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Patch 14: Part 2 experimental patch increasing realism in ship behavior


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It seems that many players, incl myself don´t like when devs are forcing us to play certain way. In this case forcing players to play for ports if they like to sail particular ship. I don´t mind having some rare ships in game but limiting their availability to only one game-way ? Premium ships, grind to win? Do you really think that you can rule how players play with restrictions? I think that better way is to offer variety and new game content.

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5 minutes ago, admin said:

if asking questions is a word fight for you we don't know how conversation is possible. But we will try again.

If Russia attracted players why did not prussia? Is it national leaders responsibility? or a game responsibility? Why Rovers and LIONS left prussia? @z4ys @Sella22?
Why russia gained players ?
@Anolytic thoughts?

Ok, I'll try again. If you want to have a discussion instead of a word fight, before asking me any questions, answer to mine, which are the gathering of questions from this thread, which were unanswered.

Main doubts for new system that I can read are:

  • snowball effect - strong nations will remain strong, as noone else will have big ships
  • no option for small nations whatsoever to get access to 1st rates and thus large part of the content (unless you tell me that eg. Prussia or Commonwealth can dominate Sweden)
  • decreased PvP due to harder access to ships
  • no conversion of Combat Marks to Labour Contracts makes crafting ships and supporting clan economy harder

Please explain why they're not true, or why we shouldn't worry about them.

I don't know how Russia or Prussia relate to those remarks.

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1 minute ago, Valentine Karrde said:

People go to the side that appears to be the strongest. Right now that's Russia. People are sheep. Only a few wolves will pick the losing side to have plenty of sheep to slaughter.

good point. Even more are changing to the top nation getting bigger and bigger.

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2 minutes ago, vazco said:

Main doubts for new system that I can read are:

  • snowball effect - strong nations will remain strong, as noone else will have big ships
  • no option for small nations whatsoever to get access to 1st rates and thus large part of the content (unless you tell me that eg. Prussia or Commonwealth can dominate Sweden)
  • decreased PvP due to harder access to ships
  • no conversion of Combat Marks to Labour Contracts makes crafting ships and supporting clan economy harder

Prussia/Commonwealth can dominate other nations if it they do 2 things
1) unite the national clans 
2) practice and get better tactically and strategically
There will be no snowball effect as a lot of port battles has small BR limits and intercept fleets are easily avoided. 
There will be no decrease in PVP as players who don't pvp won't pvp anyway. Players who pvp will actually have more pvp as they cannot get advanced ships without conquest.

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Just now, admin said:

Prussia/Commonwealth can dominate other nations if it they do 2 things
1) unite the national clans 
2) practice and get better tactically and strategically
There will be no snowball effect as a lot of port battles has small BR limits and intercept fleets are easily avoided. 
There will be no decrease in PVP as players who don't pvp won't pvp anyway. Players who pvp will actually have more pvp as they cannot get advanced ships without conquest.

who should pay all the ports if you have a small player base?

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Just now, admin said:

Prussia/Commonwealth can dominate other nations if it they do 2 things
1) unite the national clans 
2) practice and get better tactically and strategically
There will be no snowball effect as a lot of port battles has small BR limits and intercept fleets are easily avoided. 
There will be no decrease in PVP as players who don't pvp won't pvp anyway. Players who pvp will actually have more pvp as they cannot get advanced ships without conquest.

Even united they don't have the numbers to fight the top nation.

If a small nation caps a lot of ports they can't defend them due to their numbers.

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2 minutes ago, Stepp636 said:

Even united they don't have the numbers to fight the top nation.

If a small nation caps a lot of ports they can't defend them due to their numbers.

You are too scared to realize your real strength. But you will if you try. There is no top nation. All top nations are just 10 captains with gained skill. You can gain that skill too

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Just now, admin said:

if asking questions is a word fight for you we don't know how conversation is possible. But we will try again.

If Russia attracted players why did not prussia? Is it national leaders responsibility? or a game responsibility? Why Rovers and LIONS left prussia? @z4ys @Sella22?
Why russia gained players ?
@Anolytic thoughts?

Rover left Prussia because we wanted to fight. The game went from a rover playstayle to an RvR playstyle so in order to PvP RvR is required. Prussia had established a status quo at panama. The nearby nations respected prussian interests so players of prussia could focus on pve. That thats not the sense of an impossible nation in my opinion.

Furthermore there was a lot of language bias within the nation chat. That made it "impossible" for english speaking people to paticipate in nation interest because chat (infos etc) were all writen in german. Even the Nation TS was sensless because german was used there as well. I told them in some meeting we need english speaking people in order to keep the nation growing. An other coffin nail in my opinion was that Prussia refused to help new players. All new players start at Shroud Cay. Prussia is sitting in panama. There advice for new players was to sail down to maracaibo lake. What new player want to spent his first hours ingame sailing down to maracaibo lake? Rover tried to make it attractive to new prussian players by holding Green Cay and La guanaja we even tried to help new players there but we couldnt offer access to all resources.  New players want to try stuff out and that wasnt possible.

So in the end my english speaking fellow captains felt unwelcome by the german chat bias and we dicided to go to a nation where everyone of us can read the chat and communicate with each other.

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25 minutes ago, admin said:

We have one of the largest private collections of the age of sail books and prints in the world. Perhaps you did not who sir john the clerk was - wiki was the fastest and simplest way to share it with you. Age of sail was not about broadside to broadside combat and sir john the clerk even proven it in his essays on naval tactics. You can replicate it in naval action too. You can try to have line combat but pure line combat allows easy escape and indecisive results (Battle of ushant, glorious first of june); decisive victories come from maneuver, disablement and general melee allowing to rely on individual skill and not station keeping.

Basing game mechanics on one person's essays is to say least, silly.

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Just now, admin said:

You are too scared to realize your real strength. But you will if you try. There is no top nation. All top nations are just 10 captains with skill. You can gain that skill

How do you think small nations should fight the top nation 25v100?

Take one port and lose 3? Can't win like this.


It just excludes most players/nations from content.


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Potbs, an age of sail game that got rvr about as right as you can, did this: the nation that won, got conquest points for writs for refit ships etc. the next three nations got them as well. The underdog nations got bonuses to money, experience, and resource requirement  reductions. All nations could make all ships but the ones who won couldn't refit certain non game breaking ships through the conquest marks. People re rolled to under dog nations all the time to get the bonuses. The winning nations got their pretty refits that didn't change the balance of power or give them a greater advantage. Everyone was happy and the balance of power was constantly shifting. 

Unlike game labs, flying labs software understood that people respond better to the carrot than the stick. Punishing weaker nations just causes people to re roll to the stronger ones and never achieves balance. 

Edited by Valentine Karrde
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