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PvP Event Feedback

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1 hour ago, admin said:

Are we talking about NOW? or some day in the future where we can tie some ships to honor rating after wipes?

Multiplier exists but its switched off. Any multiplier will be exploited. Its going to be impossible to catch those people. You forget human nature again. Just ask 5 friends to attack you sink  one of them to get 5x rewards.

Why not do it the other way?

equal BR = 1x prestige reward for both sides

2x BR = 0.5x prestige reward for advantaged side, 1x prestige reward for disadvantaged side

4x BR = 0.25x prestige reward for advantaged side, 1x prestige reward for disadvantaged side


Then it is no more exploitable than it is currently (1v1 fake fights).  Captains who sailed in fleets had to share rewards and were mentioned in dispatches together, reducing the degree to which a single captain could stand out and gain favor unless the fleet prevailed in a fair or disadvantaged fight.

You could also add tiers based on total BR so that 1v1 basic cutter fight does not equal prestige of 1v1 lineship fight.

And make it for all OW, or for RvR hostility zones past a certain level.

Edited by akd
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Yet, we did not have to arrange fights before the Hostility/Fine Wood patch. We would go into OW, find an equal sized enemy fleet and fight them. It usually took less than 30 minutes. 

Now, well, now we can't do that. What happened?

I'm not asking you to enforce 3v3. I never did and i never will. 
However i do ask you to try and encourage good, fun, PvP fights. We had that not long ago and now it is gone. 
I never had to arrange fights to get a good OW PvP fight untill a few patches ago.

Something has changed and people aren't as interested in "fair fights" as they were 1 month ago.

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You are putting more on the line, so more prestige should accrue (as it would in reality).  Note that at its core the proposal advantages fair fights at any level, but there should be some recognition that some fights matter more than others.

edit: the problem with tiers is the 1 dura ship trading exploit. While in theory a 1st rate v 1st rate fight should be higher risk than cutter v. cutter, if people agree to trade 1 dura ships back and forth it is not. (This potentially a problem in other areas as well.) Perhaps trading ships between hostile nations should be prevented?

Edited by akd
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38 minutes ago, TommyShelby said:

Now, well, now we can't do that. What happened?

3-4 things

  1. ship wipe was promised.
  2. wide swing changes unbalance gameplay and people stop playing until the game stabilizes
  3. people moved on to other games (which is ok)
  4. crew damage changed combat a lot

All this caused lower online numbers. But i had more pvp over last week than i had over all summer. Because now everyone knows where pvp is. 


5 minutes ago, Hodo said:

The funny thing is... this happens a lot.  Yet I dont mind.  It provides a target rich environment.  

You should try the EU server mate. Lots of action

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2 hours ago, admin said:

Most people I see in the event zones are rear admirals. No-one cares about money or XP. 


I think you are missing the main point of my post. And perhaps it i my fault for including the decreased XP idea in there as well, although it is something i hope gets added in the future after the wipe (when xp does in fact matter), the main point was the half event points rewards. Now yes it is just a flimsy incentive to not do it, but even that can only help the situation.

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1 minute ago, Ellis said:

I think you are missing the main point of my post. And perhaps it i my fault for including the decreased XP idea in there as well, although it is something i hope gets added in the future after the wipe (when xp does in fact matter), the main point was the half event points rewards. Now yes it is just a flimsy incentive to not do it, but even that can only help the situation.

its kinda implemented. Only one person gets the kill, assists provide some but not a lot of points. So if 25 people sink 1. 24 people are without kills. 

In fact i participated in 2 battles with one pirate who sank in both battles but was able to get a kill in both. I got asissts only. He was in top 10 by the end of the shallow water event. People who sank him did not get onto the top 10 at all. 

Honor kills were tested last year in winter - you probably remember. They can return maybe. 

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9 minutes ago, admin said:

its kinda implemented. Only one person gets the kill, assists provide some but not a lot of points. So if 25 people sink 1. 24 people are without kills. 


Not really.  There are 4 solo people in zone and a group of 4.  Now of course each person in the group could fight one solo person 1v1, but the outcome of each fight is not certain.  However, if they kill each of the solo people 4v1, they can each get an assured kill, or if only one player in the group gets all the kills, they can still share the same rewards.  Plus other players get assists, so they actually come out ahead of the 1v1 option and have a potential for greater total rewards.

Edited by akd
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As far as why we are suffering from attrition of the player base, I personally believe it was a combination of fine woods causing players to give up entirely on crafting due to the insane amount of sailing and trading required to accumulate fine woods, and the lack of port battles.  Which is why we need the option to buy flags to bring back player triggered PvP events ASAP!

I have heard many times from many players that they do not want to PvE to gain hostility to PvP.

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Just now, Hodo said:

I still dont think flags are the answer, well not the old flag system anyway.   But the idea of having to raise hostility up to a level then craft a flag to launch the PB would be the best.  

As for the last part... 

You dont HAVE to do PvE to gain hostility to PvP.  You can go hunt the PvErs who are out there to gain hostility.   Just saying.

They removed the option to go after the pve'ers with the battles closing after 5 minutes now.  I did a lot of player hunting while doing missions to generate hostility, and it resulted in quite a few interesting battles.  I liked it, then the dev's removed it. 

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49 minutes ago, admin said:

its kinda implemented. Only one person gets the kill, assists provide some but not a lot of points.

"Kinda" is not enough. Isnt a kill someone makes in a 2v8 more valueable than a kill you get from a 4v1?

There are not much reasons to not attack solo players or smaller groups atm. Most of the time they provide you easy, fast and almost riskless kills and points.

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So with the removal of lucrative fine wood traders, lots of protection in OW and juicy rewards for PvP events that cover large portions of the day (especially if it ends up being 5 per day), for what reason would anyone even consider doing regular OW PvP anymore?

Stopped participating in PvP events since I prefer solo/small group OW PvP (or PBs) and with the numbers at those events you end up being chased around as cannon fodder.

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7 hours ago, Yar Matey said:

They removed the option to go after the pve'ers with the battles closing after 5 minutes now.  I did a lot of player hunting while doing missions to generate hostility, and it resulted in quite a few interesting battles.  I liked it, then the dev's removed it. 

Wait so the missions do close at 5 mins?  No wonder we can never find these guys grinding up our regions.   The battles prob are all ways closed when we go looking for them.   

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5 minutes ago, van der Decken said:

Ok so, it would be great devs/admins if you would remove alliances within the event circles :D

Even better just stop voting for alliance with the other big nations.   Nations should be fighting each other.  Not every nation doing nothing but twiddlling there thumbs.   You don't have to go to war with each other, but the alliance keeps all the big dogs from being able to fight no one but the small pop nations.

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Drop the OW PvP events and make them available from the small battles/large battles.. That way u reduce the gankfest and you get to keep an OW PvP environment..

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15 hours ago, Yar Matey said:

They removed the option to go after the pve'ers with the battles closing after 5 minutes now.  I did a lot of player hunting while doing missions to generate hostility, and it resulted in quite a few interesting battles.  I liked it, then the dev's removed it. 

The devs somehow hate the idea that players can actually join battles and fight it out. The battles where players join in a random way was the most interesting feature for many. Maybe a bit gamey but gave us one hell of a fight.

Now it's not exciting anymore. It's too predictable to sail around. Maybe more realistic but not that fun.



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I would at least be less opposed to always open battle instances IF the ships that joined late spawned into the fight at the perimeter of the outer circle. I'd even go for random placement if that's the only counter measure for people using OW speed to circle around and cut off retreat.  As for the chance of randomly spawning on land, so be it. If I ended up on top of a fort, I'd have the screenshot of the year! :lol:

On a more serious note, I am always baffled by the devs implying there's nothing they can do to prevent a ship spawning on land. @Admin - is that true?

If I can at least see an overwhelming force coming and have a chance to flee then that's fair. If I get too focused and don't notice, then I only have myself to blame. If my sails are torn up and I'm too slow to escape, then I should've saved my sail repair just in case that happened shouldn't I?


Edited by Angus McGregor
Changed wording after checking Google translate for other languages and back.
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13 hours ago, Sir Texas Sir said:

Even better just stop voting for alliance with the other big nations.   Nations should be fighting each other.  Not every nation doing nothing but twiddlling there thumbs.   You don't have to go to war with each other, but the alliance keeps all the big dogs from being able to fight no one but the small pop nations.

 We're working on it.  We have a few older players who have gotten complacent in their ways and have forgotten that we play on a PvP server where there are and should be more enemies than just the Pirates.  Time to shake things up and too many peace treaties are like cancer to a PvP server.   It still would be nice to have no alliances in the PvP events...heck, I'd even like to fight some of our own guys for fun!

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On 2016-12-09 at 6:37 PM, admin said:

Let me understand :) if i understand you correctly. 

Your enemy is sailing a 15 man fleet (10 ships of the line and 5 tacklers). You don't want to bring 15 ships to sink them a somewhat equal battle. But instead you want developers to find a way to split their group.



From what I can understand he says that the event in its current form favors huge fleets over smaller groups.

I think that most online games rewards close fights more then uneven fights due to the fact that uneven fights is less fun for all involved.

Even if your in the huge gankfest and win/sink the enemy it is hardly fun if you know that your 15 man group will kill the 2 man group you just tagged. You complete the objective which is to stay afloat while your enemy tests his swimming skills. But I dont think that many will consider it to be fun.

And if your in that 2 man group its not fun to face a 15 man group that is sure doom and a waste of time.

If you on the other hand rewarded close fights more then the 15 man groups can go around and gank... But the smaller groups that engage other smaller groups will get more rewards and thus it will be more rewarding for the smaller groups.

Also the current rings are also favoring the larger groups in such events as you can have 10 slower ships and 5 chaser ships and that will allow you to engage smaller faster fleets aslong as your slower ships stays within the larger circle.

Perhaps have a more fluent circle depending on the BR on both sides to give smaller groups a longer tag range and bigger fleets have smaller to counter there numerical advantage meaning they have to stay closer to be pulled into the battles or risk being picked off one by one by smaller faster ships.

There are probably more then one way to counter the big fleets roaming other then the obvious bring big fleet yourself.


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On 12/9/2016 at 4:10 PM, admin said:

3-4 things

  1. ship wipe was promised.
  2. wide swing changes unbalance gameplay and people stop playing until the game stabilizes
  3. people moved on to other games (which is ok)
  4. crew damage changed combat a lot

All this caused lower online numbers. But i had more pvp over last week than i had over all summer. Because now everyone knows where pvp is. 


You should try the EU server mate. Lots of action

I am glad you finally realized that you have to visually show players where things are. This includes World map, server announcements and much more. 

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