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27 minutes ago, z4ys said:

7 January russian christmas.  My guess expect it mid january.


Quite bored to have to hunt down for ludicrous prices any pistol and musket I cross; I hope for a more balanced (and interesting) boarding game.


PS: for those saying "too Op", I agree: so good the Nerf.

But like any "meta" they  work (and not due to users' fault).

Imagine mast mods being rare drops: Wouldnt plenty of veteran hunting down them win duels easier?


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29 minutes ago, AeRoTR said:

@Licinio Chiavari is paying fortune for this broken boarding mods, relieve the guy from his pain, imagine all his broken mods becomes trash with next patch, the guy can not sleep, give him ETA :) 

No. Just using my reserve. And I already know it's coming. I think I am one of the most relaxed captain around.

And I hope to get a BALANCED (and technically nicer) boarding. With different fittings being viable and dangerous each other.

I would point out that the broken mod... Makes boarding simply faster, they change only a few the final outcome, granted I did the same with a maho/maho renomee boarder without muskets in PZ in last days 😁.


PS: you know we are under the same Colours now, right?

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48 minutes ago, Banished Privateer said:

Mast mods are a rare drop as we speak about Elite French (best mast mod beside Kirimati).

You now, mein Herr, that books are less rare than muskets.

That said you correctly pointed out a real problem.

Muskets, aside being totaly out of the board, are ONLY very rare drops. Mast wise you can use normal French Rig... That's not rare and partly helping.

On the contrary all new (and some interesting in theory) boarding mods are ONLY rare drops making the gap between those having and those not having them wider and not reducible.

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1 minute ago, Banished Privateer said:

Well, I never liked RNG drops. All mods should be craftable or sold im admiralty for doubloons.

99% signed with Blood.

We can live with improved sextant (+4% speed) being rare drop, if we could build/bought normal one (3%) so allowing to use 1 mod (in the category) in any case to all with only a 1% difference between super rare and craftable one.

This is what I'd call mod balancing.

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25 minutes ago, Banished Privateer said:

Well, I never liked RNG drops. All mods should be craftable or sold im admiralty for doubloons.


20 minutes ago, Licinio Chiavari said:

99% signed with Blood.

We can live with improved sextant (+4% speed) being rare drop, if we could build/bought normal one (3%) so allowing to use 1 mod (in the category) in any case to all with only a 1% difference between super rare and craftable one.

This is what I'd call mod balancing.


You guys! You don't like the treasure hunt grind to make truly special ships?!

I'm hurt and offended!

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9 minutes ago, jodgi said:



You guys! You don't like the treasure hunt grind to make truly special ships?!

I'm hurt and offended!

A - First I'd point out that RNG is dangerous. Negative streaks are reality, like me redeeming 150+ requins and getting 1 Purple (4/5 cramped... AFTER crew nerf) and 3 4/5 no trim blues.

B - then I would say about "unique" ships: why in the hell we cant get all available trims on crafted ships therefore sometimes getting some special trim leading to fit her in an unique way that originally wasnt intended?

C - in above case then I'd suggest to get a bit higher chances for superior ships in general or (better) with some effort crafter-side.

D - finally I could point out that what you called treasure hunt (and some exploration, treasure hunt requiring skill and not only luck would be a great added feature to the game) is in the end a mindless PvE grinding that could (and do) make worse game balance issues coupled with above noted RNG problem.

E - with then the sidenote that it's damn easy to lose a ship even the best ever crafted, modded and leaded due to an unlucky rendevous not last to infinite tagging ganks... Therefore ships that ends up being rarely used even by rich veterans and only dreamable by more casuals (widening the already existent experience and gear gap) who, of ever get one will never use her being plain and simply unreplaciable.

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2 hours ago, Licinio Chiavari said:

If it's possible.

Can be confirmed next patch will (finally) address muskets mods in particular and boarding, in general?

More importante: Is possible to have a very approx ETA (week, month)?

Thanks in advance.

yes. we are working on the patch that will include updated battle UI, first versions of official localizations, new trading, postal missions (passengers and letters) and 1v1 patrol. If this patch will get longer than expected we will hot fix the muskets before it. 

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1 minute ago, admin said:

yes. we are working on the patch that will include updated battle UI, first versions of official localizations, new trading, postal missions (passengers and letters) and 1v1 patrol. If this patch will get longer than expected we will hot fix the muskets before it. 

Thanks a lot!

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1 hour ago, AeRoTR said:

@admin please bring back fleet missions and combat missions with decreased income, until Missions are stabilised. This is very important for the base.

just reward everyone participating in a kill mission because that is actual a dynamic fleet mission

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@admin would you do a slightly rebalance to the BR now? we got it away from 1st rate meta great! but now its onto bucentaure meta because it only has 10 more br than the bellona, I would suggest having pools of BR ranges, so you have for instance 1st rates above with br of < 1250, 2nd rates would be from 900-1200, 3rd rates from 350 - 450, and 4th rates from 250 - 350.

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13 hours ago, z4ys said:

just reward everyone participating in a kill mission because that is actual a dynamic fleet mission

This is so true!

I had a 2. rate kill order where I could bring one 2. rate to kill 3x 2. rates, and I would get a mission chest and a silver chest for it. Now if I bring one more player along on this mission, when we join it will adapt to a 6x AI 2. rates vs 2x player 2. rates. The fact that it does this is awesome, but totally let down by the fact that only the player with the kill mission gets the chest rewards for completing the kill mission. Fighting 6 AI vs 2 players is imo a lot more difficult than just doing it solo 1 vs 3 AI.
Challenge is fun, but it needs to be rewarding. So both players should get the reward for completion. No point increasing the risk if the reward is not increased as well.

So kill missions has the potential to be awesome. And these kill missions with silver/gold chest rewards I have only gotten around free ports, or on rare occasion distant nation ports. So it is not like we will be back to farming huge AI fleets in front of our capital and getting all the best loot possible again. This is still missions, the loot in the ships are shit 9 out of 10 times and the reward for completion is as far as I know only desirable when the kill mission is far outside the reinforcement zones/near free towns. 

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30 minutes ago, Hethwill the Red Duke said:

Still the S&D and Hunt missions can be done together and everyone plows through the AI and completes several ones at once.

Can only be done with a Grp that plays together frequently. A random Grp will never be so social. They only come together if all have the same goals.

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4 hours ago, Graf Bernadotte said:

Sailing alone in a boarding requin makes zero sense, since every experienced player just sails downwind and you have no chance to do any damage. That's why you sail in big ganking groups where Requin can board ships slowed down in the brawl. Boarding fitted Requin only exploits other players efforts.

A - not all ships are able to flee a Requin even downwind of they are slow or if the Requin succeds in tag close from leeward side. I sunk quite some seasoned captains on Requin.

B - as a Requin captain I fear boarding in a brawl more than going side to side to a carroned Hercules. Requin is strong in boarding. Still it's very frail: I lost quite a few xebecs due to boarding in multiple ship combats. You should know that being entangled in a boarding in the middle of a brawl is very dangerous.

C - Requin boards on his own: she could exploit other teamates efforts simply zooming an isolated upwind enemy or hunting down upwind damaged and retreating enemy. But in both case is teamwork: different ships playing different roles in a team.

D - so far best hunting party for a Requin is going in pair with a second one: allowing to engage even bigger preys with relative safety (alone is far more risky against SoLs). Mixing with other ships is not bad, still less efficient.

E - @Hethwill the Red Duke

You sail pretty often alone too. And arent you saying to let people sail and play as they prefer?

By the way, even if with ganking preferance, there's still plenty of lone hunters.

So what's strange hunting alone?

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