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Patch 9.93 - Bucentaure, acceleration rework and many other things


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Patch 9.93 will be deployed today


What's new:

  • New ship added: Bucentaure - a superb and powerful french ship of the line (drops from 2nd rates, 3rd rates and sometimes from Ingermanland).
    • Blueprints will be reworked in the future through the academy building so please ignore the fact that it currently drops from english/russian lineships
  • New set of battle and economy perks/skills added
  • Battle
    • Press Gang – crew members alive after boarding join your crew
    • Area Control – you and all enemy ships within 500m from you cannot exit the battle 
    • Pump inventor – improves pump performance
    • Carronade master – improves carronade accuracy
    • Storage master – provides additional repair kit in battle but reduces speed 
    • Admiralty connections – reduces crew hire price
    • Trimming Expert – reduces ship heel
    • Rigging Specialist – improves your sails (reducing incoming damage) and repairs them better 
    • Emergency master – reduces emergency repairs cool down 
    • Expert Carpenter – increases repair amount in battle and in the open world
    • Expert Surgeon – medical kits efficiency increased
    • Defence Drill – reduces cost of defend command
  • Economy
    • Foreman – increase Labor hours regeneration
    • Overseer – increase Labor hours storage
    • Royal shipbuilder – reduces LH consumption for all vessels
    • Lineship shipmaster – reduces LH consumption for ships of the line 
    • Frigate shipmaster – reduces LH consumption for all frigates and 4th rates
    • Light ship master – reduces LH consumption for unrated vessels
    • Gifted – increases blueprint learning chance
    • Fisher – increases chance to fish something out of the water
  • New acceleration physics. Expect significant changes and temporary annoyance. 
  • Auto-escape functionality added. If you internet disappears in 5 mins your ship will set sail at best angle and will sail straight until exit timer allows exit the battle. 
  • Sail animations somewhat improved
  • Perk reset functionality added - costs 3 levels
  • Pirates are now considered nation in large battles in the lobby - no longer filling both sides. 
  • Convert All (fish) button added to convert all types of fish
  • Repair and Medical kits allows teleport now
  • Surrender is no longer possible if you are sinking or on fire

Fixed bugs:

  • Fixed bugs with free crew generation in certain cases (e.g with basic cutter)
  • Fixed bugs with extra pump upgrade
  • Fixed bugs with shipwreck locations distribution
  • Fixed bug that dropped sails to 0 if you started surrender
  • Fixed certain bugs in command tablet (m)
  • Fixed bug that your officer did not get XP if you lost a durability
  • Bucentaure visual bugs fixed


  • Changes to turning (turning acceleration is coming in one of the next few patches)
  • Mastery perks speed bonuses lowered
  • Assault flag requirement lowered to Master and Commander
  • Shipwreck resource variability increased
  • Chance for shipwreck bottle drop increased
  • New tobacco and sugar sources added (american coast in particular)
  • Speed changed for Victory and Santisima
  • Damaged rudder (yellow) penalty lowered by 25%
  • Morale bonuses for all boarding upgrades lowered
  • Steeltoolbox and survival handbooks rebalanced
  • Cannon loss through stern somewhat increased
  • BR tuned for St Pavel and Bucentaure 
  • Color blind colors adjusted for better visibility
  • Enable communcations with enemy nations is enabled by default
  • Leaks adjusted for all vessels
  • Waterline lowered for ships of the line (was a bit too high)
  • New bugs most likely introduced



Next patch alliances and some other minor things

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No Santa Cecilia ? Thing i was the more looking for in this patch sadly.


Like already said not fan of officer perks with officer limited lifes and all xp needed plus the imbalance it create between top ranked players able to grind 35K xp quickly and others needing a long time to do this or simply not able to be on par with other players as them total cumulated level xp isn't reaching 35K , plus no sign of multiples officers for multiples tasks or ships types, unless economy perks are added into a different kind of perks pool, don't see how a fighting officer should have  an effect on economy or ships building process.


Bit unclear for now, have to see this in game and see perks details to say more about some listed ...

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press gang, thats also my clan recruitment strategy as well


thanks for letting us TP out kits, now that i have 50 of each flavor in every port..


is the cap on the officers going to go up or are we getting new officers as well?

cant really effectively test all the permutations without being able to have multiple sets of officers. hope you guys realize this

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No Santa Cecilia ? Thing i was the more looking for in this patch sadly.


Like already said not fan of officer perks with officer limited lifes and all xp needed plus the imbalance it create between top ranked players able to grind 35K xp quickly and others needing a long time to do this or simply not able to be on par with other players as them total cumulated level xp isn't reaching 35K , plus no sign of multiples officers for multiples tasks or ships types, unless economy perks are added into a different kind of perks pool, don't see how a fighting officer should have  an effect on economy or ships building process.


Bit unclear for now, have to see this in game and see perks details to say more about some listed ...

Was hoping for a new frigate also :/ Moderators spoiled us showing them of i guess. As for the imbalance, theres already mods (best of which cost quite a penny) and the general fact that a high level players will be sailing in a super frigate or a line ship, so i doubt officers make that much of a difference :P 


Area of Control is gonna be abused.


small fast ships tying up slow big ships......


John Bernard Shaw Cable (GB)

Hence the 500 meter radius i assume. You can shred smaller ships and their sails at 500 meters even if you are not the most accurate of captains.

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With the increase in officer perks, are there any plans to increase the number of officers we can have?  It would be nice to have several officers that have different perks and be able to have them come aboard in port.  


But then how would you get to enjoy agonizing over choosing which perks to take?  ;)

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Awesome.  I do think that surrender should be available when you are sinking and on fire.  That is when you are supposed to surrender.

But it is too late then. You are on fire, you haul down your colors, your ship explodes and everyone dies. Surrender was pointless. You are sinking, you haul down your colors, ship goes under and everyone dies. Surrender was pointless.

That said, I would prefer a more nuanced mechanic, e.g. a combination of "freezing" leaks / fire after surrender to preserve prize for opponent, but also a longer surrender timer to make last second surrenders riskier.

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Awesome! One important request from me and many other players - please, please for the love of Zeus remove that chicken shed from the back of Bucentaure ship. Such beautiful lines unbalanced by a not needed box on the back of such beautiful ship.

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