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In-game chat banned - explanations request


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Why in private message ? what do you have to hide ? why have you deleted yet another post of me saying I have been banned for criticizing a MOD ? 


Because you likely were not banned for criticizing a mod.  Your choices right now are to contact Ink via PM to find out why you were chat banned, or to drop the issue and move on.


Further reposts of moderated content will result in a warning.


Thank you.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Actually it's not my problem anymore, because they got back to me and my ban was a mistake.


It is the game's problem though if it starts losing players because they're breaking rules they didn't know existed. Just stick it in-game on character create with "actually read this" at the top. Ain't that hard.


Reading the rules right when you buy the game shouldn't be that hard, right? Why should devs waste time in make buttons for people who have obvoiusly no interest in reading rules?


Again you signed a contract and you accepted the rules. It's nothing made by the devs. It's just anyones law. Go to the lawyer of your choice he will tell you the same: your problem. Read contracts. Case closed.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Here's another problem in game chat ban's i knew a guy who got chat banned he did an investigation knew some one inside the a clan they used Photoshop to fabricate the evidence that he went the whole day speaking such foul language similar to this




and also declaring "Hitler to be god and Jews to be Satan" real strange of them to use that but ok so he got the chat ban no one knows how they got it to the developers and so when he got back on they did it to him again resulting in the same problem he ended up leaving the game as since he couldn't speak on his behalf and had no one to do so at the time he was then hunted as those who did him wrong made him look as though he was pure evil and needed to die. i suggest that the whole chat ban system be purged.


As now a days that language is everywhere i knew kids on mine craft who have seen this kind of language and they were of the ages around 8 ya bad i know i once say a kid looked to be 10 in Walmart once he want south-park his mother asked where he even saw it he didn't answer probably TV. So this is my point its common language i see it every time i go on i don't care, 100 players on the server i am on don't care so why have it at all i once filled out 200 reports the whole day on such language that was months ago did anything come of it no still went on and on and ON pointless process.

Edited by Captain Pickle
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Here's another problem in game chat ban's i knew a guy who got chat banned he did an investigation knew some one inside the a clan they used Photoshop to fabricate the evidence that he went the whole day speaking such foul language similar to this

Chat bans are issued via ingame reports anc checked by hands, you can not fabricate those, as well as force the ban by spamming it.

In case your friend wants to know reasons for ban he have to write here or via private message, or, if the ban was expired already, write to character Ink in the game.

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Never the less it did happen he's gone and is not coming back he's off playing some other game more based in mad max style of world.


Clearly there are issues in the system a more cumbersome system how many reports do you get a day? If you counted them daily you would probably find less and less people use it and more just say the hell with it hen's my point its not working months pass and does anything happen to these people no they continue to bad mouth people and it gets a lot more interesting to watch than to send in a worthless junk report that take away valuable time so only conclusion is its garbage and as the saying goes if its broke fix it and by fix it just scrap it and move on bad language is the new lingo homy.


u digin me?

Edited by Captain Pickle
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  • 4 months later...
On 23.03.2017 at 4:15 PM, sruPL said:

I can't access the ingame chat and i would like to know why i was restricted.

Ingame nickname: sruPL

It is a 7 day chat ban (should be expired soon) due to breaking clauses 1, 2, 15 of the rules.

Remember that same rules applly to both Forum and Game - actions might be taken in both places.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 2 months later...
  • 2 months later...
1 hour ago, vonafred said:

hello there...

I would like to know why ACN player Emma has been banned from ingame chat ...

In case  there are any objective reason and why don't she had any prior notification ?


ACN clan leader Vonafred

He can post here or send me a PM.

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  • 3 weeks later...
1 hour ago, BAPBAP said:

Please check why I was banned from chatting in the game. Europe server 1 game nickname BAPBAP

Captains, to clarify - if you do not see chat tabs - this is not a chat ban or a bug. 

It happens once you delete  some Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable packages needed for the game. To make chat work again please try to install/reinstall packages from this site:


In this particular case the issue was caused by the 2013 package deleted by Captain.

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  • 5 months later...

I was recently chat banned and would like to know why. I thought I was a good boy santa. no chat ban in over year :( it wasn't because I was calling a guy a snowflake was it? I know @Powderhorn can be really overly sensitive (I was chat banned for calling SORRY sorry one time) and legalistic at times and I also haven't seen him back in a while. perhaps he has announced his return to the game with a series of chat bans?

p.s. it seems since chat ban is active the game just lost 1/2 of its content.  :/


Edited by King of Crowns
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  • 3 weeks later...
53 minutes ago, MassimoSud said:

I've been warned that I'll be banned from the chat ... I'd love to know why
thank you @Ink

Ingame nickname: ''MassimoSud''

You are not banned. Please provide more information about chat issue that you are experiencing via personal message

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