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Patch 11.0: New ships, Unity 5, Improved clan based conquest, and many other changes.


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+1 Sven

Although i really dislike this sad fact, most people just do pve on this server. Correct me if I'm wrong here but there's basically two groups: newbies and players, who just like to enjoy a bit the sailing combined with a true desire for fighting AI in bigger ships as they have a lot of guns. These people can't and shouldn't be forced into pvp (though they play on the pvp server) as it are these people that provide the numbers on the server and therefore make people join the server for pvp (pvp players know they wont find much if theres only 150 guys online). 

The safezones are a good opportunity for those kind of players and should therefore be kept part of the game (make them smaller though PLEASE!!!). As these players (imho) aren't interested in the whole game, they should't be rewarded as those players who are. Safezone should preserve basics - nothing more, nothing less. At the moment, i dont have to leave my warm n cosy zone durnig the day (RvR in the evening, which is fine), as everybody else is in his/her own aswell having no reason to do so. And hunting traders isnt really PvP imho.

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Every time a change is made to correct something on the PVP server it is also applied to the PVE server. The gameplay on the PVE server is different from the PVP server and many of these changes have a profound effect on gameplay for the PVE server.

For example, all the ports that are now Neutral after the patch will stay Neutral forever on the PVE (since we can't capture), this has caused the NPC fleets to almost disappear! That coupled with what has been done to missions makes it near impossible for a single player to find interesting battles.

On the other hand, there are so many things on that server that need attention that I guess it's not even worth the effort talking about it.


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5 hours ago, sveno said:

The only trade currently happining is down at Cartaghena, Tar is at ridiculous 250K per piece. :D

I can assure you that it didn't stop growing yet :) It will slow it's growth, but i bet that until Friday it will be 350k. This is a great indicator of superinflation. Something that supposedly is non-existent as I've heard on this forum.

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Safezones were added, and their serve their purpose. New players have their areas of safety. Please don't go in circles by removing safe zones now. Instead, we need a content for PvP generation by players. Not removing or nerfing safe zones, as it will mostly generate unwilling PvP. It would be a better solution to promote PvP between parties willing to fight in PvP, by giving them tools and incentives to start such fights. It's enough if PvP in smaller groups can be connected to RvR...

Edited by vazco
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4 hours ago, Palatinose said:

Although i really dislike this sad fact, most people just do pve on this server. Correct me if I'm wrong here but there's basically two groups: newbies and players, who just like to enjoy a bit the sailing combined with a true desire for fighting AI in bigger ships as they have a lot of guns.

To be honest I'm doing more PvE fights than PvP, even though I always jump to PvP when there's a chance for this. Statistics of number of PvE fights are misleading, as everyone is forced to do PvE now - to earn money, get XP, get drops, or kill time (as PvP outside of RvR is non-existent). What's more, in 1 hour I can finish 3 PvE missions, while it takes more than 3 hours on average to find one PvP fight.

I bet there would be many more people interested in PvP once they would get proper incentives.

Edited by vazco
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On Thursday, September 21, 2017 at 3:09 AM, Malachy said:

I beg to differ. If you are buying resources off the market, you are doing it wrong. I'm sitting on thousands of materials that I obtained myself and it didn't take long. I'm also sitting on tens of thousands of clan resources. Like I said I've built a dozen bellonas in less than that many days and a couple 1st rates too. All without buying anything off the market. It's really easy to set up a chain of suppliers too, to avoid being ripped  off on the market. I've got a bunch of people who supply me regularly in exchange for a ship here and there. I've got guys who keep labor contracts flowing. I've got other folks who I pay to use their labor. It costs me less than 50k to make most 5th rates and I can do a bellona for about 375k now. So tell me again how I'm doing it wrong and your doing it right? 


19 hours ago, Malachy said:

Yeah, post wipe you basically have to have a support network. One other note: buying and destroying stuff in enemy markets is kind of a waste of time. Any successful clan has an internal economy and their battle ships never hit the market so your not hurting them, and those guys are the ones who fight the battles. The folks that buy ships and stuff from the market are the clanless and small clans that don't have the Ability to make those ships or harvest those resources. And for the most part, those guys aren't fighting the wars.

I'm glad we agree that the public market is wrecked, hurting the casuals and solos.

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14 hours ago, Palatinose said:

+1 Sven

Although i really dislike this sad fact, most people just do pve on this server. Correct me if I'm wrong here but there's basically two groups: newbies and players, who just like to enjoy a bit the sailing combined with a true desire for fighting AI in bigger ships as they have a lot of guns. These people can't and shouldn't be forced into pvp (though they play on the pvp server) as it are these people that provide the numbers on the server and therefore make people join the server for pvp (pvp players know they wont find much if theres only 150 guys online). 

The safezones are a good opportunity for those kind of players and should therefore be kept part of the game (make them smaller though PLEASE!!!). As these players (imho) aren't interested in the whole game, they should't be rewarded as those players who are. Safezone should preserve basics - nothing more, nothing less. At the moment, i dont have to leave my warm n cosy zone durnig the day (RvR in the evening, which is fine), as everybody else is in his/her own aswell having no reason to do so. And hunting traders isnt really PvP imho.

I think that the loss of multiple duras killed pvp for many. More duras where more forgiving on lesser levels. It made good sense before, actually...

I have now one surprise. I cannot afford to loose it. Hence I am forced to do pve in safe zones. 

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6 minutes ago, fox2run said:

I think that the loss of multiple duras killed pvp for many. More duras where more forgiving on lesser levels. It made good sense before, actually...

I have now one surprise. I cannot afford to loose it. Hence I am forced to do pve in safe zones. 

There are plenty of people who want to PVP but there is no way to find it with reasonable consistency. We're talking hour long sails to find PVP that may not even be there, not to mention the long sail back when your done. Even if you die you're forced to sail in a basic cutter just to get back to your waters, unlike EVE where you can choose to respawn your guy at your home station if you die far away in null sec space.

Edited by Slim Jimmerson
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2 minutes ago, fox2run said:

I think that the loss of multiple duras killed pvp for many. More duras where more forgiving on lesser levels. It made good sense before, actually...

I have now one surprise. I cannot afford to loose it. Hence I am forced to do pve in safe zones. 

That's completely wrong. We just destroyed economy so that "people could get more ships to do PvP". It didn't work. Now let's destroy a 1-dura system, for the same reason. Right now you can craft a Vic every second day by spending 2 hours in the game. There's more than enough ships for everyone.

The issue is definitely not about risking a ship you couldn't risk. The issue is that:

  • you can't find enemy to do PvP with
  • you have to spend huge amount of time to get even a slim chance to have a PvP
  • it's right now much more profitable to do PvE, and PvP gives you next to nothing. No XP, money, or marks
  • PvP doesn't give any change in real world (as RvR is for more organized, larger groups)
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We could find PVP targets easier if we weren't forced into alliances based on others in our nations. Just as easy to add extra countries and forget the Historical inaccuracies for a while. I see the map where GB are situated right now, if the clan next door to you was a possible enemy there would be less travel time , more diplomacy needed , more fighting over resources and land and less forced team sizes with absolutely no way to sort out differences within a nation without using forged papers which turn up if and when.


Portugese, Poles , Ukraine, Russia , Germany all the Scandies etc etc


People are too hung up about Historical accuracy , when it suits them. Treble the amount of Nations ( minimum ) and see how long peace holds or how far you have to travel to find an enemy. The map has plenty of space for cowards to hide away in, there is no need to have a base 2 hours sail from the enemy though


Just a thought

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1 hour ago, fox2run said:

I think that the loss of multiple duras killed pvp for many. More duras where more forgiving on lesser levels. It made good sense before, actually...

I have now one surprise. I cannot afford to loose it. Hence I am forced to do pve in safe zones. 

Sorry but if u cant afford a new ship now, you will actually never be able to do so. You dont need much time to get combat marks for a Wasa or L'hermione, with the money u make in some missions u can buy the cannons. Take two friends and sail out in those ships. Not much about it actually.

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14 minutes ago, Palatinose said:

Sorry but if u cant afford a new ship now, you will actually never be able to do so. You dont need much time to get combat marks for a Wasa or L'hermione, with the money u make in some missions u can buy the cannons. Take two friends and sail out in those ships. Not much about it actually.

Couldn't agree more. The next step would be to give everyone unlimited redeemable ships for free...

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14 hours ago, JimDandy said:

Every time a change is made to correct something on the PVP server it is also applied to the PVE server. The gameplay on the PVE server is different from the PVP server and many of these changes have a profound effect on gameplay for the PVE server.

For example, all the ports that are now Neutral after the patch will stay Neutral forever on the PVE (since we can't capture), this has caused the NPC fleets to almost disappear! That coupled with what has been done to missions makes it near impossible for a single player to find interesting battles.

On the other hand, there are so many things on that server that need attention that I guess it's not even worth the effort talking about it.


I also am on the PVE server with map change it really screwed up there are almost know WAR SHIP TO BATTLE WITH NOW. The last 3 night on I have not seen a war ship by its self or even in a small fleet .I have seen a couple of very large fleets. Also why are there not traders with escorts like before and why are the indamans trader not in the game even if you can't cap them you should be able to loot and sink them .

Also having the PVE map the same as PVP has done nothing for the PVE server but give us less national ports .being a pirate we have one tiny area now AND NO ENEMY SHIPS TO FIGHT. Last night I sailed for hours trying to find a war ship buy its self all I could find were trader brigs  by them self and lgvs 


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1 hour ago, Vizzini said:

We could find PVP targets easier if we weren't forced into alliances based on others in our nations. Just as easy to add extra countries and forget the Historical inaccuracies for a while. I see the map where GB are situated right now, if the clan next door to you was a possible enemy there would be less travel time , more diplomacy needed , more fighting over resources and land and less forced team sizes with absolutely no way to sort out differences within a nation without using forged papers which turn up if and when.


Portugese, Poles , Ukraine, Russia , Germany all the Scandies etc etc


People are too hung up about Historical accuracy , when it suits them. Treble the amount of Nations ( minimum ) and see how long peace holds or how far you have to travel to find an enemy. The map has plenty of space for cowards to hide away in, there is no need to have a base 2 hours sail from the enemy though


Just a thought

European nations who missed the initial west indies expansions could consider sending some colonial navies into the region due to huge war raging in europe.

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It would only take making the Pirates Clan based as opposed to Nation based.

Any Pirate Clan can pretend to be any nation. ^_^

But then the combat engine needs to become multi-sided, so everyone can fight whoever they really want to fight.

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9 minutes ago, Captain corn blower said:

I also am on the PVE server with map change it really screwed up there are almost know WAR SHIP TO BATTLE WITH NOW. The last 3 night on I have not seen a war ship by its self or even in a small fleet .I have seen a couple of very large fleets. Also why are there not traders with escorts like before and why are the indamans trader not in the game even if you can't cap them you should be able to loot and sink them .



there are 1550 bots approximately on the map and half of them are combat bots. the best place to find bigger fleets is around enemy capitals and free towns.

i will check the distribution. maybe something is not working properly.

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41 minutes ago, admin said:

there are 1550 bots approximately on the map and half of them are combat bots. the best place to find bigger fleets is around enemy capitals and free towns.

i will check the distribution. maybe something is not working properly.

Thanks that would be great I'm operating in the lesser Antilles around La Desirate there was always single war ships and small 2 and 3 ship fleets to go after . also what about putting in indamans traders to loot and sink and traders with escorts which I don't see any more . these thing are what male are server work 

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42 minutes ago, admin said:

there are 1550 bots approximately on the map and half of them are combat bots. the best place to find bigger fleets is around enemy capitals and free towns.

i will check the distribution. maybe something is not working properly.

I think they are still ok on pve server, at least last I checked a couple days ago?  Not too few, not too many, and group/BR sizes distributed nicely.  That's been my experience lately though, might be certain areas of the map only that appear to have an issue.

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8 minutes ago, Captain corn blower said:

Thanks that would be great I'm operating in the lesser Antilles around La Desirate there was always single war ships and small 2 and 3 ship fleets to go after . also what about putting in indamans traders to loot and sink and traders with escorts which I don't see any more . these thing are what male are server work 

It's weird, but I have been finding, and consulting with others it's not uncommon, that the bigger AI traders, LGV e.g., seem to have less loot on them than the Trader Snows and Brigs, and for a higher effort.  Not sure why but LGV's seem to be a disappointment in loot lately.  Last time I got salt, and something else very minor I can't remember what though.  Perhaps they need to be caught leaving a port instead of entering, or some other trick to it.

Edited by Jean Ribault
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4 minutes ago, Jean Ribault said:

It's weird, but I have been finding, and consulting with others it's not uncommon, that the bigger AI traders, LGV e.g., seem to have less loot on them than the Trader Snows and Brigs, and for a higher effort.  Not sure why but LGV's seem to be a disappointment in loot lately.  Last time I got salt, and something else very minor I can't remember what though.  Perhaps they need to be caught leaving a port instead of entering, or some other trick to it.

That is true all I have been killing is LGVs little of nothing on them no value some sugar . and 10 tabaco that's it . stuff like that all I have been getting off of them .some I or let sink with the ship its not worth taking .

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5 hours ago, Skully said:


I'm glad we agree that the public market is wrecked, hurting the casuals and solos.

It's a clan game, especially now. Adapt or be overcome. My clan was too small to thrive in the new system post wipe. We have become one of the more powerful clans on the Brit side now. We didn't do it by whining about how tough things were for the little guys. We did it by correctly adjusting our efforts and structure to thrive in the new system. Adapt or get left behind, if I can do it, anyone can.

Edited by Malachy
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57 minutes ago, Malachy said:

It's a clan game, especially now. Adapt or be overcome.

I don't mind one bit. Our Clan is operating perfectly fine.

I just thought we needed to be mindful of the casuals more. :D

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