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Is Naval Action a Simulation

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Naval Action simulates a lot of elements of age of sail combat properly, and does not simulate other elements that were common to the age of sail (for example hernia casualties that exceeded combat casualties by the factor of 10)

Having said that steam simulation tag contains strange games including games on pigeon dating .  

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Now i imagine a Simulator were you need to create the right songs and position your feathers in a certain way find the right food build a impressiv nest to get the female pigeon to mate with you :D i will be dissapointed right?

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I think it would depend on how you define a 'simulation'. If your definition is 19th century naval combat as it was fought with all the political nuances and having to sail the ships as they would have been sailed according to weather conditions, then no, it is not a simulator.

There could be an argument that it is a 'combat simulation' as it gives a taste and feel of naval combat during this era, most likely it makes it either a combat simulation or a strategy game.

I think on balance it is closer to a combat simulator than a strategy game although the potential is there.

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On 22/6/2017 at 11:07 AM, admin said:

Naval Action simulates a lot of elements of age of sail combat properly, and does not simulate other elements that were common to the age of sail (for example hernia casualties that exceeded combat casualties by the factor of 10)

Having said that steam simulation tag contains strange games including games on pigeon dating .  

Surely creating a sailing warships-simulator is practically impossible, for the times, distances and the fact that the ship is a "organism" with hundreds of men. In short, it is not like doing a sim of a plane or car.
At the same time always write that it is not a simulator because it does not simulate the harsh life of a sailor or the many illnesses, it seems a bit rhetorical.

Naval Action could, however, without pointing to pure simulation, give a sort of realism. Giving greater realism often does not negatively affect gameplay, rather. Some ideas:

  • no bunuses/magic things; on game we ll have more even ships (also for who is starting) and less wasting time for searching magic things for bonus. You have tried to give credible names at bonuses, but bonuses always remain. The real bonus is the player.
  • limited ammonitions, this would greatly affect the game, especially for of chains and grapes. Surely it would come close to realistic tactics.
  • anchors, jolly-boats, etc; more realistic battles.
  • carrer; based on some realistic steps, split his career between military-navy and privateer; loots divided according to a historical criterion, etc
  • no "god-view"; this does not even have to be commented.
  • etc etc

Just a few ideas, taking inspiration from reality as well as having a greater realism, you have a more immersive, rational and fun game.
See how things worked in reality and, if possible, implement them in the game ...

Edited by JeanJacques de Montpellier
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On 22/6/2017 at 11:19 AM, Lonar said:

Now i imagine a Simulator were you need to create the right songs and position your feathers in a certain way find the right food build a impressiv nest to get the female pigeon to mate with you :D i will be dissapointed right?

If the game is also narrated by David Attenborough, I'd throw money at it. :D

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NA is not a simulation imho, for me a simulation would be DCS world or even CMANO, ARMA vanilla is close but not quiete, unless modded. Depends how you play it and who you play it with.

I'd welcome death by hernia, floggings, storms, drunkeness, desertion... crew management with individual xp and dismemberements... cannonballs falling on toes... water going stale XD


Actual screenshot of the above-mentioned pigeon dating simulation.

I guess for NA to be a simulation we could add a simulation of bromance and romance onboard... XD XD


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If this was a simulation, we'd have sextants and all kinds of charts, and be able to write on the map, and hire cargo ships to carry our cargo for us and all kinds of things to make navigation and trading a whole lot more fun!

But, then the hardcore flotilla would say the game is far too easy and there'd be no challenge and it wouldn't be fun for the 50 people that make up said hardcore flotilla.


Cause that makes total sense, right? Right guys?

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Nothing to do with reality,  nothing to do with caribbean history, nothing to do with political situation in XVIII century.  Definitely is NOT a simulator, and is far to be a good naval game of XVIII century.... The project is to big and the DEVs are not in the trace...they are losen from long time ago.

They should had copy from history, reality and others games.

Thanks anyway.


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On June 24, 2017 at 11:33 AM, Captain Jean-Luc Picard said:

NA is not a simulation imho, for me a simulation would be DCS world or even CMANO, ARMA vanilla is close but not quiete, unless modded. Depends how you play it and who you play it with.

I'd welcome death by hernia, floggings, storms, drunkeness, desertion... crew management with individual xp and dismemberements... cannonballs falling on toes... water going stale XD


Actual screenshot of the above-mentioned pigeon dating simulation.

I guess for NA to be a simulation we could add a simulation of bromance and romance onboard... XD XD


 You owe everyone that seen that some eyebleach

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