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13 minutes ago, Landsman said:

OK, you are perfectly right there and i agree BUT it is a sandbox game not a actual war which means the players decide how things go and how balanced factions are and if you have one faction just steamrolling all others the game shouldn't be fun or entertaining for anyone, wouldn't you agree?

And what should we do in your opinion? We are already doing much less PBs then the last weeks.

Should we wait until we get attacked and meanwhile do nothing? This is no option btw.

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13 minutes ago, rediii said:

You are one of the carebears im complaining the whole time.

So telling the truth that you don't want to hear makes me a PvE player? Flawless logic right there.:lol:

14 minutes ago, rediii said:

Keep playing NA in your pink ponyworld where everyone should win and nobody should lose.

It's all good as long as you aren't the one losing, right?

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13 minutes ago, Mikocen said:

And its why we are not pushing to far. Its why we arent oneportong our enemies. And its why we are changing our target if we destroy fleet of enemy. We are not evil sweeds, we just trained in this fleet, we gained expierience here, fought many battles and noone should judge us for beeing better. Right now we are good, maybe in two weeks somebody will be better. But we won't throw anybody out from nation cause we are our small swidish community. And its why many swidish clans dont want to leave. Winnig is cool, atmosphere in this community is amazing. And every nation can do the same, we are waiting.

Fair enough, you will probably be waiting for a while tho...

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14 minutes ago, Abram Svensson said:

And what should we do in your opinion? We are already doing much less PBs then the last weeks.

Should we wait until we get attacked and meanwhile do nothing? This is no option btw.

I have no right to tell you guys how to play the game, it's for you to decide. But when you look how swedes never lose and you guys admit that you are holding back, because you don't want to oneport the other nations and destroy all... can you not see the problem??? I know as redi said... you don't care about balance... only winning. All i am really wondering about is how can you enjoy victory if your opponent is not a worthy one? 

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14 minutes ago, Landsman said:

I have no right to tell you guys how to play the game, it's for you to decide. But when you look how swedes never lose and you guys admit that you are holding back, because you don't want to oneport the other nations and destroy all... can you not see the problem??? I know as redi said... you don't care about balance... only winning. All i am really wondering about is how can you enjoy victory if your opponent is not a worthy one? 

so u think the danes were not worth to attack yesterday? did they fought so badly? u see anyone of them complaining here about the evil swedes who "massacred" ( in ur eyes...)them at road town?

wtf is ur problem? is it our fault, that we have a very good fleet commander and alot of skilled, talented and experienced players? we invested a whole bunch of time to organize us, we try to teach our newbies, we advice them in the PB very individually, we give our nation content so no one is running away like in most of the other nations? its all about u to make it the same  sweden did since may...

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Why you talk so much man if you dont even participate in RvR. A lot of us play together for a year or longer and we used to lose more than we won. We just didnt came together and magically won everything. And for me its not about winning, its about teamplay and having a challenge.

11 minutes ago, Landsman said:

All i am really wondering about is how can you enjoy victory if your opponent is not a worthy one? 

What are you even talking about? Yesterdays PB we were 600 points and 3 circles behind, more half of our ships on structure superclose to sinking. And you come in here and tell us they were not worthy opponents? Based on WHAT?

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1 minute ago, Landsman said:

I have no right to tell you guys how to play the game, it's for you to decide. But when you look how swedes never lose and you guys admit that you are holding back, because you don't want to oneport the other nations and destroy all... can you not see the problem??? I know as redi said... you don't care about balance... only winning. All i am really wondering about is how can you enjoy victory if your opponent is not a worthy one? 

We dont care about winning, we care about playing. Some of us were saying yesterday that it would be time to lose again.

If we would only care about winning we would never stop taking ports, then we would take all we could get.

And the battle results are not speaking for the battles we fought. yes we won, but we were heavy damaged in every fight. so we are doing a good job in repairs managemant and stayin alive or our enemies need to improve their finishing and focus.

If we do nothing just because we are the top team our players will leave this game.

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16 minutes ago, Landsman said:

I have no right to tell you guys how to play the game, it's for you to decide. But when you look how swedes never lose and you guys admit that you are holding back, because you don't want to oneport the other nations and destroy all... can you not see the problem??? I know as redi said... you don't care about balance... only winning. All i am really wondering about is how can you enjoy victory if your opponent is not a worthy one? 

You are missing one thing. We see the problem, but we are players like the others. we built our strenght by playing together, every player of this fleet has or had a smaller or bigger impact on its strenght, and now lot of us dont want leave it behind and start again. We care about valance but no for all cost. And yes, winnig is s target moreless in every multiplayer game : - ). We dont care about it really hard, but fighting without winning will is pointless

Edited by Mikocen
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6 hours ago, Jœrnson said:

Seems that one of your wet dreams come true cause at least PFK clan already decided to join one of the new nations ;)


Decision was made since first OW build hit live servers :D to be honest. Having own country and not sail for it ? We just can`t...

About swerg - reply many of us here: good organization, participation and good leaders. All you need to do some dam good RvR

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1 minute ago, Abram Svensson said:

And the battle results are not speaking for the battles we fought. yes we won, but we were heavy damaged in every fight. so we are doing a good job in repairs managemant and stayin alive or our enemies need to improve their finishing and focus.

If we do nothing just because we are the top team our players will leave this game.

Fair enough, i see your point.

1 minute ago, Abram Svensson said:

Some of us were saying yesterday that it would be time to lose again.

... so you actually do notice it... alright :P

4 minutes ago, Abram Svensson said:

If we do nothing just because we are the top team our players will leave this game.

Yeah, understandable but what i don't understand is why you don't have some clans switch to another nation so you can fight them and actually have a challenging fight to improve and balance things out, you know what i mean? Otherwise the other nations rvr players will leave the game.... because they suck and will get tired of losing.

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7 minutes ago, Mikocen said:

You are missing one thing. We see the problem, but we are players like the others. we built our strenght by playing together, every player of this fleet has or had a smaller or bigger impact on its strenght, and now lot of us dont want leave it behind and start again. We care about valance but no for all cost. And yes, winnig is s target moreless in every multiplayer game : - ). We dont care about it really hard, but fighting without winning will is pointless

Ok, thank you.

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28 minutes ago, Landsman said:

I have no right to tell you guys how to play the game, it's for you to decide. But when you look how swedes never lose and you guys admit that you are holding back, because you don't want to oneport the other nations and destroy all... can you not see the problem??? I know as redi said... you don't care about balance... only winning. All i am really wondering about is how can you enjoy victory if your opponent is not a worthy one? 

id like to see the swedes try to one port someone .... would prefer they try Brits or Danes ...it aint going to happen because they know they will fail ...all this we are holding back is fake posturing

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15 minutes ago, Jon Snow lets go said:

Why you talk so much man if you dont even participate in RvR.

Because i don't feel like switching to swedes once the whole map is blue, so i can teleport to every port... im just not digging the flag ^_^

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Well actually I think the sweeds just should keep pounding. It is up to us stopping them. And with new uncaptuable zones. Well it Will only be the new nations. Piraters and Denmark, they can  hurt.

An if we in Denmark should end up with two ports. Well then we just find another Way to fight. Unless they get evry port in the game, we will always be able get guns and repairs and Buy ships for cm. And with no ports to defend, well then we Can hit and run all over the map. May not be much pb But should be a lot of battles. 


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24 minutes ago, Graf Bernadotte said:

Seed is already planted for the downfall of Sweden.

When I praised Sweden for it's wise leadership in the past weeks, this verdict was overhasty. It's still the same Sweden we know since the last big patch, which is ruled by presumption and not by attention for it's limited power. To take Road Town might have been a tactical masterstroke of Swedens PB commander but this port is a strategic trap of the first water as well. Sweden handed out the decision of action to the Danish nation. Danemark-Norge can set PBs at RT now every second day without any risk and without any chance for Sweden to prevent it. It's Danemark-Norge which decides if they join the PB or if they force Swedish captains to sit and wait for an enemy, which doesn't arrive. Danish captains can camp right in front of the port to attack any weaker Swedish ship without risk to get attacked by superior Swedish forces. 

That's why conquering Road Town was one of the most stupid decision Sweden ever made. But brilliantly implemented by one person. :D

rediii might not agree, but I still think that Babay is a much better PB commander than him. But rediii is a much better nanny for newbies in the PB than Babay ever could be. Babay needs players who know already how to fight to show his brilliance. He doesn't have enough of them right now. In opposite rediii has the ability to form a powerful team out of players with poor skills. Even though he had the same number of newbies in his team like Danemark-Norge, this was the reason why Sweden won the battle.

What can Swedens opponents do against such supremacy? Board those noobs! The poor performance in boarding of most of those guys is already legendary, since Cpt reverse posts them regularily in his clips.

Sweden is not strong because of it's skill. It's only less weak than its opponents because of a better organisation of it's disability. Swedish expectations for a victory is based on the hope that the enemy makes more mistakes than themselves. While it's enemies are forced to train their players Sweden is triumphant without understanding its weakness. It will be a rude awakening once a PB fleet shows up which really understands how to play.

Meanwhile Swedes can only pray that the Danes don't have the ability anymore to organize daily terror attacks on Road Town and a big alliance against all those fronts Sweden has to defend once again. There is a good hope that those prayers will be heard for a while.

We already had 2 portbattles in Lineships with the Alpha-Team on both sides and both went pretty even.

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1 hour ago, Landsman said:

It's all good as long as you aren't the one losing, right?

All is good as long we can have portbattles everybody enjoys.

I personally do not care about loosing or winning.

In the history of Sweden we had plenty of both.

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2 minutes ago, Graf Bernadotte said:

If you give up Danish ports (and there are still plenty of them) the Danish player base will collapse immediately. Might be that you and a few other guys will be faithful to Danemark-Norge. But this will not be a nation anymore but a bunch of guys who gank together with a Danebrog on their stern.

We need to see anyways how Denmark will remain if the big clans really switch to Russia next week.

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57 minutes ago, Graf Bernadotte said:

Seed is already planted for the downfall of Sweden.

When I praised Sweden for it's wise leadership in the past weeks, this verdict was overhasty. It's still the same Sweden we know since the last big patch, which is ruled by presumption and not by attention for it's limited power. To take Road Town might have been a tactical masterstroke of Swedens PB commander but this port is a strategic trap of the first water as well. Sweden handed out the decision of action to the Danish nation. Danemark-Norge can set PBs at RT now every second day without any risk and without any chance for Sweden to prevent it. It's Danemark-Norge which decides if they join the PB or if they force Swedish captains to sit and wait for an enemy, which doesn't arrive. Danish captains can camp right in front of the port to attack any weaker Swedish ship without risk to get attacked by superior Swedish forces. 

That's why conquering Road Town was one of the most stupid decision Sweden ever made. But brilliantly implemented by one person. :D

Bernadotte, this verdict was overhasty, to use your own words here.
The only reason we attacked Road Town is because we know that it will get attacked frequently by the Danes.
We enjoy hard battles, the outcome is secondary; if we loose we GG & WP and meet on the next battlefield, if that is the wish of the Danes.

BTW: where did anybody of the Swedes say that Babay is an inferior commander? Dont derail the discussion with "fake news". Both commanders are excellent. 

Edited by sveno
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You can twist and turn words as you want Graffi. But that dosen’t change the fact.

- Dnp are not the ruler of DN/NG

- As long there are player under the danish flag, there is a danish nation. Maby not the one you want. Thats fair.

- No where have I said anything on giving up on ports. I wrote if we loose all oure ports and we don’t have the strengt to get Them back. We will fight them another way. 

For me this is a game. Not life. I can still find enough things to do i NA. May not be the RDNN way. Well I don’t care. 

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1 hour ago, Graf Bernadotte said:

Seed is already planted for the downfall of Sweden.

When I praised Sweden for it's wise leadership in the past weeks, this verdict was overhasty. It's still the same Sweden we know since the last big patch, which is ruled by presumption and not by attention for it's limited power. To take Road Town might have been a tactical masterstroke of Swedens PB commander but this port is a strategic trap of the first water as well. Sweden handed out the decision of action to the Danish nation. Danemark-Norge can set PBs at RT now every second day without any risk and without any chance for Sweden to prevent it. It's Danemark-Norge which decides if they join the PB or if they force Swedish captains to sit and wait for an enemy, which doesn't arrive. Danish captains can camp right in front of the port to attack any weaker Swedish ship without risk to get attacked by superior Swedish forces. 

That's why conquering Road Town was one of the most stupid decision Sweden ever made. But brilliantly implemented by one person. :D

rediii might not agree, but I still think that Babay is a much better PB commander than him. But rediii is a much better nanny for newbies in the PB than Babay ever could be. Babay needs players who know already how to fight to show his brilliance. He doesn't have enough of them right now. In opposite rediii has the ability to form a powerful team out of players with poor skills. Even though he had the same number of newbies in his team like Danemark-Norge, this was the reason why Sweden won the battle.

What can Swedens opponents do against such supremacy? Board those noobs! The poor performance in boarding of most of those guys is already legendary, since Cpt reverse posts them regularily in his clips.

Sweden is not strong because of it's skill. It's only less weak than its opponents because of a better organisation of it's disability. Swedish expectations for a victory is based on the hope that the enemy makes more mistakes than themselves. While it's enemies are forced to train their players Sweden is triumphant without understanding its weakness. It will be a rude awakening once a PB fleet shows up which really understands how to play.

Meanwhile Swedes can only pray that the Danes don't have the ability anymore to organize daily terror attacks on Road Town and a big alliance against all those fronts Sweden has to defend once again. There is a good hope that those prayers will be heard for a while.

Thinking is not your strong side, so ill tell you a secret (but remember, it is a secret so dont tell sveno that you know it from me). We are waiting for second portbattle and doesnt matter that we will win or not, we will do our best. Keep train your brain : - )

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3 minutes ago, Graf Bernadotte said:

You didn't read my post properly. It's not that the Danes need to give you a PB every second day. It's that every pve player now can do hostility missions to set a PB without risk. Why should Danish RvR players show up then? And why should they show up there and not at another front? Since Sweden has now so many of them that every attacker has the privilege to choose. I know that you don't like empty PBs, since you think they are unfair. We don't agree in this question, since I think this is a war game and no tournament, which would follow the rules of fairness. War games follow the rules given by the game mechanic. Those rules allow fake attacks to hide the real plan, to split enemy forces or to destroy the enemies morale. Sweden is now very vulnerable in this matter.

If you wanna have PBs against the Danes you just have to take port after port at Hispaniola. No risk of empty PBs there. No additional fronts you have to defend. No overextention of Swedish power. Much higher chance to resist against a skilled enemy. And as additional advantage. White Oak harbours in Swedish hands.

I didn't say that Swedes blame Babay to be inferior. I told my personnel opinion of who is the better of two excellent PB commanders.

And yes, they can. We will lose 15 minutes per 2/3 days. Oh no...

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I can't believe you guys are arguing non stop with this one week old troll account.


BtW bernie, since you're so god damn smart, please tell us why having Road Town means we have to defend it. Just take it back. Or shall we concede it to you so you get to sink six AI first rates for some sweet money? We got a fight out of it. That's all we wanted. This isn't a complex war game, we can just sail home and leave the port to its fate.

Congrats on overanalyzing one simple port battle.

"most stupid decision", haha still laughing.

I've never considered you to be a carebear, but this "battles are bad" attitude you're displaying here is now changing my mind.



rediii might not agree, but I still think that Babay is a much better PB commander than him

and one day, OOOOONE DAY, he might "prove" it?

Edited by Quineloe
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