your expectations very low


We are not EA and do not have shareholders forcing us to overpromise. Always expect the worst with any developer including us. We have been keeping this mantra since we started talking here (this was a main bullet point in the first test invitiation in 2013)

For game content and planned game content you should only trust information that is available on the steam store page or pre-order pages.  All arts, tests, experiments not mentioned on official store pages are just ideas and/or prototypes that might never lead anywhere for multiple reasons from not finding fun or technical issues. They are just discussions with friends. And should be treated like chatter. And no - we will not stop chatting about our ideas and thoughts with the community.

If something is definitely going to happen it will be mentioned in official steam announcements - like in case when we implemented land in battles.



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I like the new economy missions.  Here is some of my observation;


  1. Time to complete seems very long compared to risk/reward.  Possibly shorten
  2. Letters good for fast ships.  I guess you can be a mail ship and take letters to many ports.
  3. Person transport is interesting but if they can die on the ship due to malnourishment  so you have to catch fist or take provisions  To allow captured in battle that would add flavor. Why not have the ability to ransom them back to continue the quest if captured (for some portion of reward)?
  4. Transport persons possibly killed if intercepted and ensuing battle damages hold.
  5. Add special transport for Royals with huge rewards and notice of movement possibly
  6. Person Transport ICON needs to be gender specific.  Loss of immersion when Susan looks like a man.  Unless we are promoting 1700 transvestites.
  7. Possible transport of colonial/settler groups that add weight , require provisions and provide for free/cheap base building at new port.
  8. Last but not least.  Add cargo demands for port that requests to missions for certain supplies like cotton or lignum vitae wood.  
Edited by angriff
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18 minutes ago, angriff said:


  1. Person Transport ICON needs to be gender specific.  Loss of immersion when Susan looks like a man.  Unless we are promoting 1700 transvestites.

Those are all officers or crewmen (some could be women). Most ladies had to dress like a man if they were members of crew. Its in the History of Pyrates by Defoe. 
I wanted to add Mrs Robinson some time ago to go along with the British Graduate for special reward. But this my great idea was shutdown

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27 minutes ago, angriff said:


  1.  To allow captured in battle that would add flavor. Why not have the ability to ransom them back to continue the quest if captured (for some portion of reward)?

Btw you can capture them and deliver them yourself they will pay you. Sometimes they sink with the ship though. 

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2 minutes ago, angriff said:

Ok here is a change for the transport of passenger missions..  Don't broadcast destination when you send the passenger Icon to chat 

Oh man.   What a great way to ensure PvP. I’m gonna try that when I get home.  

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19 minutes ago, Pirate78 said:

@adminLoot pickup is still sh*ty... fix it plz. Was standing next to the sunken ship and it won't give me an X. Can we just get a normal drop loot window instead wasting time sailing back to pick it up. what a joke.  

But that’s the game, pull up alongside, simulated sailors board and loot, also simulated is if the ship is under the surface and heading to the bottom, sailors can’t board.

Nothing wasted about that.

Tip: Before your final salvo, kill shot, be in a position to come alongside and loot, usually aft of the target and up wind, never down wind.

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I definitely like the new Battle UI.
I'm not sure about the changes to the perks though... 4 Points for Fleet control 1 and 6 for Fleet control 2 is very much.
It's nice to see so many trading resources in every port, have not yet tried trading though.

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Entering the boarding UI, everything was fine. Upon finishing the boarding text did the same thing as before...change to hieroglyphics.

EDIT: The very next battle this did not happen after boarding.

Edited by van der Decken
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49 minutes ago, Mormegil said:

I definitely like the new Battle UI.
I'm not sure about the changes to the perks though... 4 Points for Fleet control 1 and 6 for Fleet control 2 is very much.
It's nice to see so many trading resources in every port, have not yet tried trading though.

You get fleet 1 for free, that is only if you want 2nd and 3rd fleet ships.  They really didn't change in cost.  That what you had to pay for them before.

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Boarding and Crew Shock Confusion:
Mousing over Crew Shock icon in upper right corner during a boarding says that "You cannot control your crew" yet during a crew shock, the AI was able to change from Defense to Fire Grenades. This makes no sense to me. Does Crew Shock work only in battles, not boarding?

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Economy Mission Rewards have been bumped greatly, which is nice, but still do not offer reals as a reward. Same thing for the Battle Mission Rewards. IMO, these should randomly reward with reals or doubloons or sometimes even both.
Rewarding everything with only doubloons will dramatically decrease its value. It seems that reals have a larger value than dbls and imo I believe it should be just the opposite, especially since dbls can purchase admiralty SoLs....even if they're cheap 3 slots.
Also, perhaps the Econ Rewards should take into account if the "destination" is under enemy control and raise it a percentage.

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8 hours ago, van der Decken said:

Entering the boarding UI, everything was fine. Upon finishing the boarding text did the same thing as before...change to hieroglyphics.

EDIT: The very next battle this did not happen after boarding.

Had the same thing and F11ed it, not sure if it happened around a boarding though

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Delivery /Passenger missions:

If the player has arrived in port of destination mark the respective mission in green like a fulfilled kill or hunt mission. They're all looking the same... :)

Would be nice if the destination would be highlighted and show the county as well.

Edited by Suppenkelle
added points
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I think the icons for [hull] , mainly, and maybe even [sails] & [Urgent repairs] in the battle UI are not very lisible for a novice. 


  • The 3 rectangles - planks - drawing don't speak a lot by itself (even more when not colored for the hull repairs), a ship hull silhouette would be easier to understand for everyone.
  • Same for the 2 triangles - fore & aft rigs -  i think an icon of mast with sails would fit better.
  • The Urgent repairs logo could be easier to understand if representing a steering wheel &/or a pump/rudder.
  • The surgeon saw feel historic, even if a (red) cross background would help understand it's not a wood saw.


The [5 | repairs] icon also feels unintuitive and abstract, once we understand it's an hammer, i imagine it's ok, but a crossed hammer & saw on a red cross background would help in visualizing the possibility to heal your crew there too.


I imagine you bet on the tutorial for guiding newcomers into the UI, but i think a improvement can be made here and be appreciated.

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This is a repetition but you didn't fix it on the down time, so....

In Battle UI, L & R show on the damage silhouettes for both ownship and enemy.  This has to be P&S in the English speaking UIs.  Also the top centre hit counter is almost unnoticeable for such an important datum.  It should stand out from the UI Bright and bold.

I did a passenger delivery Mission between La Navasse and St Louis last night.  I was sending a ship down there anyway so it seemed very convenient.    It strikes me as a very easy way to accumulate doubloons, but quite boring if that is your only purpose.  With the reward quite high for a long journey, I can see that some might use a cutter or very fast TLynx to take a passenger to an enemy port.  Very boring in my opinion though, and I don't expect to use this function unless its something that's on my way for another reason.  I guess, more importantly, when we see a cutter or other small ship, we have to consider that they may be doing a delivery mission.  Does that mean that they will be hunted more?

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