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National Population


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4 minutes ago, rediii said:

its brits.

Easily outnumbered us at la navasse while some clans were not even present because they dislike first.

Also sweden just has a big participation in teamspeak and national efforts like taking or defending ports due to a very well working democracy... also we have @sveno:D

I wouldnt say sweden is the biggest nation. We are just activly doing something together as a nation which other nations stopped doing like denmark.


Let's compare total nation players vs effective nation players, shall we?

Edited by Cornelis Tromp
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11 minutes ago, rediii said:

Its also a skill to be attractive to others. Sweden has the best skills to organize their players.

You think your system makes denmark the strongest nation on the server. I think the swedish system makes us so strong and also numerous because the majority of clans voted to do it.

You guys just decide.

Better keep fighting your own nation and not tell us how to do things. :) How is your cartagena campaign going?

I have a couple of words in my head right now that would get me a forum ban. 

But let me ask you this: How did it feel to get oneported by the Danes? Twice?

Swedes only profit from the relatively low usercounts. 

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28 minutes ago, Batman said:

Do it again! I know you guyscan't resist it, Kloot ;)

Not with over 80% of Sweden being in the AI swatting fleet zone. Reinforcement circle for Sweden goes from charlestown to north of Marigot. No use in trying with such a disadvantage in attacking the Swedish core.

Edited by Cornelis Tromp
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1 hour ago, rediii said:

Its also a skill to be attractive to others. Sweden has the best skills to organize their players.

Sweden has been attractive to others and easier to organise in great part because of a significant homogenous population. Danmark-Norge never had that advantage. In Danmark-Norge we have had to work to unify communities that stood far apart from each other. And historically the population booms of Sweden were often less due to any work from Swedes and more due to the notoriety and proficiency of the Danish nation. Many players joined Sweden to be able to camp the back yard of Danmark-Norge, rather than being camped by us in their front yards.

I do commend the Swedes for having players willing to waste their time in council meetings. Again something made easier by relatively homogenous clans and player base. However the Danish fleet just wants to show up to fight and not argue about when or where.

1 hour ago, rediii said:

You think your system makes denmark the strongest nation on the server.

We never tried to be or thought of ourselves as the strongest nation on the server. We have had the strongest 25 man fleet for long periods of time in the past, only weakened because most of those players have left the game now. But our nation was always small and insignificant. We only ever wanted to play the game on our terms, and do the best that we could do with the resources that we had. Danmark-Norge has always been a small nation, and we never had the population or organisation to support holding so much territory as we did. Danmark-Norge only had the ability to hold Puerto Rico and most of Hispaniola for so long because of our victories in Port Battles scaring other nations from attacking us. Our population was never large enough to justify holding such expansive territories. We always over-performed our ambitions and our means.

50 minutes ago, rediii said:

But last time you tried to steal us ports you and all nations you talked in helping you failed.

We did not try to steal your ports, and we did not fail. We accomplished our aim. It is not our fault that the Brits and Pirates were unable to capitalise on our distraction manoeuvre to set their own port battles. We performed our task just as planned, like always. 

And we did not talk other nations into anything. They talked to us.


Edited by Anolytic
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I know others have too, but I been trying to get Devs to give us an updated count of players with break down per nation like they did back in March. We honestly should be getting this info every time there is a big patch and they give out more forge papers.  I'm sure they track this data and have the info on hand.

So @Ink @admin is there any way we can get this info for all three servers?  I'm starting to feel like you don't want to give us the proper info to help us better balance  your game and keep server healthy in order.


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5 minutes ago, Cornelis Tromp said:

I think you crushed one half of the active population yesterday and will do so to the other half today. ggwp.

wtf u talking about? u better handle ur national problems instead blaming others who bring content to their nation and activity to the server...



show us the strong danish nation u guys are talking about the whole hello kittyin time in this forum! i didnt saw anything of it since the big wipe....otherwise accept the reality and keep ur mouth shut!

Edited by troody
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27 minutes ago, Cornelis Tromp said:

I think you crushed one half of the active population yesterday and will do so to the other half today. ggwp.

And the noob hasn't even showed up yet :P

Edited by pietjenoob
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23 minutes ago, Cornelis Tromp said:

I think you crushed one half of the active population yesterday and will do so to the other half today. ggwp.

We thought the French can give us a good war, but seems we were wrong, so we fullfilled our aims and ended it then.

Everyone told us to fight a real enemy, now we want to do exactly that and getting blamed again?


-------------------->This is a PVP Server<-----------------------------

And the fact that you complain about us doing PVP in form of RVR shows me that you are obviously on the wrong server.

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the swedes fought well at navasse, redii you are right, Navasse was not a focused effort by GB. but i fear you will meet the same today.  infact it could be worse because of navasse more should of been present and wasnt so it may be less likely we risk ships now.  i agree with you on the danes.. lots of talking to other nations when they want a "challenge". but as players of naval action aside from nations. we all play to have fun. so lets keep it fun.

my only fear redii. is attacking GB will not be fun maybe the danes can provide you with a more interesting fight... at least for now.

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I can't speak for DreamMaker, but he clearly used the personal pronoun to indicate he spoke for himself. And the way I interpret him he is talking about the Danish RvR-fleet, not the nation per se. Precision is not always easy with language barriers and forum comments. We sometimes talk about the Danish "nation" and the Danish fleet interchangeably, but we almost always mean the fleet. A "Nation" in-game is just a flag. You may have a council, but there are still many many people in the nation that are not represented in your council.  The Danish RvR-fleet referring to ourselves as the Danish Nation is not much different from players who never showed up to a port battle taking credit for the victories of their "nation".

1 hour ago, rediii said:

Well you did arrive at the portbattle in basse terre and you tried to grind oranje so basically you tried to win the pb in basse terre atleast?

Oranjestad was a spontaneous and unprepared operation to help one of the other nations as they were grinding a port. And of course we would show up to a port battle we had set. We wouldn't just not show up to a port battle that we had grinded. Victory being highly unlikely is no reason for us not to show up and have a fight. *cough*Road Town*cough*

1 hour ago, rediii said:

Also you went to the dutch TS and asked them to not attack cartagena while "you"(the 1 day alliance) are attacking us. I have no prove to the rest ofc but I dont think someone else would have started a coordinated effort of 5 nations. I dont say its not legit, its just contrary to what you say everytime that you guys are looking for a challenge.

I never claimed we did not plan the operation. We did, like we did with most large scale offensive operations during the Eastern Alliance as well. 

The other nations going to war with you is however not on us. We did not arrange a 4v1 against you. You did that yourselves. The other nations had come to us for a long time to help them by going to war with you. When war finally came, of course we looked for cooperation. Our goal in the war was never territorial expansion. We had more ports than we needed. Our goal was to help other nations regain their territories. However we could neither grind for them or fight in their port battles. So we planned an operation that would give them a chance to do so. We did our part and set up the distraction. They did not accomplish their part.

And you cannot claim that we shied away from a challenge, just because we did not go 1v1 up against a nation with 3-4 times our active population. 

We did our part and we faced our challenge, and we fought the port battle with a fleet with only a handful of veterans and where some people had never been in one before and did not know how to enter.

1 hour ago, Cornelis Tromp said:

I think you crushed one half of the active population yesterday and will do so to the other half today. ggwp.

You can't really blame Swedes for fighting the second strongest nation on the server, or for being zergs against a nation far larger than themselves. At least they finally stopped going after the French. 

The game has shifted to favour high population nations a lot more in RvR, but that is not Swedes fault. 

Edited by Anolytic
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26 minutes ago, Raxius said:

the swedes fought well at navasse, redii you are right, Navasse was not a focused effort by GB. but i fear you will meet the same today.  infact it could be worse because of navasse more should of been present and wasnt so it may be less likely we risk ships now.  i agree with you on the danes.. lots of talking to other nations when they want a "challenge". but as players of naval action aside from nations. we all play to have fun. so lets keep it fun.

my only fear redii. is attacking GB will not be fun maybe the danes can provide you with a more interesting fight... at least for now.

The past days was a lot of fun to us and you can see in rediiis videos that KBEAR was enjoying it too.

Denmark has a lot of RVR experience. Use this opportunity now to gain this experience aswell.

The history of Naval Action reminds us all the time (as you can see) that sweden got one ported in the past. that was before my time, but i think that is one reason that Sweden is so strong now.

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47 minutes ago, Cornelis Tromp said:

Yup. Wrecking a community, one at a time. ggwp.

37 minutes ago, Batman said:

Define what makes someone a "real enemy"?

32 minutes ago, pietjenoob said:

Somebody with people to fill pb+screening, but it depends on whom you ask

If you ask Kloothommel, any nation that Sweden attacks is gonna be a poor weak nation that is destroyed by the bullies of 'Swerg'.

That guy is so blinded by his biases that he will be 'denouncing' Sweden whatever they do, even if it means contradicting what he said the last time the subject came up. He just cannot see his own total hypocrisy in his statements. Weren't you attacking GB just now? I guess the only reason you are not bullies yourselves is your incompetence in capping cartagena? I mean, Anolityc also clearly has a hard-on for swede-bashing, but at least he is reasonable some of the time (like his last few posts in this thread).

So tell me this Kloothommel, who would it be acceptable for Sweden to fight, if attacking the largest nation on the server is 'wrecking one community at a time'? Maybe we should just attack only AI on this pvp server?

Edited by Knobby
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2 minutes ago, Knobby said:

If you ask Kloothommel, any nation that Sweden attacks is gonna be a poor weak nation that is destroyed by the bullies of 'Swerg'.

That guy is so blinded by his biases that he will be 'denouncing' Sweden whatever they do, even if it means contradicting what he said the last time the subject came up. He just cannot see his own total hypocrisy in his statements. I mean, Anolityc als clearly has a hard-on for swede-bashing, but at least he is reasonable some of the time (like his last few posts in this thread).

So tell me this Kloothommel, who would it be acceptable for Sweden to fight, if attacking the largest nation on the server is 'wrecking one community at a time'? Maybe we should just attack only AI on this pvp server?

hmm.... interesting statement from a clan who just moved to sweden.. wasn't dutch enough?

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40 minutes ago, Knobby said:

If you ask Kloothommel, any nation that Sweden attacks is gonna be a poor weak nation that is destroyed by the bullies of 'Swerg'.

That guy is so blinded by his biases that he will be 'denouncing' Sweden whatever they do, even if it means contradicting what he said the last time the subject came up. He just cannot see his own total hypocrisy in his statements. Weren't you attacking GB just now? I guess the only reason you are not bullies yourselves is your incompetence in capping cartagena? I mean, Anolityc also clearly has a hard-on for swede-bashing, but at least he is reasonable some of the time (like his last few posts in this thread).

So tell me this Kloothommel, who would it be acceptable for Sweden to fight, if attacking the largest nation on the server is 'wrecking one community at a time'? Maybe we should just attack only AI on this pvp server?

Let's wait for admin to post usercounts before I answer that specific question.

Post Scriptum: GB seems to be the least unfair opponent for the Swerg at this point.

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12 minutes ago, Raxius said:

hmm.... interesting statement from a clan who just moved to sweden.. wasn't dutch enough?

Half of what is now CABAL came from Sweden to VP with the wipe in the first place.

The other half had been Dutch veterans since Steam release. We left because since the wipe we were fed up with the lack of pvp, hours to sail to find hostiles, lack of organization and participation in the nation and a council dominated by pvers who were only trying to restrict our ability to pvp even more.

And before you ask why sweden? Well, we were at war with you guys so we did not want to pull an VLTRA/HYDRA. Besides, we didn't like you guys all that much. Danes same thing, didn't like em. French speak almost only french, Spanish only spanish. US too small and far away. So only sweden was left, and half of our guys used to play there anyway.

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29 minutes ago, Knobby said:

a council dominated by pvers who were only trying to restrict our ability to pvp even more.



you mean the time you screened for the Swedes against the French and we didnt really like that? yeaaaaaa right

Edited by ScipioTortuga
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