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Patch 26. Spanish Frigate Diana, BR rebalance - Diana is a timed reward.


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5 minutes ago, Flinch said:

Wow DD nerf is great but the boarding at high speeds is going to be insane.

Every fight will eventually come down to a boarding action.

Probably. Not a rare occurrance as it is now aside when prepared with purposely fitted ships.

So in the end more realistic.

And with more ships involved in boardings. Also big ones.

And so with finally with less laser guided balls... Or those not adapting risking seriously to be killed.

Edited by Licinio Chiavari
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2 hours ago, rediii said:

they don't hold the course they instantly drop and the ship instantly stops.

I made another pro drawing.

That will happen:


Does upwind position needs even more buffs?

The situation you provide is probably not possible in reality given modestly competent captains in black ships

1) black ships could fight and not run.
2) black ships could actually focus fire and remove most sails from the red one.
3) black ships could focus fire and just sink the  red ship (Enough damage to sails and structure will slow it down a lot).

The situation you draw is possible only if black ships sail without shooting, turning or coordinating, because otherwise i do not see a situation where a red ship can get close to a black one sailing in such tight formation.

frigates would be more useful in lineship fights

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2 hours ago, Liq said:

So no need for pushing into the wind anymore

If you are going to get pushed into the wind there is no point in delaying the inevitable.
The main benefit of this change is that if someone hugs you or sterncamps you at speed in a lighter ship - you just board and take him out.

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2 hours ago, admin said:

Hotfix will be applied on wednesday and will include

  • Mark rewards, XP, gold rewards changes to prepare for the new economy patch
  • Hammocks and extra crew bonuses will be nerfed (especially for 6th 7th rates)
    • Current max potential bonus of 55% is too huge to wait for port UI
  • Boarding changes (Experimental+we never tested it)
    • Boarding speed limit will increase
      • This means that if you are on a parallel course and your speed difference is low you can start pulling the target and board.
      • This will have significant impact on the flow of close range battles and will reduce incentive to 
        • stern camp using bow guns (you will get boarded)
        • hug the bigger target on a parallel course (you will get boarded)
        • it will increase importance of DD thus we need to update DD for this experiment.
  • Determined defender nerf (Experimental)
    • We don't want players to calculate percentages in their head - thus DD crew bonus will be lowered to 0%. You should be able to clearly see if you can board the target (in case it has DD) immediately by just looking at enemy crew.

=safe zones being made safe again (AKA gank fest for any hunter that dares to go in safe zones). Gg. enjoy the  pve game.  

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2 hours ago, Sir Loorkon said:

I hope you will add this in the tutorial

Learning ship polars is not a basic knowledge. Some things should be kept out of the tutorial and players will have to discover some things by playing and learning. There is no corner peeking tutorial in CS and will never be. Yet it is one of the very important things in CS and takes hours and hours to fine tune.


this is how it looks from the other side

Maybe you can create a great guide on ship polars and escaping which we can pin 

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3 minutes ago, King of Crowns said:

=safe zones being made safe again (AKA gank fest for any hunter that dares to go in safe zones). Gg. enjoy the  pve game.  

i am unsure :D a xebec 250 crew can now easily board a surprise without pushing.

But lets see.

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1 hour ago, NethrosDefectus said:

What's the matter @admin? Not enough Requin sales so you want to make boarding more attractive to drive them up?

Pure insinuation. Patch notes require to think first post later. You are not thinking it through, but yet sneak in a rule 15 violation potentially confusing others about our real intentions. 


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I am wondering if in someone's mind only Requins can be boarding (fully or partly) geared.

The truth is Requin (like LGV refit for example) are 90+% only boarders. Other ships, depends. Can be, can be fitted also to defend from boarding... Or totally not.

This patch surely will add again meaningful SoLs boarders.

And it will add a strong "dangerous!" signal to small ships trying to camp big ones. Finally!

Edited by Licinio Chiavari
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1 hour ago, Percival Merewether said:


But a Requin ramming an Agamemnon has to have some effect. This patch has made ramming much more important than ever before. 

Ramming damage was mostly used to kill friendlies. Its not coming back until someone (likes us) designs an effective punishment mechanism which is not in dev hands but in player hands. Of course knowing that this punishment mechanism will be in player hands it means its impossible to make it 100% fair.

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28 minutes ago, rediii said:

Engaging while being downwind is not that easy as you describe it. If you stop the upwind group has a easy time focusing someone of you, the black crew can't focus.

Removing sails works but you wont kill anyone like that. And it works only if you do that early enough.

Black ships can't focus fire because it's easy to angle being upwind

Again I will reiterate

Definitely a great positive effect of a change
Previously a target can close down with you or stern camp you without any consequences for itself. 
Right now a target can get boarded if it gets too close (if your speed difference is not high). Weight difference can be added later (we dont want to take programmer from UI), but we want to test higher speed boarding already.

Your described negative effect. 
Your case shows black ships running. If they run in the way they cant fight back - they deserve to lose one ship. Frigates will have a role again. DD will still save lives. 
If black ships do fight back they have multiple ways to take care off the chaser especially if they know that it is coming to board. 

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16 minutes ago, admin said:

Ramming damage was mostly used to kill friendlies. Its not coming back until someone (likes us) designs an effective punishment mechanism which is not in dev hands but in player hands.

I'm not sure I understand, sorry for the need for clarification: you want someone who 'likes you' to design a punishment mechanism operated by the players?

it makes sense and I can understand why you don't want friendlies to kill friendlies.

Also, do we have a max boarding speed - or is that what you'd like us to test?

Edited by Percival Merewether
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1 hour ago, Fluffy Fishy said:


I'm very aware of the concept, never tried it for a historic ship though, it has always seemed to me as something far more useful for modern steel built ships.

Do you or does anyone here have a figure more appropriate for wooden warships by chance?


The prismatic coefficient (CP) is a similar non­-dimensional coefficient, and it is an even more valuable tool for the designer. Unfortunately, you need to know the area of a section of the hull, usually amidships. The Cp compares the shape of the hull not to a block, but to a prism with a base the same shape as the midship section and a length the same as the waterline length. It is a more valuable number and its relationship to speed in yachts is better documented than the block coefficient.

Dont know if that will help you

Edited by z4ys
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10 minutes ago, admin said:

Ramming damage was mostly used to kill friendlies. Its not coming back until someone (likes us) designs an effective punishment mechanism which is not in dev hands but in player hands.

removing friendly fire completely, or having mirror damage where the damage goes right back to you if you should an ally, and being sunk this way granting some kind of short time out penalty, no rewards, and costing some gold.

I like this boarding change, I think it's a step in the right direction, I just fear the short term effect that people will continue to use boarding as a gamey way to lock down enemy ships into boarding so they can't retaliate against others coming to fire on them, meaning easier ganks with even less of a fight. Any plans to resolve this before it becomes an issue?

Edited by Slim McSauce
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2 minutes ago, Percival Merewether said:

I'm not sure I understand, sorry for the need for clarification: you want someone who likes you to design a punishment mechanism operated by the players?

it makes sense and I can understand why you don't want friendlies to kill friendlies.

Also, do we have a max boarding speed - or is that what you'd like us to test?

i replied to you request on ramming damage. 

ramming damage was a great realistic feature which took account ship masses, relative speeds and angles and generated massive holes if ships were hit properly. 
Unfortunately idiots used this feature on their own side. It was in times of sea trials when ships could not get lost. I cant imagine how realistic ramming will work in terms of ships that can be lost. Because you cannot defend from a nice friendly ram, and can only complain in a tribunal. Ramfest or something it was called.

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2 minutes ago, admin said:

i replied to you request on ramming damage. 

ramming damage was a great realistic feature which took account ship masses, relative speeds and angles and generated massive holes if ships were hit properly. 
Unfortunately idiots used this feature on their own side. It was in times of sea trials when ships could not get lost. I cant imagine how realistic ramming will work in terms of ships that can be lost. Because you cannot defend from a nice friendly ram, and can only complain in a tribunal. Ramfest or something it was called.

Admin truthfuly no matter what you do players will always find a way too use feature in intresting ways

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Just now, admin said:

i replied to you request on ramming damage. 

ramming damage was a great realistic feature which took account ship masses, relative speeds and angles and generated massive holes if ships were hit properly. 
Unfortunately idiots used this feature on their own side. It was in times of sea trials when ships could not get lost. I cant imagine how realistic ramming will work in terms of ships that can be lost. Because you cannot defend from a nice friendly ram, and can only complain in a tribunal. Ramfest or something it was called.

Yeah, makes sense - I do like @Slim McSauce's suggestion though:

5 minutes ago, Slim McSauce said:

removing friendly fire completely, or having mirror damage where the damage goes right back to you.

But I suppose mirror damage will be almost impossible, can't really determine who hit who.

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11 minutes ago, admin said:

Again I will reiterate

Definitely a great positive effect of a change
Previously a target can close down with you or stern camp you without any consequences for itself. 
Right now a target can get boarded if it gets too close (if your speed difference is not high). Weight difference can be added later (we dont want to take programmer from UI), but we want to test higher speed boarding already.

Turning the whole thing around. Can he board me too by just sailing behind me. For example the one who is trailing me and stern camps me with his bow chasers. We both sail in the same direction, I am the lighter ship, he is a bit faster and hugs my stern with his bow (even losing his bowsprit in the process). Can he initiate the boarding and basically stop me from behind while I sail with 10 kn?

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4 minutes ago, admin said:

i replied to you request on ramming damage. 

ramming damage was a great realistic feature which took account ship masses, relative speeds and angles and generated massive holes if ships were hit properly. 
Unfortunately idiots used this feature on their own side. It was in times of sea trials when ships could not get lost. I cant imagine how realistic ramming will work in terms of ships that can be lost. Because you cannot defend from a nice friendly ram, and can only complain in a tribunal. Ramfest or something it was called.

I unfortunately must agree with you.  Even if people are not doing it on purpose, friendly ships who don't look where they are going are constantly ramming.  I am a big fan of realism and ramming should be something that must be dealt with, but big battles would quickly fall apart as inexperienced players took out friendlies on a regular basis.

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10 minutes ago, Slim McSauce said:


I like this boarding change, I think it's a step in the right direction, I just fear the short term effect that people will continue to use boarding as a gamey way to lock down enemy ships into boarding so they can't retaliate against others coming to fire on them, meaning easier ganks with even less of a fight. Any plans to resolve this before it becomes an issue?

we are buffing barricades to be an amazing defensive upgrade. On the UI patch or right after we plan to give crew damage to BOTH ships participating in boarding if someone is raked during boarding.

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5 minutes ago, rediii said:


This is a pretty typical upwind vs downwind situation. You can watch the battle here in this vid.

I think boarding will be used a lot only to hold targets in place again with the difference that the target to hold in place can't do anything about it anymore.

Maybe I'm just too pessimistic witht he idea though let's see



@Fluffy Fishy @Sella22 @z4ys @maturin @Malachi and many other forum members versed in the history of the age of sail (sorry if i missed everyone else)  will confirm that just getting side by side would be enough to entangle rigging for a couple of hours. Lets see how it works now. After large patch we will also add weight difference to it. Right now DD will act as a weight difference deterrent.

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