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12 hours ago, Tom Farseer said:

That feeling, when we sail out to either save or at least avenge a clanmate being ganked and then said clanmate just kills the gankers while we uselessly wait in OW...

You have only yourself to blame. You should know better what spanish players are like. They are without a doubt the worst. Even in port battles they have never achieved a single victory against an even below average fleet. They are complete trash. I might need to come up with a better word because comparing them to 90% of the playerbase is a compliment in all fairness. How about sub trash? 

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in the picture that the friend Gregori has put us failed a spy or a double account of someone who did not hit a cannon, nor on board the enemy ships, the frigate 70 crew and the bellona 150 crew members, I mean this spy or double account to Alfonso v, who did nothing in the battle this member was expelled from the clan, for spying and conspiring against HEROES DE LEGEND.
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On 16/11/2018 at 22:39, Gregory Rainsborough said:



there was a double account that betrayed us in the battle Alfonso v.

having left the other members the frigate with 70 crew members and the bellona with 150 crew members, Alfonso v, neither sunk them nor board them.

Alfonso v was expelled for treason to the clan.
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  • 2 weeks later...


when sinking Brummie6 (Zyss and the duke)

The alarmed dutch Home guard took the necessary actions...(Zyss run away )

Good fight Duke

A Classick :))

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@Thonys and Dutch fellows,

Was a good one chaps. We attacked and you answered in kind. Proper NA.

You fellows have a good coast guard and the skill to boot, need to step it up to face more menacing fellows than us ragtag sea gypsies :) but always great to go visit you chaps now and then.

Snappy salute.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Trincomalee vs Constitution classic.(Year of the lord 19th December 23.00 hours)


And after a long battle in the hostility battle against an Essex i was really badly damaged, my men went home to the port when suddenly from behind a Swedish ship with the honorable captain Elias on a constitution classic [450BR340] (B fitted 54 marines)

 attacked my ship the Trincomalee build  "nepthonis"   325BR300 and her crew...(B fitted 34 marines)

Me as a captain i decided to take the battle for the other day, (my heavenly trained men needed rest) and set a course 35 degrees downwind (i have no quarrel with the Swedish captain).... but when the constitution under command of Cpt. Elias fired chain on my ship i decided to engage the constitution classic to board him (he boarded me first + disengaged,  and  my experienced men (Board) it the second time :)

It was a welcome catch : All the glory and the loot went to my wonderful crew who serve under me.

footnote: they got many medals from the Admiralty for doing battle against an essex and a constitution in two engagement in one mission.


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3 hours ago, staun said:

WTF @Thonys, have you turned in to a PvP player. I thought you was a Dutch merchant. I just think I for now stay to danish wathers. If it even no longer is safe in Dutch waters. 

What have the World come to. Think it is time for me to move to PvE server.

NO.NO.NO.NO. i am still a poor merchant, (But sometimes a forced member of the home guard)  you can still sail to dutch waters nothing will arm you ...and at the PVE server?, it is not such a good idea,.... there living sea monsters and bad water creatures ...not a save place at all.

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  • 2 weeks later...

No survivors!

It was an awesome fight, took 85 minutes to complete. Patrol at La Mona yesterday.

My shabby bermuda/crew indefat was the obvious weak link, especially as soon as he other team realized that and started to focus me ... luckily I had the inger to hide behind after i had lost 3/4 of my left flank armour.  Unfortunately the circle made us make a tack and I got separated (well played by our opponents) ... All credit goes to T3nZ, who saved the/my day. He ended up with 4 kills.

The last indefatigable got boarded on the edge of the circle ... both players timed out outside the battlezone (5 minutes battletime left).

Battleresult for T3nZ : 66.7k

Battleresult for me : 22.4k



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22 hours ago, Thonys said:


whats the story.... he was AFK?

I don't remember how battle started. I found myself very close to that big ship. He unleashed 2 broadsides on me when I was still loading my cannons. Started running in despair and panic. Somehow managed to shoot 2 of the stern cannons, miraculously they caused 2 leaks (as you see in the screenshot) and enemy ship sink like a rock. 

Still scared and trembling returned back slowly to take a selfie.

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15 hours ago, Ellias said:

Somehow managed to shoot 2 of the stern cannons, miraculously they caused 2 leaks (as you see in the screenshot) and enemy ship sink like a rock. 

Still scared and trembling returned back slowly to take a selfie.


this is important info thx

i i can understand the trembling :)


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After a strong and long battle of 1.29 hours we honor the Russian fighters to get a medal from their admiralty for fighting a full-time battle


when the Russians were trying to lure us out of the harbor they were tricked into a battle and   after a long battle the last  Russian fighters Knuddel and 

Anolitic was sunk in the last minute of the battle it was an extreme tactical battle where they constantly tried to get the advantage of the wind to outmaneuver us

the bigmac captain left his captains alone to fight the home guard what we considered a pity for the 2 brave captains. 


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this Sunday the weather was beautiful...

and some Russian captains wanted to come true the wall to enter the free and empty hunting grounds of the Dutch nation but the home guard was in the neighborhood

what resulted in pretty pictures



later on, the don DiMarco captain in pursuing from zoutman to Cocubacoa to Mitara was captured again at a Russian port.


later on top of the battle there was a bellona to resue the belle poole

but also got sunk


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  • 3 weeks later...

Was a hair raising battle. British captains were exceptionally brave and did fight to the bitter end despite both sides having chances to disengage whenever.

I am pleased i didn't lost battle and that's why I am posting this. Sometimes even a blind monkey finds a banana.


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